You tried pushing the same false narratives over the last couple of years. There’s no penalty for Trump lying. No expectation of bringing what you call evidence into court. Most of its accusations that are propped up and repeated on conservative media. Cleaning out those republicans that wouldn’t go along with the charade. This is all coming from Trump and supporters (one party) that rejects any media that doesn’t support your leader. You’re the 1984 party rallying around the authoritarian figure.
Not one piece of what you call evidence has Trump tried bringing into court because
God, you're ridiculous.
Democrats are clearly authoritarian Marxists who want to crush and silence all political dissent, even wihin their own party.
DEMOCRATS, not Republicans, want to abolish the electoral college after 200 years (to insure their political victory, and screw what the Constitution says about it).
DEMOCRATS want to turn Washington DC and Puerto Rico into states with 2 more guaranteed Democrat senators each (again, Democrats say "screw the Constitution").
Democrats want to expand the U S Supreme Court to 14 justices and stack it with Democrat-rubber-stamp zealot appointees like Kitanje Brown-Jackson, something Democrats 80 years ago wouldn't even let FDR do when he tried it (again, Democrats: "Screw he Constiturion").
Democrats prevent any other Democrat from being a primary opponent of Joe Biden. And in the case of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (whose father as a presidential candidate in 1968 was assassinated) IS BEING DENIED SECRET SERVICE PROTECTION. No one too important, just a guy whose father was head of the DOJ for 4 years. And whose name is in giant letters on wings of the FBI building.
DEMOCRATS (not Republicans) want to nationalize elections and eliminate individual states' ability to determine their own election standards (D: "Screw the Constitution"). And make it so only the party in power can ever challenge a [rigged] presidential election (D: "Screw the Constitution").
And Democrats ALREADY ARE weaponizing FBI and other federal agencies against their political opponents, labelling peaceful people as terrorists, violating their first amendment right to assemble peacefully and petition their government, arresting parents at PTA meetings who oppose woke indocrination of their children (FBI agents writing don the liccense plate numbers of heir car in he parking lo as thy leave) , FBI arresting peaceful pro-life activists, FBI/DOJ holding over 1200 peaceful January 6th protesters in jail under terrible conditions without access in many cases to legal representation, imprisoned indefinitely without trial and without prosecution or conviction of any crime. And Merrick Garland and the DOJ want to arrest 1,000 more in 2024.
And... you try to sell that it is REPUBLICANS who are the "1984 party" ?!? Just how brainwashed are you ?
Democrats are the self-idenified Cultural Marxist, Socialists, Communists, or a bit more thinly veiled, "Democrat-Socialists" (A O-C, Bernie Sanders). They WORSHIP authoritarian Marxist-Socialist tactics and auhroitarian leaders. From he Clintons to the Obamas ON DOWN. They worship, Saul Alinsky, Josef Stalin, Mao Tsetung, Fidel Castro, Che Gueverra, Hugo Chaves, Derrick Bell, on and on. They and their cabinet members openly quote marxists, not quoted them 20 or 30 years ago, but recently, WHILE SERVING IN THE CLINTON AND OBAMA ADMINISTRATIONS, and even more recently after. Van Jones, Ron Bloom, Mark Lloyd, Robert Reich, on and on.
They talk about taking away Republicans' children, and having their children raised by state appointed (Marxist) foster parents, to re-educate them in "the right way of thinking" (a PBS senior attorney, who PBS first tried to defend for weeks, then eventually fired, only because it exposed them as a rat's nest of marxist radicals, not because they disagreed with him).
They talk about having former Trump officials forced to confess their crimes on nationally televised broadcasts (Robert Reich, Bill Clinon's former Labor secretary, said in 2021.)
Mark Lloyd in the Barack Obama administraion, discussing Hugo Chaves' marxist-authoritarian takeover of the Venezuelan news media. In a recorded public meeting, Lloyd called it "Very effective, and a good model to follow."
Anita Dunn in the Obama administrarion in a public speech listed her two favorite quote sources as "the Pope, and Mao Tsetung".
Ron Bloom, transportation Czar for Barack Obama, in a press conference, said: "We agree wih Mao, that capitalism is mostly a sham, and power is mostly administered at the barrel of a gun."
I'll go with the Democrats who worship Marxist authoritarian dictators, who openly talk about televised show trials of political opponents, about taking away people's children to indoctrinate them in state-approved thought. Those who talk enthusiastically about locking down all media under state control in the way done by a previous marxist dictator. Those who agree with Mao about hating free market capitalism, and about controlling people at the barrel of a gun.
Is it just me, or, do the Democrats sound... JUST A TAD... more like Orwell's 1984 ? You know the answer.
Republicans, and Trump in particular, DON'T want to crush and silence all dissenting thought, NEVER EVEN ATEMPTED TO, during his 4 years as president. But they DO want Republican elected leaders who protect the interests of the grassroots Republican voters who elect them. Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Mitt Romney, and Ronna (nee Romney) McDaniel, four examples, clearly do NOT represent the people who voted for these leaders, and are thus hated by their voters, many already ejected from office, others about to be in 2024.
What these RINOs endorse, the FAKE Republicans you love, is a verifably the false narrative. Trump was president for 4 years, he never did anything that was authoritarian. He didn't arrest reporters, he didn't arrest his vocal opponents, or leaders in the Democrat party, Trump DIDN'T weaponize the IRS and FBI to suppress , didn't intimidate and/or jail his opponents, or use FBI or DOJ or IRS to aid him in winning the next election. Whereas when Barack Obama was president, and Joe Biden after, ironic to the Democrat narrative... THEY DID !
What ACTUAL elected conservatives, and Republican VOTERS support, is the truth, letting the possibility of election tampering be discussed and investigated without threats, and freely follow the facts wherever they lead. Democrats (and their RINO allies) want to silence and shut down any investigation, and that convinces no one the election was not rigged.
Trump did much to restore Constitutional freedoms in his 4 years :
He built the strongest economy in over 50 years. He made the U.S. oil-independent for the first time in 72 years. Trump re-negotiated international trade agreements in the U.S. favor with virtually all our major trading partners worldwide. Trump re-built a strong U.S. military, successfully won wars started before his presidency, and avoided further foreign wars, despite the pressure of his advisors AND DEMOCRATS to do so, with Korea and Iran. He created the lowest annual rate of inflation. He had the highest rise in real wages in 60 years. Trump brought factories and jobs back to the United States, something Obama said was impossible, and would require a "magic wand" to accomplish. But rump accomplished it. And now Democrat-Bolsheviks like you are trying to sell the false canard that eiher Obama or Biden were economically better for the country than Trump. Many Democrats will be voting for Trump in November, because unlike you, THEY KNOW BETTER.
And that's the truth I've been posting, sourcing and linking here for 3 years as the facts have been exposed, WITH EVIDENCE, that vindicates Trump. That the he "51 intelligence officers say the Biden laptop looks like Russian disinformation", was ITSELF revealed as disinformation, by one of the Democrat officials who organized and got the signatures on it. It is NOW proven, UNDISPUTABLY, to have been a lie, a Democrat trick, to fool voters and get Biden over the finish line, win the election in 2020. ........... FACT. Former FBI and CIA officials, such as FBI's James Baker, took legal/executive positions in the private sector social media companies, to have the private sector help suppress the New York Post's Hunter Biden laptop story,and other sttories inconvenient to the Biden campaign, in the months and weeks before the 2020 election. .................................................................. FACT.
The House Democrats' January 6th committee immediately shredded 40% of their documents in Jan 2023 when Republicans won the majority, because they THE DEMOCRATS are the ones lying, excluding testimony, falsifying evidence, and when Republicans took the House majority, all that was about to be exposed. THAT IS THE PROOF of which side is lying, and which is telling the truth.
Likewise a year or two earlier, Rep. Adam Schiff's PROVEN lies during the "Russia Collusion" hearings and testimony (PROVEN to be lies when two consecutive DNI directors, John Ratcliffe and Richard Grennell, de-classified and revealed the closed-testimony transcripts) are further proof of the FBI and Democrat leadership's deliberate falsification of the actual facts for their own political gain. And reveal he consistent pattern, that Democrats ALWAYS lie. Whatever serves the revolution, the Bolshevik creed.
And this is a consistent pattern with the Democrats, particularly in the FBI and intelligence field :
The weaponized FBI indictment of Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK), later proven innocent, vindicated in a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court decision.
A similar FBI fraudulent conviction of Scooter Libby, despite that he is PROVEN not to have done what he was convicted for. It was Trump who finally pardoned Libby and released him from jail. (The exact same tactics used on Libby, were used against Donald Trump and several members of his administration. And against Martha Stewart, and innocent Enron and Arthur Anderson executives, all reversed on appeal by the U.S. Supreme Court. Some of hem poshumouisly, who despite innocent men, needlessly died in prison, thanks to a corrupt FBI. Each reversed on appeal by the U.S. Supreme Court.)
FBI smothered investigation of the Benghazi attack during the Obama administration. To protect Obama and Hillary. ( I picture Peter Strzok and Lisa Page texting on this one. PAGE: "Hillary won't be indicted, will she? WILL SHE?!? STRZOK: "No, no she won't. We will stop it. " Or agents very much like them in the 97% Democrat-donating FBI. )
FBI scuttling investigation of Hillary Clinton's deleted e-mails , and illegal private server that compromised U.S. national security. FBI not even prosecuting her for deleting 40,000 e-mails and smashing computers and phones, destroying evidence that had already been subpoenaed for a month or two, a clear federal crime. But FBI did midnight raids on Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, and Mar A Lago, to allegedly prevent destroying of evidence that never occurred by any of these REPUBLICANS raided. With CNN camera crews called and waiting in advance, of course, to televise these raids.
FBI scuttled investigation of the $ 150 million the Clintons swindled in a treasonous pay-to-play scheme, exchanging Hillary Clinton U.S. State Department access in exchange for millions in donations to the Clinton Foundation. Gee, what a shock, FBI again didn't find evidence to warrant prosecution. (FBI investigators: "Yay, team Democrat !")
Obama, Biden, naional security advisor Susan Rice, DNI director James Clapper, then-FBI director James Comey, acting DOJ head Sally Yates, and CIA direcor John Brennan, all in the same January 5 2017 Oval Office meeting. Where they plotted to kneecap Trump's incoming ELECTED presidency, and in particular to set up Michael Flynn to prevent him from discovering and exposing these top Democrats' treasonous criminal acts, FISA unmaskings, surveillance on the Trump campaign over the last year or so, and illegal aspects of the Iran nuclear deal. Everyone who was in that Oval Office meeting, and in on that plot, should be in jail.
But thast dirty, Democrat- weaponized FBI has been in operation for at least 20 years.
Every Democrat investigation, strong evidence suppressed and scuttled by a 97% Democrat FBI. Every Republican maliciously prosecuted, despite exculpatory evidence suppressed by the FBI, that later got the prosecution overturned on appeal, after the Republican spent years in prison and lost their election to a Democrat. Amid an unrelenting series of FBI violations of their own procedures, especially in the last 8 years. Falsified FISA warrants, hyper-aggressive midnight raids where FBI notifies CNN in advance to be there, hours before they ever serve the warrant to the Trump-appointed suspects. And the raid on Mar A Lago followed the same FBI/CNN pattern.
And now, going into the 2024 presidential campaign... an endless sea of "lawfare" overkill indictments of Trump with no credibility, CLEARLY only served for political reasons, overwhelming Democrat districts for a 90%-plus Democrat jury. Judge-shopped leftist judges, indictments served after delays, precisely so THESE reliably Democrat judges would oversee the cases in their favor. And hyper-partisan and unethical prosecutors like Jack Smitth, Leticia James and Fany Willis, secretly helped by loaned DOJ lawyers to make them look slightly more professional and competent. Specious cases doomed to be overturned, their only purpose being to generate scandal among uninformed voters, to lower Trump in the court of public opinion just enough to try and prevent him from being re-elected, but will inevitably be indictments found to be groundless and unlawful, inevitably will be reversed on appeal. ONLY filed to hurt Trump politically in he months before he 2024 election, to accomplish that mission, before being overturned.
20 years of one-sided indictments, by a Democrat-weaponized FBI. ALWAYS protecting and obstructing prosecution of Democrats. ALWAYS maliciously and falsely prosecuting Republicans.
And the consistent text messages inside the FBI, exposing a vitriolic hatred of Republicans, and making clear they want to use their FBI power to tip the scales in favor of the Democrats. With a steady stream of convictions, appealed and overturned by he U S Supreme Court, to show they have done exactly this, over and over.
You’re just making partisan accusation's and calling it proof WB. Coming from someone who supported Trump’s attempt to steal the election by not counting the electoral votes in 2020 it’s clear to me how full of garbage you are. You can’t rant that away WB. I now know you’ll rationalize anything if it keeps your guy in power. The charges against Trump about his 2020 attempts to steal the election are pretty straight forward and clear. What’s in there that he didn’t do? Nor are these actions Trump took to stay in power would be okay if “my side” was doing it.
Sources also said former Trump aide Nick Luna told federal investigators that when Trump was informed that then-Vice President Mike Pence had to be rushed to a secure location, Trump responded, "So what?" -- which sources said Luna saw as an unexpected willingness by Trump to let potential harm come to a longtime loyalist. … After unsuccessfully trying for up to 20 minutes to persuade Trump to release some sort of calming statement, Scavino and others walked out of the dining room, leaving Trump alone, sources said. That's when, according to sources, Trump posted a message on his Twitter account saying that Pence "didn't have the courage to do what should have been done."
Trump's aides told investigators they were shocked by the post. Aside from Trump, Scavino was the only other person with access to Trump's Twitter account, and he was often the one actually posting messages to it, so when the message about Pence popped up, Cipollone and another White House attorney raced to find Scavino, demanding to know why he would post that in the midst of such a precarious situation, sources said.“
“ Scavino printed out proposed messages to post on Twitter, hoping that Trump would approve them despite his reluctance to write such posts himself, sources said. The congressional probe found that even Trump's daughter, Ivanka, "rushed down to the Oval Office dining room" to convince her father that issuing a public message could "discourage violence," as the congressional report put it.
More than a half-hour after Trump was first pressed to take some sort of action, Trump finally let Scavino post a message on Trump's Twitter account telling supporters to support law enforcement and "stay peaceful." It was 2:38 p.m.” “ Minutes later, Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt was fatally shot when she tried to break through a barricaded entrance near the House chamber.
And the violence at the Capitol continued to escalate.
At least six of Trump's closest aides continued to push Trump to do something more forceful than posting what they saw as a weak message on Twitter, sources said.
Trump listened to the pleas, "but he was just not interested at that moment to put anything out," Scavino told Smith's team, according to the sources. Instead, Trump was focused on watching TV and taking in the chaotic scenes, Scavino said, the sources added.”
So this was Trump on Jan 6 as his special people rioted inside and outside the capitol.
1) Trump ordered 20,000 National Guard troops to guard Washington Square. It was Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and DC mayor Muriel Bowser who obstructed protection of Washington DC. Donald Trump has no blame, and nothing to apologize for. If he ordered 20,000 National Guard to protect washington DC on Jan 6th, it makes no sense to allege he "incited" riots and violence. Tha's just pure Democrat-Bolshevik narrative.
2) Trump in his Jan 6th speech urged protesters to walk over to the Capitol to "PEACEFULLY and patriotically" voice their support for the Republican Senate and House members who were LEGALLY and CONSTITUTIONALLY challenging legitimacy of the electoral results.
3) As I've repeatedly detailed, the majority of violent offenders on Jan 6th were undercover FBI, DHS, DC Metro and Antifa ( i.e., >>NOT<< actual Trump supporters) , and even among the Oath Keepers were FBI undercover false-flag agents who gave them a battle plan OATH KEEPERS NEVER PLANNED, that the Oath Keepers didn't follow, but were framed and prosecuted for. Likewise, many who smashed Capitol windows and clashed with police are mysteriously unidentified by FBI and not prosecuted, even 3 years later. All indicating they were undercover federal agents, their identities hidden by FBI, immune from prosecution. And John Earle Sullivan and his Antifa group, who were at the center of he Ashli Babbitt shooting. Again, it is Democrats and these federal agencies and Antifa who are to blame, President Trump has no blame, and nothing to apologize for.
