Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
[quote=Matter-eater Man]Special counsel probe uncovers new details about Trump's inaction on Jan. 6: Sources
“ Sources said Scavino told Smith's investigators that as the violence began to escalate that day, Trump "was just not interested" in doing more to stop it.

So this was Trump on Jan 6 as his special people rioted inside and outside the capitol.
Originally Posted by M E M
Did you even read this WB? From his most trusted people this is what evil looks like.

"This is what evil looks like"...
lol lol lol
lol lol lol

More Leftist propaganda. Where to begin.

First of all, ABC News is hyperpartisan Left.
George Stephanopoulos is a hyperpartisan, Bill Clinton's former press secretary, who in one documentary is shown in the White House during the Clinton years calling someone and threatening them with his Whitte House power, giving them an offer they couldn't refuse. He has no moral high ground to call Trump or anyone else a tyrant or a powermonger or evil. What Stephanopoulos did in the Clinton years is way more abuse of power than Trump has ever exerted. And since the Clinton years, Stephanopoulos as a "journalist" has in fact been a propagandist for the Democrat cause, whatever the daily talking points, for about 23 years.
ABC correspondent Jonathan Karl is likewise a Democrat / left propagandist, who never misses the opportunity to slander Donald Trump, to promote the cuurent lying Democrat talking points. In the video clip with the article, he narrates "angry Trump supporters violently storming the Capitol". Greg Kelly has given chapter and verse on Jonathan Karl's biases, and his multiple books attacking the Trump administration. Just another brick in the pyramid of liberal media bias.

It is an obscene lie to say Trump supporters acted violently on Jan 6th.
It was not Trump supporters who shot Ashli Babbitt,
It was not Trump supporters who fired concussion grenades and tear gas into crowds of PEACEFULLY demonstrating Trump supporters just standing around waving flags, OUTSIDE the Capitol, FAR AWAY from the small bit of violence that happened inside one hallway of the Capitol. And as I've said before, these three who died had pre-existing health conditions, so that the CAPITOL POLICE -- *NOT* "angry" Trump supporters-- directly or indirectly caused the deaths of these three.

In short, ALL the deaths that occurred were because of Capitol police violence and excessive force, *NOT* because of any action by Trump or his supporters, "angry" or otherwise.
There were "at least 20" undercover FBI agents, DISGUISED as Trump supporters. According to FBI's OWN REPORTS on Jan 6th.
There were at least 20 undercover DHS agents, DISGUISED as Trump supporters. By their own admission.
There were at least 10 undercover DC Metro police officers, DISGUISED as Trump supporters. By their own admission.

It is my firm belief, based on evidence, both of how Trump supporters have very peacefully behaved at any other rally in the last 8 years, AND the reluctance of FBI leadership to discuss the precise actions of FBI agents hidden in the crowd on January 6th, that FBI and other federal/police agents deliberately tried to incite the mob, smashed windows to encourage Trump supporters to enter the Capitol (i.e., they SET THEM UP, AND FRAMED THEM), committed violence and vandalism, to have it blamed on PEACEFUL Trump supporters,

That it was likely DC Metro police, or federal agents disguised as police, who removed the police barricades, to trick Trump supporters into coming inside the Capitol building. There was only ONE clash with about 8 or 10 police, in one hallway for about 30 minutes, while multiple other doors were wide open where peaceful Trump supporters were WELCOMED IN by Capitol police to wander around, with no warnings or admonitions ever given by police when hey came in. Setting them up, so they could later be arrested for "trespassing", and later overcharged with "obstructing a federal proceeding" and other piled on overcharges, that no Democrat protesters who far more aggressively entered were ever charged with, who did more damage HAVE EVER BEEN CHARGED WITH. Only Trump supporters.
FBI also set up a "geo-fence" to pick up the cel phone signals, phone numbers and messaages, photos and other phone contents of everyone who was within a few hundred yards of the Capitol.
AGAIN, a set-up by police and federal agents.

None of this was done to the far more aggressive Brett Kavanaugh protesters in 2018 by FBI, who "occupied" he Capitol.
None of this was done to environmentalists who ALSO entered and "occupied" the Capitol far more aggressively and for a much longer time, and did more damage.

