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I think a healthy society is actually the opposite than the ones that try to make everyone fit to what the majority deems normal. I’m grateful to be part of that generation where enough people like yourself WB who had nothing to gain personally but saw the injustice and helped bring the nation to legalizing gay marriage. The society you want actually requires using fear and threats, people pretending to be who they aren’t. I remember being a gay teenager and having to hide out of fear because of people like you. I know how someone like Hitler came into power by stoking and using fear against Jews, gays and others along with lots of nationalism.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think a healthy society is actually the opposite than the ones that try to make everyone fit to what the majority deems normal. I’m grateful to be part of that generation where enough people like yourself WB who had nothing to gain personally but saw the injustice and helped bring the nation to legalizing gay marriage. The society you want actually requires using fear and threats, people pretending to be who they aren’t. I remember being a gay teenager and having to hide out of fear because of people like you. I know how someone like Hitler came into power by stoking and using fear against Jews, gays and others along with lots of nationalism.

You're conflating a lot of things that aren't connected, predictably (as your side always does) insinuating anyone who doesn't agree with you is a Nazi.
They're not.

It is YOUR SIDE who are trying to silence anyone who disagrees with you, to the point there can't even be a debate or dialogue.
YOUR SIDE who attack conservatives at booksignings or university speaking appearances, prevents Republicans/conservatives from being able to appear as university guest speakers, or even at university graduation appearances.

It is YOUR SIDE (pretty much everyone in the Clinton, Obama and Biden administrations, DOJ and FBI) who worships people like Che Gueverra, Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Castro, the Sandinistas, Hugo Chavez ("very effective, and a good model to follow" --Obama communication czar Mark Lloyd).
And YOUR SIDE who has intruded so much on the ability of conservatives to say or practice what we believe, that we are ready to lash back with whatever it takes to push you away from our tread-upon freedom, our homes, our schools, our children, our guns, and incredibly, even our light bulbs, our cars, our gas and woodfire stoves.

You (the Democrat-Bolshevik Left) have intruded on and weakened our borders, our schools, our military, our economic system, that we are in danger of our nation being destroyed by those changes. At what point do we have a right to defend ourselves, get angry, to push back?
I know the answer. For you on the Bolshevik Left, we NEVER have a right to dissent or fight back. You have a right to your "lifestyle", we don't.
That is precisely the reason the Democrat/Left wants to take away citizens' guns, so the people CANNOT fight back, no matter how oppressive it gets.

Gay/Trans sex criminals targeting children with school-sponsored trans outreach parties, or transvestites doing lapdances and strip-club type antics for elementary school children, is grounds for arrest and conviction. If not finding them beaten to death in an alley the next day.

Gay/Trans teachers abusing their positions, openly boasting and plotting in Tik Tok videos to secretly recruit and indoctrinate children, or to secretly get them on puberty blockers and into self-mutilating sex-change surgery, is also a crime that warrants the maximum backlash. And most reasonable and normal people would not even question going after the people who would target children in this way, by either legal or illegal retribution.

Not "rights for gays", but maliciously and openly chanting: "WE'RE HERE, WE'RE QUEER, WE'LL TAKE AWAY YOUR CHILDREN."
Does that REALLY sound like just gay rights to you, M E M ?!?
Or are you capable of seeing that is an insurrection targeted to take away heterosexual, religious and conservative peoples' rights, to target and prey on their children?
To target and prey on a free constitutional republic, to ideologically abuse that freedom, to crush that constitutional republic and replace it with a Cultural Marxist authoritarian one-party system?
Saul Alinsky tactics. Cultural Marxism. Critical Theory. Critical RACE theory. Critical GAY TRANS theory. Black Liberation theology. Anti-Colonialism. "Intersectionalism". "1619 Project" "Black Lives Matter."
Your-side, compartmentalizing and smothering all dissenting thought, until no one in the center or Right is even allowed to speak, who disagrees with your side.
And in the end, the Left will turn on themselves, violently turning on any Democrat sub-group who isn't their particular kind of Bolshevik.
Ask Tulsi Gabbard.
Ask Joe Manchin.
Ask Kyrsten Sinema.
Ask Riley Gaines.

That's a lot different than those in the mainstream targeting people for just being gay. I had at least 3 friends in my high school graduating class who at the time I at least suspected were gay, and they were then and are now my friends. But being gay and wanting to live in your own subculture is way different than maliciously targeting and recruiting children to the trans/gay side who never asked for it, and/or were confused into it.
Just about every person I've seen interviewed who had sex-change surgery has regretted it. For gay/trans teachers --TEACHERS !!--- to use their position to target, confuse and pervert normal kids into that lifestyle, that is unforgivable, and solicits the most extreme and vigorous backlash.

We as a society have always used "fear and threats", if you wish to term it that way, a deterrent to dangerous, criminal and destructive behavior that offends and endangers the rest of society. To deter murders and drug trafficking, and prostitution, and violent crime. A healthy society encourages behavior it wants, that strengthens our society (community, tax-exempt churches, volunteerism, education mentoring, family, purchasing homes), and it deters behavior it doesn't want (crime, deviancy, and other behavior that disrupts and hurts society).

And in the last 5 years, In exactly the way Democrat/Leftist ideology has been used to eliminate penalties, release violent criminals en masse from prisons, to enable and increase those violent crimes, so are these same Leftist idealogues simultaneously doing the same over the last decade or so to enable the most vile in the Leftist/Marxist/gay/trans community to target children.
It is not about rights or "freedom" for gays at this point, gays have had that since at least the 1980's, it is about the Left exerting power, weaponizing the gay/trans movement to crush and humiliate and silence conservative free speech and religion, silencing any dissent, to consolidate one-party authoritarian leftist power.
Gays are just the willing participants, or the dupes, in that.

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I was just responding to several of your posts. You’re the one that brought up Hitler, gay nazi’s and Bolsheviks (doing exactly what you accuse me of doing straight from the rules for radicals playbook). I was a gay teenager that had to hide from people like yourself. And I feel bad for the kids in Florida and other parts of the country where there is now more pressure for them to have to hide again. More kids suffering depression and at a greater risk of suicide just so you feel better. The nation though overall has grown though thanks to those that were willing to support gay rights because they had the empathy and sense of justice that you simply don’t possess. That makes me feel good and hopeful for everyone towards the end of this Pride month. This year we actually bought a Pride cake from Costco and brought it down to my family’s gathering for Father’s Day that everyone enjoyed. You remind me of just how far thing’s have changed for the better and for that I guess I thank you.

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Here is exactly what I said :

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy


Wow, that sounds familiar. Where have I heard that before?
Oh yeah....

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, August 30, 2013

GAY LAWMAKERS TO CHRISTIANS: "We'll take your children."

Aug. 27, 2013 ( - Few people doubt that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie hopes to become president in 2016. Unfortunately for him, he may have just signed away any chance of that.

On Monday, Christie signed A3371, a draconian piece of legislation that bars licensed [psych] therapists from helping children overcome unwanted same-sex attractions, behavior or identity. This law bans help for minors even when – as is so often the case – those same-sex attractions arise from childhood sexual abuse by the likes of a Jerry Sandusky.

This law will prohibit minors and their parents from receiving counseling they desire and will force counselors to violate ethical codes because they will not be able to help clients reach their own counseling goals. This law would enslave children – whether abused or not – to a subjectively determined sexual identity that they reject.

The connection between homosexual abuse and “gay identity” is undeniable. Consider this: Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found that homosexual men are “at least three times more likely to report CSA (childhood sexual abuse)” than heterosexual men.

Moreover, the Archives of Sexual Behavior – no bastion of conservatism – determined in a 2001 study that nearly half of all gay-identified men were molested by a homosexual pedophile: “46 percent of homosexual men and 22 percent of homosexual women reported having been molested by a person of the same gender. This contrasts to only 7 percent of heterosexual men and 1 percent of heterosexual women reporting having been molested by a person of the same gender” noted the study.

For obvious reasons, this politically motivated law has been dubbed the “Jerry Sandusky Victimization Act.”
Liberty Counsel, one of the fastest growing civil rights law firms in the country, has stepped in to protect New Jersey children, parents and licensed therapists. We’ve filed suit to block the law, as we’ve already blocked a similar law in California.

In his signing statement, Gov. Christie wrote: “Government should tread carefully into this area and I do so here reluctantly. I have scrutinized this piece of legislation with that concern in mind. However, I also believe that on issues of medical treatment for children we must look to experts in the field to determine the relative risks and rewards.”

Beyond the fact that Christie and the New Jersey Legislature have just violated the First Amendment rights of New Jersey parents, children and counselors, there remains another problem with his assertion. It’s not true. As with any form of therapy, the “experts” are all over the board on the issue of change therapy.

For instance, both New Jersey Democrats and Christie cited the American Psychological Association, or APA, as justification for this gross infringement on the right of self-determination. Although, no doubt, the highly liberal APA supports this and similar Sandusky Laws for political reasons, the group’s own task force on change therapy – led entirely by members who themselves are “gay”-identified or known political activists – has had to admit, nonetheless, that homosexuality itself “refers to feelings and self-concept.”

The [APA] taskforce confessed that such therapy has shown “varying degrees of satisfaction and varying perceptions of success.” It acknowledged within its own skewed, very limited “study” that some people had “altered their sexual orientation. … [P]articipants had multiple endpoints, including LGB identity, ex-gay identity, no sexual orientation identity, and a unique self-identity. … Individuals report a range of effects from their efforts to change their sexual orientation, including both benefits and harm.”

Reports of “both benefits and harm”? Exactly what might be expected from any form of therapy.