4) Aside from Trump's Jan 6th speech on the White House lawn, all through the day about every 20 or 30 minutes Trump posted on social media, constantly instructing his followers to "remain peaceful". When the breach into the Capitol happened (likely led by false-flag federal agents and Antifa, DISGUISED as Trump supporters), you exaggerate how long it took Trump to respond. He took maybe an hour or so, give or take, to compose a statement, videotape it, and then post it online. You are SO desperate to manufacture ANY fake outrage to blame Trump for. There was virtually no damage to the Capitol building. A few smashed windows (again, likely by false flag federal agents, NOT by Trump supporters, just as the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping farce was completely manufactured by the FBI. And the Trump-hating FBI supervisor who botched the Whitmer operation and should have been fired or demoted, FBI instead ran a very similar false flag sting against Trump supporters at the Capitol on January 6th Trump again did nothing wrong, and he released a video statement on social media in a very reasonable frame of time. AND AGAIN: You have all this fake outrage against Trump, where there was virtually no damage to the Capitol, and a joint session of the House and Senate came in and finalized the elecion IN THE SAME ROOM just a few hours later. Just a few broken windows,tha took just minutes to clean up.
AS CONTRASTED WITH: ; 600 cities looted and burned nationwide in 2000 by Antifa and BLM in the months prior to January 6th. 25 people killed by the BLM mobs. Over 2,000 police officers wounded. An estimated 2 to 3 billion in damage to looted and burned cities.
In your native Minneapolis, FIVE SQUARE MILES destroyed, looted and burned, a war zone, AN ENTIRE POLICE PRECINCT COMPLETELY DESTROYED, >>NOT << easily swept up as on January 6th, NEVER coming back. Businesses and jobs permanently destroyed. >>>>NO <<<<< compassion about that from you, just endless fake outrage OVER NOTHING directed at Trump because he allegedly took an extra 30 minutes to post a video.
As I recall, a breach of rioters (false-flag federal agents?) into the Capitol was reported about 2:45 or so. Trump aired a video telling people to go home about 4:30 PM. It may have been reported in the news at 2:45 or it may not, and it (like many reports) may not have been accurate, and once it was confirmed after 30 or 60 minutes, then Trump drafted and aired his statement to his suporters at the Capitol. BIG. FUCKING. DEAL. Trump acted reasonably, in a reasonable timeframe.
The REAL issue is weaponization of all these federal agencies against Trump and his supporters, to FRAME them. At least 90% of whom did nothing wrong at the Capitol that day, and were tricked into even entering the Capitol, by people in police uniforms (undercover federal agents?) who took away the barricades before Trump supporters even arrived. And other police (false-flag federal agents?) who flung the doors wide open and let them in the Capitol. ALL VERIFIABLE ON VIDEO. The video overwhelmingly shows these people just walking around taking selfies inside the Capitol, no violence, no vandalism. THEY WERE SET UP.
And the REAL outrage is that these innocent people were jailed for years without prosecution or lawyers, beaten in jail by angry Democrat guards, when they weren't even prosecuted for a crime. Jailed in dirty cells wihout even clean water, forced to drink by guards from toilets.
All because they were TRICKED into "trespassing", for being in an area that they didn't even know they weren't supposed to be in. And then FBI and DOJ manufacured fake federal charges of "trying to obstruct a federal proceeding", and these people were forced under duress to sign plea deals FOR CHARGES THEY WEREN'T EVEN GUILTY OF, just end their lengthy false imprisonment.
But meanwhile the same 97% Democrat loyalist FBI and DOJ sets free almost all the BLM 2020 rioters, drops charges left and right against violent Antifa and BLM thugs, who ACTUALLY DID commit violent crimes, tried to trap security officers around federal buildings and burn them alive, blinded federal agents with laser pointers, threw Molotov cocktails at cops trying to burn them in their police cars... THESE GUYS THE FBI DROPS CHARGES AGAINST AND SETS FREE !
John Earle Sullivan and his Antifa pals were DIRECTLY responsible for the shooting of Ashli Babbitt. But while Trump supporters sit in federal cells in bad conditions and no bail, John Earle Sullivan is released on House arrest, and is free to continue posting his provocations and hate on social media. But still President Trump at the very same time , has his Facebook and Twitter accounts closed, and was unable to communicate with his at least 74 million followers. ALL OF THAT is an outrage, no matter how many minutes it might have taken Trump to post his video on January 6th.
And I might add that vice president-to-be Kamala Harris was bailing all these violent BLM and Antifa people just arrested for violence out of jail, so they could commit even more violence. Maybe you should be offended by THAT endorsement and incitement of violent. "They're going to keep going, right up until election day, They will not stop. And they shouldn't stop."
Your Democrat-Bolshevik party orchestrates violence at every turn, when they feel it serves their purpose. In Minneapolis. At the Capitol.
And in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 (where they again created violence by having Virginia State Police (in full riot gear armor) push peaceful conservative protesters (who were till then peacefully giving speeches at a podium in an advance-city-permitted pro-monument protest zone), pushed out of their safe area by Virginia State Police (VSP) in full riot gear armor, out of heir peaceful separate protest zone, and pushe by VSP right into the vastly larger BLM /Antifa mob, in a city led by a Democrat Mayor, with an all-Democrat city council, in a state then run by Democrat (and Clinton) operative Terry McAuliffe. They had the police stand down, in order to MANUFACTURE "right wing" violence, when Democrat leadership pushed the pro-Robert E. Lee statue protesters out of their safe protest zone, and pushed them wwith batons and shields (ON VIDEO) right into the BLM mob that vastly outnumbered them. And thus Charlottesville and Virginia state Democrat leadership orchestrated the two sides to clash in Charlottesville. I posted many videos documenting this at the time, in 2017. Many of which (I looked back) Youtube has long deleted. It was inconvenient to the Democrat-Bolshevik narrative.
Likewise again a few years later in May 2020, in 600 cities at once, in the nationwide George Floyd riots.
Democrats don't give a damn about anyone hurt, unless it helps sell their lying Bolshevik narrative. VERY selective outrage.
Sources also said former Trump aide Nick Luna told federal investigators that when Trump was informed that then-Vice President Mike Pence had to be rushed to a secure location, Trump responded, "So what?" -- which sources said Luna saw as an unexpected willingness by Trump to let potential harm come to a longtime loyalist. … After unsuccessfully trying for up to 20 minutes to persuade Trump to release some sort of calming statement, Scavino and others walked out of the dining room, leaving Trump alone, sources said. That's when, according to sources, Trump posted a message on his Twitter account saying that Pence "didn't have the courage to do what should have been done."
Trump's aides told investigators they were shocked by the post. Aside from Trump, Scavino was the only other person with access to Trump's Twitter account, and he was often the one actually posting messages to it, so when the message about Pence popped up, Cipollone and another White House attorney raced to find Scavino, demanding to know why he would post that in the midst of such a precarious situation, sources said.“
“ Scavino printed out proposed messages to post on Twitter, hoping that Trump would approve them despite his reluctance to write such posts himself, sources said. The congressional probe found that even Trump's daughter, Ivanka, "rushed down to the Oval Office dining room" to convince her father that issuing a public message could "discourage violence," as the congressional report put it.
More than a half-hour after Trump was first pressed to take some sort of action, Trump finally let Scavino post a message on Trump's Twitter account telling supporters to support law enforcement and "stay peaceful." It was 2:38 p.m.” “ Minutes later, Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt was fatally shot when she tried to break through a barricaded entrance near the House chamber.
And the violence at the Capitol continued to escalate.
At least six of Trump's closest aides continued to push Trump to do something more forceful than posting what they saw as a weak message on Twitter, sources said.
Trump listened to the pleas, "but he was just not interested at that moment to put anything out," Scavino told Smith's team, according to the sources. Instead, Trump was focused on watching TV and taking in the chaotic scenes, Scavino said, the sources added.”
So this was Trump on Jan 6 as his special people rioted inside and outside the capitol.
Did you even read this WB? From his most trusted people this is what evil looks like.
So this was Trump on Jan 6 as his special people rioted inside and outside the capitol.
Originally Posted by M E M
Did you even read this WB? From his most trusted people this is what evil looks like.
"This is what evil looks like"...
More Leftist propaganda. Where to begin.
First of all, ABC News is hyperpartisan Left. George Stephanopoulos is a hyperpartisan, Bill Clinton's former press secretary, who in one documentary is shown in the White House during the Clinton years calling someone and threatening them with his Whitte House power, giving them an offer they couldn't refuse. He has no moral high ground to call Trump or anyone else a tyrant or a powermonger or evil. What Stephanopoulos did in the Clinton years is way more abuse of power than Trump has ever exerted. And since the Clinton years, Stephanopoulos as a "journalist" has in fact been a propagandist for the Democrat cause, whatever the daily talking points, for about 23 years. ABC correspondent Jonathan Karl is likewise a Democrat / left propagandist, who never misses the opportunity to slander Donald Trump, to promote the cuurent lying Democrat talking points. In the video clip with the article, he narrates "angry Trump supporters violently storming the Capitol". Greg Kelly has given chapter and verse on Jonathan Karl's biases, and his multiple books attacking the Trump administration. Just another brick in the pyramid of liberal media bias.
It is an obscene lie to say Trump supporters acted violently on Jan 6th. It was not Trump supporters who shot Ashli Babbitt, It was not Trump supporters who fired concussion grenades and tear gas into crowds of PEACEFULLY demonstrating Trump supporters just standing around waving flags, OUTSIDE the Capitol, FAR AWAY from the small bit of violence that happened inside one hallway of the Capitol. And as I've said before, these three who died had pre-existing health conditions, so that the CAPITOL POLICE -- *NOT* "angry" Trump supporters-- directly or indirectly caused the deaths of these three.
In short, ALL the deaths that occurred were because of Capitol police violence and excessive force, *NOT* because of any action by Trump or his supporters, "angry" or otherwise. And AGAIN: There were "at least 20" undercover FBI agents, DISGUISED as Trump supporters. According to FBI's OWN REPORTS on Jan 6th. There were at least 20 undercover DHS agents, DISGUISED as Trump supporters. By their own admission. There were at least 10 undercover DC Metro police officers, DISGUISED as Trump supporters. By their own admission.
It is my firm belief, based on evidence, both of how Trump supporters have very peacefully behaved at any other rally in the last 8 years, AND the reluctance of FBI leadership to discuss the precise actions of FBI agents hidden in the crowd on January 6th, that FBI and other federal/police agents deliberately tried to incite the mob, smashed windows to encourage Trump supporters to enter the Capitol (i.e., they SET THEM UP, AND FRAMED THEM), committed violence and vandalism, to have it blamed on PEACEFUL Trump supporters,
That it was likely DC Metro police, or federal agents disguised as police, who removed the police barricades, to trick Trump supporters into coming inside the Capitol building. There was only ONE clash with about 8 or 10 police, in one hallway for about 30 minutes, while multiple other doors were wide open where peaceful Trump supporters were WELCOMED IN by Capitol police to wander around, with no warnings or admonitions ever given by police when hey came in. Setting them up, so they could later be arrested for "trespassing", and later overcharged with "obstructing a federal proceeding" and other piled on overcharges, that no Democrat protesters who far more aggressively entered were ever charged with, who did more damage HAVE EVER BEEN CHARGED WITH. Only Trump supporters. FBI also set up a "geo-fence" to pick up the cel phone signals, phone numbers and messaages, photos and other phone contents of everyone who was within a few hundred yards of the Capitol. AGAIN, a set-up by police and federal agents.
None of this was done to the far more aggressive Brett Kavanaugh protesters in 2018 by FBI, who "occupied" he Capitol. None of this was done to environmentalists who ALSO entered and "occupied" the Capitol far more aggressively and for a much longer time, and did more damage.
None of this was done to the Antifa persons who were DISGUISED as Trump supporters, in the Capitol RIGHT NEXT TO ASHLI BABBITT on Jan 6th, WHO CAUSED HER SHOOTING, AND VIDEOTAPED IT BY TWO DIFFERENT PERSONS FROM TWO DIFFERENT ANGLES. John Earle Sullivan and his followers were out almost immediately, released and at home, set free to continue posting their hate on Facebook and Twitter, further inciting Antifa-style revolution nationwide every day for the last 3 years. While ACTUAL "peaceful and patriotic" Trump supporter mere "trespassers" have been detained in federal prison cells under terrible conditions for all that time. Who have lost their jobs an businesses, and had their homes foreclosed because they could no longer work and pay their bills, let alone see their wives and children. Who should have just been fined for trespassing and sent home. As BLM and Antifa were in similar protests nationwide over the last 8 years.
Why do I think FBI framed them, and did what little violence occurred themselves, to frame Trump supporters? Because of the consistent FBI example and partisan conspiracy against Trump by James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bill Priestap, Andrew McCabe, Kevin Clinesmith, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, on and on. And the FBI agents who just in the months prior in 2020 did a similar frame job in the alleged plot to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer. Where FBI agents were 12 of he 15 people involved in the "kidnapping" plot. These impoverished dimwitted alleged "white supremacists" would haave been utterly incapable of such a kidnapping plot without the FBI's "help". FBI provided the plan to kidnap Whitmer. FBI provided the getaway van. FBI provided the funding for the operation. And then the FBI supervisor of this fiasco sting operation, instead of being fired or demoted by FBI... was immediately after sent to supervise undercover surveillance of Trump supporters during the January 6th rally. And that FBI supervisor also rabidly hates Trump and made that hate crystal clear in his texts and social media posts. And is a wife beater, whose wife divorced him shortly after Jan 6th.
At the center of the action was the FBI’s ringleader, Dan Chappel, 34 at the time, an Iraq war veteran and contract truck driver for the U.S. Postal Service. Chappel, the official story goes, joined a group called the Wolverine Watchmen in early 2020 to burnish his firearms skills. Members generally interacted on social media.
The government claimed that Chappel became alarmed at alleged online chatter about killing police and took his concerns to a friend in law enforcement in March 2020.
A week later, the FBI hired Chappel as an informant.
Over the course of the next seven months, Chappel “ingratiated” himself with the men, as one defense attorney described his method, with an eye particularly on [Adam] Fox, 37, the reported mastermind of the plot. While the media portrayed Fox as a military leader prepping an army of “white supremacists” to overthrow state governments across the country, he was, in reality, a homeless man living in the dilapidated basement of a vacuum repair shop without running water or a toilet in a Grand Rapids strip mall. One co-defendant referred to him as “Captain Autism.”
Fox’s lawyer, Christopher Gibbons, said Chappel took on a “father figure” role to his fatherless and destitute client. Fox and Chappel exchanged thousands of texts. Chappel drove Fox, who did not own a car, to various meetups and staged events while recording every moment to preserve as evidence against him. On at least three occasions, according to testimony offered at trial, Chappel offered Fox a prepaid credit card authorized by the FBI with a $5,000 limit to help him buy guns and ammunition; Fox, despite being broke, declined each time.
Chappel, known as “Big Dan” to the group, created encrypted chats and gave real-time access to his FBI handlers working out of the Detroit FBI field office as the farfetched plan unfolded.
Informants and targets mulled over how to blow up a bridge outside Whitmer’s summer cottage; kill her security detail; take her to a nearby boat launch; and either abandon her in the middle of Lake Michigan or bring her across the lake to Wisconsin to stand a “citizen’s trial” over her COVID-19 lockdown policies. One discussion involved the implausible use of a military helicopter.
From appearances, a demonstration at the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing on April 30, 2020, might well have been a law enforcement dress rehearsal for Jan. 6.
Chappel traveled to the event in Lansing with three members of the Watchmen later held on state charges. Some protesters were clad in military gear and carried firearms, but could not enter the building. When Chappel told his FBI handler what was happening, the FBI ordered the Michigan State Police to stand down and allow protesters inside.
News photographers captured the moment when protesters “stormed” the [Michigan] State Capitol and called out for Whitmer, resulting in the same sort of optics produced at the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.
