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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
The Texas shooter in a racist Walma...on. Here’s what to know about the case

“EL PASO, Texas (AP) — A WHITE Texas gunman who killed 23 people at a Walmart in 2019 returned to court Wednesday for sentencing in a mass shooting that targeted Hispanic shoppers in the border city of El Paso.“

“ The son of a licensed therapist and nurse, Crusius had been enrolled as a student at Collin College, near Dallas, and had no criminal convictions before the shooting. On social media, Crusius appeared consumed by the nation’s immigration debate, tweeting #BuildtheWall and posts that praised then-President Donald Trump’s hardline border policies.

His views went further in a document posted to an online message board about 20 minutes before the massacre in which he said the shooting was “in response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.”

In American politics, Republicans continue to use the word “invasion” to describe migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, waving off critics who say the rhetoric fuels anti-immigrant views and violence.”

You just made up his race to suit your false narrative WB. Do keep try to shill though. Again you present the partisan spin that leaves out that he was a Trump supporter and you both share the same voter replacement theory from the far right.

Democrats have openly boasted of immigration policy that is demographically changing the U.S. from white majority to white minority, because non-whites vote overwhelmingly Democrat. Democrats gloat that this will give them a permanent unbeatable political majority in elections. They openly boast about it.
And then Democrats portray Republicans who criticize the clear and obvious plan that DEMOCRATS gloat about, as Republicans being "racist" and "paranoid". Well, that clearly is the Democrat plan, that Democrats openly plan and acknowledge.
And if it is the demonstrated real plan, it is neiiher racist nor paranoid for Republicans to point out those FACTS.

Associated Press = centerpiece of the liberal media.
As are New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, on down. At least 80% of the mainstream media, in over 50 years of polls.

These are the same media sources who propped up the false narratives surrounding George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin (Zimmerman portrayed as right wing racist, he was actually a registered Democrat who voted for Obama, who is partially hispanic, Jewish and black, who volunteered to tutor black kids).
The same Orwellian liberal media who told us the Sandy Hook school shooting was done by a "right wing" shooter (he was a liberal/leftist Democrat).
The same Orwellian liberal media who told us the Aurora Colorado movie theatre shooter was a right wing Tea Party member (he was revealed to be another leftist Democrat).
The same Orwellian liberal media who told us that Rep. Gabby Giffords' shooter was a right wing Tea Party member (Jared Loughner was revealed to be another "left wing pothead".)

The same Orwellian liberal media who told us George Floyd was a black guy killed by a racist cop (George Floyd was actually a violent career criminal , who had many times been convicted of robberies and home invasions, and doing so to feed his lifelong drug addiction. Who took Fentanyl right before the police arrived, and was overdosing when police arrived, and whose autopsy --BOTH autopsies--- showed Floyd had about twice the fatal dosage of Fentanyl in his bloodstream at the time of his death.)
All the subject of a just released documentary on the subject:

Ferguson, Missouri: Same thing, another false media narrative about a PROVEN innocent police officer, Darren Wilson.
Many other examples, those are just the ones I can recall offhand.

In EACH CASE, the liberal Democrat-aligned propagandist media DELIBERATELY got the story wrong, to aid Democrats politically, to slander and undermine support of Republicans, to reinforce a false narrative whose ideology those in the media reporting it share, even when that narrative is PROVEN to be false, often KNOWN BEFORE IT WAS EVEN FIRST REPORTED to be false.

As I've cited sourced examples proving that REPEATEDLY:
Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election - Sharyl Attkisson

Citing stories PROVEN to be false, by news agencies DELIBERATELY propping up a false narrative, because their journalists, producers, editors and publishers maliciously want that false narrative propped up, across the entire mainstream news media, collaborating together, and also collaborating with Democrat political leaders (for example, with Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, a newspaper quietly e-mailing the Clinon campaign, giving Clinton the option to review a story, and the option to spike it, if she felt it was too damaging to her campaign.
Another exaample: the "Journo-list" online discussion group of national reporters, brainstorming how to destroy Sarah Palin and John McCain, and also how to destroy and marginalize Bernie Sanders to clear the way for Hillary Clinton's DNC nominaion. On and on.

And you hold up these liars as "proof" ? Don't make me laugh.

M E M, you are clearly a hardcore partisan Democrat, and over and over in the last 20 years here on RKMB, you always prop up whatever the Democrats' false narrative is, on any given day, month after month, year after year.
You always find a way to rationalize away inconvenient facts and toss them into a dismissive category, when they don't fit your lying Democrat narrative.
Sometimes I think you'e just a Democrat true believer and you are just honestly misled by your party and liberal media's narrative.
And often I'm sure that you MUST know it is a false narrative, and you are deliberately slandering Republicans, with a false narrative that you KNOW to be untrue, just because it benefits your party.

That is the full context of the liberal media fronting that Patrick Crusius is "white" or "white racist" or "white supremacist", when I have cited Crusius' sourced online posts and manifesto to prove otherwise.
AND full context of your vicious attempt to blame Republicans or Trump for what the shooter himself said are his own ideas that Trump had no part in creating, no part in motivating Patrick Crusius' shooting in El Paso.