None of this was done to the Antifa persons who were DISGUISED as Trump supporters, in the Capitol RIGHT NEXT TO ASHLI BABBITT on Jan 6th, WHO CAUSED HER SHOOTING, AND VIDEOTAPED IT BY TWO DIFFERENT PERSONS FROM TWO DIFFERENT ANGLES. John Earle Sullivan and his followers were out almost immediately, released and at home, set free to continue posting their hate on Facebook and Twitter, further inciting Antifa-style revolution nationwide every day for the last 3 years.
While ACTUAL "peaceful and patriotic" Trump supporter mere "trespassers" have been detained in federal prison cells under terrible conditions for all that time. Who have lost their jobs an businesses, and had their homes foreclosed because they could no longer work and pay their bills, let alone see their wives and children. Who should have just been fined for trespassing and sent home. As BLM and Antifa were in similar protests nationwide over the last 8 years.

Why do I think FBI framed them, and did what little violence occurred themselves, to frame Trump supporters? Because of the consistent FBI example and partisan conspiracy against Trump by James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bill Priestap, Andrew McCabe, Kevin Clinesmith, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, on and on.
And the FBI agents who just in the months prior in 2020 did a similar frame job in the alleged plot to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer. Where FBI agents were 12 of he 15 people involved in the "kidnapping" plot. These impoverished dimwitted alleged "white supremacists" would haave been utterly incapable of such a kidnapping plot without the FBI's "help".
FBI provided the plan to kidnap Whitmer.
FBI provided the getaway van.
FBI provided the funding for the operation.
And then the FBI supervisor of this fiasco sting operation, instead of being fired or demoted by FBI... was immediately after sent to supervise undercover surveillance of Trump supporters during the January 6th rally.
And that FBI supervisor also rabidly hates Trump and made that hate crystal clear in his texts and social media posts. And is a wife beater, whose wife divorced him shortly after Jan 6th.


  • At the center of the action was the FBI’s ringleader, Dan Chappel, 34 at the time, an Iraq war veteran and contract truck driver for the U.S. Postal Service. Chappel, the official story goes, joined a group called the Wolverine Watchmen in early 2020 to burnish his firearms skills. Members generally interacted on social media.

    The government claimed that Chappel became alarmed at alleged online chatter about killing police and took his concerns to a friend in law enforcement in March 2020.

    A week later, the FBI hired Chappel as an informant.

    Over the course of the next seven months, Chappel “ingratiated” himself with the men, as one defense attorney described his method, with an eye particularly on [Adam] Fox, 37, the reported mastermind of the plot. While the media portrayed Fox as a military leader prepping an army of “white supremacists” to overthrow state governments across the country, he was, in reality, a homeless man living in the dilapidated basement of a vacuum repair shop without running water or a toilet in a Grand Rapids strip mall. One co-defendant referred to him as “Captain Autism.”

    Fox’s lawyer, Christopher Gibbons, said Chappel took on a “father figure” role to his fatherless and destitute client. Fox and Chappel exchanged thousands of texts. Chappel drove Fox, who did not own a car, to various meetups and staged events while recording every moment to preserve as evidence against him. On at least three occasions, according to testimony offered at trial, Chappel offered Fox a prepaid credit card authorized by the FBI with a $5,000 limit to help him buy guns and ammunition; Fox, despite being broke, declined each time.

    Chappel, known as “Big Dan” to the group, created encrypted chats and gave real-time access to his FBI handlers working out of the Detroit FBI field office as the farfetched plan unfolded.

    Informants and targets mulled over how to blow up a bridge outside Whitmer’s summer cottage; kill her security detail; take her to a nearby boat launch; and either abandon her in the middle of Lake Michigan or bring her across the lake to Wisconsin to stand a “citizen’s trial” over her COVID-19 lockdown policies. One discussion involved the implausible use of a military helicopter.

    From appearances, a demonstration at the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing on April 30, 2020, might well have been a law enforcement dress rehearsal for Jan. 6.

    Chappel traveled to the event in Lansing with three members of the Watchmen later held on state charges. Some protesters were clad in military gear and carried firearms, but could not enter the building. When Chappel told his FBI handler what was happening, the FBI ordered the Michigan State Police to stand down and allow protesters inside.

    News photographers captured the moment when protesters “stormed” the [Michigan] State Capitol and called out for Whitmer, resulting in the same sort of optics produced at the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

    The incident took on greater significance when it was revealed that Steven D’Antuono, head of the Detroit FBI field office during the Whitmer caper, was promoted to head up the FBI field office in Washington, D.C., three months before Jan. 6.