The incident took on greater significance when it was revealed that Steven D’Antuono, head of the Detroit FBI field office during the Whitmer caper, was promoted to head up the FBI field office in Washington, D.C., three months before Jan. 6.
And in the case of 66 year old January 6th protester Richard Barnett, he said he wandered in the Capitol with the crowd and was just looking around, and when he tried to leave, two men ("un-indicted co-conspirator" FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters, there to frame rump supporters?) blocked the door and prevented him from leaving, and then encouraged him to sit at a desk with his feet up and pose for a photo that THEY took, AT THEIR SUGGESTION. That these were quite possibly federal agents, and this was part of the set up of Trump suuporters. FBI Agents provocateur. I notice the Democrats and liberal media don't want to talk anymore about Richard Barnett, or about "Quanon shaman" Jacob Chansley anymore, formerly the poster-boys for Democrats' "white supemacis Trump supporter Jan 6th insurrection" , because those narratives have now been exposed as completely false, and blown up in the Democrats' faces. So they don't mention them by name anymore, and now try to sweep those narratives under the rug, and not draw attention to them. Because they now prove the public was lied to by Democrats and the liberal media. And even the New York Times that started the "Officer Brian Sicknick was bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher by violent WHITE SUPREMACIST Trump supporter" narrative, exposed factually as a false narrative about 6 months after Jan 6th, forced the liberal media and Democra leaders to COMPLETELY go silent their own narrative, after several times floating other false narratives (as I detailed in previous posts). So that again is another collapsed narrative the Democrat/Left now tries not to talk about. Completely false, completely disproven. Now another texbook example of the Democrats' entirely false narrative surrounding every aspect of January 6th.
Senators Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Ron Johnson, among others, asked FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism Jill Sanborn (in charge of FBI's Jan 6 investigations) , and in later Senate hearings testimony also questioned FBI director Christopher Wray, about the FBI undercover agents disguised as Trump supporters among the crowd on January 6th. Their evasive answers only further support the appearance of an attempt to frame Trump supporters. Asked if undercover FBI agents incited the crowd to violence and vandalism, both FBI officials (Sanborn, and Wray) said "I can't answer that, Senator." Asked if undercover agents that day COMMITTED VIOLENCE OR VANDALISM THEMSELVES, they again said "Senator, I can't answer that." That to me is a YES. That FBI DID incite violence, and commit acts of vandalism and violence themselves, to blame on Trump and his supporters.
And then there's the ABC News "story" you linked about "trusted Trump insiders" who witnessed what Trump said and did during the hours of he January 6th Capitol riots (Alyssa Farah, Cassidy Hutchinson, and "Anonymous" author later revealed to be an out-of-he loop nobody lackey named Miles Taylor, all exposed as liars who fronted provably false narratives.) Again, George Stephanopoulos and Jonathan Karl are partisans who have hyped false stories about Trump in the past. Second, I don't trust the alleged context of what their "trusted insider sources" actually said, I think they were slice-and-dice quoted in a context that Trump-hating and team-Democrat ABC News wanted to spin it in. I think they could be people who are completely loyal to Trump (such as Cippolone) who are quoted in a way that implies something that wasn't actually said by them.
And we also have examples of other "trusted" White House advisors, who exploited their time in the Trump administration to leverage themselves into media careers. One (Cassidy Hutchinson) alleged a ride and conversations in Trump's presidential limousine and a dramatic story of how Trump tried to grab the steering wheel and turn the car around to go where he wanted to go on Jan 6th. Completely discredited by Secret Service agents who were in those vehicles. But false narratives that are still pure catnip for CNN, MSNBC, ABC News and the New York Times.
Another young brunette White House assistant (Alyssa Farah Griffin ) also exploited Trump to write a questionably accurate tell-all book, and leveraged her way to become for the last year one of the harpy-shrew panelists on The View.
And ultimately, even if what they said in the linked article was hypothetically damning of Trump (which it isn't) , it is just their opinion, NOT the silver bullet "proof" of anything as you leap to speculate. They were advisors who gave their OPINION to Trump, and Trump rejected their assessments as false, and went with his own intuitions about the Capitol situation that day.
In a similar situation, Trump in 2019 was advised after Iran shot down a U.S. drone, and his advisors pushed Trump to launch a massive retaliatory attack on Iran. But at the last minute, Trump rejected his advisors' wisdom, followed his own instincts, and called off the attack, saying it would have been disproportionate and unnecessarily cost a lot of lives, and if not for Trump, would have pushed us into another trillion-dollar war with Iran. Trump wisely rejected the advice that former presidents Bush Sr., Clinton, W.Bush and Obama before him took, that led to trillions in unnecessary wars. Trump, along with Reagan, are the only presidents since World War II not to open up another major war during their presidencies. That's not "evil" of Trump, that's pragmatic, and in the U.S.'s, and the world's, interest.
You know what's "EVIL" ? Joe Biden removing all our troops prematurely from Afghanistan, so there was chaos at the airport, 13 U.S. soldiers who were (despite advance warnings ignored) unnecessarily killed by a Taliban suicide bomber in the crowd.
"EVIL" is dozens more desperate Afghans endangered by Biden's abandonment of Afghanistan and chaotic withdrawal, who clung to the planes as they took off and fell thousands of feet to their deaths, rather than be tortured and killed by the waiting Taliban outside the air-base gates. All because of the callous and cynical actions of Joe Biden, who ignored his generals' advice to not withdraw, and then lied they did not advise him.
You know what else is "EVIL"? Leaving 85 BILLION dollars worth of high-tech hardware, high-tech aircraft and helicopters, guns, and high-tech night-vision goggles that for decades gave U.S. soldiers battlefield superiority. But now Taliban has sold all this hardware to Russia, China and Iran, so they can reverse-engineer them, and a that moment we LOST decades of technological battlefield advantage. Or perhaps that was the Democrat plan all along. And that will ultimately cost the U.S. military and civilian lives.
As will allowing tens of thousands of Chinese, Russian, Iranian, ISIS, Hamas and other soldiers/terrorists to slip in the country, across our unprotected southern border, to destroy us from within. Every military advisor I've seen discuss it says such an attack is an absolute certainty at this point. And Biden, far from moving to contain that threat, allows in another 10,000 more illegals a day, every day, and even more "got-aways" every day, with absolutely no resistance or attempt to make that inflow stop. FACT.
You know what else is "EVIL"? Letting 9 million illegals into the U.S in the last 3 years., that is enriching the drug cartels and human traffickers, giving them absolute control over the border, rather than U.S. Border Patrol. And compounding on that evil, at least 30% of all the women and girls (and boys) brought in are raped, or even abducted into a permanent lives as prostitutes. That's easily millions of damaged lives, and Biden is directly responsible for what happens to them, EVERY DAY. No move by Biden to help or protect them.
You know what else is "EVIL"? Since Biden has taken office and rarmped up illegal immigration, the number of illegals left to die in the desert, from exhaustion, dehydration, snake bites, or who just can't keep up with their coyote border guides, and are left to die in the desert, has risen to about 1,000 a year, the highest in Border Patrol history, who have to find and pick up their shriveled corpses.
MORE evil : Deaths from Fentanyl and other opiates are now about 106,000 a year in the U.S. (or the total deaths for both the Korean War and the Vietnam war COMBINED, but not just total, but now that many dying EVERY YEAR). That's a lot of ruined lives and dead Americans. China and he Mexican cartels' assymetric war on the United States' civilian population, and on potential military recruits. Absolutely no move by Biden or the Democrat-Bolsheviks to stop or contain those immense rising annual numbers.
You desperately look for a way to blame and condemn Trump, M E M, with contrived January 6th narratives. But the fact is, we were a far more secure nation under Trump, before Biden and the Democrats stole the 2020 election, and unleashed their plans to destroy the country. And the narrative you try to front about what was ultimately a MINISCULE EVENT on Jan 6th, vastly exaggerated by Democrats, for pure propaganda narrative purposes. Especially in contrast to the ACTUAL casualties of Biden's policy, THOUSANDS of dead, over the last 3 years I just cited above. And that's not even a complete Biden casualty list.
Your narrative attempt reminds me of :
BULLWINKLE: Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat. ROCKY: Again ?!? But that trick NEVER works....
Your cheap stunt is the same type of weak attempt. And deserves to be taken with the exact same level of seriousness. After hundreds of other Democrat and liberal-media attempts over the last 8 years, each saying "No really !! THIS time we're giving you the silver bullet that will end Trump's political viabiliy and give Democrats the political advantage. No really. HONEST!" But every time, it turns out to be a canard, and turns to shit. EVERY TIME.
Well I think you’ve made it clear you’re with Trump no matter what. You are Lucy with the football. However Trump’s actions on Jan 6 were evil. You just choose protecting and supporting that evil. He was the commander in chief and he didn’t try stopping the violence until after someone was shot. You have lies that Trump is never going to perjure himself in court with and a special counsel that now reportedly has testimony from his inner circle that shows Trump being the monster he’s always been.
I'm with the FACTS, wherever they lead. And the FACTS all support Trump. As your party's vicious Orwellian narrative continues to unravel.
I've deconstructed your lying narrative about a billion times now. And there's more evidence every day, every week, that what your side is selling was always a lie, was always visible as a lie, even when the Democrat-Bolsheviks, and George Orwell's liberal media first launched it. And it's just that much more undeniable now.
Lucy you’re not fooling anyone. Trump could have tried stopping the violence much earlier on Jan 6. You know that. If you don’t like the facts you find alternatives. Like here for example you attack the media source but you also add that if that fails then it’s time to attack those people that were around Trump during that day if they tell the truth. It took Trump hours to ask his people to leave and after someone being shot in the capitol. Why? What would make that acceptable for any commander in chief?
Lucy you’re not fooling anyone. Trump could have tried stopping the violence much earlier on Jan 6. You know that. If you don’t like the facts you find alternatives. Like here for example you attack the media source but you also add that if that fails then it’s time to attack those people that were around Trump during that day if they tell the truth. It took Trump hours to ask his people to leave and after someone being shot in the capitol. Why? What would make that acceptable for any commander in chief?
You and your factless robot talking points.
Trump authorized 20,000 National Guard troops to protect Washington Square and the Capitol on January 6th. The Democrats obstructed that protecion, and THEY cause the riots and violence, what little occurred.
Trump in his 12 noon speech on January 6th said "I know in a few minutes you'll all be walking over to the Capitol, to PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support..." for the Republican House and Senate members LEGALLY challenging the rigged 2020 election, according to prescribed Constitutional procedure to challenge an election. The same way Democrats TRIED TO dispute elections in 2000, 2004, and 2016, but without a Senator to back any House Democrat on the allegation they tried to pull. Trump had far more evidence of election tampering.
Trump throughout the afternoon of Jan 6th, every 20 or 30 minutes, urged his supporters to "remain PEACEFUL !"
And when there was finally confirmation that a few rioters breached the Capitol (led by undercover FBI, DHS and Antfa, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters, NOT by actual Trump supporters) Trump within a very short time prepared a video statement, saying he sympathized with his supporters' frustration that they were not given a fair hearing to debate the Electoral vote, but that even remaining near the Capitol peacefully at this point would be portrayed badly by Democrat leadership and the liberal Newspeak media. That even peacefully staying would serve no purpose, and to just go home. Which ACTUAL Trump supporters immediately did.
Whether Trump took 45 minutes or an hour or an hour and 20 minutes to air that video statement is a completely bogus issue. Trump did everything he could be expected to do to prevent rioting, and to stop rioting when it did occur. Trump did not "incite" a riot, he did the exact opposite, he tried to prevent a riot at every stage. You're a lying Democrat zealot, and you will say anything to smear and damage Trump.
And in the tradition of the Moscow Central Committee, you and other Democrats are repeating your lying narrative with deceitful repetition, on the strategy it will be believed, by at least some uninformed rabble out there, to decrease Trump's voter base in Nov 2024.
Members and front organizations must continually embarass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic. The association will, after enough repetition, become "fact" in the public mind. --Moscow Central Committee, 1943
Deception and false narrative is the first and last impulse of any Democrat-Bolshevik.
Just as it is the nature of the communists they worship, from the Frankfurt School, to Saul Alinsky, to William Ayers and the Weather Underground, the Black Panthers (all Soviet funded, by the way). To the murderous authoritarian regimes the Democrat/Left worship, in the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and elsewhere. A Democrat ideological love for these Marxist regimes easily confirmed in the writings and speeches and graduate papers of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, A O-C and the "Squad", on down. And a radical ideology shared by everyone who serves on their administrative staff. The entire vicious deceitful Democrat-Bolshevik party. And I've quoted them praising these murderous communist regimes repeatedly here.
Funny but those Moscow rules look like your playbook. Gay nazi is one of your faves. Trump waited hours before telling his people to leave. You with your lack of morals find that just peachy. Got it Lucy
Funny but those Moscow rules look like your playbook. Gay nazi is one of your faves. Trump waited hours before telling his people to leave. You with your lack of morals find that just peachy. Got it Lucy
"The gay nazis" is not a term I invented. Since at least the 1980's it's been a half-joking term for gay activists who use violence and intimidation to silence any opposition to gay political goals.
Before the creation of Fox News in 1995-1996, there was an incident in New York public schools where a leftist superintendent and a group of teachers pushed books like Heather Has Two Mommies, and Daddy's Roommate, and conservative parents in the district were incensed, and succeeded through protest and voting at PTA meetings in getting the superintendent fired, and the books removed from the school system's curriculum and library. The parents were threatened, and there was actually at least one car-bombing, to intimidate the parents who pressed the issue, and there were many. I saw this reported on the 700 Club, in an era when it was virtually the only place you could see a conservative perspective and that exposed the omitted facts on mainstream television.
Re: your lyingly saying "Moscow rules look like your playbook."
That would require a lot of explanation on your part, to make the slightest fucking sense. SHOW ME where I or anyone I agree with on the conservative side, engages in ANY violence or threats to intimidate into silence those on the liberal side. Those Marxist//Democrat/Soviet/Bolshevik tactics occur COMPLETELY on the Democrat/Leftist side in the U.S.
There have been at least two Trump supporters who have been killed by Democrat radicals in the last few years. And Hodgekinson (a Bernie Sanders political volunteer), the shooter at the Congressional baseball game, who came very close to killing several Republican congress members and the police protecting them.
As I've quoted many times, since Trump became president there have been violent attacks on Trump supporters on average one attack EVERY DAY nationwide. There have been attacks on about a dozen Republican Senators and House members in the last 8 years. And further bombings, arson and vandalism of their offices.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) and Rep. Mat Gaetz (R-FL) have been repeatedly threatened, and Green over Christmas 2023 was "SWATTed" again (calling police with an anonymous call, alleging a violent hostage situation, sending police with guns drawn to her address, intended to potentially get Green or her family or staff killed). Green said this is the 8th time this has occurred against her. About 2 years ago, Matt Gaetz had a phone call where an anonymous caller (call recorded) said he was going to kill Gaetz, saying, "I can kill you anytime from 200 yards away, turn your head to pink mist, make it explode like a watermelon..." FBI was called (the 97% Democrat FBI) who investigated and found the guy. But incredibly, didn't think it warranted even arresting the suspect.
I love the pathetic attempt on your part to flip the narrative, and accuse your Republican political opposition of EXACTLY what you yourselves, the vicious Democrat-Bolsheviks, are the ones truly guilty of. Democrats are violent marxist radicals, who OPENLY WORSHIP AND QUOTE Lenin, Stalin, Fidel Castro, Che Gueverra, Mao Tse Tung, Hugo Chaves, and Saul Alinsky. And yet you have the audacity to allege that it is Trump and Republicans who are lapdogs of Putin and the Russians, with absolutely no evidence to back it up.