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So in your mind the media is lying when they state the shooter’s race as being white? I’ve read the whole crazy manifesto that your partisan source doesn’t talk about. You share the same far right voter replacement conspiracy. I’ve sourced and linked it all. Registered as a republican and a Trump supporter. Like you he talked about fake news in his crazy manifesto.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
So in your mind the media is lying when they state the shooter’s race as being white? I’ve read the whole crazy manifesto that your partisan source doesn’t talk about. You share the same far right voter replacement conspiracy. I’ve sourced and linked it all. Registered as a republican and a Trump supporter. Like you he talked about fake news in his crazy manifesto.

Hey, M E M:
THE ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY OPENLY BOASTS about "replacement theory". Isn't that amazing, how your party has boasted about importing third-world immigrants for 30 years, to create a permanent Democrat majority.
But when any Republican-conservative points out what your party has OPENLY STATED is their victory plan, suddenly the narrative is flipped by the Democrat-Bolsheviks, so that Republicans are the alleged racists.
And it's not a "replacement conspiracy" when your party openly brags about it.

It's also the shared plan of Mexican government, as Pat Buchanan details in his 2006 book STATE OF EMERGENCY on the border crisis, that the Mexican government (and pro-Mexicaan groups in the U.S., with chapters in universities and high schools nationwide) call it "La Reconquista", a way for Mexicans to take back the entire U.S. Southwest territory, through the overwhelming demographics of Mexican/hispanic immigration.


When California overwhelmingly passed a law to deny benefits and sanctuary to illegals, and it was overturned and neutralized by an appellate court, a Democrat-leftist hispanic professor gloatingly called it "the dying last gasp of white America".


And like I said, over and over for at least 15 years, with every shooting or racial incident, from Trayvon Martin to Michael Brown to Adam Lanza, to Jared Loughner, to George Floyd, on and on, the mainstream media have CONSISTENTLY gotten the facts wrong, DELIBERATELY gotten the facts wrong, OVER AND OVER, because the Democrat-Bolsheviks in the media wanted to sell that false narrative.
As Sharyl Atkisson has detailed in specific example after specific example. The media narrative you cite has not only gotten it wrong, but DELIBERATELY gotten it wrong.
To sell the Democrat-serving false narrative they wanted to sell.
The narrative YOU are lyingly trying to sell.

Like I already said...

Originally Posted by WB
As I've cited sourced examples proving that REPEATEDLY:
Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election - Sharyl Attkisson

Citing stories PROVEN to be false, by news agencies DELIBERATELY propping up a false narrative, because their journalists, producers, editors and publishers maliciously want that false narrative propped up, across the entire mainstream news media, collaborating together, and also collaborating with Democrat political leaders.
(For example, with Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, a newspaper quietly e-mailing the Clinton campaign, giving Clinton the option to review a story, and the option to spike it, if she felt it was too damaging to her campaign.
Another example: the "Journo-list" online discussion group of national reporters, brainstorming how to destroy Sarah Palin and John McCain, and also how to destroy and marginalize Bernie Sanders to clear the way for Hillary Clinton's DNC nomination. On and on. )

And you hold up these liars as "proof" ? Don't make me laugh.

Your gods of information are the Bolshevik liars who have consistently gotten he story wrong, and been PROVEN wrong, DELIBERATELY gotten it wrong in case after case for over 15 years.
What I sourced and linked about the El Paso shooting (and about your attempting to conflate it with Trump himself, and to conflate it with Trump supporters, in a vicious lying insinuation) is the truth.
That you are desperately trying to smear, to sell your party's Democrat-Bolshevik narrative.

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Back to ranting and partisan accusations WB. Attkisson isn’t going to produce anything that would upset a loyal Trump supporter. And the only time I hear about the voter replacement theory is from Uber partisan conservatives like yourself and the white registered republican El Paso shooter that you just decided was Mexican because in some pics he looks different. You got his race wrong and reading his manifesto and not just one tiny part that your one partisan source picks out it’s pretty easy to see he really was one of you. And as I linked to he was a registered republican that had pics of Trump, worried about fake news and hashtags with build the wall. You do what partisan you always do. Attack all and anything that doesn’t suit your partisan values. Being really partisan isn’t really a value though. Trump is what you end up with.

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That is exactly how this situation is going to play out for as long as you are kind enough to respon, MEM. He'll never understand that it was his ilk that drove me away from the GOP.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Back to ranting and partisan accusations WB. Attkisson isn’t going to produce anything that would upset a loyal Trump supporter. And the only time I hear about the voter replacement theory is from Uber partisan conservatives like yourself and the white registered republican El Paso shooter that you just decided was Mexican because in some pics he looks different. You got his race wrong and reading his manifesto and not just one tiny part that your one partisan source picks out it’s pretty easy to see he really was one of you. And as I linked to he was a registered republican that had pics of Trump, worried about fake news and hashtags with build the wall. You do what partisan you always do. Attack all and anything that doesn’t suit your partisan values. Being really partisan isn’t really a value though. Trump is what you end up with.

