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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

My sourced facts, Iggy, your unpersuasive insults.

I'm not wildly speculating that Democrats are America-hating communists. I'm quoting what they've said in their own words, in their writings, or in their videotaped speeches and public remarks.

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You try to spin WB but it’s just not true. Sure you might use a kernel of truth but than ignore anything that disproves or doesn’t fit your propaganda.

Fair play!
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You try to spin WB but it’s just not true. Sure you might use a kernel of truth but than ignore anything that disproves or doesn’t fit your propaganda.

I've cited the Marxist ideology and remarks of Democrat House and Senate legislators, and from the last 3 Democrat White House administrations. Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, A O-C and her "squad", the BLM and Antifa groups your party embraces and never criticizes, Critical Race Theory, the "1619 project" America-hating propaganda, the scorn of our national history as allegedly shameful and racist. The tearing down of statues nationwide of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln, that every Democrat praises, and certainly none ever voice opposition to.
Advocated by virtually every prominent Democrat in the House and Senate.

The overwhelming majority of the leadership in your vicious party is Marxist-Bolshevik to the core. The only three POSSIBLE exceptions I can think of are Senator Joe Manchin, Senator Kirsten Sinema, and the ostracized former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. And former Senator and VP candidate Joseph Lieberman. Certainly none still in the party.

Just pick a name:

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DOCUMENTARY: A history of Ivermectin (20 minutes)

The same mixture of politics and greed that has blocked the use of Ivermectin, are largely the same corrupt reasons that Hydroxychloroquine has been prevented and propagandized against. Both are proven effective against Covid, and against multiple other diseases, without side effects.
But both have expired copyrights, and are available in generic prescriptions for next to nothing, for about 20 dollars per treatment. Proven over decades to be safe.

Whereas there are literally billions to be made with the various and largely ineffective Covid-19 vaccines, that have created 9 new billionaires since they were introduced.

Likewise the Remdesevir threapy that is covered in the video, is highly profitable, but questionably effective, and questionably safe, relatively new and untested.

Likewise a new medication for Covid called Mulnupiravir, which is expensive and not fully tested, but is copyrighted and expensive. And until cleared with years of sample studies, in early studies is believed to be cancer-causing. But is copyright-owned and profitable. It is believed to increase survival of hospitalized patients by 50%.
But Aspirin, which is virtually free, increases survival by 46%.
Virtually the same result, at a much lower cost.
And yet Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, which are pretty much 100% effective at a much lower cost, are not only ignored as a treatment, but actually propagandized against and ridiculed.

The politics and greed of that are covered quite well.

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U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s inflated claim that there are 100,000 pediatric COVID-19 hospitalizations is incorrect, reports Politifact.
Sotomayor made the claim during oral arguments in a case involving the Biden administration's vaccine mandate for private businesses with at least 100 employees.
"We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition, and many on ventilators" due to the coronavirus, Sotomayor incorrectly stated on Friday at the court session.

According to federal data, there are only 3,342 children currently hospitalized for confirmed COVID-19, a number that goes up to 4,652 if suspected coronavirus cases are included, with both figures being less than 5% of the total the justice stated.
Even if all pediatric hospitalization cases since August 1, 2020 are added up, the number is 82,842, according to the CDC.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky on Sunday said Sotomayor’s numbers are way off.

"Yeah," Walensky said during an interview with Fox News when asked whether there were fewer than 3,500 cases.
"But, you know, here’s what I can tell you about our pediatric hospitalizations now," continued the head of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"First of all, the vast majority of children who are in the hospital are unvaccinated, and for those children who are not eligible for vaccination, we do know they are most likely to get sick with COVID if their family members aren’t vaccinated," she said, pushing the Biden administration’s mantra that the unvaxxed are fueling the continued pandemic.

Politifact pointed out that the 100,000 figure Sotomayor cited may be referring to an American Academy of Pediatrics report that as of the end of December, "child COVID-19 cases are above 100,000."
However, that same report also stressed that "it appears that severe illness due to COVID-19 is uncommon among children."

Politifact acknowledged that the number of child coronavirus-positive admissions has gone up significantly since the omicron variant became dominant last month, but nowhere near the rate Sotomayor mentioned.

Walensky pointed out to Fox News that the numbers of COVID hospitalizations generally include those who go to hospitals for other reasons and then test positive while they are there, stating that "in some hospitals that we've talked to, up to 40% of the patients who are coming in with COVID are coming in not because they're sick with COVID but because they're coming in with something else and have had COVID or the omicron variant detected."

Walensky stressed that even though Sotomayor’s figures were incorrect, getting vaccinated is a still a good way to reduce the chances of hospitalization, stating that "the vast majority of children who are in the hospital are unvaccinated, and for those children who are not eligible for vaccination we do know they are most likely to get sick with COVID if their family members aren't vaccinated."