Meanwhile, it is DEMOCRATS who have enabled and embraced Russian, Chinese and domestic communists since before World War II, and right up to the present, From the FDR and Truman administrations, to the 1960's radicals and the Vietnam anti-war movement, to Senator Ted Kennedy who secretly met with the Russians and urged them not to make a nuclear peace deal with the Reagan adminisration, to John Kerry and other Democrats who acted treasonously during the Vietnam war, and did the same right up to the Persian Gulf War, and as Kerry is currently still doing in negotiating wih Communist China. To Obama's Cultural Marxism and worship of Anti-Colonialism (his [i]Dreams From My Father[i] autobiography), Critical Race Theory, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Derrick Bell, Saul Alinsky, ACORN, and his participation in the plot to overthrow the Trump administration using FBI, DOJ, CIA and other intelligence agencies. And ironically, these Marxists ACCUSE TRUMP and his supporters of being insurrectionists and lapdog stooges of the Russians.
The lying propaganda narrative that Trump supporters are violent radicals, is easily disproven by the actual facts. YOU'RE the Democrat-Bolsheviks, the party of Marxism, "Democratic Socialism" (Bernie Sanders and A O-C), Black Lives matter, and Antifa.
It is DAMN clear who the dangerous violent radicals truly are. And it's the Democrat-Bolshevik party that embraces Marxism, BLM, Antifa, open borders, transgender fanatics, and now Hamas terrorism.
You watched maga people beat the shit out of law enforcement on Jan 6 and then proceeded to portray the rioters as the true victims along with Trump who waited hours to ask his people to leave. (not an issue for you) You have shown me and proven who and what your values are WB over and over again. You talk about swatting and death threats but it’s only an issue if it’s a republican. These days Trump can joke in front of his followers about someone’s husband being brutally beaten with a hammer to laughter and applause. Your version of greatness.
Btw never said you created the term gay nazi but you use it as per your Moscow rule book.
You watched maga people beat the shit out of law enforcement on Jan 6 and then proceeded to portray the rioters as the true victims along with Trump who waited hours to ask his people to leave. (not an issue for you) You have shown me and proven who and what your values are WB over and over again. You talk about swatting and death threats but it’s only an issue if it’s a republican. These days Trump can joke in front of his followers about someone’s husband being brutally beaten with a hammer to laughter and applause. Your version of greatness.
Btw never said you created the term gay nazi but you use it as per your Moscow rule book.
You're absolutely full of shit, and the FACTS confirm that what you're saying is a lie. As I just linked, it is THE DEMOCRATS who have an 80-year history of Marxism and Russian/Communist ideology and Moscow Central Committee deceptive political tactics.
I've cited and sourced over and over, where the FBI sent "at least" 20 undercover agents into the crowd, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters on Jan 6th. That DHS also admits they sent AT LEAST 20 undercover agents on Jan 6th, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. That DC Metro police sent AT LEAST 10 undercover officers on Jan 6th, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. That John Earle Sullivan and his Antifa group from Salt Lake City also went into the crowd on Jan 6th, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters, and openly bragged in their videos about planning to trick Trump supporters into committing violence, and video of the Antifa members boasting THEY would commit violence themselves, and get it blamed on Trump supporters. That they were in the room where Ashli Babbit was killed, stoking both sides, both the protesters and the police to atack each other. I would lay money that every person smashing the glass doors and outside door-size Capitol building windows were either FBI or Antifa. And ha it was either rabidly anti-Trump FBI agents, or rabidly anti-Trump Capitol police officers like Michael Fanone and Harry Dunn who took away the police barricades, to trick Trump supporters into entering the Capitol building, and in police uniforms (as shown in multiple videos) holding the double doors of the Capitol open wide for them to enter, and standing like an honor guard as Trump supporters walked past hem in the halls inside. No attempt by police to protesters' presence inside the Capiol, or to make them leave. Only weeks later were these PEACEFUL Trump supporters, who were INVITED IN the Capitol, subjected to 6 AM FBI-raid arrests in their homes, with AR-15's pointed at heir heads, and laser-sight red dots pointed at them, their wives and their children.
And that just like the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot in Michigan in the months before Jan 6th, FBI undercover agents were infiltrated in among the Proud Boys and the Oth Keepers, one FBI agent shared a hotel room with the leader of Oath Keepers. And like the Whitmer kidnapping plot, undercover FBI agents were the ones who pushed for violence, and brought the battle plan for violence on Jan 6th, that Oath Keepers didn't create, and didn't follow, but they are blamed, rather than the FBI and Antifa false-flag operatives who ACTUALLY DID THE VIOLENCE .
That pretty much destroys the "Trump supporter insurrection/ domestic terrorist threat" narrative, with a single 2-minute series of questions. It makes clear the sleazy way the FBI framed Trump supporters, to falsely label them as "domestic terrorists", where she absolutely refused to answer, in a way that looks like Jill Sanborn exercising her First Amendment right to not incriminate herself and her agency for crimes.
CRUZ: "Did FBI agents or informants actively participate in the January 6th events, yes or no?" SANBORN: "Sir, uh, I can't answer that..."
CRUZ: "Did any FBI agents or informants commit crimes of violence on Jan 6?" SANBORN : "I can't answer that sir."
CRUZ: "Did any FBI agents or informants encourage or incite crimes of violence on January 6th?" SANBORN: "Sir, I can't answer that."
That's it. Game over. GAME OVER.
Exposed. In recent months it's been proven there was no armed insurrection, that FBI or other law enforcement did not find or confiscate a single firearm on Jan 6th. FBI has confirmed there was no organized violence, just a few random acts that could more accurately be described as some minor rioting, not any evidence to support a national insurrection narrative. We've seen that the leader of Oath Keepers shared a hotel room with an FBI undercover agent, and it was this agent that gave the battle plan to Oath Keepers for Jan 6th.
That there were "at least 20" un-indicted co conspirator undercover FBI agents (as exposed by Revolver News, from the FBI's own investigative reports of Jan 6th) , who were in the crowd, and in the videotaped examples of Ray Epps and others, were trying to stoke the protesters to violence that they had no interest in committing. That when these "at least 20" agents were exposed by Revolver News, the FBI suddenly wiped their wanted photos from the FBI website, and never pursued or arrested them. While simultaneously and with incredible irony, jailing grandmas who only walked inside the Capitol that day, maliciously imprisoning them in harsh conditions for over a year in jail and counting, in isolation with no lawyer or trial, while the ACTUAL inciters and violent offenders are hidden and protected by the FBI.
And now Jill Sanborn is asked directly if these were FBI agents who were already previously established to be present, were in fact participants and EVEN THE PLANNERS AND INSTIGATORS OF THE VIOLENCE , and she evasively refuses to answer, in a way that is basically an admission of guilt by the FBI.
The 97% Hillary Clinton-donating DOJ/FBI was weaponized to frame Trump and his supporters for violence that FBI agents themselves planned and orchestrated, to frame Trump and his supporters.
Game over. The "right wing terrorist/insurrection" narrative is dead. And the over-reach of an oppressive Democrat-loyalist Deep State FBI who ACTUALLY planned and executed it at every stage, is fully exposed.
Nope, if your shit was really anything that could stand up in court, Trump and maga land would have done it already. Instead it’s the other way around. You know Trump could have asked his people to leave earlier on Jan 6 though and you support that he didn’t. Your morals=the partisan gutter.
Nope, if your shit was really anything that could stand up in court, Trump and maga land would have done it already. Instead it’s the other way around. You know Trump could have asked his people to leave earlier on Jan 6 though and you support that he didn’t. Your morals=the partisan gutter.
Rigged cases dismissed by Democrat-appointed judges, and either deep-state Republican-appointed judges who look the other way. Or intimidated Republican-appointed judges, who don't want the same treatment as Rudy Giuliani and Alan Dershowitz and Peter Navarro and Michael Flynn and Roger Stone and George Papadapoulos. And as FORMER PRESIDENT TRUMP HIMSELF
It is lawfare, not justice, that each of these people have been fighting. And while these judges and legislators know what is happening to the January 6th prisoners and to Trump and his officials is unjust, many judges don't want to risk the same lawfare directed against them byvoicing opposition to it, and share a jail cell with these former high officials, and be similarly bankrupted by legal fees proving their innocence. It's just easier for them to look the other way.
In the case of the January 6th trials and plea deals, the {Democrat-zealot] FBI and DOJ seem to have judge-shopped for the most Democrat-leftist judges, who likewise hate Trump supporters and will eagerly rubber-stamp the most unfair legal overcharging and plea deals. These Jan 6th prisoners are people who have been in terrible conditions, without even clean drinking water, without flushing toilets, without the ability to shave or cut their hair or even bathe, often kept in solitary confinement for prolonged periods, denied due process or access to legal counsel, denied visitation with their wives and children. HELD FOR THREE YEARS NOW WITHOUT EVEN BEING GIVEN A TRIAL OR SEEN ANY EVIDENCE AGAINST THEM. And if they complain about their treatment, or lack of access to a lawyer, or in some cases cancer medication, are beaten in their cells by Trump-hating Democrat guards.
And because you, M E M, are a Democrat-Bolshevik, you have no problem with this. Al Qaida in Guantanamo have been treated better that these INNOCENT people. Held indefinitely for only "trespassing" on Jan 6h, that should have just been punished with at most a fine. Whereas Antifa and BLM who threw Molotov cocktails in and and burned police cars WITH police still in them, who burned federal buildings, who permanently blinded agents with lasers, violently attacked and and badly injured people (reporter Andy Ngo for example). But unlike Jan 6th prisoners... over 90% of Antifa and BLM ACTUAL violent offenders, were just set free by the same DOJ and FBI, not even jailed or prosecuted.
And you are again making a bullshit fake argument. Whether Trump responded with his video statement on Jan 6th in 45 minutes of the breach, or in an hour, or in an hour and 20 minutes is just yet another down-the-raabbithole fake Democrat narrative. Trump aired his video quickly, and it made everyone quickly go home. So quickly that even officers around the Capitol were astonished with how quickly the Trump protesters left. And Trump ordered 20,000 National Guard troops in advance to prevent any violence in the first place, that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Muriel Bowser obstructed from being deployed. THAT is the real source of violence that day, because Democrats WANTED violence to occur that day, to provide them with a "dangerous right wing Trump protesters" false narrative. Just as Democrat leaders choreographed violence to occur in Charlottesville in 2017. A Democrat mayor, all-Democrat city council, and Democrat state governor, deliberately withdrew police and let the 2 sides clash, and got exactly the violence and "dangerous right wing" narrative they wanted. The one Democrats purposefully ORCHESTRATED.
And YOUR morals that = "the gutter". You are a piece-of-shit liar fronting slanderous disproven false talking points. Just throwing wet spaghetti against the wall, trying to find a fake narrative that will stick.
There was no January 6th "insurrection". THAT is a proven lie.
There was no "five people KILLED by Trump supporters on Jan 6. THAT has been proven a lie. Ashlee Babbitt shot by a trigger-happy cop, for no reason (NOT by Trump supporters). Officer Brian Sicknick who died of a stroke, natural causes (NOT by "bludgeoning with a fire extinguisher", NOT by bear spray or some other chemical allegedly thrown by rioters, the coroners repor clearly said no evidence of these New York Times-created false narratives, that they finally retracted several months later.. So despite several false narratives by the media and Democrats, Sicknick's death was again NOT cause by Trump supporters.) And now we're seeing that possibly 3 Trump protesters who died that day of a stroke and a heart attack and seizure, initially ruled natural causes, that the 3 of them might have actually been l killed by police repeatedly firing concussion grenades at nonviolent Trump protesters just standing around waving flags, whose pre-diagnosed fragile health made them die from the unnecessary repeated trauma. NO ONE was killed by Trump supporters, only killed by authoritarian Democrat agents in police uniforms.
The FBI, as clearly stated by Jill Sanborn and by FBI director Christopher Wray in House and Senate hearings, found no evidence of an organized insurrection, and did not even find a single firearm in all of Washington Square. PERIOD. THE END.
Every false narrative the Democrat-Bolsheviks have tried to float over the last 3 years is now completely disproven by the facts. And yet you're still repeating the same disproven lies. At this point you are deliberately lying, there is nothing left of your narrative that still has a credible basis, that has not been revealed to be completely false. Other than the fact that you WISH it was true.
Trump watched the violence on Jan 6 and chose to only ask his special people to leave hours after it started and only after one of his people got shot. Any report I’ve read has republicans begging him to ask them to leave. There is no order that Trump signed ordering 20,000 troops either. Your guy lost and threw a tantrum that hasn’t ever ended. You talk of intimidation after seeing the gallows Trump’s special people built for his VP and heard the “hang Pence” chants in the Capitol. Just the tip of the iceberg of intimidation and death threats dolled out by maga land to those who get in Trump’s way. That includes not just elected officials, judges and lawyers but also every day people like election workers. You know this and you supported his thuggery and lies all the way.
Trump watched the violence on Jan 6 and chose to only ask his special people to leave hours after it started and only after one of his people got shot. Any report I’ve read has republicans begging him to ask them to leave. There is no order that Trump signed ordering 20,000 troops either. Your guy lost and threw a tantrum that hasn’t ever ended. You talk of intimidation after seeing the gallows Trump’s special people built for his VP and heard the “hang Pence” chants in the Capitol. Just the tip of the iceberg of intimidation and death threats dolled out by maga land to those who get in Trump’s way. That includes not just elected officials, judges and lawyers but also every day people like election workers. You know this and you supported his thuggery and lies all the way.
You're a broken record, with no facts and nothing new to say. It was completely false the first 1,000 times you said it. It will remain equally false the next billion times you say it. I've detailed the actual facts over and over and OVER, and you are apparently utterly immune to facts.
Kash Patel is a witness to Trump signing the executive order for 20,000 National Guard on January 6th, and there is plenty of other documentation and witnesses, including DC mayor Muriel Bowser's refusal of National Guard troops IN A WRITTEN LETTER. That is beyond deniability. You are making stuff up, as usual. That doesn't make the actual facts any less factual.
As I recall, Trump spoke from precisely 12 noon to 1:11 PM on the White House lawn on Jan 6th. Trump said to his supporters "I know in a few minutes, you're all going to walk over to the Capitol and PEACEFULLY and patriotically let your voices he heard", in support of Republican House and Senate members, CONSTITUTIONALLY and LEGALLY and PEACEFULLY challenging the rigged 2020 electoral votes.
There was some violence and vandalism [ by FBI and Antifa false flag agents, *NOT* Trump supporters ] that began outside the Capitol, smashing windows and so forth, 30 minutes before Trump finished his speech, starting about 12:40 PM (Trump didn't finish his speech until 1:11 PM) . This emphasizes that it was not Trump supporters, because the ACTUAL supporters were still 45 minutes away on the White House lawn listening to Trump's speech, and would not have walked over to and arrived at the Capitol until about 1:55 PM.
Breach of the Capitol interior occurred around 2:30 PM. Ashli Babbitt was shot by Capitol police Lt. Michael Byrd (for no reason) at approximately 2:45 PM. Trump throughout the afternoon posted Twitter posts every 20 to 30 minutes, instructing protesters to "Remain PEACEFUL !"
Sometime around 3PM there was confirmation that Trump supporters (or false-flag FBI and Antifa, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters) had breached the Capitol. And Trump released his video statement instructing protesters to go home and leave the Capitol at precisely 4:17 PM ( Biden --or more accurately his puppetmasters, posting on Twitter post in Biden's name--- released a post calling on Trump to instruct his supporters to go home, at precisely 4:06 PM. So obviously, Trump was already preparing his video statement to post on Twitter, while Team Biden made that post. And Trump's video was aired on the news networks immediately after it was posted on Twitter. )
So... you are being ridiculous, and nitpicking beyond belief about nothing. Trump throughout the day instructed his followers to be peaceful, and they were.
And for the billionth time, whether the time till his video statement telling people to go home was 45 minutes, or 1 hour, or 1 hour and 20 minutes, from the time his staff confirmed the breach had occurred, he STILL responded very soon after the breach and did all he could, in a very reasonable timeframe, allowing he time Trump needed to write and videotape and post a video statement for people to go home, doing his part at every stage, to prevent in advance with an executive order for National Guard (ignored by Bowser, Pelosi and Schumer), discourage violence repeaedly throughout the afternoon on social media, to stop the rioting and ell people to go home once he knew rioing occurred.
