When Governor Hochul took over from resigned governor Cuomo, she had an opportunity to do everything right, and succeed where Cuomo failed.
But instead she doubled down on stupid. As if the human cattle that vote Democrat are capable of thinking for themselves, past the nightly liberal media talking points and selective omission of inconvenient facts, like liberal media no airing this Hochul comment.
But Gov. Hochul is in the company of like minded Democrats :
"Poor kids, just as bright and just as capable as white kids..."
Joe Biden, 2020 Said in opposing bussing and desegregation: “I don’t want my children to grow up in a jungle, a racial jungle.”
Joe Biden, 1977Plus 60 years of similar remarks, and allying with several known Klansmen mentors in the Senate, for decades. (as did Hillary Clinton as well, and Bill Clinton too.
Both Clintons until well into the Obama years also stood for preserving "our Southern heritage", for the Confederate flag, and for Confederate monuments, and then suddenly the Clintons flipped in a second to condemning these things, back around 2012, when it became politically expedient to do so, and not before, during roughly 30 previous years the Clintons were already in the national spotlight. )
"A few years ago, he would have been bringing us coffee."
Bill Clinton in 2008, about Barack Obama, said to Senator Ted Kennedy, pressing Kennedy to join a DNC backroom convention delegate push to select Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama as their party's presidential nominee. Ted Kennedy was in fact disgusted by the remark, and sided with Obama as the nominee.
As quoted by Mark Halperin, in the book Game Change about the 2008 electionOr similar comments about blacks, Jews, and increasingly, incendiary remarks about whites by Democrat leaders.
Democrats, the party of hate.
Black New York City mayor Eric Adams made a similar comment the same day as Hochul's remark, about how immigrants who swam across the Rio Grande and entered Texas illegally, who have made their way to his city, are proven
"good swimmers", and so can fill open jobs for lifeguards in New York City.
These illegals mostly actually walk from Mexico into Texas at multiple entry points, and don't actually swim. Biden just lets them walk in, by the tens of thousands daily. So, another stupid uninformed stereotyping remark by Adams.
Oh !
And mayor Adams' comments to a black crowd at another speaking event 2 years or so ago, about his interaction with white political leaders in the police and city government:
"I used to kick those crackas' asses, every day... !" Just the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to quotable Democrat racism.
But hey, you'd have to be a
Republican to be called on a remark like that. If a Republican were as stupid as a Democrat, and were dumb enough to actually say it.