I love how "Politifact" bends over backwards to provide explanations for how Sotomayor's numbers explained by the media as having just possibly misread numbers, that could be explained away as halfway accurate. You can bet they wouldn't provide a similar explanation or alternate possibly-just-misremembered numbers for President Trump or any other Republican. Instead it would be "Trump is a LIAR, Trump is evil, Trump is ignorant, Trump is just making stuff up to justify his hate" or somesuch.
But in Sotomayor's case, they try to rationalize her numbers, despite hers being a blatant fabrication of facts, driven by her partisan ideology, spun by her comrades at Politifact as somehow plausibly truthful. A "wise latina woman with the richness of her experience " reaching a difference conclusion, to be sure.

All three leftist/liberal justices voiced similar inaccuracies (Sotomayor, Breyer and Kagan), that are terrifying in their zealous agenda-pushing, misinformed understanding of the facts, and their complete subservience to Leftist ideology, the law be damned. They are completely committed to a Democrat/Leftist Bolshevik agenda, rather than the Constitutional rule of law, no regard for how these mandates violate the rights of citizens. These Democrat-appointed justices are parroting Democrat talking points, rather than detachedly sorting out the scientific evidence and the true facts, and upholding Constitutional law and rights of millions of private citizens and military soldiers who are being fired from their jobs, fired for no logical reason.
A Supreme Court justice interested in the truth would acknowledge massive Covid spread is occurring even among the vaccinated, DESPITE the vaccine and boosters, rather than repeating the Democrat/Left's false talking points, false evidence fronted in US Supreme Court hearings no less, without any vetting of the accuracy of that Democrat narrative. A narrative that Politifact even had to acknowledge as blatantly untrue, although they attempted to spin it in the best possible light for Sotomayor.

The vaccines are proven to offer no protection, the logic of mandating the vaccines (or be fired from their jobs, in the millions) based on that proof no longer has any scientific basis. The vaccines were designed for the "Alpha" version of Covid-19, and now we're up to "Delta" and "Omicron" and several other variant strains, on which the vaccines are not effective. Even the updated boosters are proven to be minimally effective, if effective at all. CDC director Walensky fronts the narrative that "Well, those who got Covid even though vaccinated , still got a less severe case because they were vaccinated." I've yet to see the evidence that fallback argument is scientifically accurate. The scientists all say that even against the original strain, the vaccine's effectiveness diminishes after 6 months, and provides no protection against newer Covid variant strains. In some regions, such as ultra-blue ultra vaccinated California, the majority of new infections ARE AMONG THE VACCINATED.

There are about 30 Senators and Congress members, mostly Democrats, and mostly triple-vaccinated, who have come down with Covid in the last 2 weeks since Christmas and New Years. The most recent being Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. Who by the way, postured about the need for citizens to obey lockdowns and mask mandates, and yet AOC was first observed in a crowded public event without a mask in New York, and then escaped New York's punitive lockdowns to attend crowded party events in Florida, the red state she publicly condemns for its lack of covid restrictions, but chooses to flee to. Hypocrisy all over the place.
Likewise similar hypocrisy from just about every other lying piece of excrement Democrat leader, from Gov Gavin Newsom to Gov Gretchen Whitmer to Gov Andrew Cuomo, to Nancy Pelosi, Lori Lightfoot, , Muriel Bowser, Sen. Elizabeth "Pocahantis" Warren, Bill Deblasio, Chris Cuomo, on down, virtually every last one.

Democrats' Covid restrictions and mandates and orchestrated panic are not about any attempt to contain or prevent Covid-19 spread, it's only about whatever will allow them to purge their Republican political opposition and consolidate Democrat power, and ultimately continue to further circumnavigate election laws to rig more elections, for them hopefully forever. For the rest of us, it's a clear power grab for authoritarian Soviet-style one-party rule.
And it appears 3 zealous Democrat-appointed U S Supreme Court justices are all on board the bullet-train to Crazytown.

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Over the last six weeks, the hypertransmissive Omicron variant of the coronavirus has generated its fair share of bad news in the United States.
Daily COVID-19 case counts more than three times higher than ever before.

A record number of new hospitalizations, pushing thousands of hospital systems nationwide to the breaking point.
And now, tragically, another 2,000 COVID-19 deaths, on average, every single day.

At the current rate, America will likely top its summer Delta peak of about 2,100 deaths per day later this week — and could break its all-time record (about 3,300 deaths per day) by the end of the month.
In other words, while Omicron itself might be less likely to cause severe illness, especially in vaccinated or previously infected people, America’s Omicron surge — the sum total of all the havoc the variant has wreaked — hasn’t been as “mild” as many had hoped.

But every coronavirus wave crests in due course, then starts to descend — and over the past few days, new signs have emerged from across the country that indicate the tide is starting to turn once again.

So here’s some good news about Omicron — namely, that the worst of its spread may be in the rearview mirror.
Case numbers are plummeting in New York City — and they’re falling even faster than they rose.
New York City was the first place in the U.S. to get slammed by Omicron: Between Christmas and New Year’s Day, reported cases there more than doubled, on average, from about 15,000 a day to about 33,000 a day.

Previously, America’s biggest city had never averaged more than about 6,200 cases in a single day. By Jan. 10, it was averaging more than 40,000.
But since then, transmission has fallen off a cliff.
According to data from the NYC Health Department — which is adjusted to reflect the date of diagnosis — the peak likely came on Jan. 3, when the average number of confirmed and probable cases hit 42,670.