The only revisionists alleging to be "Republicans begging him to ask them to leave" that day are self-serving RINOs, who alleged this just to get positions as highly paid consultants on MSNBC, CNN, and The View. And that is proven by the highly paid positions they now hold at these networks. They are lying Judases, who have been paid way beyond their 30 pieces of silver. FACT.
And I see no evidence that the people waving Confederate flags and shouting "Hang Pence" were actual Trump supporters. As the FBI's own reports have made clear, the protest rally was filled with federal and Antifa false-flag agents DISGUISED AS Trump supporters, and these incidents were very inconsistent with the behavior of Tea Party or Trump supporters at any other rally over 8 years. There were undercover FBI agents surrounding the leaders of Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, giving them battle plans for violence, pushing them to do violence they NEVER would commit on their own, without FBI staging. It reeks of being a Democrat-orchestrated false-flag operation, to slander and fragment Trump supporters.
Just as the Hillary Clinton campaign did, funding 2 violent operatives at a Trump rally in 2016. And these 2 thugs were stupid enough to brag about it to Project Veritas, who nationally broadcast the video of them and exposed them, boasting that they were paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign to do the violence, "through a double wall of deniability."
And again, the FBI's doing the exact same thing just months before, with the faked Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot. It was the exact same set-up. And the wife-beating FBI supervisor who orchestrated the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping frame job, is the exact same guy FBI sent to supervise the January 6th FBI undercover set-up.
You are a liar, M E M. As I proved over and over, SOURCED AND LINKED ABOVE, Democrat/Leftist violence and intimidation is a thousand-fold in real and documented occurrences, of what you even try to even ALLEGE was done by Trump or Republicans. Yours is the party of Antifa, BLM, open borders, Hamas terrorists, and ulimately, marxist revolution. FACT.
Your Democrat-Bolshevik party worships Marxists worldwide, and openly emulates their tactics of violence and intimidation. They worship and quote Marxist revolutionaries, as I've cited repeatedly. In the cases of Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Barack and Michelle Obama, and virtually all of their staffers, They are Marxist revolutionaries THEMSELVES. These are THEIR tactics, not those of Trump or Republicans.
So, in a nutshell, you're a fucking liar. And I've sourced and linked the true facts over and over, proving that.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
In response to Tucker Carlson's suppressed interview of the Capiol police chief, which would have aired on his show the very day Tucker Carlson was fired. Believed to be the exact reason Fox abruptly fired Tucker Carlson when they did, in late April 2023. Russel Brand injects a lot of humor and bombast that makes his arguments fun as well as informative. With his heavy cockney accent, that adds a humorous twist to it as well.
As Russell Brand explains, the police chief (Stephen Sund) in the interview reveals that he was NOT informed by anyone of the presence of undercover FBI (and DHS, and DC Metro police, and Antifa) DISGUISED AS Trump supporters in the crowd on Jan 6th. Very likely because they were the actual ones stoking the violence.
Russell Brand's bullet-points of what we know about January 6th:
1) Dozens of agents and confidential informants from multiple [federal and DC Metro] law enforcement agencies were present [disguised as Trump supporters, among the crowd].
2) Court documents indicate there were also FBI informants among two of the groups that organized violence on Jan 6, Proud Boys, and Oathkeepers. [And it was these FBI agents, not the groups themselves, that provided that organizaion.]
3) The FBI has a long history of using confidential informants to entrap people who otherwise would not have committed a crime.
4) At best, the Jan 6th riot was a massive security failure; At worst, [FBI] informants may have the very ones who encouraged rioters to enter the Capitol.
5) After Jan 6th while establishment Democrats and commentators called for many non-violent January 6 participants to be harshly prosecuted, even charged with "felony murder" , some judges and prosecutors opted for leniency, acknowledging that "the actions of many individual rioters often boiled down to trespassing". [At least 90% of cases, actually.]
6) At least two FBI whistleblowers [have been] persecuted for concerns over how the January 6 protesters were treated. [FBI agent Steven] Friend expressed concerns about the FBI's use of SWAT teams to arrest January 6 subjects. Within a month of these disclosures by him, the FBI removed Friend's security clearance, and removed him from active duty. And [FBI agent Garret] O'Boyle disclosed that the FBI pressured him to violate the law by opening domestic violence extremism investigations without sufficient basis. O'Boyle was transferred to a new unit, moved his family across the country, and was placed on unpaid suspension the day he arrived.
7) While [Capitol police chief ] Stephen Sund was begging [on Jan 6th, during the riots] to greenlight assistance from the National Guard [already advance authorized days ahead of he 6th by President Trump, an order obstructed by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer] the needed National Guard troops were "within eyesight" of the Capitol, but by he time the National Guard finally showed up, Sund noted, "New Jersey state police had beaten them to the Capitol.
8) According o the GAO (General Accounting Office) report, the actions or lack thereof [on advance intelligence of potential violent/terrorist threats] taken up until the Jan 6 riot [FBI and other federal intelligence advance information on threats, NOT shared with Sund and the Capitol police] led Sund to believe that intelligence officials in power were aware of the attack in advance, and covered it up by failing to disseminate the information to those who needed it.
9) Lawmakers [on the Jan 6th House Committee] didn't want Sund to testify.
9) In the aftermath of the Jan 6 riot, [House and Senate] lawmakers began to schedule hearings on the security failures, while the [Democrat] fever pitch grew to launch a snap impeachment of the outgoing president [Trump].
10) "I fought to testify" Sund said, "but they didn't want me to testify in the Senate hearing."
And still pending:
1) Donald Trump is facing 4 charges relating to alleged attempts to overthrow the 2020 election result... with maximum charges ranging from 5 to 20 years in prison.
2) The January 6 Capitol riot has frequently been compared to the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks. On one hand, the comparison is absurd. However, the two events do have some stark parallels. Each was an avoidable security failure, received a mountain of fear-inducing media coverage, AND HAS SINCE BEEN USED TO JUSTIFY FURTHER CENTRALIZATION OF REPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT POWERS.
3) The response to events of January 6th has been marked by a crackdown on dissent: a dramatic increase in anti-protest bills around the country, including at least 88 that have been introduced since the Capitol riot; A massive buildup of the Capitol police into a national force to target "terrorism"; as well as rollout by the Biden administration of a sweeping counter-terrorism strategy. In many ways, the response to January 6 may wind up being more dangerous than the event itself.
Answering Russell Brand's own cui bono question: It benefits the Biden administration and the Democrat-Bolsheviks, by giving them the pretense to eliminate their political opposition before the 2024 election, to stay in power, while the polled voters overwhelmingly rejects them, even their own traditional demographic support base. In a Democrat-planned crushing of dissent very similar to the overthrow of Bolsanaro in Brazil, in a similar rigged election and lockdown on dissent. And similarity to Putin in Russia, Xi Xinping in China, Erdogan in Turkey, and Trudeau in Canada. All of whom were pioneers of such lockdowns on dissent in their own countries, several of whom enjoy praise from Democrats, for this kind of authoritarian national control. An opinion also shared by the billionaires who support and fund the Democrat-Bolshevik party.
And the M E M zealots of The Democrat-Bolshevik party are still completely on board.
An editorial by Daily Caller's co-founder about January 6th, published just after Tucker Carlson had released the Capitol surveillance video of police peacefully escorting around "Quanon Shaman" Jacob Chansley. For a "right wing" publication, I think his views are very fair, weighing the views of both sides.
He argues for releasing all the Capitol video surveillance footage, so neither side can argue the footage was selectively edited to bias perception toward one side or the other, but to let the public see the full record, and decide for themselves.
I sound like a broken record because you loyal magas can’t create a false narrative about it. You’re left saying it’s no big deal that he waited hours to ask his people to leave. Ashli Babbitt might have preferred he hadn’t waited. Pretty sure the law enforcement getting wailed on would have also. You can throw as much garbage around and it still doesn’t change that fact. I couldn’t imagine anyone with an ounce of principle thinking it’s really no big deal that the commander in chief wouldn’t have asked his people to leave in situation like that. Someone like yourself however it’s no big deal. He invited his people there and then waited hours before asking them to leave. I watched it happen. You did too.
I sound like a broken record because you loyal magas can’t create a false narrative about it. You’re left saying it’s no big deal that he waited hours to ask his people to leave. Ashli Babbitt might have preferred he hadn’t waited. Pretty sure the law enforcement getting wailed on would have also. You can throw as much garbage around and it still doesn’t change that fact. I couldn’t imagine anyone with an ounce of principle thinking it’s really no big deal that the commander in chief wouldn’t have asked his people to leave in situation like that. Someone like yourself however it’s no big deal. He invited his people there and then waited hours before asking them to leave. I watched it happen. You did too.
And as I said, regarding Trump and the Capitol riot call for protesters to go home, you are nit-picking over a matter of minutes of response time, over a video Trump posted instructing protesters to go home. As I PRECISELY quoted from an NPR (liberal media) timeline, Biden tweeted for Trump to call off protesters at 4:06 PM, and Trump (already producing it) posted his video at 4:17 PM. It is a desperate smokescreen attempt by you to attack Trump on ANYTHING, in order to change the narrative from how Biden and the other Democrat-Bolsheviks are destroying the country:
skyrocketing inflation on groceries, gas and everything else,
skyrocketing interest rates on home mortgages, so that 90% of the country now cannot afford to buy a home and pay DOUBLE the interest rates they were paying back just 3 years ago when Trump was president.
Open borders, illegals and criminals pouring into our country and exhausting welfare services needed for U.S. citizens.
Biden declaring war on fossil fuels, so now we don't have oil and natural gas to sell to European nations. So after Jan 2021, these countries became dependent on Russian oil and natural gas, and the hundred billion a year in new revenue from that new supply stream completely funded Russia's war in Ukraine.
AND the U.S., previously oil-independent for the first time in 72 years under Trump, is now once again dependent on hostile nations like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. Who by the way, aren't taking Biden's phone calls when he calls begging them for oil we no longer produce ourselves, PRECISELY BECAUSE OF HIM.
The Afghanistan witthdrawal fiasco, leaving our allies to be slaughtered, leaving at least 1,000 Americans behind to be slaughtered or taken as hostages. Leaving behind $85 BILLION in our best military equipment, planes, tanks, guns, artillery, helicopters, night-vision goggles, for hem tto sell to the Iranians, Russians and Chinese to reverse engineer. hat has taken away our technological advantage. And all of which emboldens all the other emerging wars I mentioned above.
Biden's not enforcing Trump's sanctions on Iran has allowed Iran, that previously had been drained down to 4 billion in financial assets, and allowed them to gain another $80 billion since Biden took office in Jan 2021, that Iran has using to fund wars and terrorism throughout the middle east , in Southern Lebanon, inGaza, in the West Bank, with the Houthis in Yemen, and in the last 2 days, expanding ino another conflict with nuclear-armed Pakistan. Plus over 110 attacks on U.S. military bases in Iraq and Syria. As Biden just sits on his hands and lets it happen.
And waiting in the wings, China flying a dozen military flights over Taiwan, in preparation for an invasion THERE as well, another war. That bought and paid for "China Joe" Biden likely do absolutely nothing to stop.
And a wide open southern border, with an estimated 9 to 12 million illegals already overwhelming every one of the 50 states. And likely at least reaching a cumulative 15 million by the end of he year. Along wih criminals, human traffickers, drug cartels, prisoners released from prisons and mental asylums of nations worldwide, every security expert inerviewed says this human flood across our border also includes terrorists and military saboteur squads, if not entire military divisions, to attack us from within ou own country.
Chaos, on every front, excused and dismissed by transparent lies from every corner of the Biden administration.
So, M E M, Baghdad Bob, whatever your name is, don't pee on me and tell me it's raining. Every American in this country who isn't a Democrat-Bolshevik knows you guys are pissing on us. And the lies you front to pretend otherwise are an insult to our intelligence.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
And in addition to the "Twitter files", double-voting, fake-registered people from out of state voting, the Republican dead rising to vote Democrat, illegal immigrants voting, Dominion voting systems rigging votes, and other "muliple streams of election fraud", THIS....
I’m sure it looked good bringing up Biden’s attempt to get Trump to act like decent human being but Biden was still a private citizen. He didn’t know Trump would just sit and watch the violence on tv and let it go on. He actually tweeted this at 3:20 when it became very evident that Trump wasn’t doing the right thing.
Joe Biden @JoeBiden · Follow I call on President Trump to go on national television now to fulfill his oath and defend the Constitution by demanding an end to this siege.
I’m sure it looked good bringing up Biden’s attempt to get Trump to act like decent human being but Biden was still a private citizen. He didn’t know Trump would just sit and watch the violence on tv and let it go on. He actually tweeted this at 3:20 when it became very evident that Trump wasn’t doing the right thing.
Joe Biden @JoeBiden · Follow I call on President Trump to go on national television now to fulfill his oath and defend the Constitution by demanding an end to this siege.
And as I said, regarding Trump and the Capitol riot call for protesters to go home, you are nit-picking over a matter of minutes of response time, over a video Trump posted instructing protesters to go home. As I PRECISELY quoted from an NPR (liberal media) timeline, Biden tweeted for Trump to call off protesters at 4:06 PM, and Trump (already producing it) posted his video at 4:17 PM. It is a desperate smokescreen attempt by you to attack Trump on ANYTHING, in order to change the narrative from how Biden and the other Democrat-Bolsheviks are destroying the country: [ long list of Biden failures and deliberate destruction of the nation, since Jan 20 2021 ]
President Trump on January 3 2021 gave an executive order for up to 20,000 troops to defend Washington Square from any possible rioting or violence on January 6th. Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser flat-out refused this offer or troops, IN WRITING. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer likewise prevented this deployment.
On Jan 6th, smashing windows and other rioting OUTSIDE the Capitol began about 12:40 PM
Trump gave his speech on the White House lawn from 12 noon till 1:11 PM (So his ACTUAL supporters, would have not yet been at the Capitol, would have been far away listening to Trump, would have left the White House lawn and walked over to the Capitol and arrived there 45 minutes walking distance later, about 1:56PM. Not to be confused with the false-flag undercover FBI, DHS DC Metro police, and Antifa DISGUISED AS Trump supporters who arrived and started trouble earlier. ) Some clashing with police outside the Capitol was first detected about 12:53 PM, and was phoned in to Capitol police chief Stephen Sund (as he said above in his video interview with Tucker Carlson)
Some minor rioting breached the Capitol building interior about 2:15 PM
The incident where an unarmed Ashli Babbitt was shot (FOR NO REASON) by Capitol police Lt. Michael Byrd occurred at 2:45 PM
At 2:26 p.m., D.C.'s homeland security director Chris Rodriguez coordinated a conference call with Mayor Bowser, the chiefs of the Capitol Police (Sund) and Metropolitan Police (Contee), and DCNG [DC National Guard] major general Walker. As the DCNG does not report to a governor, but to the president, Walker patched in the Office of the Secretary of the Army [McCarthy], noting that he would need Pentagon authorization to deploy. Lt. Gen. Walter E. Piatt, director of the Army Staff, noted that the Pentagon needed Capitol Police authorization to step onto Capitol grounds. Metro Police chief Robert Contee asked for clarification from Capitol Police chief Sund: "Steve, are you requesting National Guard assistance at the Capitol?"
To which Chief Sund replied, "I am making urgent, urgent, immediate request for National Guard assistance". According to Sund, Lt. Gen. Piatt stated, "I don't like the visual of the National Guard standing a police line with the Capitol in the background".
Sund pleaded with Lt. Gen. Piatt to send the Guard, but Lt. Gen. Piatt stated that only Army secretary McCarthy had the authority to approve such a request and he could not recommend that Secretary McCarthy approve the request for assistance directly to the Capitol.
The D.C. officials [chief Sund, and DC chief Contee] were subsequently described as "flabbergasted" at this message. McCarthy would later state that he was not in this conference call because he was already entering a meeting with senior department leadership.[239] General Charles A. Flynn, brother to the controversial General Michael Flynn, participated in the call.[356][357] By 3:37 p.m., the Pentagon dispatched its own security forces to guard the homes of senior defense leaders, "even though no rioters or criminal attacks are occurring at those locations." Chief Sund later opined, "This demonstrates to me that the Pentagon fully understands the urgency and danger of the situation even as it does nothing to support us on the Hill.