FACTS are not "just partisan accusations".

Nice try.
Sharyl Attkisson is a self-described liberal/leftist, not a Trump supporter. The difference is, despite that she is a liberal, she still has integrity and journalistic standards, that compelled her to leave an award-winning invesigative journalist career position with CBS where she was earning 7 figures a year, because that network, and the liberal media in general after 2008, ceased to have journalistic standards and integrity, and started just cranking out Orwellian propaganda that she could no longer be a part of.

And she cited endless named and sourced examples, and the ACTUAL facts, vs. the verifiably false propaganda narrative these mainstream news outlets front as "news".
She quoted from dozens of articles the zealous self-incriminaing statements of liberal reporters and editors, and journalism professors, who have stated their abandonment of journalism standards in favor of being Democrat activists on a sacred mission to stop the Republicans and get Democrats elected. With sourced and cited examples.

Sharyl Attkisson is not a Republican or Trump supporter.
Lara Logan (another award-winning journalist who has left the mainstream liberal propaganda networks) is not a Republican or Trump supporter.
Glenn Greenwald.
John Solomon.
John Stossel.
Ron Kessler.
Bernard Goldberg.

These are all decades-long highly acclaimed, and mostly LIBERAL journalists, who have ALL made the same points about the decline of mainstream journalism, and its abandonment of of long-established journalistic standards, in favor of liberal activism and propaganda. That you like to dismiss, without even looking at the overwhelming evidence they present.

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Originally Posted by iggy
That is exactly how this situation is going to play out for as long as you are kind enough to respon, MEM. He'll never understand that it was his ilk that drove me away from the GOP.

For 15 years here on RKMB, you've manifested your unhinged logic, dishonesty, and spite for anyone who doesn't share your point of view.

Your STATED support for the leftist-crazy Occupy Wall Street movement, your rabid hatred of Christianity and stated malevolent pleasure in discriminating against Christian students in your junior college classes, your support for open borders and illegal immigration, are all clear examples that you are in complete opposition to conservatism,.
That you are a fucking liar and never were a conservative, for you to ever support these things.
Like Hillary Clinton aide Jennifer Palmieri, with her idea for leftists to pretend to be Catholics, to infliltrate the Catholic church, and deceitfully push as fake Catholic members from within for the church to accept abortion and gay rights. Saul Alinsky tactics.

Deception is the core tactic of the Democrat party, brought from its mother ship, Bolshevik Marxism.

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Where you were deceptive here was leaving out everything but a tiny part of a manifesto. He’s a white registered Republican for example. And Sheryl Attkisson doesn’t describe herself as liberal in anything I’ve seen. We’ve discussed her before and looking at her work she’s certainly proTrump.
Why Trump has already secured a second term — no matter who his opponent is
Journalistic hand jobs like that for Trump I can understand why you and other conservatives love her. Has she ever produced anything actually critical of Trump?

And Lara Logan is so far right wing crazy even for Fox and Newsmax stopped using her.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Where you were deceptive here was leaving out everything but a tiny part of a manifesto. He’s a white registered Republican for example. And Sheryl Attkisson doesn’t describe herself as liberal in anything I’ve seen. We’ve discussed her before and looking at her work she’s certainly proTrump.
Why Trump has already secured a second term — no matter who his opponent is
Journalistic hand jobs like that for Trump I can understand why you and other conservatives love her. Has she ever produced anything actually critical of Trump?

And Lara Logan is so far right wing crazy even for Fox and Newsmax stopped using her.

M E M, I find your ability to circumnavigate the facts, or to outright misrepresent them or cherry-pick while leaving out the part that shows these reporterss' integrity and courage, quite astonishing.

In the case of Sharyl Attkisson...

Originally Posted by WB
In EACH CASE, the liberal Democrat-aligned propagandist media DELIBERATELY got the story wrong, to aid Democrats politically, to slander and undermine support of Republicans, to reinforce a false narrative whose ideology those in the media reporting it share, even when that narrative is PROVEN to be false, often KNOWN BEFORE IT WAS EVEN FIRST REPORTED to be false.

As I've cited sourced examples proving that REPEATEDLY:
Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election - Sharyl Attkisson

Citing stories PROVEN to be false, by news agencies DELIBERATELY propping up a false narrative, because their journalists, producers, editors and publishers maliciously want that false narrative propped up, across the entire mainstream news media, collaborating together, and also collaborating with Democrat political leaders (for example, with Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, a newspaper quietly e-mailing the Clinon campaign, giving Clinton the option to review a story, and the option to spike it, if she felt it was too damaging to her campaign.
Another exaample: the "Journo-list" online discussion group of national reporters, brainstorming how to destroy Sarah Palin and John McCain, and also how to destroy and marginalize Bernie Sanders to clear the way for Hillary Clinton's DNC nominaion. On and on.

And you hold up these liars as "proof" ? Don't make me laugh.

...of the literally HUNDREDS of times I have posted this link, and the abundant facts cited, you obviously, OBVIOUSLY have chosen the path of deliberate ignorance and never even watched it.
That etches in marble your complete lack of inerest in the facts.