But that’s for adults.

Here’s the kicker: The APA also acknowledged that there is no evidence whatsoever that change therapy harms minors. Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, addressed this, the most outrageous aspect of the law: “The very report that the governor cited for signing this law also admitted that there is absolutely zero research – none – regarding the effect of change therapy with minors.”

Get that? Gov. Christie just signed into law a bill purporting to prevent harm to minors from change therapy, citing, as the reason, an APA report that admits there is neither research nor empirical evidence to suggest that change therapy harms minors.

Is your head swimming? It should be.

The governor is one of three things. He is either: 1) ill-informed, 2) politically motivated or 3) stupid.

I don’t know, I guess he could be 4) all of the above.

Meanwhile, there are many experts outraged over this gross overreach by Christie and other New Jersey liberals.

Dr. Nicholas Cummings, former president of the APA, wrote in USA Today: “Contending that all same-sex attraction is immutable is a distortion of reality. Attempting to characterize all sexual reorientation therapy as ‘unethical’ violates patient choice and gives an outside party a veto over patients’ goals for their own treatment. A political agenda shouldn’t prevent gays and lesbians who desire to change from making their own decisions.”

Dr. Cummings has testified to personally helping hundreds of formerly homosexual clients achieve the change they desired.

Things get more sinister yet. On Wednesday, New Jersey Assemblyman Tim Eustace, who sponsored the bill and is openly homosexual, bombastically compared change therapy to “beating a child” and suggested that the government take children seeking change away from their parents. He told Talk Radio 1210 WPHT, “What this does is prevent things that are harmful to people. If a parent were beating their child on a regular basis we would step in and remove that child from the house. If you pay somebody to beat your child or abuse your child, what’s the difference?”

Mat Staver responded on the same program: “It is shocking to hear the law’s sponsor threaten parents that the state will remove their children from them if they provide the counsel they need and which helps them. This is the ultimate nanny state,” he said.

I’ll take it a step further, and I think I speak for many Christian fathers. None of my three children suffer from unwanted same-sex attraction, but if any of them did and they decided to seek change therapy to reconcile their feelings with their faith, Mr. Eustace and the rest of his Gaystapo would be extremely ill-advised to crest my front porch with designs on taking my children.

Is this George Washington’s America, or Joseph Stalin’s Russia?

Matt Barber (@jmattbarber on Twitter) is an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. He serves as Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action

Also the stated plan of dozens of gay / trans / satanist teachers, who openly gloat this is their plan in their personal individual blogsite Tik Tok videos , to brainwash elementary and middle school kids, to groom and convert them into the gay/trans world, to deliberately confuse them as naive children into believing they are gay or transexual, to get them on puberty blockers and get trans surgery, secretly, WITHOUT EVER EVEN TELLING THEIR PARENTS.

This is their STATED plan, over and over, in gay organizations, in their own posted blog videos online, that they openly boast about.

And "Libs of Tik Tok", a conservative site that collects and exposes these videos that leftist/trans teachers freely post, is banned as a "hate site" for simply exposing what Leftist teachers openly and voluntarily said. Simply because it exposes the truly evil freakazoid Left for what they truly are, and for their truly evil abuse of their positions as teachers to do it, what they OPENLY BOAST about doing.

The consistent stated plan of gays, going back more than 10 years.
Like Hitler's call for genocide and lebensraum in Mein Kampf, when a large and dangerous group warns you they intend to do do something radical, you should believe them.
Because that telegraphed intent was not taken seriously, behold the destruction and widening threat that has unfolded over the last 10 years. A lot of damaged children and parents, across all 50 states.

And the gay/transgender movement is just one destructive front of the cultural marxist Democrat-Bolshevik left, destroying America from within, on many fronts. Indoctrinating in schools and universities, the self-destructive environmentalist movement destroying America's energy independence, America-hating indoctrination now in both schools and corporate businesses, "equity" fanaticism to destroy free-market capitalism and meritocracy, "woke" indoctination that is destroying our military and is purging it of tens of thousands of soldiers who would actually fight to preserve our country, the open borders movement, and questionably free trade that makes us dependent on hostile foreign governments.
Your Democrat-Bolshevik Left at work.

Show me where I said one word that was inaccurate.

Against your slanders, I have never attacked a gay person, either verbally or physically, I've never known anyone who attacked a gay person, and I've never heard of a single incident in my area where a gay person was attacked.

While I don't agree with gay ideology, that being gay is natural or inborn, I don't hate gays, as as I've said repeatedly I do have gay friends and relatives. But the radicalism of the gay/transgender culture, recent pushing of transgender surgeries FOR KIDS, gay/trans-ing up our Bud Lite beer in offensive creepy ads.
Gay/trans-ing up "tuck-friendly" clothes for boys in Target retail stores.
Gay/trans teachers openly boasting in their self-made videos they are DELIBERATELY INDOCTRINATING KIDS.
Openly boasting in televised parades, "We're here, we're queer, we'll take away your children."
Forcing Christian bakers and photographers and website designers to endorse gay marriage against their will.

You are turning the entire country against you, in a deeply offensive visceral way.

Even some gays are posting videos and pushing back at more radical gays, because they know this is turning the entire country against you:
( and that leftist Wikipedia listing is hilarious propaganda in itself, how it portrays the founders and members who are gay leftists themselves as "extreme right wing". NO. These are pragmatic gay leftists who see the trans craziness as poisoning and destroying several decades of successful gay-activist narrative, fronting that gays are just like everyone else. That may be true of SOME gays, but there's a whole lot of offensive and perverse gay extremism in every gay march I've ever seen video of. Public floggings and public BDSM sex, people gyrating in simulated if not actual sex everywhere. Transvestites, gay nude displays in front of children. Disgusting, the purest meaning of that word. And of course, pedophilism and recruiting, euphemized as "gay outtreach". This is what gay activists try to hide. Maybe there is a large community of monogamous and more low-key gays. But a large ratio of them are not. Much as they try to gloss over the abundant excesses to portray it that way. )

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I haven't posted this in a while, but...

... the "science" of homosexuality is far from proven and fully endorsed. There are a large percentage of the psychology community who still treat homosexuality as an obsessive disorder, as it was listed in the DSM manual of psychological disorders for decades until 1973 when it was changed by re-writing the manual, and til then not listed as a "normal healthy condition".

There are a number of studies done by gays in the psych community who have been gay all their lives.

There are studies of the disproportionate ratio of alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide among gays, even in nations and regions where homosexuality is entirely endorsed and accepted.

Facts that I would not be permitted to post on George Orwell's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any number of other online social media sites, that would get me banned immediately. As with so many other political and medical issues, the Left does not tolerate any discussion or facts inconvenient to their ideology.

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I didn’t say one thing untrue WB. You resort to using the term gay nazi and reposting a couple of posts where you didn’t doesn’t make it not so. Most kids didn’t gay bash me either in high school but a lot cheered and supported their friends. There are lots of people I’m polite with and even help that are not my friends. Those that support your viewpoints on gays and comfy with slapping the word nazi in there isn’t a friend.

Support for gay marriage has grown in this country so much so that republicans that could safely campaign on it as a wedge issue now have to instead use a smaller group to target with a lot of recycled garbage utilizing fear and ignorance thrown at trans people. My family does have a trans teenager and loving parents that want to help them have the best life and future possible. What they don’t want is a dead child. They’ve done research and continue to do so. What you want would actually increase the risk of suicide and depression for a very dear sweet child.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I didn’t say one thing untrue WB. You resort to using the term gay nazi and reposting a couple of posts where you didn’t doesn’t make it not so. Most kids didn’t gay bash me either in high school but a lot cheered and supported their friends. There are lots of people I’m polite with and even help that are not my friends. Those that support your viewpoints on gays and comfy with slapping the word nazi in there isn’t a friend.

I used the term "gay nazi" (not a term I invented by the way, but one in very common usage) because it rightly manifests the bullying tactics of intimidation and violence that gays (as frontline stormtroopers for the Democrat / liberal / "progressive" / Leftist movement) consistently use to get their way.

And as I've said often, the inspiration for Hitler and Goebbels, is the German and Soviet communist parties, that the Nazi flags, uniforms, posters and brochures emulate.
And clearly, virtually the entire Democrat party leadership worships and emulates communism in all its forms:
Leninism/Stalinism. (Bernie Sanders and A O-C, for example, identify as "Democratic socialists". Lenin said: "The purpose of socialism is communism." To get it inside the gate.
Maoism (praised by at least 3 Obama officials, during Obama's presidency, who I've quoted repeatedly).
Castro and Che Gueverra in Cuba.
The Sandinistas in Nicaragua (praised by Bernie Sanders).
And the Hugo Chaves marxist takeover of Venezuela ( Obama communications czar Mark Lloyd, praising Chaves' authoritarian takeover of the Venezuelan media: "Very effective, and a good model to follow.")

Originally Posted by M E M
Support for gay marriage has grown in this country so much so that republicans that could safely campaign on it as a wedge issue now have to instead use a smaller group to target with a lot of recycled garbage utilizing fear and ignorance thrown at trans people. My family does have a trans teenager and loving parents that want to help them have the best life and future possible. What they don’t want is a dead child. They’ve done research and continue to do so. What you want would actually increase the risk of suicide and depression for a very dear sweet child.

Support for gay marriage is due to bombardment, weariness from propaganda and intimidation, not because of increased public support for being gay as somehow "normal". Cowed silence, and a confused sense of what the gay movement is, and "trying to be fair".