As of Jan. 15, however, that number had plunged to 16,330 — a 62 percent drop in less than two weeks.
In the dozen days before the peak, the number of NYC cases was increasing at a rate of about 47 percent — meaning it's now going down faster than it went up.
This is encouraging because it suggests that once numbers in other parts of the country peak, those places too might see Omicron flame out even more swiftly and suddenly than it flared up in the first place.

In fact, if New York’s experience is any indication, the bulk of the current wave of transmission could effectively subside by the middle of February, about two months after it started.
By comparison, previous U.S. surges have taken about four months from start to finish.
Other cities are following NYC’s lead.
More good news: New York isn’t alone.

Right after Omicron exploded in New York, it started taking off in other dense, well-connected cities across the U.S.
Between Dec. 6 and Dec. 20, for instance, cases rose by 442 percent in Houston, 285 percent in Washington, D.C., 219 percent in Miami and 170 percent in Cleveland.
Over the last two weeks, however, cases have finally started to drop in most of these hard-hit cities: by 49 percent in Cleveland, by 20 percent in Washington, D.C., by 7 percent in Miami. In Houston, cases are down week over week.

Similar U-turns are also underway in Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore.

Meanwhile, even cities where cases have yet to officially turn are showing signs that they’re about to: a lower percentage of COVID tests coming back positive (Los Angeles); declining Omicron levels in sewage samples (the Bay Area).

Less vaccinated, more rural areas will take a little longer — but some may be starting to show improvement.
Because of how Omicron tends to spread — rapidly, through the densest places first — U.S. cities have been ahead of the curve; outlying areas have lagged. That largely explains why the states where the virus is now spreading the fastest are overwhelmingly rural: South Carolina, Oklahoma, Montana, North Dakota, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Alaska, Nebraska, Idaho, Wyoming. Such places tend to have below-average vaccination rates as well.

As Omicron spreads to less populated areas, the worry is that lower immunity levels and weaker health care infrastructure will lead to disproportionately high levels of hospitalization and death.

That dynamic certainly bears watching as the worst of today’s rising rural cases work their way through the system in the coming weeks.

Even so, at least three largely rural states with lower vaccination rates — Missouri, Georgia and Kentucky — may already be approaching plateaus of their own, with positivity rates that appear to be leveling off or even declining.

In fact, as researcher Conor Kelly has pointed out, positivity rates are now heading “in the right direction” across every region of the country.

A broader turnaround could be next, with other rural states not far behind.

The best news of all? Hospitalizations seem to be on the same downward trajectory.
As everyone knows by now, the most important metric isn’t how many people test positive for Omicron; the most important metric is how many of those people get sick enough to go to the hospital, or spread it to others who end up there.

By any measure, forcing U.S. hospitals to cope with 157,000 COVID-19 patients at once is an enormous burden — regardless of whether some percentage of those patients tested positive “incidentally” upon admission for another ailment. Patients with COVID must be kept separate from others, and health care workers who test positive must isolate no matter how mild their symptoms, leading to widespread staff shortages.

As the Atlantic’s Ed Yong recently explained, “In the short time since Omicron was discovered, the popular narrative about the variant has calcified around the idea that it is milder. That is true for individuals, and in comparison with Delta, but the variant certainly isn’t mild for unvaccinated people, for those who could develop long COVID from a supposedly 'mild' infection, and especially not for the health-care system as a whole.”

As hospitalization numbers typically lag cases by about two weeks, it will be some time before the extreme pressure on medical professionals lets up. And again, that process will take longer in most rural areas, which are closer to the beginning of their own surges than to the end — and where rates of hospitalization and death may be higher than in cities with higher vaccination rates.

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy outlined on Sunday how “the next few weeks will be tough” as Omicron continues to rise in different regions of the U.S.

“The good news is that there are parts of the country — New York in particular, and other parts of the Northeast, where we are starting to see a plateau and, in some cases, an early decline in cases,” Murthy told CNN. “The challenge is that … the entire country is not moving at the same pace. The Omicron wave started later in other parts of the country.”

But the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel is starting to flicker, even now.

In New York City, for instance, the average number of daily COVID hospital admissions fell from about 1,000 on Jan. 5 to about 500 ten days later — a rate roughly on par with the decline in cases. Overall hospitalizations have been falling for several days; they’re now at their lowest level since Christmas Eve. ICU and intubation numbers are down as well.

More broadly, regional hospitalizations are starting to level off across the Northeast and Midwest. And while it’s a tentative sign of progress that may reflect delays in reporting due to holidays, the number of COVID patients nationwide has now declined for three days in a row — for the first time in more than a month.

It may be too soon, in short, to say that Omicron has peaked in the U.S. But the peak is coming — and it appears to be coming sooner rather than later.

Conversely, nations with the highest vaccination rate, such as Israel with a 78% vaccination rate, and Denmark are getting the highest ratios of new cases.

