I’m sure it looked good bringing up Biden’s attempt to get Trump to act like decent human being but Biden was still a private citizen. He didn’t know Trump would just sit and watch the violence on tv and let it go on. He actually tweeted this at 3:20 when it became very evident that Trump wasn’t doing the right thing.
Joe Biden @JoeBiden · Follow I call on President Trump to go on national television now to fulfill his oath and defend the Constitution by demanding an end to this siege.
And as I said, regarding Trump and the Capitol riot call for protesters to go home, you are nit-picking over a matter of minutes of response time, over a video Trump posted instructing protesters to go home. As I PRECISELY quoted from an NPR (liberal media) timeline, Biden tweeted for Trump to call off protesters at 4:06 PM, and Trump (already producing it) posted his video at 4:17 PM. It is a desperate smokescreen attempt by you to attack Trump on ANYTHING, in order to change the narrative from how Biden and the other Democrat-Bolsheviks are destroying the country: [ long list of Biden failures and deliberate destruction of the nation, since Jan 20 2021 ]
President Trump on January 3 2021 gave an executive order for up to 20,000 troops to defend Washington Square from any possible rioting or violence on January 6th. Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser flat-out refused this offer or troops, IN WRITING. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer likewise prevented this deployment.
On Jan 6th, smashing windows and other rioting OUTSIDE the Capitol began about 12:40 PM
Trump gave his speech on the White House lawn from 12 noon till 1:11 PM (So his ACTUAL supporters, would have not yet been at the Capitol, would have been far away listening to Trump, would have left the White House lawn and walked over to the Capitol and arrived there 45 minutes walking distance later, about 1:56PM. Not to be confused with the false-flag undercover FBI, DHS DC Metro police, and Antifa DISGUISED AS Trump supporters who arrived and started trouble earlier. ) Some clashing with police outside the Capitol was first detected about 12:53 PM, and was phoned in to Capitol police chief Stephen Sund (as he said above in his video interview with Tucker Carlson)
Some minor rioting breached the Capitol building interior about 2:15 PM
The incident where an unarmed Ashli Babbitt was shot (FOR NO REASON) by Capitol police Lt. Michael Byrd occurred at 2:45 PM
At 2:26 p.m., D.C.'s homeland security director Chris Rodriguez coordinated a conference call with Mayor Bowser, the chiefs of the Capitol Police (Sund) and Metropolitan Police (Contee), and DCNG [DC National Guard] major general Walker. As the DCNG does not report to a governor, but to the president, Walker patched in the Office of the Secretary of the Army [McCarthy], noting that he would need Pentagon authorization to deploy. Lt. Gen. Walter E. Piatt, director of the Army Staff, noted that the Pentagon needed Capitol Police authorization to step onto Capitol grounds. Metro Police chief Robert Contee asked for clarification from Capitol Police chief Sund: "Steve, are you requesting National Guard assistance at the Capitol?"
To which Chief Sund replied, "I am making urgent, urgent, immediate request for National Guard assistance". According to Sund, Lt. Gen. Piatt stated, "I don't like the visual of the National Guard standing a police line with the Capitol in the background".
Sund pleaded with Lt. Gen. Piatt to send the Guard, but Lt. Gen. Piatt stated that only Army secretary McCarthy had the authority to approve such a request and he could not recommend that Secretary McCarthy approve the request for assistance directly to the Capitol.
The D.C. officials [chief Sund, and DC chief Contee] were subsequently described as "flabbergasted" at this message. McCarthy would later state that he was not in this conference call because he was already entering a meeting with senior department leadership.[239] General Charles A. Flynn, brother to the controversial General Michael Flynn, participated in the call.[356][357] By 3:37 p.m., the Pentagon dispatched its own security forces to guard the homes of senior defense leaders, "even though no rioters or criminal attacks are occurring at those locations." Chief Sund later opined, "This demonstrates to me that the Pentagon fully understands the urgency and danger of the situation even as it does nothing to support us on the Hill.
So acting only to protect themselves, Pentagon military bureaucrats acting as fast as they could, took until 3:37 PM to deploy troops to protect their own homes. Trump gave a video post for protesters to "go home" at 4:17 PM
And the exact time from the first beginnings of breach into the Capitol (2:15 PM), till when Trump aired a video statement for everyone to go home , was at 4:17 PM. That's 2 hours and 2 minutes total response time.
Given all these EXACT times, Trump at every stage, from executive ordering up to 20,000 National Guard , to his 12 noon- 1:11 PM speech instructing his supporters "You'll be going over to the Capitol now to PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support" for Republican House and Senate members inside who were LEGALLY challenging he Electoral vote count, to Trump's social media posts throughout the afternoon every 20 to 30 minutes, continuously instructing his supporters to "remain PEACEFUL", to Trump's 4:17 PM video statement for all his supporters to go home, and that video message by Trump alone probably took him at least 30 minutes to compose, video-record and up-link to Twitter. Based on all the above acts by Trump to insure peaceful protest, I think it is ridiculous, RIDICULOUS for you to continue to allege Trump is some kind of criminal who was somehow callous and negligent and responsible for what happened.
These are the known approximate exact times.
The delay-time till when knowledge of events on the ground, and confirmation of accuracy of these events reported were actually known by Trump or other public officials above them, means they could have taken 30 minutes or an hour to know for sure whether any given events they were hearing of were accurate.
And again, if not obstructed by Muriel Bowser, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer, the National Guard would have been deployed in advance of Jan 6th, and any disruption at all would have been impossible.
Why don't you BLAME THESE DEMOCRATS, M E M? WHY ?!? Because they are inconvenient to your lying narrative, THAT's why.
Trump acted responsibly at every stage to prevent and discourage violence and rioting. He encouraged only peaceful protest. THOSE are the facts.