Attkisson outright says she is a left-leaning liberal Democrat, but despite her own politics, she feel an obligation to uphold old-school standards of objective journalism and sourced facts, that she says virtually the entire mainstream liberal media has abandoned.

Which is why, after 3 decades as a liberal journalist for CNN and then CBS, she finally broke her contract and left.
Because CBS was censoring her and not airing the investigative reports she researched.

When she was doing the exact same investigative reports hat embarassed the George W. Bush administration up through 2008, CBS loved her.
But when she began reporting with the exact same investigative reporting that embarassed the Obama administration, her CBS superiors silenced, blunted and shelved her reports, until she resigned.

And then intelligence agencies of the Obama administration hacked her computer to spy on and delete her research. And an IT expert who investigated told her the technology used to hack her computer was definitely federal intelligence agency level, far beyond what anyone hacking her in the private sector would use.

And then there's Lara Logan who you also slandered :

And keep in mind, this is the worst even the far-Left Wikipedia propaganda website could say...

Logan worked as a news reporter for the Sunday Tribune in Durban [South Africa] during her studies (1988–1989), then for the city's Daily News (1990–1992). In 1992, she joined Reuters Television in Africa, primarily as a senior producer. After four years she branched out into freelance journalism, obtaining assignments as a reporter and editor/producer with ITN and Fox/SKY, CBS News, ABC News (in London), NBC, and the European Broadcasting Union. She worked for CNN, reporting on incidents such as the 1998 United States embassy bombings in Nairobi and Tanzania, the conflict in Northern Ireland, and the Kosovo war.[8]

Logan was hired in 2000 by GMTV Breakfast Television (in the UK) as a correspondent; she also worked with CBS News Radio as a freelance correspondent. Days after the September 11 attacks, she asked a clerk at the Russian Embassy in London to give her a visa to travel to Afghanistan. In November 2001, while in Afghanistan working for GMTV, she infiltrated the American-British-backed Northern Alliance and interviewed their commander, General Babajan, at the Bagram Air Base.[11]

CBS News offered her a full-fledged correspondent position in 2002. She spent much of the next four years reporting from the battlefield, including war zones in Afghanistan and Iraq, often embedded with the United States Armed Forces. But she also interviewed famous figures and explorers such as Robert Ballard, discoverer of the wreck of the RMS Titanic.[12] Many of her reports were for 60 Minutes II. She was also a regular contributor to the CBS Evening News, The Early Show and Face the Nation.[13] In February 2006, CBS News named Logan their chief foreign affairs correspondent.[8]

Logan left CBS News in August 2018.[14][15] The following year, she joined the Sinclair Broadcast Group on a temporary basis, as a correspondent reporting on the United States–Mexico border.[2]

In October 2022, Logan was banned from right-wing television network Newsmax for what the network described as "reprehensible statements" during an interview where she said that "the open [United States-Mexico] border is Satan’s way of taking control of the world through all of these people who are his stooges and his servants ... You know, the ones who want us eating insects, cockroaches and that while they dine on the blood of children?"[16][17]

I left in the part at the end about Newsmax, because it's hilarious that she would be fired for that. People airing on both Newsmax and Fox News make similar statements every day (from Hannity to Tucker Carlson to Judge Jeanine Pirro to Greg Kelly, to Jesse Waters, on down) about the insideous plans of elites orchestrating flow of alien hordes daily entering the U.S. illegally EVERY DAY. Who march in carrying foreign flags, who are drug cartels, bringing in Fentanyl and other narcotics that killed 106,000 Americans from overdoses in 2022 ALONE, and every year, who are are orchestraing human trafficking, forced prostitution, that 30% of all immigrant women smuggled into the U.S. are raped, many are murdered, and / or forced to spend the rest of their lives in forced prostitution.
"Satan's army"?!? Fuck yes. Not the slightest inaccuracy in reporting that.
The part about forcing us to eat insects is a point Tucker Carlson made almost every night for months, until Fox without reason --STILL unexplained-- took him off the air.

And look at the list of places that Lara Logan has worked across her career.

Reuters, ITN, Sky News, Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC, European Broadcasting Union (which is to say even to the left of American liberal media), CNN. There is no way, ABSOLUTELY NO WAY, that she could be "right wing" and spend 30 years working for these beyond-left leaning news agencies. No way.

And further down below what I quoted above, Wikipedia cites even more details of the boldness and aggressiveness with which she pushed for dangerous assignments and went worldwide to the most dangerous places on earth, war zones, Afghanistan, the Middle East amid revolution. Even being gang-raped and almost killed by an islamic mob didn't make her the slightest bit hesitant or fearful. She manifests incredible initiative and courage, both in the places she volunteered to go, and the integrity of her reporting, and in her criticism of other prominent journalists, at potential risk to her career.

If she has become a "right wing" reporter, after over 30 years as a liberal journalist, reporting over 3 decades for the most liberal news agencies (and you cited no facts or sources to back that 'right wing partisan" slander up, JUST THE SLANDER), if she has become a conservative, it must have been a very recent conversion. With her criticism of the larger liberal networks , I think it is more a case of her going where she can report the facts without being censored, and outlets that give her that freedom, irregardless of that employer's own political leanings.