The argument has been made that months after vaccination, those vaccinated are MORE susceptible to infection, or even to re-infection. Earlier I posted a chart showing that Democrat states (higher vaccination ratios) are having greater reported daily cases than Republican states (lower vaccination rates). And it's hilarious how Biden and DNCNN and MSNDC are still fronting the narrative that "ignorant white racist" Republicans are the ones causing the outbreak.
When in truth, the least vaccinated groups, who distrust the vaccine (and perhaps rightly) are blacks and hispanics, obviously more heavily Democrat voters.

I'm still open to the idea that "Well yeah, you were vaccinated and still got Covid, but you had a far less severe case than you would if you had been unvaccinated." The vaccine that's supposed to prevent infection, clearly does NOT prevent infection. I have my doubts that it even makes cases less severe. I'm open to that argument, but I've yet to see that case factually made.

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I would further like to see, based on the unconstitutional nature of the mandate in the first place, that all employees fired from their jobs should be given their jobs back and be compensated for lost wages for the time they were fired.

Whether policemen, firemen, teachers, military contractors, soldiers, or those employed in private businesses. This would make large employers think twice about playing this kind of pointless hardball ever again with employees. Essentially putting a gun to their heads, saying take the vaccine or lose your job and your career. For a vaccine that was proven months ago to not even work. It may have worked on the original "alpha" strain, but it clearly doesn't work on the Delta or Omicron strains. So it was clearly a purely political move --or political PURGE, of conservatives and moderates who wouldn't just obey.
That's what it was really about.

Displacing them, to consolidate Democrat power over those federal and contract branches, replacing them with loyal Democrat-Bolsheviks. And going along with that unconstitutional Biden/Democrat scheme and power play should carry a heavy legal and financial cost, in compensation and legal damages. This is again part of Democrat authoritarian power receding back from its Bolshevik high-water-mark. And thank God for that.

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Sen Ron Johnson, Covid-19 "second opinion" hearing, of doctors

If deleted by Youtube, can also be seen at:

These are doctors, nurses, and researchers who have struggled to provide effective life-saving care for patients, even as they were ordered by their hospitals and the state to provide medicines and therapies that don't work. At the threat of losing their jobs, their medical practice licenses, and their careers if they didn't comply. But many courageously provided that quality care and lost their jobs for it, to defy treatment that was aimed at maximizing profit and following a false narrative, rather than saving lives.

These are highly qualified doctors, and highly published and referenced doctors,highly regarded doctors and surgeons, heads of hospital boards, FOR DECADES, who are not easily dismissed as "conspiracy theorists" or quacks. There's a lot of good information here. The hearings are 5 hours total.

Once again OAN was the only network to broadcast these hearings in their entirety (and re-broadcast them two more times over the last week). The other networks barely, if at all, even mentioned them. Not even on Fox News or Newsmax. Which only diminishes my trust in the latter 2 networks.

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An analysis of studies that focused just on stay-at-home orders found they were 2.9 percent effective at reducing mortality. Studies that gathered data on a broad number of government-imposed pandemic measures actually indicated that stay-at-home orders marginally increased COVID deaths.

The authors concluded that governments should abandon lockdown measures because of their negligible impact on mortality and the real societal damage they cause.

"While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted," the researchers wrote. "In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument."

The study was published by Johns Hopkins's Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise. One of the study's authors, economics professor Steve Hanke, is a codirector of the institute.

So... an estimated $ 35 trillion lost because of lockdowns in the U.S. and worldwide... no effect.
All the lost small businesses, all the arrests, all the harassment, all the bankrupted families, all the foreclosed homes... no effect.

Score another success for the Democrat-Bolshevik authoritarian left.
And they'e STILL trying to force vaccination of truck drivers in the U.S. and Canada.
They're still forcing immunizations and masks on children, who actually are far more at risk of lifetime injury or death from Covid-vaccination, than they are from the disease. They are not a risk group, but against the science, are being PUT AT RISK by intrusive and illogical vaccine mandates.

Likewise the masks:


ockdowns in the U.S. and Europe had little or no impact in reducing deaths from COVID-19, according to a new analysis by researchers at Johns Hopkins University.
The lockdowns during the early phase of the pandemic in 2020 reduced COVID-19 mortality by about 0.2%, said the broad review of multiple scientific studies.

“We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality,” the researchers wrote.

And stuck on stupid (or just motivated by pure ruthless political gain), the Democrat/Left is still, even now, pushing for lockdowns.

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There's also measured "excess deaths".
Excess mortality is defined as the difference in the total number of deaths in a crisis compared to those expected under normal conditions. COVID-19 excess mortality accounts for both the total number of deaths directly attributed to the virus as well as the indirect impact, such as disruption to essential health services or travel disruptions.
Insurance companies (for claims reasons), can predict exactly how many people will die every year in car accidents, how many of prostate cancer, how many of lung cancer, etc. But directly because of Covid lockdowns, there is a surge in "excess deaths", beyond the insurance actuaries' predicted levels. A big one is suicides due to lockdowns. Another is drug and alcohol deaths. And deaths due to domestic violence. And also millions who would normally have seen a doctor and received early treatment for cancer and other ailments and been cured, are instead dying, because lockdowns made that early care unavailable to them.