As I've said for years, further acceptance and concession to gays, just emboldens gays to take even more offensive advances across our culture, such as the attempt to normalize freakish transgenders as generals and military officers, that do anything but inspire fear and respect from our allies or enemies. Quite the opposite, they are doubling over with laughter, at the damage this is doing to our military.

Or haven't you noticed, that military enrollment is down 25% below annual military recruiting goals?
That is a clear manifestation that the most patriotic in this country don't want to serve under a president and his party that clearly hate America and its military, and will put them at risk, no matter how bravely they try to serve.

Pressure for prisons and the military to pay for transgender surgeries.
Pressure for trans-males to compete in swimming and other sports with women, which is actually misogynistic, and has virtually destroyed these sports for ACTUAL women. And extreme intimidation and threats against ACTUAL female athletes who object (see the example of Riley Gaines I cited above.)

Against the odds, in 2015-2016 I became close friends with an assistant manager who was lesbian, and we went out regularly for dinner and drinks after work. She had been a lesbian since high school and at that point never had sexual relations with a man. One time, she told me over beers that she recently ran into the girl she lost her virginity to... who was now transitioning to become a man. This really freaked her out. She was clearly disturbed and repulsed by it.

There's not necessarily a support for the transgender push the last couple years. Many more "mainstream/moderate" gays have openly condemned it as something that has turned the mainstream against the gay movement, after decades of building trust among heterosexuals that gays aren't a threat. But "gay pride" parades of gay men flashing themselves and gyrating in front of kids, and either having sex in public, or gyrating in simulated sex in public, make clear this is a sickness and decadent obsessive-compulsive disorder (as it was diagnosed in the DSM of mental illnesses until 1973) , and a threat that will at every turn try to damage and corrupt our culture if permitted to.
Gays recruiting underage kids in schools, through "gay outreach programs" in schools (that are in truth about recruiting boys for sex). I met a lawyer who filed a lawsuit in Broward county (Fort Lauderdale) schools, and successfully removed these programs, at least for a few years.

There's even a gay organization opposed to this, that (as you can see by the backlash in this listing) gets heated opposition from most gays:

They see the hostility this TRUE FACE of the LGBT movement is creating, after decades of successful gay narrative and increased acceptance.

That is not "garbage" that Republican conservatives create, that is exactly what gays are truly doing and attempting, at every turn.

And by the way, I saw a story just this week in the news by a doctor who is warning the public with a new book, based on years of working with young transgenders, that far from there being a mental health benefit in encouraging trans kids and teens to make the transition, that sex-change transition ACTUALLY INCREASES their chance of suicide.
And not encouraging a change of genders, actually REDUCES gay suicides, and saves lives. The overwhelming majority who go through gender transformation, later regret doing so and wish they could switch back. One known to all of us here as comics fans is Jeffrey Catherine Jones.

Silenced, of course, by George Orwell's liberal media.
There are other books. I wish I could recall the name of the female doctor who I saw intervied, about her more recent book on the subject.

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Considering what a tiny percentage trans people are, a tiny fraction of the already very small 2% who identify as gay, these trans people who are on puberty blockers and are by definition unstable... produce a very high ratio of shootings and risk, created by chemically altering these people, toward a questionably productive goal, that are ruining a lot of innocent bystander lives who just wind up in their path.

Maybe these people shouldn't have guns or be admitted into the military, unless and until they reach some level of mental stability?

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I understand you rationalize everything but hope someday you understand that you support exactly what you accuse others of. Gays are not nazi, anyone with some understanding of history can understand that. But it dehumanizes your fellow Americans so it works for you. That’s who you are. And looking at the laws passed in Florida by republicans it’s pretty clear to see also who is actually for more government control over what can be said or read. If a private business speaks up against it like Walt Disney does then the state tries to punish them for exercising their first amendment right. That is truly Orwellian

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I understand you rationalize everything but hope someday you understand that you support exactly what you accuse others of. Gays are not nazi, anyone with some understanding of history can understand that. But it dehumanizes your fellow Americans so it works for you. That’s who you are. And looking at the laws passed in Florida by republicans it’s pretty clear to see also who is actually for more government control over what can be said or read. If a private business speaks up against it like Walt Disney does then the state tries to punish them for exercising their first amendment right. That is truly Orwellian


I rationalize based on facts, and cite those facts, sourced and linked, whereas you and virtually all Democrats selectively omit facts inconvenient to your worldview, and believe only what you wish was true, and slander anyone who disagrees with the narrative your party has sold you, on issues from gay rights to abortion to Fauci, vaccines and masks, to the global warming narrative, to socialism (that has failed in every country it has been attempted, but your side still wants it, and wants to impose it on the rest of us through Bolshevik revolution and one-party rule. )

How many times do I have to present the facts to you before you will process the facts?

When gays use intimidation and violence to try and silence their political opposition, when they threaten a female swimmer who appears at a college campus to give a lecture and they violently attack her and her group, and trap them in a classroom for 3 hours, and they had to wait until a squad of police came to rescue them and safely escort them out of where they were trapped by angry gay/trans attackers, those gays ARE acting precisely like Nazis.

As is the broader Left, whether gay activists, Antifa, BLM, environmentalists, or other Democrat/Left angry fanatics who won't even let any conservative give a college lecture appearance, or have a booksigning without being attacked, shouted over into silence, intimidated and the event shut down. Absolutely no chance at a political dialogue with them. Your side pumps its followers with a level of intolerant hate comparable to the Nazis, Maoist China, or Soviet-Bolshevik revolutionaries. And that has been widely cited with examples in cities nationwide, NOT just my opinion.
Gays similarly attack parents at school PTA meetings in cities nationwide who question gay/trans indoctrination in schools, or transgender males destroying high school and college womens' sports.


Whether you like it or not, that is an absolute fact. Cited, sourced and linked, repeatedly.

As are the other trans attacks on conservatives and Christians I just linked in my above posts. And that is not even a complete list.
Your side is intolerant, violent, and has no reservations about attacking, intimidating or silencing their conservative political opposition. FACT.

I could further cite that physical attacks on conservatives nationwide have averaged at least one a day since Trump emerged as a presidential candidate.


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Have you read up on conservatives killing, beating and intimidating others they disagree with?
“ Numbers for right-wing extremist violence are far higher, with numerous high-profile terrorist attacks as well as lower-level assaults, vandalism, and other forms of violence. Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, far-right extremists have killed 130 people in the United States, more than any other political cause, including jihadists.7 Notable attacks in recent years include the 2018 Pittsburgh Synagogue attack, the 2019 El Paso mall killings, and the 2022 Buffalo market attack. A range of far-right extremists, including organized groups such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers as well as hundreds of unaffiliated conspiracy theorists, anti-government extremists, and ordinary supporters of President Trump, also stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, in a direct assault on American democracy. Far-right extremist violence has not abated: earlier this month, on May 6, 2023, an apparent neo-Nazi with misogynist leanings shot up a Texas mall, killing eight people.”
Countering organized violence in the US

This type of violence isn’t acceptable no matter the side doing it.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Have you read up on conservatives killing, beating and intimidating others they disagree with?
“ Numbers for right-wing extremist violence are far higher, with numerous high-profile terrorist attacks as well as lower-level assaults, vandalism, and other forms of violence. Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, far-right extremists have killed 130 people in the United States, more than any other political cause, including jihadists.7 Notable attacks in recent years include the 2018 Pittsburgh Synagogue attack, the 2019 El Paso mall killings, and the 2022 Buffalo market attack. A range of far-right extremists, including organized groups such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers as well as hundreds of unaffiliated conspiracy theorists, anti-government extremists, and ordinary supporters of President Trump, also stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, in a direct assault on American democracy. Far-right extremist violence has not abated: earlier this month, on May 6, 2023, an apparent neo-Nazi with misogynist leanings shot up a Texas mall, killing eight people.”
Countering organized violence in the US

This type of violence isn’t acceptable no matter the side doing it.

That's, of course, a liberal propaganda spin of the truth, whipped up by a liberal media, and the collaborative 97% Democrat-donating FBI and DOJ, who are manipulating the statistics to to whip up a fake "white supremacist" threat (i.e., a fake label for peaceful Republican conservatives, peaceful religious conservatives, peaceful (mostly Christian) pro-life activists, peaceful Trump supporters, and other perceived enemies, to be polarized, isolated and demonized by the Democrat Left and its agents in the federal government.

The 2019 El Paso Mall attack is a perfect example. The kid who did the attack was a HISPANIC immigrant, completely independent of any white supremacist group, who was borderline insane and acting on some very weird ideas about environmentalism and population control. It's SUCH a lie to say this hispanic kid was a "white supremacist".
Wikipedia's carefully worded spin :

And as I said at the time, in more full context :

The "partisan talking heads" you "refuse to watch" is Tucker Carlson, who in addition to hosting one of the most popular shows on ALL of cable television, not just among the most popular on Fox News.
In addition he runs the news site The Daily Caller.
He reports facts and interviews journalists and authors presenting information, you can't just dismiss all that as "partisan". Far more factual, I might add, than the namecalling, insults and bumper-sticker slogans on CNN or MSNBC. I'm hard pressed to find "news" anymore on those two channels, just pure partisan demagoguery and unbridled Trump-hate.

Regarding Tucker Carlson's alleged " 'white supremacy is a hoax' garbage", there was nothing Carlson made up. It is a fact that the El Paso shooter made clear in his manifesto that his racist/environmentalist ideology was formed long before Trump was even a candidate, let alone became president. The El Paso shooter was motivated by some kind of weird environmentalism, that he wanted to stop ALL immigration to the U.S., not just illegal immigration, or hispanic immigration. His ideas are completely independent of Trump, but the liberal media and liberal partisans like yourself desperately reach to allege Trump's rhetoric had something to do with it.

