In case Youtube follows its usual tendency to censor dissenting opinion and truth, here is the same program on the Rumble site.
This is a 38-minute highlights version
https://rumble.com/vtamrn-covid-19-a-second-opinion-shorter-highlight-video.htmlAnd here is the full 5-hour version:
https://rumble.com/vt7uj3-covid-19-a-second-opinion-full-panel-discussion.htmlhttps://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/covidAnd here is Sen. Ron Johnson's website, linking his efforts to get out word of effective medical treatment since the beginning of the pandemic in Jan 2020,
often met with censorship by Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, CNN and MSNBC, either propagandized as a "conspiracy theorist", a promoter of false information, or mocked by CNN and MSNBC's self-discrediting insults and namecalling.