
Another I looked at recently, in the credits of STRANGE TALES 180 are several (i think pretty obvious) playful pseudonyms used by Jim Starlin. where he was taking on multiple duties on a single story as writer, penciller, inker and colorist, and for the hell of it, since his name was already on the credits once, he made up other acronyms for the additional credits.

Sam Jilttirn
J.L. Minirats
Ms. Natjril

full issue at:

I picture Starlin with a scrabble board, moving around the letters over and over to come up with these.

In 181, and where the series continued in WARLOCK 9-15, Starlin would list the credits for the letterer, colorist, inker and editor, and then at the bottom just modestly list himself as "finisher", or "everything else", as if he were just the guy doing little add-ons to someone else's story, instead of the very talented guy who was the writer and artist on one of he best series in comics history.