What did Trump say that inspired this attack? SPECIFICALLY.
You can't quote one sentence to support that. Because it doesn't exist.
As compared to the Spokane, Washington attack on an ICE facility a month ago, where the Antifa shooter used specific words and phrases that were directly taken from Democrat Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, and other Democrat leaders. Yet I never hear the clowns of the Left blame Democrat rhetoric for clearly inspiring liberal violence.

What Trump has actually said is:
1) that we have to secure our borders and control immigration into this country.
2) That we want and need immigration to fill the jobs as our economy has improved under his policies.
But that they have to come in the right way, LEGALLY, and that this uncontrolled illegal migration has to stop.

3) That among illegals, many criminals are entering our country: drug traffickers, human traffickers, gang members, violent criminals, rapists, murderers, drunk drivers, who victimize thousands of U.S. citizens and LEGAL immigrants annually. That Mexico is the largest source of illegal immigrants (59%), and the Central American nations the next largest (15%). In fact, Latin American nations combined are over 81% of all illegal immigrants. That is not demagoguery, those are facts. Which Trump has cited. And he welcomes and considers valuable those who come LEGALLY.

4) Trump does not engage in hate speech "against all hispanics". He only condemns those (race unspecified) who enter our country illegally.

5) He does not in any way spread or endorse, or have any connection to, white supremacist or white racist rhetoric. That only exists in the vicious insinuations of the Democrat/Left. In point of fact, Trump has repeatedly condemned white nationalism and white racist ideology and violence. The worst Democrat misquote of Trump, where he said of Charlottesville, VA protestors, "There are good people on both sides", Trump was referring to 2,000 people there protesting just to keep the Robert E. Lee statue by the city hall, the good people who asked the 200 to 300 white supremacists to leave. But public statements by Democrat leaders and the liberal media lyingly imply that all in favor of the Lee statue were white supremacists, rather than a small minority.

6) Trump has cited correctly that the women and children who come in illegally are raped and abused at an enormous rate. The most conservative estimate, quoted by ICE official Tom Homan and others in ICE and Border Patrol, is 31% of illegals trafficked are raped. As I have linked and sourced in the Soros-funded caravan topic, many human rights groups (leftist groups) have estimates far higher, in the range of 60 to 80% raped while crossing illegally.
Is it more humane to let these illegals in, and encourage this abuse of hundreds of thousands of trafficked women to continue?
Or is it more humane to stop it, and end the rapes?

7) In addition to that, illegal human trafficking enriches the Mexican drug cartels who control that trafficking, and the Mexican cartels now make a third of their profits off human trafficking. Billions in the coffers of drug cartels.

8) In addition to that, the masses illegally entering our country (at least 2,000 a day surrendering to Border Patrol, and God knows how many thousands more who slip in undetected) are carrying diseases and infecting U.S. citizens with diseases like Tuberculososis, Mumps, Measles, Typhoid, new strains of flu, flesh eating bacteria, and AIDS/HIV, among others. Diseases wiped out decades ago in the U.S. that are now each epidemic in over 20 states.

9) In addition to that, an increasing number of illegals are categorized by Border Patrol as "Other Than Mexican(OTM)" and present an increasing islamic terror threat, being trafficked from the mid East and Africa, and could contain ISIS or Al Qaida cels, or with the current outbreak in Africa, either by random infection or deliberately weaponized, Ebola.

There is no "propaganda" or "racist/white supremacist" hatred in Trump discussing these things. The President, the Center For Disease Control, ICE, Border Patrol, and Department of Homeland Security are simply citing the known facts. That Democrats and the liberal media try to pretend don't exist.

Most of the violence done by white supremacists is done by white nationalist prison gangs, and is done in drug turf wars, revenge killings of members of their own gangs or competing white gangs.
As I;ve said prior, among the Ku Klux Klan, in a nation that now has about 330 million people, the Klan is believed to have at most 5,000 members nationwide (the 8,000 number is new, that I highly doubt, as it is just an "estimate" from the highly unreliable Southern Policy Law Center, that labels others as "hate groups" , but SPLC is in fact itself a hate group, slandering others, and those others are all their conservative opposition, very conveniently. )

I'd also point out that the Democrat/Leftist fanatics on your side similarly labelled George Zimmerman a "white supremacist" (he was in fact a hispanic, black and Jewish immigrant, who tutored black kids and a Democrat who voted for Barack Obama !)
And your side has similarly labelled just about every leftist Democrat shooter in the last 12 years or so a "white supremacist" or "white nationalist", and within a day or two your side is consistently proven wrong with eeach shooting.
The Pulse Night Club shooting at a gay club in Orlando, FL, was likewise labelled a "white supremacist" shooting, and again, it turned out to be a Muslim immigrant, not white.

So... what you're saying is once again propaganda whipped up by the Left, not even fact.
I recall one discussion we had, you dramatically alleged that "White supremacist violence" had risen by 50% in one year. I did some goggle searching (I still used Google back then) and it turned out there had been 2 white supremacist killings in the previous year. and the new year had 3 deaths. THAT was your dramatic 50% rise in white supremacist killings.
Propaganda and total horseshit.

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You can do your usual partisan rant about liberals but all those people are still dead killed by right wing nuts. It’s unacceptable from either side but attacks by conservatives are coming more often and more lethal.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You can do your usual partisan rant about liberals but all those people are still dead killed by right wing nuts. It’s unacceptable from either side but attacks by conservatives are coming more often and more lethal.

Sorry to confuse you with, y'know, ACTUAL FACTUAL INFORMATION.

vs. the distortions I just pointed out, how this El Paso shooter kid was actually hispanic, and neither white nor white supremacist, just a lunatic whose ideas were actually more LEFTIST ideas, of environmentalism and killing people to de-populate the planet. That is distorted by Democrats to be "right wing" and "white supremacist", rather than a dupe of liberal propaganda and a confused kid as he truly was.

Likewise George Zimmerman, a black, hispanic and jewish registered Democrat, who voted for Obama.

Likewise Jared Loughner, who friends, neighbors and classmates described as a "liberal pothead". Distortedly portrayed as a "right wing shooter" .

Likewise the Aurora Colorado movie theatre shooter.

Likewise the Sandy Hook elementary school shooter.

And then finally, FINALLY, after for a decade all these leftist/Democrat shooters were initially portrayed as "Right wing" and "white supremacist, before they were exposed for the leftists they truly are, FINALLY, some shooter in Norway turned out to be an actual right wing shooter (though far outside the ideology of virtually all right wingers. And the liberal media was virtually orgasmic reporting the details of this particular shooting case.

The Democrats are liars, and they find ways to deceitfully categorize shootings as somehow done by "white supremacists" even when they are not.
Consistently, for many years, over and over. And the at least 80% liberal media are eager partners in fronting that false narrative.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Don’t worry about confusing me with long partisan rants. This is what you do. What I linked to actually has little resemblance to your rant. It doesn’t pin everything to white supremacy and even notes that organized groups are weak. It’s the lone wolfs that have been very lethal recently like the 2019 El Paso mall killing. Who was definitely from the far right with his views. This isn’t acceptable no matter the side though.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Don’t worry about confusing me with long partisan rants. This is what you do. What I linked to actually has little resemblance to your rant. It doesn’t pin everything to white supremacy and even notes that organized groups are weak. It’s the lone wolfs that have been very lethal recently like the 2019 El Paso mall killing. Who was definitely from the far right with his views. This isn’t acceptable no matter the side though.

I didn't see anything lucid or specific you could cite.

And I just deconstructed how your "sources" are absolute and total B.S.
How they manipulate the facts by selective omission and evasion to front as truth things that are actually distortions and lies.

vs. what I posted, that views all these false narratives you front in their full context, and how your Democrat-Bolshevik side has fronted a similar false narrative in each case, and been exposed when the true facts are fully disclosed.

In the El Paso shooting example, you fronted that the shooter was a white supremacist, motivated by "White supremacist ideology", when in truth he was a hispanic immigrant kid, motivated by some very weird environmentalist / population control ideology, that has nothing to do with conservatives or white supremacists, BUT HAS BEEN PORTRAYED as conservative and white supremacist by the Democrats and (not difference really) the liberal media.
Your side lied and distorted the facts. Absolutely no question. Your side lied, Republican leaders and conservative media told the truth. While your side just slice-and-diced the same facts into a lying Bolshevik narrative.

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From the 21 year old American and self proclaimed white nationalist himself…” Office of public affairs he wrote a manifesto, titled “An Inconvenient Truth,” and uploaded it to the internet minutes before he commenced his attack. In it, he characterized himself as a white nationalist, motivated to kill Hispanics because they were immigrating to the United States. Crusius admitted to selecting El Paso, a border city, as his target to dissuade Mexican and other Hispanic immigrants from coming to the United States.”

You are doing exactly what you’re accusing me and it’s very easy to see that WB. But Crusius is a right wing nut.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy






Considering what a tiny percentage trans people are, a tiny fraction of the already very small 2% who identify as gay, these trans people who are on puberty blockers and are by definition unstable... produce a very high ratio of shootings and risk, created by chemically altering these people, toward a questionably productive goal, that are ruining a lot of innocent bystander lives who just wind up in their path.

Maybe these people shouldn't have guns or be admitted into the military, unless and until they reach some level of mental stability?

Adding to that...