Further, illnesses caused by the vaccines themselves (such as Myocarditis in young males, and neurological damage and paralysiss more common in women, and fetal deaths in pregant wwomen) are resulting in even more permanent disability and "excess deaths".
Just within those required in the military to be Covid-vaccinated, diagnosis for cancer is up 300%.

Many patients who were treated for cancer and were in remission, are now experiencing a resurgence of their cancer.

In 32 pregnant women observed, 28 of them experienced miscarriages after vaccination.

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My testicles are swollen and my girlfriend left me.

I should have listened to Nicki Minaj.

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I heard that during testing, the MRNA vaccine made the test subject want to kiss dudes. There was only one test subject, though. And it was Lothar.

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Over the last 24 months, the U.S. government alone has printed between $7 and 8 trillion in new currency, supported by no financial assets. A bubble that inevitably has to burst at some point. In the last 2 months, we have seen cost of food and other goods increase by over 7%.
Annual inflation over 7%, for the first time in over 40 years.

Here's a discussion of fiat currency, with comparisons to the collapse of the Roman Empire, the economic collapse of the Mongol Empire begun by Genghis Khan, the collapse of the German Mark in 1923 due to hyperinflation and printing too many paper Marks, and the lesser economic "lost decade" of Japan due to its own fiat currency and accumulation of high debt.

It is not just the United States that has printed over 7 trillion in unbacked new currency, but governments worldwide who have done the same. That using these historic examples and lessons, nations worldwide are set up for a devastating global economic collapse.
The long term fruit of the Covid-19 pandemic, resulting from socialist governments worldwide exploiting the crisis to advance their own risky economic utopian theories, by abusing fiat currency in Weimar Republic ways, expecting a different result.

We Are Living Through the Scariest Experiment in Economic History Right Now...

This video was made a year ago. Some of the telltale signs of hyperinflation have begun to manifest at this point.

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And as that occurs, as the Omicron variant dwindles and reaches its end stages, "Omicron 2" hits China and begins to spread in New York City and other areas.

If it's like Omicron I, it is less deadly, but still contagious enough to generate far more cases, some of them fatal. And give the Biden administration and other governments worldwide the opportunity to do more lockdowns, to advance their political manipulation of this and other countries.

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What 2 years of investigation and evidence show to be the origins of the outbreak, as reported in a one-hour Australian news documentary from Sky News. As discussed by leaders of British and U.S. intelligence services such as DNI director Ratcliffe, by the former head of MI-6, by high-level advisors to secretary of state Pompeo and others, and by virologists and researchers at multiple hospitals, as much as they are willing to declassify and discuss publicly. Many say with absolute certainty that the origin came from a Wuhan Lab leak, of a deliberately lab-manipulated virus (i.e., "gain of function" to make a bat virus infect humans) engineered as a Chinese bio-weapon, that got loose and out of control .

And that the Chinese government could have warned the world and prevented its spread out of China, could have contained the outbreak and stopped it within China, but chose to not warn other nations, and let it spread worldwide.

This documentary was produced in Sept 2021, at the time the most severe strain, the "Delta" variant, was still spreading. Luckily since then, the more contagious but less severe "Omicron" variant (Dec 2021-March 2022), and then the current "Omicron 2" strain (spreading for about a month now, beginning April 2022 in the U.S.), have emerged that are much less severe than the previous new variant strains, that give widespread immunity in the world's population, without the fatality rate of the earlier versions. Currently here in Florida, the strain is down to an average 15 deaths per day statewide (the lowest rate in 2 years), and mostly fatal to elderly and immune-compromised people, who are actually dying of previous co-morbid conditions like heart disease, asthma, pre-existing cancer and other immune-compromised conditions, rather than Covid itself.

Even at the peak of the more deadly strains, the CDC admitted on their own website that greater than 94% of Covid deaths in the U.S. were due to pre-existing co-morbid conditions, or termed as "complications related to Covid" and not Covid itself.

SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: What Really Happened in Wuhan

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Judge tosses NYC COVID vaccine mandate, orders fired city workers reinstated, and given their back pay for time lost

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, January 25, 2022

I would further like to see, based on the unconstitutional nature of the mandate in the first place, that all employees fired from their jobs should be given their jobs back and be compensated for lost wages for the time they were fired.

Whether policemen, firemen, teachers, military contractors, soldiers, or those employed in private businesses. This would make large employers think twice about playing this kind of pointless hardball ever again with employees. Essentially putting a gun to their heads, saying take the vaccine or lose your job and your career. For a vaccine that was proven months ago to not even work. It may have worked on the original "alpha" strain, but it clearly doesn't work on the Delta or Omicron strains. So it was clearly a purely political move --or political PURGE, of conservatives and moderates who wouldn't just obey.
That's what it was really about.

Displacing them, to consolidate Democrat power over those federal and contract branches, replacing them with loyal Democrat-Bolsheviks. And going along with that unconstitutional Biden/Democrat scheme and power play should carry a heavy legal and financial cost, in compensation and legal damages. This is again part of Democrat authoritarian power receding back from its Bolshevik high-water-mark. And thank God for that.