So acting only to protect themselves, Pentagon military bureaucrats acting as fast as they could, took until 3:37 PM to deploy troops to protect their own homes. Trump gave a video post for protesters to "go home" at 4:17 PM
And the exact time from the first beginnings of breach into the Capitol (2:15 PM), till when Trump aired a video statement for everyone to go home , was at 4:17 PM. That's 2 hours and 2 minutes total response time.
Given all these EXACT times, Trump at every stage, from executive ordering up to 20,000 National Guard , to his 12 noon- 1:11 PM speech instructing his supporters "You'll be going over to the Capitol now to PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support" for Republican House and Senate members inside who were LEGALLY challenging he Electoral vote count, to Trump's social media posts throughout the afternoon every 20 to 30 minutes, continuously instructing his supporters to "remain PEACEFUL", to Trump's 4:17 PM video statement for all his supporters to go home, and that video message by Trump alone probably took him at least 30 minutes to compose, video-record and up-link to Twitter. Based on all the above acts by Trump to insure peaceful protest, I think it is ridiculous, RIDICULOUS for you to continue to allege Trump is some kind of criminal who was somehow callous and negligent and responsible for what happened.
These are the known approximate exact times.
The delay-time till when knowledge of events on the ground, and confirmation of accuracy of these events reported were actually known by Trump or other public officials above them, means they could have taken 30 minutes or an hour to know for sure whether any given events they were hearing of were accurate.
And again, if not obstructed by Muriel Bowser, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer, the National Guard would have been deployed in advance of Jan 6th, and any disruption at all would have been impossible.
Why don't you BLAME THESE DEMOCRATS, M E M? WHY ?!? Because they are inconvenient to your lying narrative, THAT's why.
Trump acted responsibly at every stage to prevent and discourage violence and rioting. He encouraged only peaceful protest. THOSE are the facts.
After then-President Trump gave his social media video for his supporters to "Go home" at 4:17 PM, police around the Capitol were astonished at how quickly they left.
Again, from the NPR timeline, and other timelines published. By 6 PM the protesters were gone.
Also at 6 PM, National Guard troops FINALLY arrived, AFTER the protesters had already left Washington Square and the Capitol. At 7 PM, Capitol police searched every room for protesters (already gone) and confirmed the building was re-secured. At 8 PM, with the Capitol again secured, House and Senate members were re-admitted, back into THE EXACT SAME ROOM they had begun the electoral count hours earlier, no damage to the room. The electoral count proceeded, and was finalized just before 4 AM.
No "INSURRECTION !!!" No destructtion or permanent damage, or even visible damage. A few exterior windows broken (probably by false-flag FBI disguised as Trump supporters, windows that by my own experience take less than an hour to replace.
As opposed to the ACTUAL insurrection, and PERMANENT destruction caused by BLM, Antifa and other Democrats in 600 cities in the weeks after the George Floyd protests, beginning in May 2020. A police precinct station looted and burned to the ground. Five square miles of businesses looted and burned to the ground, in Minneapolis alone. And duplicated in 600 cities nationwide. An ACTUAL insurrection. ACTUAL mass destruction. ACTUAL PEOPLE KILLED, not by police or Trump supporters, but by the Leftist rioters.
Likewise the several blocks around then-President Trump's White House, where 50 Secret Service agents were seriously injured, and a historic church burned. Trump's walk across the street from the White House to the burned church, hated by Democrats and the liberal media, was precisely done to force the liberal media to display the damage in their broadcast news video coverage, that they would otherwise have selectively ignored and hidden.
The siege on the White House was so real, and so close to being over-run, that Secret Service had to move President Trump elsewhere to a more secure location. You often have to go outside U.S. media to see it covered accurately.
THAT was an organized "seige" or "insurrection". The Jan 6th events at the Capitol were not.
And again, while the May 2020 BLM siege on D.C. endangered the President inside the White House, it was still just one of 600 city-destroying riots occurring simultaneously nationwide.
Which by the way, VP Kamala Harris and other Democrat leaders supported, through a Minneapolis bail fund, to let out the most violent rioters to do even more damage. Not one Democrat leader condemned he BLM /George Floyd violence and destruction. Quite the opposite, virtually all openly endorsed it.
If you want to talk about encouraging and not preventing violence, M E M.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
A documentary that cites multiple investigators, computer forensics experts, former military and intelligence field experts on CIA, NSA and communist-orchestrated insurrections used to overthrow foreign governments. All were asked to investigate insurrections by Antifa, and v,erify security of state voting machines, hired to investigate various threads of suspicious activity, taking them on a trail that led them to Dominion voting systems, and other NGO pseudo-grassroots insurrectionist participants in the 2020 presidential election.
The same methods the CIA and other intelligence agencies have used to undermine and overthrow foreign governments worldwide since 1945, these same intelligence agencies are now using to rig the last few elections here in the U.S.. As well as the 2000 BLM riots nationwide in roughly 600 citties, and the open borders movement. It mentions that George Soros and other marxist/socialist and globalist groups and billionaires are funding these NGO groups with enormous amounts of dark-money cash, as are the Russian and Chinese governments. To de-stabilize, weaken and overthrow the United States. And the Democrat-Bolsheviks are all on board with this.
I notice looking back through the topic, that many of the links I've sourced from Youtube regarding Col. Waldron have been deleted. Obviously by Democrat/Leftists at Youube, who want to conceal the evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election. Because Waldron is among the most persuasive in the data and knowledge he presents. In the military, he specialized in counter-insurgency, in conducting or prerventing cyber-hacks and computer attacks, and on "info-wars", or enemy manipulation of news media in the U.S. and other countries, as part of their war effort. Retired from the military and working as a systems security consultant, Waldron first became involved in the 2020 election, when as a private consultant, he was asked by the state of Texas to investigate whether Dominion voting machines were secure enough for the state of Texas to purchase and use. Waldron and his team investigated and found Dominion voting machines were definiely not safe or secure from hacking. And Waldron successfully discouraged Texas from buying Dominion machines.
Waldron and his staff also tried to warn the Federal Elections Commission, DHS, and other federal agencies, but were completely ignored. As Waldron said in testimony, "as if they wanted election fraud to occur."
As I linked here as they occurred, Col. Waldron was part of the legal presentation of evidence of election fraud in all of the 6 contested states (Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada) and a few other states in November and December 2020, when Rudy Giuliani and Trump's other lawyers met legislators (state Senators, and state House members) in each of these states for hearings. I posted most or all of them over the past 3 years, and Youtube has deleted all of them. But they can't delete the same video from Rumble.
Christina Bobb hosted this weekend show on OAN for about a year. Prior to that, she had several legal positions within the U.S. Department of Defense, and DHS. And since she left OAN after the election, she has been a lawyer and spokesperson on the Trump legal team. (Her listing on Wikipedia is dripping with liberal venom and puts Wikipedia's liberal bias on full display, against Bobb, against Trump, and asserts a number of things that are absolutely NOT true or accurate)
Col. Waldron describes 3 recorded Dominion software downloads onto Dominion voting machines, DURING and after the 2020 election, and a "glitch" that flipped 6,000 votes in this one small town, from Trump to Biden ...
ERIC COOMER, DOMINION VICE PRESIDENT AND HEAD OF SYSTEMS SECURITY (and Antifa member, who endlessly posted his hatred of Trump and Republicans on social media) : "Trump isn't going to win, I made fucking sure of that..."
Enough with the cope, man. He lost. The evidence you attempt to pimp has meant shit in a court of law. Cry harder.
Every week that goes by, there is more evidence that the Democrats rigged the election. The reason more are not investigating is because the Democrat and establishment Republican /RINOs used their power to prevent any investigation, or prevented court cases that would show the evidence that exists.
Gee, why are judges and lawyers not pursuing cases to investigate what actually happened in Nov 2020 ? I can't imagine.
No one who wants to avoid being bankrupted by lawsuits, put in jail, or lose their law license thanks to lawfare. Even legal scholar Alan Dershowitz says this suppression is immoral and un-American.
POINT OF FACT: Despite how hotly disputed the Nov 2020 election was, there was no attempt to ease those suspicions of half the country by doing a large-scale investigation and disproving those suspicions. As a result, over 50% of the country increasingly sees the 2020 election as illegitimate.
As I've said repeatedly, 1) the FBI sent teams of agents to investigate some guys in pickup trucks waving flags at a Biden campaign bus on an interstate highway, and 2) FBI agents were sent to investigate a "noose" hanging in a black Nascar driver's garage, that turned out to be a pull-rope that had been there 10 years before this driver ever used that garage.
But the event it made sensefor DOJ and FBI to investigate and either confirm or disprove, they just oddly ignored. Despite plenty of election irregularities, and overt evidence of election fraud. Atlanta Democrat election officials creating a fake water pipe bursting, the fabricated excuse for the Atlanta election center send Republican vote observers home, while Democrats stayed in the Atlanta center and counted votes all night (and cheated). And lo and behold, Biden had a sudden immediate spike in votes during that exact time period. Votes in secret boxes pulled out from under tables in the Atlanta center, once Republican observers were sent home. Likewise, a U-Haul truck pulling up (captured on security video) outside the Detroit voting center. Followed by a similar instant spike in votes for Biden in the Detroit center.
Teams of FBI agents investigated the above two piddly alleged incidents with pickup trucks, and a Nascar garage door noose. But the most important event of the year, if not the century, verifying the integrity of our compromised 2020 presidential election, went completely un-investigated by DOJ, by FBI, by the Federal Elections Commission, by every major newspaper, and by every major news network.
And anyone who did investigate, or even asked any questions, was branded as a "conspiracy theorist", who is "undermining democracy" by even asking, or was directly threatened or indicted. Just ask Peter Navarro, Rudy Giuliani, Alan Dershowiz, Jenna Ellis, Elise Stefanik, or many others attacked by the 65 Project to destroy their reputations and legal careers.
Likewise, as I cited earlier, state Senators and state House members in the contested states were similarly threatened if they challenged the election.
Your infantile taunts and insults can't begin to explain that. Moron.
It seems fitting that you listen to Dinesh, someone that actually committed voter fraud. One more hateful uber partisan voice telling you what you want to hear.
It seems fitting that you listen to Dinesh, someone that actually committed voter fraud. One more hateful uber partisan voice telling you what you want to hear.
Ohhh, PLEASE !
We both know that D'Souza's was a very selective prosecution by a 97% Democrat FBI, that litterally thousands of Democrats were NOT prosecuted for, who did the exact same thing.
Selective prosecution of Dinesh D’Souza Liberals take revenge on a conservative documentary producer
By THE WASHINGTON TIMES - - Monday, May 19, 2014
Lady Justice’s blindfold sometimes slips. No argument about that. But now she has thrown it aside to prosecute — some would say persecute — Dinesh D’Souza, a successful conservative author and filmmaker, on flimsy charges of violating campaign finance law. Whether guilty or not, the fact that Mr. D’Souza has been singled out for prosecution while others skate past freely reveals President Obama’s thumb on the famous lady’s scale.
Mr. D’Souza, a sharp but respectful critic of the president, goes on trial Tuesday in a federal courtroom in Manhattan charged with using “straw donors” to bypass federal campaign finance limits. These are the limits that the U.S. Supreme Court has been finding incompatible with the First Amendment. Nevertheless, prosecutors say Mr. D’Souza arranged for others to donate $20,000 to the 2012 U.S. Senate campaign in New York of Wendy Long, a personal friend. By reimbursing them, they allege, he circumvented the $5,000 legal limit. He faces the prospect of two years in prison for what his lawyer calls “an act of misguided friendship.”
Life in the Third World teaches some people to despise America, but not Mr. D’Souza. He embraced the promise of freedom when he arrived in America as an exchange student from his native India. He found his political home among conservatives at Dartmouth College in the 1980s, and strengthened his convictions at the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution. Unabashed in his faith, he wrote several books of Christian apologetics including “What’s So Great about Christianity?” which made him an icon of the right and a pain in the nether regions of those on the left.
Mr. D’Souza’s relentless criticism of the effect that Mr. Obama and his relentless campaign to transform America into a close semblance of failed cultures elsewhere has put the filmmaker in the prosecutorial crosshairs. He wrote “The Roots of Obama’s Rage” in 2010 and produced “2016: Obama’s America” in 2012, the second-highest-grossing U.S. documentary film ever. He is, say his lawyers, “a sharp critic of the Obama presidency who has incurred the president’s wrath.”
Indeed, four Republican senators wrote to FBI Director James Comey in February, pointing out how convenient it was to use the Justice Department to take out one of the administration’s most prominent critics. The senators quoted Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, a liberal who said, “I can’t help but think that [Mr. D’Souza’s] politics have something to do with it… . It smacks of selective prosecution.” U.S. District Judge Richard Berman swept away such objections last Thursday, saying “the court concludes the defendant has respectfully submitted no evidence he was selectively prosecuted.” It’s clear who’s wearing a blindfold now.
The Justice Department that would imprison Mr. D’Souza for two years for giving unfair advantage to a friend’s political campaign declined to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party for threatening white voters with nightsticks at a Philadelphia polling place in 2008. Moreover, Mr. Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was itself fined $375,000 in 2013 for failing to disclose millions of dollars in contributions and missing deadlines for refunding millions in excess contributions. No one was threatened with prison for that. (That was different, of course.) Whether Dinesh D’Souza is found guilty or not guilty, there’s scant doubt that in Mr. Obama’s America, Lady Justice has retired her blindfold and pledged her sword to the president.
Same thing with the FBI's Hillary Clinton investigation of her illegal computer e-mail server. Same thing with FBI investigating Hillary Clinton's negligence causing the Benghazi attacks in 2012. Same thing with FBI's investigation of the Clinton Foundation's pay-to-play scheme, where the Clintons racked up $150 million, by selling State Department access, in exchange for millions donated to the Clinton Foundation by hostile foreign governments. Including brokering the Uranium One deal to Russia, that alone compromised national security. Among many such deals.
FBI prosecuion of Republican Senator Ted Stevens (a hustle by the FBI) unanimously reversed on appeal by the U.S. Supreme Court, but only AFTER Stevens' senate seat was handed over to a Democrat by the scandal, by a 97% Democrat FBI.
FBI malicious prosecution of Scooter Libby (for a crime Libby was not even guilty of, it was Richard Armitage who came forward and said that he believes he was the one who inadvertantly gave the puzzle pieces to columnist Robert Novak, that allowed Novak to discover Valerie Plame was a CIA agent. EVEN AFTER Armitage revealed himself, Libby still sat in jail, FOR YEARS, until pardoned by President Trump.
Over and over, FBI maliciously prosecutes Republicans to the hilt for political reasons, and over-charges to extort them into plea deals for crimes they didn't commit, or otherwise spend decades in prison.
And simultaneously, over and over, FBI deliberately scuttles the cases against Democrat political leaders, even in the face of overwhelming evidence, to give them a free pass and protect them from indictment and conviction, for far worse crimes. Hillary Clintton. Bill Clinton. Barack Obama. Joe Biden.
And so is the case of D'Souza. His case was just an excuse to overcharge and imprison an Obama political opponent. In similar cases, other defendants did not even do jail time, just paid a fine.
And D'Souza is not a "hateful uber partisan voice". Far from it. With humor and journalistic/academic cited sources and notes, he just matter-of-factly presents evidence that is inconvenient to the Democrat narrative. THAT is what you and the rest of the Democrat-Bolshevik Left get so upset about, is that D'Souza and other conservative authors and media have any voice at all, and are able to present their facts to the public, and punch holes in your vicious lying narratives.
On the subject of "hateful uber partisan voices", D'Souza is never the angry fire-breathing demagogue you see in Keith Olbermann or Ed Schultz, or Chris Mathews, or Rachel Maddow. Or Nicolle Wallace on MSNBC, who openly fantasized on the air that Biden could send a CIA assassination team to kill Donald Trump at Mar A Lago. She was not taken off the air, did not receive any punishment from her network for these remarks, incredibly. Similarly the harpies on The View suggested that Biden could send a drone attack to kill Trump. These are network anchors and pundits, openly inciting assassination of a recent and campaigning future president. Who receive no admonition or punishment, which emboldens more such rhetoric, and such actual violent acts.