ATLANTA, GEORGIA: An Antifa goon was reportedly arrested over the weekend for setting fire to a planned $90 million police training center. The suspect, James 'Jamie' Marsicano, 29, has now been identified as the transgender daughter of millionaire North Carolina businessman Michael Marsicano. She is reportedly an outspoken anti-police advocate. She is currently in her first year of law school at the North Carolina School of Law.

Marsicano was among the rioters who attacked cops with fireworks and Molotov cocktails at the site of the future Atlanta Police Safety Training Center on the night of Sunday, March 5, according to booking documents. Jamie is being held on domestic terrorism charges without bail. Her father, Michael, ran a foundation worth $4 billion.

According to a profile of Marsicano, who is nearly 30 years of age, on the National Lawyers Guild website, she is "a queer and trans organizer from Charlotte, NC." "Before coming to law school, Jamie worked with mutual aid collective Charlotte Uprising to start a grassroots community bail fund that raises money to bail people out of jail and support them through court, regardless of charge," the website says.

It adds, "Jamie believes that no one should be in a cage, and dreams of a world where we can prevent and respond to harm in our communities without relying on prisons or police. Jamie plans to use a law degree to do criminal defense in NC. As a Haywood Burns fellow, Jamie will be working at the Law Office of Habekah B Cannon, an explicitly abolitionist, public interest criminal defense firm. The goal is to be a movement lawyer, and this summer Jamie is lucky enough to support and learn from one of the best."

Him, her, whatever.
A rose by any other name is still a loathesome transgender freak.

I'm far from the only one who has pointed out that transgenders, from Bradley Manning on down, are unstable people who should not be trusted with a national security clearance, and present an unnecessary danger to the country when they do have it.

Transgenders are also a big recruiting ground for Antifa and BLM militants, and with just a bit of far-Left BLM/Antifa indoctrination added to the mix of already being unstable, are very angry and prone to violent behavior. And are a disproportionate ratio of BLM/Antifa violent storm troopers.

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And in other news...

Transgender Mass Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Leaked, confirms motive for shooting up Christian private school

by Charlie McCarthy , Monday, November 6 2023

A conservative social media influencer released three pages of what he says is the manifesto written by the transgender mass shooter who killed six people, including three 9-year-old students, in March in Nashville, Tennessee.
Steven Crowder, via his "Louder With Crowder" website and a YouTube video, said his team had obtained the manifesto written by Audrey Hale, 28, who was born a female but identified as a male.

"I will be reading the manifesto here on this show,” Crowder said in the video. "I wish that I wouldn't have to."

In a statement to Newsmax on Monday, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation did not confirm the authenticity of the alleged leaked pages.

"We are aware of the images you've referenced," TBI spokesman Josh DeVine said. "We are not offering confirmation of their authenticity. Our agency is only assisting the Metro Nashville Police Department in its investigation into the shooting."
Newsmax reached out to the Nashville prosecutor to confirm the authenticity of the manifesto obtained by Crowder. So far, there has been no response.

Newsweek reported that a Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) spokesperson said police were unable to confirm the manifesto but were looking into the matter.
According to Crowder, the manifesto detailed thoughts Hale had leading up to what the shooter allegedly referred to as "DEATH DAY."

The alleged manifesto also shows Hale wrote:

"Can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm ready...I hope my victims aren't."
"I hope I have a high death count."
"Kill those kids!!!"
"Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little fa***ts w/ your white privileges"
"It might be 10 minutes tops. It might be 3-7. Its gunna go quick."
Hale, who stormed The Covenant School, a private Christian school, on March 27 with two semi-automatic rifles and a handgun, fatally shot three 9-year-olds and three adults before being killed by police.

But then... despite the best efforts of Democrat/woke/trans-friendly Nashville police, TBI and city officials to hide the shooter's indoctrinated trans/Left ideological motive for the shooting... we knew this already, didn't we? The Democrat-aligned Nashville prosecutor, TBI, and Nashville police wouldn't even confirm this, none of them.
But --OF COURSE-- if the shooter could be characterized as conservative, right-wing, NRA, white supremacist or a Trump supporter, the posted manifesto would have been leaked in the first few hours after the shooting, many months ago.
But because it goes against their narrative, they tried, and are still trying, to bury Audrey Hale's posted manifesto.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
From the 21 year old American and self proclaimed white nationalist himself…” Office of public affairs he wrote a manifesto, titled “An Inconvenient Truth,” and uploaded it to the internet minutes before he commenced his attack. In it, he characterized himself as a white nationalist, motivated to kill Hispanics because they were immigrating to the United States. Crusius admitted to selecting El Paso, a border city, as his target to dissuade Mexican and other Hispanic immigrants from coming to the United States.”

You are doing exactly what you’re accusing me and it’s very easy to see that WB. But Crusius is a right wing nut.


Though Left-wing media — mainstream and otherwise — have portrayed Patrick Crusius (shown), the cowardly, hate-filled shooter in the El Paso massacre, as a “Right-winger,” the reality is that his manifesto (which the Left-wing media refuse to publish, while selectively quoting) shows that he was clearly motivated by Left-wing ideology. In other words, the Left caused the shooting and then blamed it on the Right.

Examples of Leftist media blaming the shooting on Right-wing ideology are legion. For instance, CrooksAndLiars, a liberal “news” site, claimed in an August 5 headline that “El Paso Shooter’s Manifesto Uses Trump And Right Wing Talking Points” and includes such calumnies as, “his ‘manifesto’ hate screed is filled with talking points and terminology used by Donald Trump at his Nazi MAGA rallies and FOX News hosts like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity.” Now, that is a broad brush indeed. And despite its extreme breadth, it still managed to hit the wrong target while skillfully avoiding the correct one. In case their readers are so dull as to miss the point of the article, the writer of that erroneous piece ended with, “The only way to try to pull us back from the brink of a straight up civil war is stricter gun control laws and to vote Donald Trump out. He is the cancer. He is the tumor. He is the sickness infecting our country.”

Left-leaning Slate echoed that error, in an article equating the El Paso shooter — and many other recent Left-wing shooters — with the Right. The headline, which was about as accurate as it was subtle, claimed, “Right-Wingers Are America’s Deadliest Terrorists.” Claiming that “right-wing terrorists have killed more people on U.S. soil than jihadis have since 9/11,” the article runs the gamut from the outrageous to the ridiculous.

Leaving behind anything resembling accuracy and research, Business Insider had the audacity to report on a “study” claiming “all of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism.” The cited “study” is from the Left-leaning and self-serving Anti-Defamation League. Perhaps someone should tell the folks over at the Anti-Defamation League that spouting fake claims while painting every recent mass shooting as “Right-wing” is itself defamation. The irony is likely deliberate, though; It appears that rather than merely being mistaken, they are instead full of the stuff male bovines leave behind.

Because as with the Christchurch shooter, the manifesto written by Crusius shows that his ideology is actually that of the Left, not the Right.

He begins by stating, “I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto.” Amongst his grievances, Crusius cites the “takeover of the United States government by unchecked corporations.” Reality check: Is that language and sentiment from the conservative Right or from the liberal Left? He could have — and may have — borrowed that claim from any of a plethora of speeches by that darling-of-the-Left, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).

Furthermore, Crusius goes on to decry the evils of pro-corporatism, writing, “Procorporation = pro-immigration” (i.e., because big corporations want cheap immigrant labor) before going on to attack America itself as a blight on the environment:

  • Of course these migrants and their children have contributed to the problem, but are not the sole cause of it. The American lifestyle affords our citizens an incredible quality of life. However, our lifestyle is destroying the environment of our country. The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly overharvesting resources. This has been a problem for decades. For example, this phenomenon is brilliantly portrayed in the decades old classic “The Lorax”. Water sheds around the country, especially in agricultural areas, are being depleted. Fresh water is being polluted from farming and oil drilling operations.

    Consumer culture is creating thousands of tons of unnecessary plastic waste and electronic waste, and recycling to help slow this down is almost non-existent. Urban sprawl creates inefficient cities which unnecessarily destroys millions of acres of land. We even use god knows how many trees worth of paper towels just wipe water off our hands. Everything I have seen and heard in my short life has led me to believe that the average American isn’t willing to change their lifestyle, even if the changes only cause a slight inconvenience. The government is unwilling to tackle these issues beyond empty promises since they are owned by corporations. Corporations that also like immigration because more people means a bigger market for their products. I just want to say that I love the people of this country, but g*d d**n most of y’all are just too stubborn to change your lifestyle. So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.

He goes on to say that perhaps his massacre of immigrants will serve as “the right incentive” for “the Hispanic population” to “return to their home countries” and ameliorate the extra burden they place on the environment.

So, the primary ideology that seems to drive his hatred of immigration is his underlying assumption that overpopulation is damaging the environment and limiting resources. Again, does this sound like the Right or the Left? In fact, if this writer may be so bold as to state the obvious — even if that statement leads to discomfort — if the assumptions of the Left (that there is no God, that the environment is strained and natural resources are limited and running out, that overpopulation is the “big problem” of our era, that corporations are destroying the world) are correct, his solution would at least make sense. After all, if there is no God — and therefore, no objective standard of right and wrong — then his massacre of immigrants in an effort to protect limited resources for natives cannot be called wrong. It may — in that twisted view — even be considered virtuous.

But rather than face the fact that their ideology is to blame — that their chickens have come home to roost — the Left is doubling down and using this unjustifiable, inexcusable tragedy as a club with which to attack the Right.

How many more twisted minds will the Left radicalize and turn loose on America only to blame the very people who do believe in God, in right and wrong, in hard work and enterprise, in honest values, for the fallout when those twisted, radicalized minions of the Left wreak havoc on innocent victims en masse?

