Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
The one Biden quote was a gaffe. The other one is just taken out of context. Biden was against bussing as a tool to desegregate but favored housing to battle segregation. Biden wasn’t pro segregation in the seventies. I’m sure you have read about Trump’s history in the 70’s dealing with racial issues and being sued by the DOJ. I have. Sad how much of maga land depends on disinformation.

Correction: EVERY quote from Biden is a gaffe.

But beyond the errors of what Biden says, are Biden's (and his party's) outright lies, and his 50-year history of overt racism, and being mentored and partnering with former Klansmen and racists in the Senate.
That's just an absolute fact, backed by 50 years of speeches, Biden's Senate legislation, and Biden's known associations.
You just can't spin away comments like "I don't want my kids growing up in a racial jungle."

As far as Donald Trump's alleged racism as related to renting apartments, that is alleged, not proven, and further dates back to when Trump's father was running the family business, not when Trump was making the decisions.
That's like smearing Arnold Scharzenegger because his father was a Staff Sergeant in the Waffen SS, mostly in the military police, and served in the invasions of Poland, France and Russia, apparently ending wih the failed siege on Stalingrad.

Regarding Donald Trump's alleged racism, for four decades before he ever even considered running for president, Donald Trump was hiring blacks, hispanics and women into his real estate company, and no merely hiring them, but promoting hem to the highest executive positions in his company, long before other companies began o do so.

During the 2016 Pulse Night Club shooting of gays, it occurred during the Republican National Convention in 2016, and "white racist" Trump in his nomination acceptance speech mentioned the shooting and his support for gays and the families of those killed and injured.
To which the "white racist" Republican convention audience cheered enthusiastically, and Trump responded hat he was so proud to hear a Republican audience cheer in support of those sentiments. And that was a gamble for Trump, because what if the audience didn't share that support and sympathy when he said it?
But they did, and he did. But of course, Democrats will never give Trump credit for that.

Or for Trump appointing Richard Grennell, a gay man, to muliple high-level diplomatic and cabinet posittions, including Director of National Intelligence, and U.S. ambassador to Germany.

I'd also menttion that "racist" Trump, in 2016, 2020, and now 2024, has increasingly more support from the black and hispanic communities than any Republican presidential candidate in history.
As I recall, McCain (2008) and Romney (2012) got about 4% to 6% black support in their elections.
Trump got 8% black support in the 2016 election.
Trump is currently averaging over 22% black support nationwide, and pollster Frank Luntz said just 2 nights ago (on CNN) that he inks Trump will acually get 33% black support in the Nov 2024 election.
Wow, what a racist ! Black and hispanic voters clearly see it otherwise.