(Gaza strip) (West Bank) (Southern Lebanon) (Lebanon) the center of the web, and source of funding and training for all these, and other terror groups.... (Iran)
The common sense thing to do by Biden (now that Hamas, funded and led by Iran) is to do a massive strike on all Quds and IRGC facilities in Iran and the surrounding region, that would cripple islamic terrorist funding and leadership at its source, and letting all the other terrorist group in the region know that what they have now is it, is all thy'll have, and there won't be any terrorism weapons or funding coming after.
With the added bonus of destabilizing Iran within their own country, crippling Iran's internal power structure, so that they would be struggling after such a strike just to remain in power against in their police state against a revolution, or perhaps be overthrown by the Iranian popular majority, who are pro-western and would likely hand over Iran's nuclear program to UN weapons inspectors to be dismantled, once a non-islamic goverment gained power in Iran.
This would be the logical thing to do.
Which means Biden and the Democrats can be counted on to do the exact opposite.
Despite that Iran has orchestrated the Hamas raid into Israel that killed 1,400 Israelis, and taken over 240 more as hostages, fromm many nations, 31 of whom are Americans who have been killed, and a further estimated 12 more Americans who are still being held hostage in Gaza. So the U.S. likewise has every right to go all-in looking for blood, from the source in Iran, and clean house, and go after Iran's nuclear weapons facilities and dismantle them. Iran has given the U.S. the invitation to do so, the absolute justification to. With maximum overwhelming force.
But again --OF COURSE-- the Biden administration can be counted on to do the exact opposite.
To the detriment and endangerment of the United States.
And of the world.