If America truly is to survive the likes of the El Paso shooter and others before (and likely after) him, it will be by standing up against the lies that actually led him to his actions. And those lies come from the Left.

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So there is a bit of the manifesto that talks about environmental concerns. If you pretend that wasn’t just a tiny bit of the crazy you would have a point. From the manifesto your partisan source left out….
“ Political Reasons
In short, America is rotting from the inside out, and peaceful means to stop this seem to be nearly impossible. The inconvenient truth is that our leaders, both Democrat AND
Republican, have been failing us for decades. They are either complacent or involved in one of the biggest betrayals of the American public in our history. The takeover of the United States government by unchecked corporations. I could write a ten page essay on all the damage these corporations have caused, but here is what is important. Due to the death of the baby boomers, the increasingly anti-immigrant rhetoric of the right and the ever increasing Hispanic population, America will soon become a one party-state. The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a
Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election. Although the Republican Party is also terrible. Many factions within the Republican Party are pro-corporation. Procorporation pro-immigration. But some factions within the Republican Party don’t prioritize corporations over our future. So the
Democrats are nearly unanimous with their support of immigration while the Republicans are divided over it. At least with Republicans, the process of mass immigration and citizenship can be greatly reduced.”

Gosh that sounds a bit like you WB.

Fair play!
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
So there is a bit of the manifesto that talks about environmental concerns. If you pretend that wasn’t just a tiny bit of the crazy you would have a point. From the manifesto your partisan source left out….
“ Political Reasons
In short, America is rotting from the inside out, and peaceful means to stop this seem to be nearly impossible. The inconvenient truth is that our leaders, both Democrat AND
Republican, have been failing us for decades. They are either complacent or involved in one of the biggest betrayals of the American public in our history. The takeover of the United States government by unchecked corporations. I could write a ten page essay on all the damage these corporations have caused, but here is what is important. Due to the death of the baby boomers, the increasingly anti-immigrant rhetoric of the right and the ever increasing Hispanic population, America will soon become a one party-state. The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a
Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election. Although the Republican Party is also terrible. Many factions within the Republican Party are pro-corporation. Procorporation pro-immigration. But some factions within the Republican Party don’t prioritize corporations over our future. So the
Democrats are nearly unanimous with their support of immigration while the Republicans are divided over it. At least with Republicans, the process of mass immigration and citizenship can be greatly reduced.”

Gosh that sounds a bit like you WB.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
So there is a bit of the manifesto that talks about environmental concerns. If you pretend that wasn’t just a tiny bit of the crazy you would have a point. From the manifesto your partisan source left out….
“ Political Reasons
In short, America is rotting from the inside out, and peaceful means to stop this seem to be nearly impossible. The inconvenient truth is that our leaders, both Democrat AND
Republican, have been failing us for decades. They are either complacent or involved in one of the biggest betrayals of the American public in our history. The takeover of the United States government by unchecked corporations. I could write a ten page essay on all the damage these corporations have caused, but here is what is important. Due to the death of the baby boomers, the increasingly anti-immigrant rhetoric of the right and the ever increasing Hispanic population, America will soon become a one party-state. The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a
Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election. Although the Republican Party is also terrible. Many factions within the Republican Party are pro-corporation. Procorporation pro-immigration. But some factions within the Republican Party don’t prioritize corporations over our future. So the
Democrats are nearly unanimous with their support of immigration while the Republicans are divided over it. At least with Republicans, the process of mass immigration and citizenship can be greatly reduced.”

Gosh that sounds a bit like you WB.

Despite Iggy's idiot cheerleading, your desperate attempt to spin this kid as a "white supremacist" and as a Republican are obviously wrong. OBVIOUSLY.

The kid who wrote this is an ethnic hispanic resident of Texas. Full stop. The kid is HISPANIC.
He speaks in his manifesto with a focus on overpopulation, environmental and anti-corporate concerns, NOT in racial terms. None of those three issues are "white supremacist" or racially focused, they are clearly leftist/Democrat issues.
The kid in his manifesto speaks AS A HISPANIC of a poisonous open-borders ideology that he AS A HISPANIC sees infecting HIS hispanic community in Texas, sees as bad for the country, that will result in overpopulation of the U.S., if it is not stopped. His problem is not with Texas becoming hispanic, Texas ALREADY IS hispanic, HE is hispanic, his problem is the racial pandering of the Democrats will make the firehose of massive immigrattion into Texas even more unstoppable.

He is clearly not a Republican or a white supremacist, HE IS HISPANIC, and while not a Republican ideologically, sees the Republicans as the slightly more preferable choice of the two political parties. But clearly, at the center of his thinking is preventing overpopulation. His only issue with race is that hispanic immigrants are a voting bloc for Democrat policy, that will bringi in uncontrolled millions more immigrants to the U.S.
As is CRYSTAL clear in the article I linked and posted in its entirety.
The kid was CLEARLY not trying to create a white Aryan Texas, he was only (in his mindset) trying to stop overpopulation.
I CLEARLY do NOT share his ideology. I don't see killing immigrants, hispanic or otherwise, as a solution. I want to prevent them from immigrating here illegally, and want to see the millions illegals let in deported. People who LEGALLY immigrate to the U.S., who assimilate and become one of us, I welcome. People who come here illegally and/or don't assimilate and become a healthy and productive part of our culture should be deported.

But sticking to the kid's motivating ideology, it again is CLEARLY about environmentalism and preventing overpopulation, CLEARLY not about "white supremacy" or race.

Which in your liberal zeal, you tried to misrepresent, to re-direct and deflect with a new lying narrative.
Despite that it is CRYSTAL clear in the article I posted.

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Cry harder, Wanky...

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Originally Posted by iggy
Cry harder, Wanky...

In other words you can't factually dispute what I've cited and sourced. So you resort to hollow idiot gloating and insults.
Thanks for playing.


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I think reading the whole crazy manifesto disproves what you posted WB. The piece you posted probably works for an audience that is comfortable with Trump joking about Nancy Pelosi’s husband being brutally beaten with a hammer though.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
From the 21 year old American and self proclaimed white nationalist himself…” Office of public affairs he wrote a manifesto, titled “An Inconvenient Truth,” and uploaded it to the internet minutes before he commenced his attack. In it, he characterized himself as a white nationalist, motivated to kill Hispanics because they were immigrating to the United States. Crusius admitted to selecting El Paso, a border city, as his target to dissuade Mexican and other Hispanic immigrants from coming to the United States.”

You are doing exactly what you’re accusing me and it’s very easy to see that WB. But Crusius is a right wing nut.


Though Left-wing media — mainstream and otherwise — have portrayed Patrick Crusius (shown), the cowardly, hate-filled shooter in the El Paso massacre, as a “Right-winger,” the reality is that his manifesto (which the Left-wing media refuse to publish, while selectively quoting) shows that he was clearly motivated by Left-wing ideology. In other words, the Left caused the shooting and then blamed it on the Right.

Examples of Leftist media blaming the shooting on Right-wing ideology are legion. For instance, CrooksAndLiars, a liberal “news” site, claimed in an August 5 headline that “El Paso Shooter’s Manifesto Uses Trump And Right Wing Talking Points” and includes such calumnies as, “his ‘manifesto’ hate screed is filled with talking points and terminology used by Donald Trump at his Nazi MAGA rallies and FOX News hosts like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity.” Now, that is a broad brush indeed. And despite its extreme breadth, it still managed to hit the wrong target while skillfully avoiding the correct one. In case their readers are so dull as to miss the point of the article, the writer of that erroneous piece ended with, “The only way to try to pull us back from the brink of a straight up civil war is stricter gun control laws and to vote Donald Trump out. He is the cancer. He is the tumor. He is the sickness infecting our country.”

Left-leaning Slate echoed that error, in an article equating the El Paso shooter — and many other recent Left-wing shooters — with the Right. The headline, which was about as accurate as it was subtle, claimed, “Right-Wingers Are America’s Deadliest Terrorists.” Claiming that “right-wing terrorists have killed more people on U.S. soil than jihadis have since 9/11,” the article runs the gamut from the outrageous to the ridiculous.

Leaving behind anything resembling accuracy and research, Business Insider had the audacity to report on a “study” claiming “all of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism.” The cited “study” is from the Left-leaning and self-serving Anti-Defamation League. Perhaps someone should tell the folks over at the Anti-Defamation League that spouting fake claims while painting every recent mass shooting as “Right-wing” is itself defamation. The irony is likely deliberate, though; It appears that rather than merely being mistaken, they are instead full of the stuff male bovines leave behind.

Because as with the Christchurch shooter, the manifesto written by Crusius shows that his ideology is actually that of the Left, not the Right.

He begins by stating, “I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto.” Amongst his grievances, Crusius cites the “takeover of the United States government by unchecked corporations.” Reality check: Is that language and sentiment from the conservative Right or from the liberal Left? He could have — and may have — borrowed that claim from any of a plethora of speeches by that darling-of-the-Left, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).

Furthermore, Crusius goes on to decry the evils of pro-corporatism, writing, “Procorporation = pro-immigration” (i.e., because big corporations want cheap immigrant labor) before going on to attack America itself as a blight on the environment:

  • Of course these migrants and their children have contributed to the problem, but are not the sole cause of it. The American lifestyle affords our citizens an incredible quality of life. However, our lifestyle is destroying the environment of our country. The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly overharvesting resources. This has been a problem for decades. For example, this phenomenon is brilliantly portrayed in the decades old classic “The Lorax”. Water sheds around the country, especially in agricultural areas, are being depleted. Fresh water is being polluted from farming and oil drilling operations.

