I see that the rule of law only matters to you if it satisfies your partisan desires. So a liar that actually engaged in voter fraud is okay with you because you see them on your side.
I just gave extensive FACTS to prove that your side lied. And BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION, and by many other sources, there were a least 20 undercover FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters hidden in the crowd on Jan 6th. By their own admission as I linked, there were at least 20 DHS agents disguised as Trump supporters hidden in the crowd on Jan 6th. By DC Metro'ss own admission, there were at least 10 DC Metro police officers disguised as Trump supporters hidden in the crowd on Jan 6th.
And on top of that, at least 20 Antifa from Salt Lake City, led by John Earle Sullivan, disguised as[/i] Trump supporters, and in heir own videos openly gloat how they would commit violence and vandalism and get Trump supporters blamed for it, gloat even they would mislead Trump supporters to follow them into violence. Sullivan and his Antifa group were in the room where Ashli Babbitt was shot, and Sullivan approached cops (in video his group posed online) posing as a reporter, saying "Hey, I don't want to see you guys get hurt, I've seen a lot of officers hurt today..." stoking their fear and making them trigger-happy, minutes before Ashli Babbitt was shot. And that Sullivan and his Antifa group videotaped that shooting FROM TWO DIFFERENT ANGLES ! They caused it, they staged it to happen.
So... that's at least 70 people there who were NOT Trump supporters, who were only there to FRAME Trump supporters. There were only about 60 acts of violence or vandalism on Jan 6, beyond the 90% there who were only guilty of trespassing and are in jail for. And even that much they were tricked into, by FBI agents and police who moved away the barricades before they arrived, and ENCOURAGED them to go inside the Capitol.
And those 70 are just the false-flag "Trump supporter white supremacists" that Democrat-Bolshevik federal agencies and police HAVE ADMITTED TO.
And at least some off them were FBI agents who were also previously part of the Gretchen Whitmer fake kidnapping sting narrative. As I said, the corrupt FBI supervisor of the Whitmer kidnapping sting, instead of being fired for that fiasco, was then sent by the 97% Democrat FBI to D.C., to set up the fake "January 6th insurrection" fiasco narrative.
And then there's :
The Covid-19 multiple false narratives. "The vaccine prevents Covid" was a lie. "Social distancing 6 feet to prevent Covid" was a lie. " Covid started in a Wuhan wet market" (rather than the Wuhan Research Lab and Fauci's NIH and CDC, where it truly began, in a man-made gain-of-function experiment) was a lie. Wearing a mask to prevent infection was a lie.
"The 2020 election was not a rigged election" was a lie. I've posted dozens of linked sources that punch holes in the Democrat narrative.
These are just some of the PROVEN lies from the Democrat-Left, and their brethren in George Orwell's liberal media, propping up those false narratives.
So who are the liars, M E M ? Clearly it is YOUR side.
But here I am trying to reason with you, as if you were not utterly immune to logic and facts. THERE IT IS: three years of links, to sourced facts and evidence I've posted here, across multiple topics, that you like to pretend doesn't actually exist. Elon Musk, Matt Taibbi and the "Twitter Files". Miranda Devine, the New York Post, and her book on it, The Laptop From Hell.
How much more proof do you need?
I guess you and Iggy just like being lied to. Or you enjoy being Marxist propagandist liars, propping up false narratives. You're just too dug in ideologically to ever admit the truth.
Originally Posted by iggy
I can't wait to see the cope when Trump fails to get anywhere near the 74.2 million he got in 2020. I wouldn't put it past Wondy to start threatening harm to himself or others.
Originally Posted by Iggy
Nyah nyah nyah, fuck you, fuck your mother, asshat, doofus, etc., etc.