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It’s pretty apparent who’s leaving out pertinent facts WB. Like the fact the shooter was a registered Republican. And Attkisson had a reputation that she still cashes in on with conservatives but these days it’s puff pieces for Trump and mostly conspiracy stories that don’t upset conservatives. Logan is just unhinged bat shit crazy from the looks of it. To far right crazy for Newsmax is a pretty low bar.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
It’s pretty apparent who’s leaving out pertinent facts WB. Like the fact the shooter was a registered Republican. And Attkisson had a reputation that she still cashes in on with conservatives but these days it’s puff pieces for Trump and mostly conspiracy stories that don’t upset conservatives. Logan is just unhinged bat shit crazy from the looks of it. To far right crazy for Newsmax is a pretty low bar.

My facts cited at length, vs. your total B.S.

What you say is a bumper-sticker propaganda Democrat narrative, what I say are the sourced and cited facts.
Laraa Logan (like Sharyl Attkisson, like John Stossel, like Glenn Greenwald, like John Solomon, like Glenn Kessler and many others impeccable TRUE journalists, with an integrity no longer shared by George Orwell's mainstream media ) is an award-winning decades-long highly respected journalist, who has worked for every mainstream network, for over 30 years, LIBERAL networks. If she was "batshit crazy", none of these networks would have hired her in the first place, or kept her in the highest reporting positions, FOR DECADES. Only after she resigned and began giving exposure to the mainstream narrative across the major networks did they begin a slander campaign to discredit her.

That you, as a loyal Democrat-Bolshevik propagandist, are only too eager to promote.

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I sourced and linked the shooter being a registered republican and Trump supporter as well as a link to his whole manifesto. You provided a link via a partisan source that only references 1 paragraph of the 4 page manifesto. You also tried to pass off Attkisson and Logan as liberals, lol. I read Attkisson’s piece declaring Trump was going to win 2020 no matter who he was up against, lol. That’s a conservative writing with full on bias in play. And I see nothing she’s produced in over a decade that would make a conservative the least bit uncomfortable. Logan I never saw as either way tbh but obviously something happened and she’s doing stuff with the my pillow guy. Again I understand why you like bat shit crazy conservatives gone wild but why even try to polish these turds?

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I sourced and linked the shooter being a registered republican and Trump supporter as well as a link to his whole manifesto. You provided a link via a partisan source that only references 1 paragraph of the 4 page manifesto. You also tried to pass off Attkisson and Logan as liberals, lol. I read Attkisson’s piece declaring Trump was going to win 2020 no matter who he was up against, lol. That’s a conservative writing with full on bias in play. And I see nothing she’s produced in over a decade that would make a conservative the least bit uncomfortable. Logan I never saw as either way tbh but obviously something happened and she’s doing stuff with the my pillow guy. Again I understand why you like bat shit crazy conservatives gone wild but why even try to polish these turds?

Attkisson's editorial about the the 2016 election is not at all partisan, she just talks about her instincts as a journalist for 3 decades, and what she saw in the opinions of dozens of people she came in contact with who discussed Trump, Hillary and the then-pending election. She doesn't in the editorial endorse Trump or wax enthusiastic about him, she just cites from many sources who she sees as the likely winner of the election. So again, you LIE when you say she is "right wing" or a partisan for Trump.

And again with Lara Logan, you cite nothing beyond your irrational opinion (to atttempt to discredit her) that she is a conservative. Again: She has spent OVER 30 YEARS reporting for the most liberal news agencies on earth. No one who was a conservative would endure that for 30 years.

You posted a link to an AP article that gave an opinionated false unsourced narrative that Crusius is a "white racist", that didn't source any ACTUAL PROOF that Patrick Crusius was "white supremacist" or "white racist", or even prove he is "white". Speculation only in that AP article, without ANY proof.
And as I said, I looked before you even posted that AP piece, viewing at least 20 other articles, some of which even had the headline of detailing Crusius' background, but NONE gave sourced facts, other than basically namecalling him "white supremacist" or "white racist".

What I linked about Patrick Crusius DID detail his manifesto, but where your AP liberal Newspeak article tried to bypass the thrust of what Patrick Crusius' motive was, while acknowledging Crusius targeted a majority of Mexicans (if I recall, 13 of the 20 he shot were Mexican) the article I posted doesn't just paint him as "white racist" to sell a false liberal narrative, it goes into the DEEPER REASON he targeted immigrants in El Paso (and again, not 100% or even close to it were Mexicans he targeted).

The link I posted goes into Crusius' ACTUAL self-declared envionmentalist motivation for the shooting, that you pretend doesn't exist so you can sell a false "white supremacist" narrative.

Dylan Roof (Charleston church shooter) was a white racist.
Frank James (the N Y City subway shooter) was a black racist.
Their own manifestos make that clear. Crusius' manifesto does NOT.