Hopefully the beginning of compensation, for millions nationwide who were fired. When this compensation and reinstatement continues and expands into the private sector, putting a huge and unnecessary dent in corporate profits, I hope it costs many woke CEO's and board members their jobs.
Of course, leaders in government positions, as always, will only be promoted and rewarded for the costly expenditures of their Covid-mandate purges, particularly in the Democrat -run federal and state governments. Would that they lost their jobs and careers, and paid a heavy price as well, for what they did to these people.

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Note that the date of this story is August 2021.

This narrative has been disproven for over a year, and the Orwellian Newspeak media is till censoring the true facts of the Wuhan virology lab being the source of the outbreak. Despite the smoking-gun e-mails showing that Fauci and his circle KNEW all this from the very beginning.
And beyond that Fauci funded and orchestrated the outbreak, even after his superiors in the CDC said viral "gain of function" research was too dangerous and cut off its funding. But Fauci, under Daszak and others, secretly re-started the dangerous gain of function research and funded it under another name in Wuhan.

And when the thing got out of the lab and started a worldwide pandemic, Fauci and his circle (documented in their own e-mails) plotted to create a false narrative that it came from a Wuhan "wet market". And Fauci used his authority as a government health official to censor the reporters and doctors telling the truth as "disinformation" from Facebook, Twitter and the mainstream media.

"Faucism" indeed.

And no one in the Biden administration is even interested in investigating Fauci or China's responsibility in creating this pandemic, or in how they lied and covered it up their direct responsibility, for years.
Three years ago now this began, and not the slightest interest by the Democrats in power, in discovering what actually happened. Their only concern is how to weaponize it politically against Republicans, to scapegoat others, and implement censorship and lockdowns as long as they can, to win elections, and to hide self-incriminating facts.

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Officials from each of the military services have required all troops to receive a Covid-19 vaccination or risk dismissal from the armed forces, but the courts intervened when religious objectors to the vaccine argued their requests for waivers have not been dealt with fairly. The program has been in limbo since, although new service members must still be vaccinated.

According to the latest data released by the Defense Department, about 3,300 Marines, 1,800 soldiers, 1,800 sailors and 900 airmen have been booted from the ranks for refusing to get vaccinated.
The group of 20 GOP senators is demanding a full chamber vote on their proposal to dump the vaccine mandate, reinstate those dismissed troops and award them back pay. The lawmakers did not have any estimates on how many individuals would return to their jobs and how much the provisions would cost.

“Our recruiting goals are way short,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. “”We need more people in the military, not less. And this mandate is going to result in thousands, tens of thousands of able bodied Americans who are well-trained leaving the military because they chose not to get vaccinated.”
The lawmakers involved in the anti-vaccine effort argued that because most troops are young and healthy, the vaccine provides little to no value to their long-term fitness.


Republican governors call on Congress to drop Biden's military vaccine mandate

That doesn't even take into consideration the tens of thousands of soldiers not admitted into the military because they refuse to be vaccinated. Who under these conditions won't even apply. One report I saw said recruiting is down 60,000 below the normal annual recruiting goal.
For a vaccine that doesn't prevent infection of a person, doesn't prevent spread to other people, and has resulted in myocarditis and other permanent damage to tens of thousands of men and women under the age of 30. So the Democrat leadership clings to vaccine mantates, despite that there is more risk to those forced to take it from the vaccine, than they risk from getting the disease itself.

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July 8, 2022.

According to federal government estimates released last month, nearly 1 in 5 adults who have had COVID-19 in the past were still experiencing at least one symptom of long COVID – fatigue, shortness of breath, brain fog, chest pain and headaches among others – as of mid-June. The number jumps to more than 1 in 3 when considering adults who have experienced the condition at any point in the pandemic after COVID-19 infection.

“These patients are sitting at home unable to work, unable to take care of their families,” says Drapeau, who had long COVID after contracting COVID-19 in December 2020. “Debilitated young people having to quit school – and they're faced with very limited options.”

That number could amass into a new wave of chronic illness that will continue to grow with guaranteed implications for the economy as well as health care systems. A Government Accountability Office report published in March found that long COVID has “potentially affected up to 23 million Americans, pushing an estimated 1 million people out of work,” and that number is likely higher now.
“Some of those patients are recovering so slow that you’re simply going to have a massive growth, gradual expansion of the total pool of these patients because they're not recovering fast enough compared to the new people added to the pool,” Kogan says. “So we're going to see a continuous, increased demand on our health care systems.”

In fact, one study published in May found that roughly half of people hospitalized with the coronavirus in Wuhan, China, at the start of the pandemic reported symptoms of long COVID two years later. Authors said it was the longest follow-up study to date.

While the study did find that the physical and mental health of the patients improved over time, it still suggested that coronavirus patients have poorer health and quality of life than the general population two years after hospitalization.....

And more recently...


August 10, 2023.

The percentage of adults in the United States experiencing long COVID has decreased, new federal data shows.

In early June 2022, 7.5% of Americans aged 18 and were experiencing long COVID, a condition that occurs when patients still have symptoms at least four weeks after they have cleared the infection. In some cases, symptoms can be experienced for months or years.