    Consumer culture is creating thousands of tons of unnecessary plastic waste and electronic waste, and recycling to help slow this down is almost non-existent. Urban sprawl creates inefficient cities which unnecessarily destroys millions of acres of land. We even use god knows how many trees worth of paper towels just wipe water off our hands. Everything I have seen and heard in my short life has led me to believe that the average American isn’t willing to change their lifestyle, even if the changes only cause a slight inconvenience. The government is unwilling to tackle these issues beyond empty promises since they are owned by corporations. Corporations that also like immigration because more people means a bigger market for their products. I just want to say that I love the people of this country, but g*d d**n most of y’all are just too stubborn to change your lifestyle. So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.

He goes on to say that perhaps his massacre of immigrants will serve as “the right incentive” for “the Hispanic population” to “return to their home countries” and ameliorate the extra burden they place on the environment.

So, the primary ideology that seems to drive his hatred of immigration is his underlying assumption that overpopulation is damaging the environment and limiting resources. Again, does this sound like the Right or the Left? In fact, if this writer may be so bold as to state the obvious — even if that statement leads to discomfort — if the assumptions of the Left (that there is no God, that the environment is strained and natural resources are limited and running out, that overpopulation is the “big problem” of our era, that corporations are destroying the world) are correct, his solution would at least make sense. After all, if there is no God — and therefore, no objective standard of right and wrong — then his massacre of immigrants in an effort to protect limited resources for natives cannot be called wrong. It may — in that twisted view — even be considered virtuous.

But rather than face the fact that their ideology is to blame — that their chickens have come home to roost — the Left is doubling down and using this unjustifiable, inexcusable tragedy as a club with which to attack the Right.

How many more twisted minds will the Left radicalize and turn loose on America only to blame the very people who do believe in God, in right and wrong, in hard work and enterprise, in honest values, for the fallout when those twisted, radicalized minions of the Left wreak havoc on innocent victims en masse?

If America truly is to survive the likes of the El Paso shooter and others before (and likely after) him, it will be by standing up against the lies that actually led him to his actions. And those lies come from the Left.

... the intent of the El Paso shooter was QUITE clear.
Despite yours and the Left's attempt to twist it.
Just like the Rep. Gabby Giffords shooter, just like the Aurora Colorado movie theatre shooter, just like the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooter, just like the Trayvon Martin shooter, just like the gay Pulse Night Club shooter, just like....
Well, you get the idea.

In EVERY ONE of these cases, the liberal media and Democrats tried to smear them as "right wing'/Republican/Trump supporter-motivated shootings, and in EVERY ONE of these cases they turned out to be left-wing Democrats. Or in the case of the Pulse Night club in Orlando, an immigrant muslim shooter.

I lose track of the sheer volume of slanderous incendiary rhetoric from Democrats, but have linked and cited it repeatedly at the time they said it, over the last 15 years :

"Conneticut Elementary School shooting...18 children murdered"

"The senseless random shooting of the week (El Paso, Dayton...) "

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More from Wikipedia…” Patrick Wood Crusius (born July 27, 1998) was arrested shortly after the shooting and charged with capital murder.[43][44][45] A 21-year-old white male,[46][47][48] he was last known to have lived in his family's home in Allen, Texas, in the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex,[17][42][49] approximately 650 miles (1,050 km) from El Paso.[50] He graduated in 2017 from Plano Senior High School, and was enrolled at Collin College from 2017 until spring 2019.[50]

Crusius legally purchased a GP WASR-10 semiautomatic rifle and 1,000 rounds of hollow-point ammunition online in June 2019.[3][51] During his first interrogation, he told detectives he had targeted Mexicans, according to an arrest warrant affidavit.[52][53][54][55][47] Crusius was also diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.[56]

Crusius registered to vote in 2016 as a Republican and had a Twitter account from 2017 that showed a photo of Trump in the Oval Office. He also had a pro-Trump poll that included responses such as "#BuildTheWall, #NoSanctuaryCities, #KeepGitmoOpen and #BanSyrianRefugees".[57]”

He posted his manifesto on 8chan, we all know that’s a hot bed for liberals

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
More from Wikipedia…” Patrick Wood Crusius (born July 27, 1998) was arrested shortly after the shooting and charged with capital murder.[43][44][45] A 21-year-old white male,[46][47][48] he was last known to have lived in his family's home in Allen, Texas, in the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex,[17][42][49] approximately 650 miles (1,050 km) from El Paso.[50] He graduated in 2017 from Plano Senior High School, and was enrolled at Collin College from 2017 until spring 2019.[50]

Crusius legally purchased a GP WASR-10 semiautomatic rifle and 1,000 rounds of hollow-point ammunition online in June 2019.[3][51] During his first interrogation, he told detectives he had targeted Mexicans, according to an arrest warrant affidavit.[52][53][54][55][47] Crusius was also diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.[56]

Crusius registered to vote in 2016 as a Republican and had a Twitter account from 2017 that showed a photo of Trump in the Oval Office. He also had a pro-Trump poll that included responses such as "#BuildTheWall, #NoSanctuaryCities, #KeepGitmoOpen and #BanSyrianRefugees".[57]”

He posted his manifesto on 8chan, we all know that’s a hot bed for liberals

That's some major non-sequitur logic.
That's like saying because Crusius has a dog and Trump has a dog, they are ideologically aligned.

What kind of guns he has or what kind of ammunition he purchased doesn't make him a Trump supporter, or motivated to violence by Trump.

I am one of 74.3 million people who voted for Trump in 2020 ( according to official numbers. I believe it was far more, and that official count was manipulated and rigged by the Democrats.)
Total B.S. on your part.

And where exactly did Trump .>>>>EVER<<<<<<<< say we should become mass shooters and kill all Mexican immigrants?
Trump only said we should control our borders, and only allow in immigrants the LEGAL way, so we only allow in people who are vetted, good hardworking non-criminal immigrants who will assimilate, and not become welfare dependents or terrorists, and prey on Americans and fleece our system. Which by the way, has been border security policy as long as we've existed as a country. Up until Obama and Biden.

As you are obviously ignorant of, for the last 2 decades, we let in 1.2 million LEGAL green-card immigrants annually into the country.
Under alleged "white racist genocide advocate" Trump, he was SO RACIST that ... he actually increased LEGAL immigration to 1.5 million legal green-card immigrants a year.
Wow. What a racist, what a xenophobe.
He's SO RACIST, that for 50 years, long before other companies were doing it, Trump's real estate construction company was promoting women and minorities to high-level executive positions.
Trump is SO HOMOPHOBIC that... he is the first president to openly support gays without equivocation. That he made Rick Grennell the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. , then ambassador to Germany, and then the temporary Director of National Intelligence.
I might add that Trump is far more pro-gay than myself.
I don't hate gays, I have gay friends, gay co-workers and gay family members I am friendly with. I just disagree with their views and think, based on considerable evidence, that they are wrong on that issue, and that being gay is ultimately hurting them and others.

For 20 years here on RKMB, I've believed you are a nice and sincere person, M E M, who I disagree with politically, but I've thought despite our disagreements, are still a nice person.
But NOW...
I think your party's rhetoric is leading you off the deep end, into some mean-spirited VICIOUS fanaticism. The kind of demagoguery that makes people murder their neighbors in a Kristallnacht type event, a Leninist revolution, a Stalin-type Ukranianian holodomor.
A Maoist type revolution where they round up and eviscerate the demonized scapegoated undeserving Chinese landlords with spears.
That's where your rhetoric is headed.

When you say garbage like this, linking this random schizophrenic environmentalist shooter nut to Trump, it is such a vicious lie about Trump and his supporters, that I can only presume you are DELIBERATELY fronting an egregiously vicious untruth, and that you are not the nice person you seem to be, but a vicious liar, as vicious as the worst fanatics in your party, to deliberately slander Trump and his supporters as either advocating mass murder, or actually BEING mass murderers.
You know who hates and demonizes a group of people that much, the way you are? MASS MURDERERS. Or leadership trying to incite mass murder, for their own Jacobinist /Marxist /Democrat-Bolshevik ends.

RE-READ WHAT I SOURCED AND LINKED ABOVE, that details what Crusius said and believed, in his own words.

While he targeted Mexicans, he did so for ecological reasons, not "white supremacist" reasons. He didn't care what race the Mexican immigrants were, he cared what they believed ideologically, and that mass waves of immigrants would further environmentally damage the United States. That is what Crusius believed, sourced and cited from his own writings. . And it is clear he is not a Republican, but considers the Republicans a grain of sand less destructive to his environmental utopia than than the Democrats.
And again, THE SHOOTER HIMSELF IS HISPANIC. This isn't about race, it's about environmentalist ideology, and an obsessive schizophrenic worldview.

You seem to daily follow political issues, perhaps honestly misinformed and a dupe of Leftist propaganda (you seem to go to sources that spoon feed you the most radical leftist/Democrat talking points narrative, rather than actual facts).
If you are NOT just a dupe of Democrat propaganda, then you HAVE TO know you are engaging in vicious slander and mischaracterization of Trump and his supporters. In which case, you are deliberately slandering Trump and his supporters just to hurt them politically.
In which case you are one in spirit with the Kristallnacht killers of the Jews, and one with the Leninists and Maoists who stabbed the scapegoated and demonized "Kulacs" to death. Vive Le revolucion !, right, M E M?

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WB I was just pointing out and sourcing that the shooter was a white male, registered republican that had voted for Trump. He posted a crazy manifesto that included the type of voter replacement theory with democrats using immigration to overpower republicans that you believe in. Trying to spin a part of that crazy manifesto and excluding everything else like him being a registered republican is just being deceptive. You support a guy that jokes about Pelosi’s husband being brutally beaten with a hammer by yet another crazy person that drank the kool aid. And his voters are good with it.

