So in response to a video showing he was asked to leave after you repeatedly have asserted that he was never asked to leave you proclaim I know it’s garbage. Your false assertions certainly are as your shaman was clearly asked to leave in video. He participated in an attempt to stop the constitutional transfer of power. That isn’t a small thing WB nor do I believe for a minute you would feel the same way if he had been a liberal protester. It was of course something you wanted to happen. Your pretense that you support the constitution and the rule of law is truly what you’re revealing to be garbage.
The video clearly shows Quanon Shaman guy committed no violence, and was never commanded to leave, or physically pressed by police to leave.
Despite your sophistry to try and circumnavigate the truth, the Capitol officer in the video NEVER commanded Jacob Chansley to leave, it was very passive and never rose o the level of a command to leave. Quite the opposite, this Capitol officer and a total of 9 Capitol officers walked around the building with Chansley, and NEVER verbally or physically pressed Cansley or the others to leave.
You try to portray this as some kind of
"violent insurrecion"
on Chansley's part.
But when the video was revealed it was SO INCRIMINATING THAT...
FBI was forced to admit that Chansley was
NOT guilty of what FBI alleged, and he was immediately released from jail. After 2 and 1/2 years in jail, imprisoned FOR NO REASON.
My FACTS, your transparent lies, the truth is exposed despite your desperate grasp for another Bolshevik narrative. It doesn't fly. Chansley was released, because he is demonstrably innocent.
As are so many others unjustly jailed after January 6h.