I've yet to see that you proved this Patrick Crusius kid was a racist. Crusius (in his manifesto) citing the political ramifications of immigration on the U.S. over coming decades is NOT the same thing as being a racist.
And Crusius himself said his ideas on the subject were formed long before Trump became a candidate in 2015, and Crusius HIMSELF made clear that Trump had nothing to do with forming Crusis' ideology on the subject.
This is CRYSTAL clear, and yet you still lyingly / slanderously push the false narrative that Trump motivat
ed Cruisus to do the El Paso shooting. He did NOT.

Crusius is mentally unbalanced, he has weird ideas that he acted on with a gun. But he is not a racist. And he was not motivated by Trump.

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Originally Posted by Patrick Crusius, from his own manifesto the day of the shooting

The inconvenient truth is that our leaders, both Democrat AND
Republican, have been failing us for decades. They are either complacent or involved in
one of the biggest betrayals of the American public in our history. The takeover of the
United States government by unchecked corporations. I could write a ten page essay on
all the damage these corporations have caused, but here is what is important. Due to
the death of the baby boomers, the increasingly anti-immigrant rhetoric of the right and
the ever increasing Hispanic population, America will soon become a one party-state.
The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the
transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate.
They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to
enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With
policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly
unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a
Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic
population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential
election. Although the Republican Party is also terrible. Many factions within the
Republican Party are pro-corporation. Procorporation pro-immigration. But some
factions within the Republican Party don’t prioritize corporations over our future. So the
Democrats are nearly unanimous with their support of immigration while the
Republicans are divided over it. At least with Republicans, the process of mass
immigration and citizenship can be greatly reduced.

That is clearly not "right wing" or "pro-Trump" or motivated by Trump. And is clearly motivated by POLITICAL considerations, as he headlines that clause of his manifesto.
NOT racial reasons.
He clearly does not identify himself as a Republican or a Trump supporter, or as a racist. He is clearly critical of the Republican party.


America is full of hypocrites who will blast my actions as the sole result of
racism and hatred of other countries, despite the extensive evidence of all the problems these
invaders cause and will cause. People who are hypocrites because they support imperialistic
wars that have caused the loss of tens of thousands of American lives and untold numbers of
civilian lives. The argument that mass murder is okay when it is state sanctioned is absurd. Our
government has killed a whole lot more people for a whole lot less.
Even if other non-immigrant targets would have a greater impact, I can’t bring myself to kill my
fellow Americans. Even the Americans that seem hell-bent on destroying our country. Even if
they are shameless race misers, massive polluters, haters of our collective values, etc. One day
they will see error of their ways. Either when American patriots fail to reform our country and it
collapses or when we save it. But they will see the error of their ways. I promise y’all that.
I am against race mixing because it destroys genetic diversity and creates identity problems.
Also because it’s completely unnecessary and selfish. 2nd and 3rd generation Hispanics form
interracial unions at much higher rates than average. Yet another reason to send them back.
Cultural and racial diversity is largely temporary. Cultural diversity diminishes as stronger
and/or more appealing cultures overtake weaker and/or undesirable ones. Racial diversity will
disappear as either race missing or genocide will take place. But the idea of deporting or
murdering all non-white Americans is horrific. Many have been here at least as long as the
whites, and have done as much to build our country. The best solution to this for would be to
divide America into a confederacy of territories with at least 1 territory for each race. This
physical separation would nearly eliminate race mixing and improve social unity by granting
each race self-determination with their respective territory(s).

For a "white racist", he repeatedly makes reasoned and impassioned economic and political arguments for why he is NOT a racist.

Granted he's a crazy man for planning to shoot dozens of innocent people and then actually doing it. But his logic as best I can grasp it is that he intended it to preserve the U.S.'s sovereignty, environment, and national cultural identitty.

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I provided a linked source identifying him as white vs you just deciding he was Hispanic because he looks darker in some pics. Nor when I was looking did I see conservative sites presenting his ethnicity being any different. More importantly he murdered people based on their race. Yes he tries to rationalize his white racist nationalism and as I said before it looks familiar to some of your posts. I also linked and sourced to his Republican Party affiliation and Trump support. If he had been a registered democrat I know that would have been end of the story for you. You don’t have the sources or facts and you gush over a guy who jokes about a political opponent’s spouse being brutally beaten with a hammer.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I provided a linked source identifying him as white vs you just deciding he was Hispanic because he looks darker in some pics. Nor when I was looking did I see conservative sites presenting his ethnicity being any different. More importantly he murdered people based on their race. Yes he tries to rationalize his white racist nationalism and as I said before it looks familiar to some of your posts. I also linked and sourced to his Republican Party affiliation and Trump support. If he had been a registered democrat I know that would have been end of the story for you. You don’t have the sources or facts and you gush over a guy who jokes about a political opponent’s spouse being brutally beaten with a hammer.

You are again deliberately lying.

You "provided a linked source", but not to verifiable facts, but to a leftist OPINION and NAME-CALLING that Crusius is a "white racist" and "white supremacist", an "article" that parrots in editorial form your false narrative, but NEVER PROVIDED SOURCES to prove Crusius is either "white" or further "white racist/white supremacist". No sources given, no evidence given. Just labels.