And in the case of 66 year old January 6th protester Richard Barnett, he said he wandered in the Capitol with the crowd and was just looking around, and when he tried to leave, two men ("un-indicted co-conspirator" FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters, there to frame rump supporters?) blocked the door and prevented him from leaving, and then encouraged him to sit at a desk with his feet up and pose for a photo that THEY took, AT THEIR SUGGESTION. That these were quite possibly federal agents, and this was part of the set up of Trump suuporters. FBI Agents provocateur.
I notice the Democrats and liberal media don't want to talk anymore about Richard Barnett, or about "Quanon shaman" Jacob Chansley anymore, formerly the poster-boys for Democrats' "white supemacis Trump supporter Jan 6th insurrection" , because those narratives have now been exposed as completely false, and blown up in the Democrats' faces.
So they don't mention them by name anymore, and now try to sweep those narratives under the rug, and not draw attention to them. Because they now prove the public was lied to by Democrats and the liberal media.
And even the New York Times that started the "Officer Brian Sicknick was bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher by violent WHITE SUPREMACIST Trump supporter" narrative, exposed factually as a false narrative about 6 months after Jan 6th, forced the liberal media and Democra leaders to COMPLETELY go silent their own narrative, after several times floating other false narratives (as I detailed in previous posts).
So that again is another collapsed narrative the Democrat/Left now tries not to talk about. Completely false, completely disproven. Now another texbook example of the Democrats' entirely false narrative surrounding every aspect of January 6th.

Senators Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Ron Johnson, among others, asked FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism Jill Sanborn (in charge of FBI's Jan 6 investigations) , and in later Senate hearings testimony also questioned FBI director Christopher Wray, about the FBI undercover agents disguised as Trump supporters among the crowd on January 6th. Their evasive answers only further support the appearance of an attempt to frame Trump supporters.
Asked if undercover FBI agents incited the crowd to violence and vandalism, both FBI officials (Sanborn, and Wray) said "I can't answer that, Senator."
Asked if undercover agents that day COMMITTED VIOLENCE OR VANDALISM THEMSELVES, they again said "Senator, I can't answer that."
That to me is a YES. That FBI DID incite violence, and commit acts of vandalism and violence themselves, to blame on Trump and his supporters.

And then there's the ABC News "story" you linked about "trusted Trump insiders" who witnessed what Trump said and did during the hours of he January 6th Capitol riots (Alyssa Farah, Cassidy Hutchinson, and "Anonymous" author later revealed to be an out-of-he loop nobody lackey named Miles Taylor, all exposed as liars who fronted provably false narratives.)
Again, George Stephanopoulos and Jonathan Karl are partisans who have hyped false stories about Trump in the past.
Second, I don't trust the alleged context of what their "trusted insider sources" actually said, I think they were slice-and-dice quoted in a context that Trump-hating and team-Democrat ABC News wanted to spin it in. I think they could be people who are completely loyal to Trump (such as Cippolone) who are quoted in a way that implies something that wasn't actually said by them.

And we also have examples of other "trusted" White House advisors, who exploited their time in the Trump administration to leverage themselves into media careers.
One (Cassidy Hutchinson) alleged a ride and conversations in Trump's presidential limousine and a dramatic story of how Trump tried to grab the steering wheel and turn the car around to go where he wanted to go on Jan 6th. Completely discredited by Secret Service agents who were in those vehicles. But false narratives that are still pure catnip for CNN, MSNBC, ABC News and the New York Times.

Another young brunette White House assistant (Alyssa Farah Griffin ) also exploited Trump to write a questionably accurate tell-all book, and leveraged her way to become for the last year one of the harpy-shrew panelists on The View.

And ultimately, even if what they said in the linked article was hypothetically damning of Trump (which it isn't) , it is just their opinion, NOT the silver bullet "proof" of anything as you leap to speculate. They were advisors who gave their OPINION to Trump, and Trump rejected their assessments as false, and went with his own intuitions about the Capitol situation that day.