And then for a whole summer, a team of actors in the play Hamilton stabbed Trump to death on stage in effigy several times a week, for the whole summer. And news pundits of the Democrat/Left and Democrat late night talk show hosts cheered it on, all summer.
You were saying something about "hateful uber partisan voices", M E M ? THAT is hate.
Not to mention the many executives and campaign volunteers working for Bernie Sanders and multiple other Democrat House and Senate candidates secretly interviewed and caught on video by Project Veritas, similarly voicing their hatred of Republicans, and their wish to see them harmed or put in Gulags "for re-education" Soviet-style.
Similarly executives and mid-level employees for Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media companies, also recorded by Project Veritas, ALSO voicing their hatred for Republicans and the need to see them silenced, or violently killed or put in Gulags.
Or the PBS senior legal department attorney (also caught on camera by Project Veritas) who envisioned using HHS to take away the children of conservatives, and giving hem to leftist foster parents, to be indoctrinated away from conservative values of their parents, and into the Leftist/Democrat "right way of thinking".
Hate, M E M ?
You know all this, and because you are such an indoctrinated leftist shithead (you weren't always, but you sure are now), you don't have the slightest problem with any of that. Your only problem is that these Democrats GOT CAUGHT, are exposed for the Bolshevik and potentially genocidal lunatics they are. Chillingly, your only concern is how to hide those facts, to punish and slander and silence the conservatives who exposed these undeniable facts, caught on video, verbatim, these exact undeniable words. Rather than pull away from the fanatics who said them, YOUR only instinct is to attack and silence the conservatives who EXPOSED these undeniable words of hatred.
And all too often, violent ACTS by Democrats, not just violent words:
AGAIN: It has been PROVEN that the FBI had Hunter Biden's laptop since Dec 2019, and verified the information on it by Feb or March 2020 at the latest (as sourced and reported by John Solomon, JustTheNews). So all the 51 intelligence officials who alleged the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian disinformaton" are the liars, the election WAS rigged, irregardless of Fox's settlement with Dominion (a case they could have eventually won, but chose to settle).
AGAIN: It has ALSO been proven that the "Russia Dossier" during the 2016 election was false, that the only Russia collusion was by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, who paid millions to Russian agents for the disinformation in it to slander Trump, that even James Comey to Donald Trump on Jan 5 2017 said the Russia Dossier is "salacious and unverifiable". Another Democrat attempt to rig the 2016 election, just as they did in the 2020 and 2022 elections.
AGAIN: It is ALSO proven that the fraudulent Russia Dossier was used to file **FOUR** illegal FISA warrants to spy on Carter Page's phone and online communications, and by FBI surveillance authorized by that, being able to go "two contacts deep" on two layers of everyone Carter Page communicated with, and everyone in the second layer of contactswith him communicated with, to SPY ON THE ENTIRE TRUMP CAMPAIGN for 6 months up through the 2016 election. And then another 6 months of FBI/FISA surveillance on the inaugurated TRUMP ADMINISTRATION IN THE WHITE HOUSE ! Further, FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith was convicted of falsifying evidence about Carter Page (Page had been cooperating and sharing information for years with the CIA about the Russians, but Clinesmith changed a CIA document, to make the document say the exact opposite, in a falsified letter alleging that Carter Page had NOT cooperated and shared information with the CIA, when in the original unaltered letter it said Carter Page *DID* cooperate and stare information with the CIA, and therefore was a proven patriot and not a Russian collaborator. ) The Clinesmith-altered document was submitted to a FISA judge, to illegally obtain FISA warrants to spy on Carter Page, and through him to surveil the entire Trump campaign (6 months) and the Trump presidency (a second 6 months of FISA surveillance by the FBI). All of which was done by submitting false evidence for the FISA warrant to a FISA court judge. In an FBI Democrat-Bolshevik attempt to rig the 2016 election.
AGAIN: It is ALSO proven via the "Twitter Files" that Elon Musk and several journalists exposed, that FBI and other intelligence agencies KNEW the Hunter Biden laptop information was absolutely true (knew from Dec 2019 right up though the Nov 2020 election) , but used their power as Democrat-Bolsheviks to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop information that proved the Bidens were treasonously receiving millions of dollars for years from Russia, from Ukraine, from China, to compromise national security of the United States. Former FBI executive James Baker (in Oct-Nov 2020 an executive for Twitter, but still a Democrat-Bolshevik spy in that position for the FBI) used his position to silence and suppress information from the New York Post that in every poll says 15% of Democrats, if they knew then what they know now, would **NOT** have voted in Nov 2020 for Joe Biden.
Morrell and Blinken are PROVEN, by Morrell's own admission, to have rigged the election. Just because the minor part where Dominion Voting Systems has managed to intimidate witnesses and prevent evidence from that portion of the 2020 election rigging from being fully proven, does NOT prove that the election wasn't rigged. Quite the contrary, there is abundant evidence it WAS rigged, on multiple fronts.
Despite the unhinged Democrat/leftist hatred of Iggy and millions of other Democrats who try to brainwash themselves otherwise. The facts are right there in your face. Period. The End.
So... all the stuff that was dismissed as wild "conspiracy theory", has been proven to be conspiracy FACT, with the evidence reported for all to see.
1) FBI knew the Hunter Biden laptop was NOT "Russian disinformation" (a laptop with e-mail conversations and evidence of Joe Biden and the entire Biden family having received millions in treasonous payments to sell out the United States, at present proven to have been at least 43 million dollars in payments from China, Russia, Ukraine, Rumania and other nations. Democrat-Bolsheviks in the FBI and DOJ buried the evidence that a Manchurian candidate Biden was guilty of treason, hid the evidence so he could win a rigged 2020 election.
2) Former FBI, CIA and NSA officials, who had moved on to executive positions at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms, did the bidding of these federal agencies and their Democrat-Bolshevik masters, in suppressing social media discussion of the Hunter Biden laptop evidence, presented by the New York Post and other conservative media, from being spread and shared and discussed on social media, by falsely labelling it "Russian disinformation", information they knew to be true and accurate. Just so a corrupt Democrat could replace Trump and become president.
3) Mike Morell and Anthony Blinkin conspired and led the plot to have 51 intelligence officials sign a false letter that further labelled the Hunter Biden laptop story as "Russian disinformation", that suppressed 15% of voters in 2020, who say if they knew about the evidence of the Hunter Biden laptop evidence, they would not have voted for Biden. And Trump would still be president.
Which is all clear authoritarian / Deep State abuse of federal power, that ALONE abundantly proves the 2020 election was rigged.
That's not even getting into the already abundantly discussed evidence of "multiple streams of election fraud" by Democrats in every battleground state in 2020. Boxes of fake votes (ON VIDEO SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS) pulled out from under tables in Atlanta, and counted all night, AFTER the Republican vote observers were tricked into going home with a lie about a water main breaking, and onlt Democrats were present. And a security camera to catch it.
Votes counted ( on Security video, showing a Ryder truck pulling up to the Detroit vote counting center), again after Republican vote observers were tricked into going home, and Democrats brought in a massive truckload of secret bags of fraudulent ballots, and counted fake votes all night long.
Similarly in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Arizona vote counting centers, Democrats used Covid rules to push Republican observers out of the counting room, so they could rack up illegal fake votes for Biden, and manufacture a narrow "victory" for Biden in each of these states. All after 3AM, all after Republican vote observers were deceitfully pushed out. In each of these states, Donald Trump was winning the election up until 3AM, at which point Democrats crawled out of their dark holes and rigged the election.
And of course, Eric Coomer, vice president of security for Dominion Voting Systems: "Trump isn't going to win, I made fucking sure of that." Said on a zoom call with his Antifa brethren. Observed by an investigator who managed to infiltrate the Antifa zoom call.
Every employee of Dominion on their social media accounts identified as far left, supporters of Antifa (including Coomer himself !), and/or the Clinton Foundation, that they scrubbed evidence of from their personal social media pages AFTER thee 2020 election. And by the oddest coincidence, Dominion shared office space with Soros-funded groups. Multiple states, including Michigan, Vermont, Montana and Arizona all did investigations of Dominion voting machines, and found they were compromised and rigged.
Col. Phil Waldron and other cyber-security experts were contracted to investigate by the state of Texas, to determine whether Dominion machines were safe to use in Texas election. But when they each investigated, they were alarmed at how easy to hack and rig they were, and Texas followed their advice and did not use them.
All evidence that has come to light. It can no longer be dismissed as MAGA fantasy. Beyond question, the 2020 election was rigged.
It bears repeating:
All the stuff that was dismissed as "conspiracy theory" 3 years ago, has all turned ou to be verifiable FACT. In multiple cases, admitted by the very Democrats who pulled the puppet-strings.
I see that the rule of law only matters to you if it satisfies your partisan desires. So a liar that actually engaged in voter fraud is okay with you because you see them on your side.
I can't wait to see the cope when Trump fails to get anywhere near the 74.2 million he got in 2020. I wouldn't put it past Wondy to start threatening harm to himself or others.
I see that the rule of law only matters to you if it satisfies your partisan desires. So a liar that actually engaged in voter fraud is okay with you because you see them on your side.
I just gave extensive FACTS to prove that your side lied. And BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION, and by many other sources, there were a least 20 undercover FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters hidden in the crowd on Jan 6th. By their own admission as I linked, there were at least 20 DHS agents disguised as Trump supporters hidden in the crowd on Jan 6th. By DC Metro'ss own admission, there were at least 10 DC Metro police officers disguised as Trump supporters hidden in the crowd on Jan 6th.
And on top of that, at least 20 Antifa from Salt Lake City, led by John Earle Sullivan, disguised as[/i] Trump supporters, and in heir own videos openly gloat how they would commit violence and vandalism and get Trump supporters blamed for it, gloat even they would mislead Trump supporters to follow them into violence. Sullivan and his Antifa group were in the room where Ashli Babbitt was shot, and Sullivan approached cops (in video his group posed online) posing as a reporter, saying "Hey, I don't want to see you guys get hurt, I've seen a lot of officers hurt today..." stoking their fear and making them trigger-happy, minutes before Ashli Babbitt was shot. And that Sullivan and his Antifa group videotaped that shooting FROM TWO DIFFERENT ANGLES ! They caused it, they staged it to happen.
So... that's at least 70 people there who were NOT Trump supporters, who were only there to FRAME Trump supporters. There were only about 60 acts of violence or vandalism on Jan 6, beyond the 90% there who were only guilty of trespassing and are in jail for. And even that much they were tricked into, by FBI agents and police who moved away the barricades before they arrived, and ENCOURAGED them to go inside the Capitol.
And those 70 are just the false-flag "Trump supporter white supremacists" that Democrat-Bolshevik federal agencies and police HAVE ADMITTED TO.
And at least some off them were FBI agents who were also previously part of the Gretchen Whitmer fake kidnapping sting narrative. As I said, the corrupt FBI supervisor of the Whitmer kidnapping sting, instead of being fired for that fiasco, was then sent by the 97% Democrat FBI to D.C., to set up the fake "January 6th insurrection" fiasco narrative.
And then there's :
The Covid-19 multiple false narratives. "The vaccine prevents Covid" was a lie. "Social distancing 6 feet to prevent Covid" was a lie. " Covid started in a Wuhan wet market" (rather than the Wuhan Research Lab and Fauci's NIH and CDC, where it truly began, in a man-made gain-of-function experiment) was a lie. Wearing a mask to prevent infection was a lie.
"The 2020 election was not a rigged election" was a lie. I've posted dozens of linked sources that punch holes in the Democrat narrative.
These are just some of the PROVEN lies from the Democrat-Left, and their brethren in George Orwell's liberal media, propping up those false narratives.
So who are the liars, M E M ? Clearly it is YOUR side.
But here I am trying to reason with you, as if you were not utterly immune to logic and facts. THERE IT IS: three years of links, to sourced facts and evidence I've posted here, across multiple topics, that you like to pretend doesn't actually exist. Elon Musk, Matt Taibbi and the "Twitter Files". Miranda Devine, the New York Post, and her book on it, The Laptop From Hell.
How much more proof do you need?
I guess you and Iggy just like being lied to. Or you enjoy being Marxist propagandist liars, propping up false narratives. You're just too dug in ideologically to ever admit the truth.
Originally Posted by iggy
I can't wait to see the cope when Trump fails to get anywhere near the 74.2 million he got in 2020. I wouldn't put it past Wondy to start threatening harm to himself or others.
Originally Posted by Iggy
Nyah nyah nyah, fuck you, fuck your mother, asshat, doofus, etc., etc.
It's infuriating to see the false narratives that are still being pushed in liberal media about the January 6th protests.
About the 5 deaths on January 6th. About the purely Democrat-narrative political imprisonment and exaggerated false charges and plea deals forced on literally 1,500 people who at most just walked inside the Capittol, either because the police (or undercover FBI and DHS agents, disguised as either police or Trump supporters) moved away the barricades.
Or because (as shown in many videos from that day) uniformed DC Metro police officers inside the Capitol openly invited the protesters inside, tricking them into entering the Capitol. After which FBI then later arrested them at gunpoint by SWAT teams in their individual homes nationwide in 6 AM raids, so they could be portrayed in a DOJ/FBI narrative as "dangerous white supremacist terrorist insurrectionists". When the Jan 6th protesters could have simply been called by FBI and asked to appear with an attorney at an appointed time. Pure Democrat-Bolshevik theare, THAT was the true purpose, NOT any actual "insurrectionist" threat.
And really, if the Jan 6th protesters had actually done something wrong, their trespassing at the Capitol should have at most warranted just a small fine of a few hundred dollars each, as is the norm of trespassing charges, no imprisonment, no indictments. But again, there was a deceitful larger sinister purpose and narrative it fed. The Trump supporters' alleged "federal crimes" were exaggerated by a [url=]97% Democrat[/'url] weaponized FBI to be "insurrection" and "obstructing a federal procedure", precisely toward that narrative purpose.
Meanwhile, at least half a dozen similar or even far more uncivil or violent DEMOCRAT protests that have invaded the Capitol in the last 7 years, before and since Jan 6th, such as at the Brett Kavanaugh nomination hearings, or multiple environmentalist invasions of the Capitol, have not resulted in a single similar arrest or conviction.
Or more recently, at President Biden's recent 2024 State of the Union address, where the grieving father of one of the 13 U.S. Marines who were pointlessly killed in the fiasco Biden directly caused at the Afghan airport, during the disorganized chaos of Biden's ordered withdrawal. The grieving father had an outburst during the SOTU address, and interrupted Biden. He was arrested and charged, with YEARS in prison for those grief-stricken words.
I was particularly astonished by the Left-leaning Wikipedia's listing for the 5 victims who died on January 6th, that STILL ignores the abundance of facts revealed since the initial month of the Jan 6 2021 event, ignoring those facts, in favor of a Democrat-serving false narrative:
As contrasted with the suppressed facts I just read on a conservative site, that detail facts of an orchestrated framing and malicious prosecution of January 6th protesters, in sharp contrast to other more overt and plainly-declared ACTUAL insurrections by Leftist protesters, and even by Democrat House members and leaders. Never arrested, never prosecuted, as the many peaceful protesters of January 6th were. And the federal agents who ACTUALLY committed violence on Jan 6, or attempted to incite Trump supporters into, were never held accountable, never even named :
The 2021 Capitol protests also known as the J6 FBI false flag attack on the U.S. Capitol, or Fedsurrection, consisted of a diverse group of American patriots of different races, backgrounds, and cultures protesting the electoral college certification of the fraudulent 2020 presidential election who were entrapped by the FBI on January 6, 2021. FBI assets dressed as Trump supporters were inside the Capitol before the Capitol Police opened the doors and welcomed citizens inside the building.[3]
The Washington Examiner in an article entitled FBI confirms there was no insurrection on Jan. 6 states:
“ The Cambridge Dictionary defines “insurrection” as: “an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence” By that definition, there was no “insurrection” at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, according to the FBI. Reuters reports:
The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials. "Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. "Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages." This report is a devastating blow to President Joe Biden and Democrats, who have attempted to make the existence of an “insurrection” on Jan. 6 a key issue in the 2022 midterm elections. Reuters does note that some “cells of protesters,” including members of the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, did coordinate to “break into the Capitol,” but the FBI found “no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside.”[4]
” An FBI-coordinated false flag operation began vandalizing the Capitol premises during the peaceful protests.[5] At least three unarmed peaceful protesters were killed by Capitol Police.[6] No police officers were ever charged with homicide.