I just posted your own linked source to Crusius' 4-page online manifesto, that showed Crusius in his own words is :

1) critical of both the Democrat and Republican parties, so your statement that Crusius is a Republican or Trump supporter is clearly a lie and not accurate,

2) Crusius clearly states that he is NOT a white supremacist or ideologically inspired by Trump, that his ideology pre-dates Trump ever becoming a presidential candidate. So THAT is another misrepresentation by you. He states his ideology as having been formed by a book titled The Great Replacement.

3) Nowhere in the manifesto does Crusius identify himself as white, only that (in his point of view, explaining his motive for the El Paso shooting) he sees himself as a patriotic American standing up for his country against an invasion by illegals, an invasion orchestrated by liberals and corporate interests, that is environmentally destroying the United States.
He does NOT identify himself as white, only as culturally American.
That his planned El Paso attack (in his manifesto) he says needs to be followed by many more such shootings, to deter immigrants (he doesn't specify legal or illegal, in his mind ALL immigrants) to both deter them to stop coming. And as he cites, some have left on their own, so he wanted to encourage more to leave and return to their native countries. What Romney termed in 2012 as "self-deport".

4) Crusius emphasizes repeatedly in his 4-page manifesto that he is NOT racist, and NOT a white supremacist, and the headings of the sections of his manifesto identify his motives as POLITICAL REASONS, and ECONOMIC REASONS, and a section where Crusius projects the REACTION of illegals and of the mainstream media to his shooting (both his planned intended reaction, and the media's predictable false-narrative reaction, which of course includes dismissing him as a racist, and falsely blaming Trump, despite that he says at least twice in the manifesto his ideas pre-date Trump ever emerging as a presidential candidate.)

Also, there is no such race as hispanic. Most hispanic immigrants are essentially white, but are culturally hispanic, and prone to a democrat/liberal ideology. He targeted hispanics for 2 reasons, (1) because they are the largest immigrant group, up till Biden's presidency about 82% of annual U.S. immigration (both legal and illegal), and (2) because he is in Texas, and they are the immigrant group that is turning his native Texas to a Democrat/blue/leftist state.
As I said, I looked at over 20 articles, and even the ones that front to detail "the background" of Patrick Crusius never clarify what his race is, his family's nationality and origins, they just blanket-label him "white racist" and "white supremacist", WITHOUT ever confirming and sourcing what race he actually is, just the editorialized labels.

Originally Posted by M E M
Yes he tries to rationalize his white racist nationalism and as I said before it looks familiar to some of your posts.

You are a vicious liar. While I have concerns about immigration, I have clearly never NEVER advocated or endorsed mass shootings, of illegals or anyone else.
My stated soluion, and of Republicans in general, is to prevent illegals from entering, and deport those who get in. NOT shooting them, or shooting anyone else.

And your repeatedly calling Crusius' motive "white racist nationalism" is again a lie, that bypasses his ACTUAL and STATED motive in his 4-page manifesto, that you instead deliberately twist and misrepresent to conform to your Democrat-Bolshevik narrative, to slander all Republican conservatives and Trump supporters. Crusius is a nut, mass shootings is not a solution, and you deliberately smear all conservatives (and me) by conflating us with ideas we do not share.
I advocate deporting illegals, people who shouldn't be here, who commit crimes and hurt Americans. I / we advocate imprisoning or deporting them, we do NOT advocate killing them. You are a vicious liar.

That insinuation is along the same lines as Democrats saying Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump are the same as David Duke.
David Duke is a prominent white supremacist, who endorsed both Reagan and Trump over the last 43 years, because of the 2 parties, Republicans supported some of the things Duke thought were good for the country. While Reagan or Trump ideology were / are not the same as David Duke ideologically, in both cases, Duke saw Republicans as closer to his desired agenda for the country than Democrats. That does NOT make Reagan or Trump ideologically the same as Duke.

Similarly, Osama Bin Laden and other islamic terrorist groups endorsed Obama / Biden and the Democrats, because they were ideologically compatible, weaker on terrorism, and thus more desireable for Al Qaida's goals.
Likewise, Democrats are ideologically more desireable for China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Likewise Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other leftist domestic terror groups. All align far more with Democrats. If you hate America and want to destroy America, Democrats are the obvious party to endorse and ideologically align with.

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WB let’s just stick to what I actually posted. I provided a link to a news story that sited that the shooter had his party affiliation as republican and he had a pic of Trump and #build the wall. I never expect you to accept any facts that you don’t suit your partisanship. You never do. When confronted with it you attack the person that provided the source. Rules for radicals you know so well. I doubt tha AP just lied. I also think if the shooter had an online profile showing that the shooter was anything but white and a Biden supporter Fox and the rest of the conservative media would be on it with big headlines. Especially if the less partisan media got it wrong. I didn’t see that when I was searching on him though. And yes when he writes about the great replacement theory it would be identical to your take on it. He tries to rationalize his racism but while proclaiming he wasn’t racist he didn’t like race mixing on his way to murder people based on their ethnicity. Those lives had so little value because they were not white.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
WB let’s just stick to what I actually posted. I provided a link to a news story that sited that the shooter had his party affiliation as republican and he had a pic of Trump and #build the wall. I never expect you to accept any facts that you don’t suit your partisanship. You never do. When confronted with it you attack the person that provided the source. Rules for radicals you know so well. I doubt tha AP just lied. I also think if the shooter had an online profile showing that the shooter was anything but white and a Biden supporter Fox and the rest of the conservative media would be on it with big headlines. Especially if the less partisan media got it wrong. I didn’t see that when I was searching on him though. And yes when he writes about the great replacement theory it would be identical to your take on it. He tries to rationalize his racism but while proclaiming he wasn’t racist he didn’t like race mixing on his way to murder people based on their ethnicity. Those lives had so little value because they were not white.