In a similar situation, Trump in 2019 was advised after Iran shot down a U.S. drone, and his advisors pushed Trump to launch a massive retaliatory attack on Iran. But at the last minute, Trump rejected his advisors' wisdom, followed his own instincts, and called off the attack, saying it would have been disproportionate and unnecessarily cost a lot of lives, and if not for Trump, would have pushed us into another trillion-dollar war with Iran.
Trump wisely rejected the advice that former presidents Bush Sr., Clinton, W.Bush and Obama before him took, that led to trillions in unnecessary wars.
Trump, along with Reagan, are the only presidents since World War II not to open up another major war during their presidencies.
That's not "evil" of Trump, that's pragmatic, and in the U.S.'s, and the world's, interest.

You know what's "EVIL" ?
Joe Biden removing all our troops prematurely from Afghanistan, so there was chaos at the airport, 13 U.S. soldiers who were (despite advance warnings ignored) unnecessarily killed by a Taliban suicide bomber in the crowd.

"EVIL" is dozens more desperate Afghans endangered by Biden's abandonment of Afghanistan and chaotic withdrawal, who clung to the planes as they took off and fell thousands of feet to their deaths, rather than be tortured and killed by the waiting Taliban outside the air-base gates. All because of the callous and cynical actions of Joe Biden, who ignored his generals' advice to not withdraw, and then lied they did not advise him.

You know what else is "EVIL"?
Leaving 85 BILLION dollars worth of high-tech hardware, high-tech aircraft and helicopters, guns, and high-tech night-vision goggles that for decades gave U.S. soldiers battlefield superiority. But now Taliban has sold all this hardware to Russia, China and Iran, so they can reverse-engineer them, and a that moment we LOST decades of technological battlefield advantage.
Or perhaps that was the Democrat plan all along.
And that will ultimately cost the U.S. military and civilian lives.

As will allowing tens of thousands of Chinese, Russian, Iranian, ISIS, Hamas and other soldiers/terrorists to slip in the country, across our unprotected southern border, to destroy us from within. Every military advisor I've seen discuss it says such an attack is an absolute certainty at this point.
And Biden, far from moving to contain that threat, allows in another 10,000 more illegals a day, every day, and even more "got-aways" every day, with absolutely no resistance or attempt to make that inflow stop.

You know what else is "EVIL"?
Letting 9 million illegals into the U.S in the last 3 years., that is enriching the drug cartels and human traffickers, giving them absolute control over the border, rather than U.S. Border Patrol.
And compounding on that evil, at least 30% of all the women and girls (and boys) brought in are raped, or even abducted into a permanent lives as prostitutes. That's easily millions of damaged lives, and Biden is directly responsible for what happens to them, EVERY DAY.
No move by Biden to help or protect them.

You know what else is "EVIL"?
Since Biden has taken office and rarmped up illegal immigration, the number of illegals left to die in the desert, from exhaustion, dehydration, snake bites, or who just can't keep up with their coyote border guides, and are left to die in the desert, has risen to about 1,000 a year, the highest in Border Patrol history, who have to find and pick up their shriveled corpses.

MORE evil :
Deaths from Fentanyl and other opiates are now about 106,000 a year in the U.S. (or the total deaths for both the Korean War and the Vietnam war COMBINED, but not just total, but now that many dying EVERY YEAR). That's a lot of ruined lives and dead Americans. China and he Mexican cartels' assymetric war on the United States' civilian population, and on potential military recruits.
Absolutely no move by Biden or the Democrat-Bolsheviks to stop or contain those immense rising annual numbers.

You desperately look for a way to blame and condemn Trump, M E M, with contrived January 6th narratives.
But the fact is, we were a far more secure nation under Trump, before Biden and the Democrats stole the 2020 election, and unleashed their plans to destroy the country.
And the narrative you try to front about what was ultimately a MINISCULE EVENT on Jan 6th, vastly exaggerated by Democrats, for pure propaganda narrative purposes.
Especially in contrast to the ACTUAL casualties of Biden's policy, THOUSANDS of dead, over the last 3 years I just cited above. And that's not even a complete Biden casualty list.

Your narrative attempt reminds me of :

BULLWINKLE: Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
ROCKY: Again ?!? But that trick NEVER works....

Your cheap stunt is the same type of weak attempt.
And deserves to be taken with the exact same level of seriousness.
After hundreds of other Democrat and liberal-media attempts over the last 8 years, each saying "No really !! THIS time we're giving you the silver bullet that will end Trump's political viabiliy and give Democrats the political advantage. No really. HONEST!"
But every time, it turns out to be a canard, and turns to shit. EVERY TIME.

[Linked Image from c.tenor.com]