A small group of provocateurs led by Ray Epps breached a police line outside the building. Unruly provocateurs proceeded to smash windows and enter the building. National Guard reinforcements had been refused by Speaker Nancy Pelosi days earlier[7] which President Trump had approved in preparation for the events.[8] United States Capitol Police then invited a crowd into the building[9] while simultaneously halting the proceedings and evacuating members of Congress.
Despite the MSM blaming the breaking and entering on President Trump, falsely accusing him of "inciting" the situation, strong evidence has suggested the storming to have been the result of infiltration and entrapment by the FBI, along with Antifa and paid protesters.[10][11][12] More than 400 peaceful protesters were held in barbaric and tortuous conditions without bail and access to legal counsel for at least a year.. No one was ever charged with insurrection.
CNN and NBC paid BLM/Antifa terrorist John Sullivan $70,000 for his services inside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.[13]
Ray Epps, a key instigator and provocateur caught on film, and video, was never arrested or charged.[14] His 'Wanted by the FBI' photo was removed from the FBI website.
The following day, former Ukrainian strong man Petro Poroshenko, who was installed in the Deep State-backed Maidan coup, tweeted about a quid pro quo, that Joe Biden would owe Ukraine weapons and support because of a “window of opportunity opening” for Ukraine.[15]
Democrats invited the cast of the Broadway musical Hamilton [in which Donald Trump is killed in effigy nightly on stage inn the performance], via Zoom, to celebrate the anniversary of the false flag attack.[16]
And also listed as January 6th false-flag "agents provocateur", a least some agents of the Secret Service :
Secret Service
Roger Stone has testified,
"shortly after the President’s speech, there was a call from the Secret Service, offering to escort me to the head of the march and up to the Capitol which I declined. By the way two pastors, two reverend protestant ministers, and a police officer overheard all of that. Those are called witnesses."[55]
So Secret Service agents tried to trick Roger Stone (someone closely associated with Donald Trump) into showing up at the Capitol, to connect Stone with the FBI-orchestrated "January 6th insurrection". But Roger Stone ended up not going to the Capitol despite their pushes to go, and thus they were unable to frame him, and by extension, further frame Trump with the "insurrection" narrative.
FBI / DHS Agents provocateur :
The federal government had undercover agents or confidential informants embedded in several groups. A study by Revolver News of unindicted co-conspirators listed throughout the various charging documents found the un-indicted co-conspirators appear to be much more aggressive and egregious participants in the so-called “conspiracy”.[51] Most of these unindicted co-conspirators are associated with the three alleged "militia groups" targeted by the federal government, Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters.
Thomas Caldwell is a 65-year-old from Virginia and an alleged member of the Oath Keepers, which the DOJ refers to as a “paramilitary” or “militia” group. A careful read of the indictment against Caldwell reveals that a certain “Person Two” was a key co-conspirator alongside Caldwell in nearly every dimension relevant to the charges in question. Person Two planned logistics with Caldwell days in advance of 1/6, stayed in the same hotel room for days together, and when Caldwell allegedly “stormed the barricades” into restricted areas outside the U.S. Capitol, Person Two is alleged to have “stormed the barricades” right beside him. In arguing defendant Caldwell should be denied bail, the DOJ cites Caldwell’s “leadership role in planning the events of January 6” as including “finding lodging” for Person Three. They even explicitly refer to Person Three as “a third co-conspirator.” “Person Three” reserved and paid for various Oath Keeper hotel rooms. Indeed, the curious lack of indictments filed against the entire gamut of Persons referenced as playing leadership roles within the Oath Keepers on 1/6 raises red flags. This includes: Person 2, Person 3, Person 10, Person 14, Person 15, Person 16, Person 19 and Person 20, along with many co-conspirators listed only as “an individual.”
Among such individuals is the alleged administrator of the “Stop the Steal J6” Zello channel.[53] The DOJ point-blank says this Zello channel administrator “directed the group” as it was carrying out the alleged Capitol attack. If the group is carrying out a conspiracy as the defendants are charged with, this Zello channel administrator is directing the conspiracy in real-time. Yet the Zello administrator was not charged.
It appears that the individual who set up the Proud Boys’ communications infrastructure is being protected by the DOJ. The DOJ refers to this person only as “UCC-1” (UCC meaning an explicitly spelled out “un-indicted co-conspirator”). UCC-1, as well as two additional unindicted co-conspirators referred to only as “Person-One” and “Person-Two” in the Proud Boys indictment, were all in Proud Boys “upper tier leadership,” and appear to have been the most prolific planners and incendiary advocates of “insurrection” in the run-up to and on the day of 1/6. The DOJ cites statements made almost exclusively by unindicted co-conspirators as statements that “revealed a plan to storm the Capitol and to let the crowd loose.”
In December 2020 a former Green Beret and Republican congressional candidate was contacted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). The Green Beret released video surveillance of the FBI contacting him at his home and an audio recording made at a local restaurant of his actual meeting with the FBI. Federal agents attempted to recruit him to spy on patriots and everyday Americans. The lead was provided directly to the FBI by Facebook.[54]
So ultimately... the puppetmasters who actually planned the "insurrection" are hidden by FBI, not arrested, protected by a corrupt FBI, and not even named in FBI investigative reports as "Persons" and "UCC" (Unindicted Co-Conspirator) informants, who were actually far more than just informants.
While innocent people who were tricked into entering the Capitol, who were just peaceful Trump-supporters, were jailed for long periods, overcharged, kept in awful conditions that amount to torture, beatings by guards, and denied basic civil rights. FRAMED for crimes they did not commit, just to give the Democrat party, and the Democrat-weaponized FBI agency, a false political narrative, a number of whom arrested have been tormented into suicide. Or at the very least, bankrupted by legal fees, had their homes foreclosed and business lost because they were jailed indefinitely and unable to work and earn income, about 40% of whom are still in jail. FOR WHAT ?!?
Just to feed a Democrat-Bolshevik narrative. Or to maliciously and vindictively punish and hurt innocent Trump supporters, just because these hard-Left Democrats in federal jobs hate them and disagree with them.
Once again, I recommend the two 1-hour documentaries on Newsmax that repeat frequently, Day of Outrage and Shame of a Nation, both of which are on again after midnight tomorrow (late Sunday/early Monday) at 2 AM and 3 AM.
On before it from 12 midnight to 2 AM is another good documentary I previously DVD recorded, The Plot Against the President, about how FBI, DOJ, CIA and other deep state agents in intelligence agencies worked together since at least early 2016 to frame Donald Trump and others of his administration with the "Russia Collusion" false narrative, first to prevent Trump from winning the election in 2016, anf then to destroy his presidency once elected. Based on a book about it by Lee Smith. And how it in addition directly involved Obama, Biden, Hillary Clinton, and many others in their staffs, in what should be prosecuted crimes.
Those that attacked law enforcement on Jan 6 are not hostages.
Karl Rove has sold out Republican conservatives, and joined the ranks of Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Joe Scarborough, Mark Steele, Nicolle Wallace, the Lincoln Project RINO-Republicans (formerly McCain campaign consultants, sabotaging McCain's 2008 campaign from within), White House staffer Cassidy Hutchinson, and another Trump employee Stephanie Grisham who leveraged attacking Trump into a panelist job on The View ALL of them, every one, are sell-out whores who have turned attacking Republicans into a cottage industry, that has gotten them highly-paid anchor/consultant positions on liberal networks, daily attacking other Republicans.on network TV.
Before Rove began attacking Trump, the liberal media hated Rove, HATED him, and could not say enough about how eeeeeevil and Hitler/Goebbels-like he was.
But now that Karl Rove has joined the other side and become an anti-Trump propagandist, you vicious liars cannot sing his praises loudly enough. Because he is now parroting your false narrative. NOT with facts, but with his deep-state Uni-Party RINO talking points opinion.
Which puts him on the same level as James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and John Brennan (all similar discredited propagandist deep state-ers, all criminals whose federal abuses are clear, but instead of in jail where they belong, are protected so they can mouth their poisonous Democrat narrative every night on CNN and MSNBC. )
THE FACT REMAINS : Well over 100,000 people attended the January 6th protests, in voiced opposition to finalizing Jan 6th counting of the rigged electoral votes, and protested to push for investigation of the abundant suppressed evidence of irregularities in the Nov 3 2020 presidential election. TheyPEACEFULLY AND PATRIOTICALLY protested for delay of the Jan 6th electoral count, to CONSTITUTIONALLY challenge and investigate the integrity of that election.
It is an ABSOLUTE FACT that there were "at least 20" (that FBI ADMITS to) undercover FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters in the crowd. Likewise "at least 20" (that the DHS department ADMITS to) undercover DHS agents disguised as Trump supporters in the crowd. And "a least 10" undercover DC Metro police officers, disguised as Trump supporters in the crowd.
And at least 20 Antifa activists led by John Earle Sullivan, who were also disguised as Trump supporters in the crowd, who OPENLY BOASTED in their many videos all over the internet that they would commit acts of vandalism and violence, and giggled in their posted videos they would get Trump supporters blamed for their own acts, or even trick Trump protesters into committing bad acts right beside them. I can think of only TWO Trump supporters who committed somewhat bad acts: the Alabama guy Richard Barnett (sentenced to 4.5 years in jail) who put his feet up on a desk for a photo (urged to pose for it by 2 unidentified men, likely "un-indicted co-conspirator" undercover FBI agents who set him up) in Nancy Pelosi's outer office. And the Florida guy who stole Nancy Pelosi's podium, Adam Johnson, who was sentenced to 75 days in jail. And NEITHER of those are violent acts that should have warranted more than a fine or a week in jail. Even in the case of the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and so forth, these groups were given the battle plan for that day by undercover FBI agents, one of whom shared a hotel room with the Oath Keepers leader the night before, and even made all the hotel reservations for Oath Keepers members. it was a set-up all the way. Just like the FBI's kidnapping sting operation to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, where the FBI came up with the kidnapping plan, the financing, and the van, and basically tricked a few guys to go along with a plan these dupes could never have dreamed of on their own. Guys who otherwise couldn't find heir own asses with 2 hands and a flashlight. The Trump hating wife-beating, sex-club-swinger who supervised the Whitmer kidnapping fiasco... WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRED FOR THAT... was then sent to Washington DC to set up the Trump supporters on January 6th.
And now... there are over 1,100 PEACEFUL January 6th protesters who have been held indefinitely in jail for no reason, for OVER 3 YEARS, without trial, without legal counsel in many cases, without presented evidence against them of having committed any crime.
And as I said before, Jill Sanborn (assistant director of the FBI's counter-terrorism division, leading the Jan 6th investigations) and FBI director Christopher Wray BOTH UNDER OATH IN SENATE TESTIMONY, when asked by Sen Ron Johnson, by Sen.Ted Cruz, by Sen. Rand Paul: "Did you have undercover FBI agents in the crowd that day? Did undercover FBI agents orchestrate vandalism or violence on Jan 6th? Did FBI agents commit violence themselves on Jan 6th?" To each of these questions, Sanborn and Wray each time said "Senator, I can't answer that." Which is a pretty clear admission that YES, FBI agents were disguised as Trump supporters, DID incite the crowd, DID commit violence and vandalism themselves, FBI orchestrated all these things to happen, NOT the actual Trump supporters they framed.
It is also a fact that someone dressed as a police officer (probably FBI, and photographed in other articles and photos I've linked) was repeatedly firing concussion grenades into crowds of PEACEFUL protesters outside the Capitol. People just standing around waving flags, and the guy firing concussion grenades was deliberately trying to stampede them and CREATE chaos and violence at an otherwise peaceful protest. It has been investigated by citizen journalists and conservative papers like American Greatness and Rebel News, showing photos and video evidence of the crowds that day, that the three other Trump supporters who died that day, who were diagnosed before the event with fragile health, Kevin Greeson (55) who died of a heart attack, Benjamin Philips (50) who died of a stroke, and Rosanne Boyland (34) from some other kind of seizure, that it is argued were actually killed by multiple concussion grenades fired at them artificially caused the trauma that made them die, when they otherwise would not have collapsed and died at the Capitol protest rally.
It is DEEPLY offensive for you, M E M, to imply that these 1,100 people were criminals who somehow deserved indefinite incarceration for over 3 years in the worst conditions (and in 3 cases, death from concussion grenades) just for PEACEFULLY protesting that day, as is their Constitutional right, to legally challenge an election. At worst, the barricades were moved aside by police-uniformed men ( NOT by Trump supporters) that tricked Trump supporters to go in areas they did NOT know were restricted. In this case, these 1,100 protesters would be guilty of trespassing at worst, punishable by a small fine, not imprisonment, and certainly not imprisoned indefinitely for over 3 years. But were, in truth, just victims of entrapment. Many other uniformed Capitol police officers (clearly shown in MULTIPLE VIDEOS I've posted here) opened the double doors and INVITED IN peaceful protesters who walked around peacefully and took some selfies, and then were later arrested in their homes in 6 AM raids by SWAT teams, and held wihout due process indefinitely. For WHAT?!?
Federal and police agents and Antifa infilrated the crowd, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters, and orchestrated and THEMSELVES committed all, or virtually all, of the violence that day. And the highest FBI officials,Christopher Wray and Jill Sanborn, WON'T say, "No, it wasn't our plan or our FBI agents." Because it WAS their own FBI agents who orchestrated it all, who set them up. It was a sham. A set-up. It was CREATED, as a lying Democrat narrative, to prevent actual investigation of election fraud in the Nov 3 2020 election, a narrative created to dominate media coverage of the Democrat-Bolshevik policy implemented in Joe Biden's (and his Democrat-Bolshevik puppet-masters' ) first 6 months of Jacobinist radical transformation of our county.
So 1,100 innocent protesters sit in a dirty federal prison, beaten regularly by radical-Democrat-Leftist Trump hating guards, forced to drink moldy water from toilets. Often not even provided the ability to shower and shave.
By contrast, in Antifa and BLM riots in roughly 600 cities nationwide across 2020, where THERE WAS actual violence, vandalism, injured police and federal agents, and dozens of Secret Service agents injured protecting the White House and other federal buildings nationwide, was arson on federal buildings, and Molotov cocktails thrown in police cars intended to kill police. Where there were federal agents permanently blinded deliberately with laser-pointers aimed at their faces for hours while these officers pushed back riotting leftist crowds... the 97% Democrat-donating and weaponized FBI and DOJJUST SET THEM FREE !!!!!! NO charges, NO indefinite imprisonment, no prosecution or trial, no expensive hiring of lawyers needed, no endangerment of their jobs by detainment, no loss of their homes due to imprisonment causing them a loss of income for years.
Where is the equal protection, and equal prosecution under the law, for these Antifa and Black Lives Matter suspects, M E M ?
Or for the many other far more destructive and violent attacks by Democrat/Left protesters on the Capitol, in the years before Jan 6th, and in the years since, radical leftist groups WHO TRULY DID "storm" the Capittol ? The leftists who invaded the Captiol during the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearings. The radical Leftists who invaded the Capitol again after Jan 6th over environmental fanaticism. The radical Hamas protesters who have invaded the Capitol and threatened/intimidated legislators multiple times since the Oct 7 2023 Hamas attacks?
Where are THOSE arrests, M E M? Hamas was screaming "death to America" at a Dearborn, Michigan rally just 2 days ago. Why hasn't FBI arrested and/or deported those clear threats to U.S. citizens, and to U.S. national security.?
You don't care, M E M. Because for you it isn't about truth or protecting the country. For you it is ONLY about pushing a lying narrative, just to benefit your Democrat-Bolshevik lunatic party.