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El Paso suspect appears to have posted anti-immigrant screed
Link confirming the shooter was a registered Republican and Trump supporter.

Also a link to the full manifesto…

WB I know we get in heated discussions but I hope you know I wish you well. That said you used a partisan source that was truly deceptive. And what is your source on his race? News articles that i’m seeing mention race all say white.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
WB I was just pointing out and sourcing that the shooter was a white male, registered republican that had voted for Trump. He posted a crazy manifesto that included the type of voter replacement theory with democrats using immigration to overpower republicans that you believe in. Trying to spin a part of that crazy manifesto and excluding everything else like him being a registered republican is just being deceptive. You support a guy that jokes about Pelosi’s husband being brutally beaten with a hammer by yet another crazy person that drank the kool aid. And his voters are good with it.

AGAIN: Re-read the article I posted, an analysis of his actual manifesto and posts, that goes beyond the eager kneejerk impulse of CNN and other liberal media to call Patrick Crusius a "white supremacist'.

Because media and the Democrat/Left are ideologues who want to portray Crusius that way, and conflate Crusius' weird idea of killing immigrants to stop overpopulation (Crusius killed 20, 13 of them hispanic, even as 10,000 a day pour over the Texas border). Immigrants who according to Crusius' manifesto (and many conservative and liberal immigration scholars confirm) will turn Texas blue, and will vote overwhelmingly Democrat in the future, that he envisioned as a permanent-majority voter-base that will enable even more overpopulation and environmental destruction in the future, that will completely enable Democrats' radical policy with a permanent uncontrolled majority.

Look at his last name. Does Crusius sound like a white/anglo/Aryan name?
Possibly originating from Spain, Portugal, Italy, somewhere in latin America, or Greece.

I looked at dozens of articles on the El Paso shooter, and the mainstream leftist media hijack the story and avoid discussion of Crusius' ethnicity, even when they front in the headline to detail his ethnic background.. They NEVER say the nationality of his parents or grandparents, what country or countries his family immigrated to the U.S. from, or the origin of his surname. The media shave the facts, TO PORTRAY him as white supremacist, and avoid detailing his environmental/leftist ideas in his manifesto, that ONLY the article I linked details. All others I could find simply describe him as "white" or "American", and raised in Texas.
But all white persons in the U.,S. came from somewhere in Europe originally. I myself am English, Irish, Scottish, German, Dutch, and Cherokee. And witthout detailing his race, the media label him "white supremacist", because that is the lying narrative that suits their political agenda.

Crusius was not simply about killing ethnic hispanics, that media narrative deceitfully evades his larger over-reaching goal. His idea was to stop immigration to the U.S. PERIOD, NOT just non-white immigrants. In his mindset, to stop the environmental damage to the U.S. due to massive new millions of immigrants to the U.S. every year. And Mexicans (at least until Biden's presidency changed that demographic for the first time, Biden inaugurated well AFTER Crusius' 2019 El Paso shooting), have long been the largest wave of immigrants to the U.S. year after year, for decades.
Mexicans/hispanics are simply the single largest group of immigrants pouring into the U.S., whether measuring LEGAL immigrants or ILLEGAL immigrants. For decades, Mexicans/hispanics have consistently been the largest group in both categories.

Crusius even says in his social media posts that his ideology on immigration was fully formed before Trump ever ran for president in 2016, so by Crusius' own words, Trump can't be blamed for Crusius' ideas.

But regardless, you, the Democrats, and the liberal media want to lyingly make that insinuation, of Crusius being a result of "build the wall" Trump ideology. Crusius even posts hostiliy toward the Republican party for enabling Democrats' excessive immigration, and for allying with corporations, allowing both immigration and pollution.
Only by HIDING these facts can it be dumbed down to Crusius just being a "white racist Trump supporter".

Look at these photos of Crusius:

[Linked Image from]

[Linked Image from]

Granted, there are other photos where he looks more "white", but in none of them does he look particularly Aryan.
There's a big difference between "white supremacist" and "stop the invasion."
Crusius' stated written views seem to consistently be the latter., despite how you and others try to portray him.

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“ Crusius is a Latinized German surname, typically Latinized from Kraus or Krause. It may refer to: Christian August Crusius (1715–1775), German philosopher and Protestant theologian. Ludwig Friedrich Otto Baumgarten-Crusius (1788–1843), German Protestant divine.”
From NPR…
“ The 21-year-old white man accused of driving more than 11 hours through Texas to kill Hispanics at an El Paso Walmart in August pleaded not guilty to capital murder charges on Thursday, contradicting a confession he made following the shooting, according to police documents.”
You can find links from the Times and others on Wikipedia plainly stating he’s a white male.

So a white male, registered as a Republican who worried his actions would be used by the fake news to blame Trump. You’re doing what you accuse others of doing WB.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
“ Crusius is a Latinized German surname, typically Latinized from Kraus or Krause. It may refer to: Christian August Crusius (1715–1775), German philosopher and Protestant theologian. Ludwig Friedrich Otto Baumgarten-Crusius (1788–1843), German Protestant divine.”
From NPR…
“ The 21-year-old white man accused of driving more than 11 hours through Texas to kill Hispanics at an El Paso Walmart in August pleaded not guilty to capital murder charges on Thursday, contradicting a confession he made following the shooting, according to police documents.”
You can find links from the Times and others on Wikipedia plainly stating he’s a white male.

So a white male, registered as a Republican who worried his actions would be used by the fake news to blame Trump. You’re doing what you accuse others of doing WB.

That is just you repeating your narrative. See the artilce I already posted above (that you try to lie and deflect from) that goes into Patrick Cusius' rhetoric in his online manifesto, and the full enviromentalist context of his mindset, that you try to deflect from and evade just to sell a narrative.

And just because one guy in history who is German has the same name, doesn't prove it is a German name. The name Jesus is the same in several languages, Obviously Jesus in english, i is still Jesus in spanish, just with the pronounciaion <hey zeus> .

Even the part you wrote about Crusius being "registered as a Republican" is a slander and a lie, just said so you can sell a narrative. As I JUST QUOTED, Crusius had as much clearly written contempt in his posts for the Republican party, and just saw the Republicans as a grain of sand closer to protecting his environmentalist concerns. That you try to gloss over in an attempt and blame and smear Trump for the shooting, or blanket-smear his crazy genocidal ideas as allegedly shared or inspired by the Republican party as a whole. CLEARLY, it is NOT inspired by or shared by other Republicans.

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Lol, I’m enjoying that you’re trying to spin a registered Republican that voted for Trump as being a liberal using a partisan conservative spin sight.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Lol, I’m enjoying that you’re trying to spin a registered Republican that voted for Trump as being a liberal using a partisan conservative spin sight.

All you're doing is proving your own malice and dishonesty, M E M.

Thsi Crusius guy is no more a Republican than George Zimmerman, or Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza, or Aurora Colorado movie theatre shooter James Holmes, or Rep. Gaby Giffords shooter Jared Loughner, and so many others.
ALL of whom you and your party lyingly categorized as "right wing Republicans" or Trump supporters, that ALL turned out to be deliberate liberal media false narratives, and each to actually be left wing Democrats with weird leftist ideas.

So... you're a vicious partisan liar, just like always. Pushing a lying NARRATIVE, not facts.
Patrick Crusius is not a Republican, or at all inspired by Republican or Trump ideology, Crusius is literally insane. And as I said, he actually voiced a good amount of contempt for the Republican party. By his own words, his ideology existed before Trump even became a candidate in 2016,.
And Crusius' motivation, as quoted FROM HIS OWN POSTS ABOVE, was motivated by leftist / environmentalist ideology, not racism.
Democrats and the liberal media have to misrepresent that, to make it conform to their lying narrative.

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The Texas shooter in a racist Walma...on. Here’s what to know about the case

“EL PASO, Texas (AP) — A WHITE Texas gunman who killed 23 people at a Walmart in 2019 returned to court Wednesday for sentencing in a mass shooting that targeted Hispanic shoppers in the border city of El Paso.“

“ The son of a licensed therapist and nurse, Crusius had been enrolled as a student at Collin College, near Dallas, and had no criminal convictions before the shooting. On social media, Crusius appeared consumed by the nation’s immigration debate, tweeting #BuildtheWall and posts that praised then-President Donald Trump’s hardline border policies.

His views went further in a document posted to an online message board about 20 minutes before the massacre in which he said the shooting was “in response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.”

In American politics, Republicans continue to use the word “invasion” to describe migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, waving off critics who say the rhetoric fuels anti-immigrant views and violence.”

You just made up his race to suit your false narrative WB. Do keep try to shill though. Again you present the partisan spin that leaves out that he was a Trump supporter and you both share the same voter replacement theory from the far right.

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I'd just like to take this moment to, again, point out that things like this are why no one takes Wonder Dave seriously.

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brutally Kamphausened
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brutally Kamphausened
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Originally Posted by iggy
panic I'd just like to take this moment to, again, point out that things like this are why no one takes Wonder Dave seriously. panic

In oher words... you're a lying troll, whose only purpose here is to harass me. And harass any other person here who dares to voice a conservative point of view.
Review of your posts here for 14 years make clear that no one should take YOU seriously. You post pure insults, no actual content. You are the definition of unhinged and malicious.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
EverYthInG tHat diSagrEEs wITh mE Is LYING NARRATIVE!

But, sure, I'm the bonkers one here.


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