By mid-June 2023, that figure had fallen to 6%, according to a new report published Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

However, more than one in four -- 26.4% -- long COVID patients reported significant limitations in their ability to perform day-to-day activities in June 2023. The authors said this percentage has not changed much since the year before.

If that latter headline can be believed. Or likely is part of the over 80% liberal media's "BIDEN 2024" narrative, that everything's better now.
The article suspiciously starts with a previous 7.5% reported high of long-Covid cases, that doesn't gel with what was previously reported.

I give more credibility to the 26.4% percentage, buried a few paragraphs into the article, who report being still impaired by long-Covid symptoms.
That percentage would have been in the headline, if Trump were re-elected in 2020 and the current president.

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Originally Posted by WB

My testicles are swollen and my girlfriend left me.

I should have listened to Nicki Minaj.

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Alex Berenson interview, by Tucker Carlson - January 22, 2024, 55 minutes

Everything Alex Berenson scientifially reported to the public, that he was shunned from the mainstream media for, banned on Facebook and Twitter for, had his book banned from Amazon over, FOR THE LAST 3 YEARS, and STILL shunned for...
...has turned out to be completely true.

And all the geniuses hailed as saints by those same media outlets, and especially on CNN and MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, and Politico, "geniuses" such as Anthony Fauci and Debra Birx, and the other trusted experts at the CDC and NIH... have turned out to have been completely wrong.
More than just wrong, DELIBERATELY wrong.
Wuhan Covid-19 researchers who privately exchanged e-mails in early 2020 with Fauci, THANKING Fauci for his lies and obfuscation, that delayed discovery of the true origin of Covid-19 from the Wuhan lab and from their secret "gain-of-function" research, lies and obfuscation done to divert public media attention to the false-canard narrative that Covid-19 came from a "wet market" in Wuhan just 2 miles from the Wuhan Research lab, to mislead that it did not come from the lab itself.

And as Fauci was appearing nightly throughout early-mid-late 2020 on CNN, MSNBC and FOX telling us that Covid-19 was "definitely" a naturally evolved virus, and not a lab creation, at that EXACT same time virologists worldwide were privately e-mailing Fauci that it looked to them like a lab-created gain-of-function creation .
As Fauci sold the narrative in the media that Covid-19 came from a Chinese "wet market", virologists like Dascak who were NIH-funded to CREATE the Covid-19 virus, BY FAUCI, were privately e-mailing Fauci thanking him for hiding their role in developing Covid-19 in a lab, and thanking Fauci misdirecting the media to the "wet market" narrative.

AT THE EXACT SAME TIME, EVERY DAY, Fauci was on TV in news interviews telling the public the exact opposite of the trutth. Fauci in his e-mails clearly knew it was from the Wuhan lab gain-of-function research that he, Fauci, PERSONALLY orchestrated with secret NIH funding in Wuhan, even after the CDC leadership above him had shut those same 2014 experiments down in the Atlanta CDC offices, as too dangerous to continue. So Fauci just moved the "gain-of-function" research to the Wuhan lab, named it something else in its funding paperwork, continued it anyway, and we all know the result.

How do we know this?
Because Judicial Watch made a legal FOIA request for Fauci's NIH e-mails. And when the e-mails were released, documenting all this, there was no further possibility for Fauci to deny it.

All of which builds on the facts I previously posted here, almost exactly 2 years ago, that was already obvious, with the limited facts available even then :

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, Jan 31 2022

Sen Ron Johnson, Covid-19 "second opinion" hearing, of doctors

These are doctors, nurses, and researchers who have struggled to provide effective life-saving care for patients, even as they were ordered by their hospitals and the state to provide medicines and therapies that don't work. At the threat of losing their jobs, their medical practice licenses, and their careers if they didn't comply. But many courageously provided that quality care and lost their jobs for it, to defy treatment that was aimed at maximizing profit and following a false narrative, rather than saving lives.

These are highly qualified doctors, and highly published and referenced doctors,highly regarded doctors and surgeons, heads of hospital boards, FOR DECADES, who are not easily dismissed as "conspiracy theorists" or quacks. There's a lot of good information here. The hearings are 5 hours total.

Once again OAN was the only network to broadcast these hearings in their entirety (and re-broadcast them two more times over the last week). The other networks barely, if at all, even mentioned them. Not even on Fox News or Newsmax. Which only diminishes my trust in the latter 2 networks.

Robert Malone two years ago, the inventor it the MRNA technology used in the Covid-19 vaccine and boosters, said the Covid vaccines are not safe, not effective, have too many dangerous side effects, and should be wihdrawn from the market.

Alex Berenson said the exact same thing TODAY.

And they are still being ignored.
And the people who caused all this, and enriched themselves in shared royalties on vaccines, and knowingly promoted ineffective and dangerous drugs like Remdesivir (that they ALSO were enriched by promoting and shared profits in) are still hailed as heroes by Democrats and the liberal media, and not held accountable for their profiteering, and for the millions of lives they have damaged and caused to die, worldwide.

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I know you have faith in people like Malone but personally somebody that posts a fake video like he did where the parents had to sue to get it taken down isn’t a great source of information. As for Covid, we lucked out on it only being as bad as what it was. Even with that Covid lowered our national life expectancy.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I know you have faith in people like Malone but personally somebody that posts a fake video like he did where the parents had to sue to get it taken down isn’t a great source of information. As for Covid, we lucked out on it only being as bad as what it was. Even with that Covid lowered our national life expectancy.

We've been over Robert Malone's record before. Have YOU invented any mRNA technology in the recent past, M E M ?
You just offer Democrat talking points to attack and discredit him, despite that he, Berenson, Atlas and others I've quoted have been consistently right about Covid-19, and the Democrat politicians and Democrat scientists like Fauci and Birx have been consistently wrong.

There were TENS OF THOUSANDS of hospital doctors and nurses who refused to get the vaccine. And they chose to lose their jobs rather than get the vaccine. Because they know medical science and the risks of the Covid vaccine better than anyone.
Likewise Malone and Berenson and Atlas.
The very guys you manufacure lying talking points to attack, while the Democrats are trying to kill us, and for the last 3 years Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks let in millions of Covid-infected illegals, right along with the drug traffickers, the human traffickers, the rapists, murderers, serial killers, drunk drivers, released prisoners and mental patients. No vaccines required. While simultaneously firing millions of Americans in he private business sector, federal, state, couny and city jobs, and U.S. military, just for not getting an MRNA Covid vaccine (that doesn't even work, and is proven to have severe health risks)..And while arresting U.S. citizens for walking outside without a mask in a park, or for gathering at a church service, or gyms or gun shops. Bu the large corporate stores, strip clubs, and marijuana shops remained open. Things the Democrats liked could stay open. Things the Democrats have always wanted to shu down, were shut down. That is not "science", that is very POLITICAL selective enforcement, using Covid as a weapon to do so.

Democrats weaponized it, using lockdowns and firings of the non-vaccinated to consolidate Democrat power. and they were WRONG.
PROVEN wrong.
And you're still parroting their talking points, 3 years later.

State-run informaion wars propaganda tactic # 1, when someone breaks your Democrat-Bolshevik narrative, de-platform them, slander them relentlessly, so they won't be believed.
But 3 years of facts revealed that THEY were right, and the people who discredited and silenced them were wroing. But discrediting and de-plaforming them allowed the Democrat-Bolshevik machine o preserve their narraive as long as possible. Long enough to rig an election, and purge our military, and "woke"-ify it. They tried to create another lockdown through the 2024 electtion and mask us all up again, but at this point even many Democrats have said no fucking way, not again.
That's the context of your attack on Malone's credibility. It's a brick in the pyramid of liberal deep state lies. Proven false.

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Alex Berenson interview - Tucker Carlson (Episode 63, on "X")

Re-posting he same interview from another site. Because George Orwell's Youtube censored and deleted my above link to the same interview.

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Yes i have talked about Malone’s deception before and because you didn’t like that bit of truth you called me liar. We have different principles and attitudes about propaganda vs science. I don’t expect you to be rational anymore.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Yes i have talked about Malone’s deception before and because you didn’t like that bit of truth you called me liar. We have different principles and attitudes about propaganda vs science. I don’t expect you to be rational anymore.

I'm sorry that the FACTS I presented offend you.

And your desperate attempts to spin it otherwise are just an attempt to smear not just Malone, but anyone who dares to contradict your party's transparently false narrative.
Matybe your version of things was halfway believable 3 years ago.
But now we have 3 years of facts that have steadily come out disproving your party's false narrative. And at this point the only reason to pretend things are as you allege, is because that version benefits the Democrat-Bolshevik party, and disproving it has hurt he Democrats' credibility.
The masks don't work against Covid-19.
The Covid vaccine doesn't work.
The lockdowns that occurred were ineffective, and known by Fauci and others at CDC would be ineffective, and were implemented anyway, specificaally to benefit the Democrat party and Biden in 2020.
Fauci's own e-mails with other doctors worldwide and other CDC officialss, prove he was lying about Covid origins, treatmen and lockdowns, throughout 2020.
The vaccine actually has dangerous side effects, and has either permanently disabled or killed tens of thousands of people, and by evidence that I have sourced and cited, actually hundreds of thousands of people.
Doctor Robert Malone and dozens of other leading medical scientists, based on that undeniable ruth, have pushed to have the Covid-19 vaccines and boosters withdrawn from the market.

Your answer to that is to attack Robert Malone personally, where in one of thousands of cases Malone cited as proof evidence, the family of that one patient wanted Malone to not use the person's name, even though the case is factual and true.
I've already posted the 5-hour hearing hosted by Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin), where Malone and dozens of other highly respected doctors and medical researchers, among the most cited in medical journals, for decades, presented their evidence of he CDC's ineffective Covid-19 treatments that were costing thousands of lives, and presented treatments ha actually do work, and were banned from Facebook and Twitter, and fired form hospitals, after DECADES, just to suppress the true facts.

And ONLY because discrediting them would benefit the Democrat party's false narrative and lockdowns, do you try by any desperate manipulation of the facts to discredit them.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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