Dear God, how many times are you going to repeat the exact same thing?!?

I even duplicated your links in what I posted in response, to clarify EXACTLY what I was responding to. WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO SAY ?!?

I made CRYSTAL CLEAR that your saying "he is a Republican" is absolute shit garbage. That he expressed a contempt and disdain for both parties. He only felt that Republicans in power would slow down the immigrant turning of Texas to a deep blue state. That is CRYSTAL clear in his 4-page manifesto, and I even quoted the specific portions where he made it clear.

AP (while notoriously liberal-Democrat leaning, and my linked Sharyl Atkisson video quotes AP as one of the deliberately misrepresentaive biased media sources committed to Democrat activism rather than objective journalism) AS I JUST SAID never clarified Patrick Crusius' ethnic background.
Nor did over 20 other articles I read, even the ones that specifically promised to do so in their headlines. They just labelled him "white racist" with no stated facts to establish that.

I attacked an AP article that was liberal propaganda, cited details that PROVED it was factless propaganda. And called you a liar for misrepresenting the facts, as I made CRYSTAL clear in my Dec 7th above post. EVERYTHING YOU ASKED, I already answered in that post. Sourced, quoted, cited, over and over, chapter and verse.

And you further SLANDERED ME, alleging that I was one in ideology with Crusius. I certainly don't have to defend myself against that allegation, it is so clearly a slander and in opposition to what I have said here on these boards, FOR 20 YEARS.
I'm for securing the border and deportation of illegals, I'm NOT a supporter of killing anyone. You VICIOUS fucking liar.

And as for AP or any other liberal media "being eager to tell the truth" if Crusius was not white, as I already said, REPEATEDLY, they didn't show an eagerness to tell the truth in ANY of 15 years of similar cases, such as George Zimmerman, Jared Loughner, Darren Wilson, Nicholas Sandman, Kyle Rittenhaus, or dozens of others involved in racially charged shootings. The media continually portray black criminals as innocent saints despite their histories as violent criminals who provoked their own shootings, or their own deaths by drug overdose (George Floyd), or by violently resisting arrest (Michael Brown), or pre-existing health problems (Eric Garner, Freddie Gray). The same media falsely portray whites/police as motivated by racism to kill, and exclude the facts that prove otherwise.

In several dozen cases over the last 15 years, I was each time initially sympathetic to the appearance of racism in each of these cases, and EACH TIME, the media was shown within days to have lied, and to have DELIBERATELY presented a false narrative, to have demonized police, or whites in general, or demonize Republicans or Trump, to benefit Democrats or some other Leftist (BLM, Antifa, Marxist, critical race theory) ideological cause.

And years later, they have NEVER admitted the true facts revealed, in ANY of these cases.
And you are still parroting their lying talking points.

You can't find any "less than partisan media" (i,e., either objective/neutral media, or conservative media) in an online Google search, that present evidence other than the liberal media false narrative, because Google search algorithms make anything other than hard-left media sources almost impossible to find.
I presented you with one such article, and knee-jerk, you slammed it as untrue, no matter how many times I cited the facts presented and the full context of Crusius' odd primary environmental motivation, even using your own sources, that PROVE what I said is true. Where you lyingly allege I somehow used "selective omission" of Patrick Crusius' full context of his manifesto. Well, I sourced the full 4-page Crusius manifesto, FROM YOUR linked source, and THERE IS NO FURTHER CONTEXT, that argument of yours is just smoke and mirrors.

The Democrat/Left can't win against the facts, so they shadow-ban and block and censor the FACTS they can't dispute.
George Orwell's liberal media.
And George Orwell's Google, Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok. And FBI.

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I provided a link and source to a news articles vs your predictable partisan shit and garbage. You hate anything that isn’t loyal to your party and isn’t under its thumb so project all you want. Do rest assured I don’t see you killing anyone. I have read his manifesto and it’s full of nationalism that looks oh so similar to your posts. Tell me where do your views differ on your shared great replacement theory? I don’t see any.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I provided a link and source to a news articles vs your predictable partisan shit and garbage. You hate anything that isn’t loyal to your party and isn’t under its thumb so project all you want. Do rest assured I don’t see you killing anyone. I have read his manifesto and it’s full of nationalism that looks oh so similar to your posts. Tell me where do your views differ on your shared great replacement theory? I don’t see any.

My "shit" is cited, sourced, linked and FACTUAL.

That thing you posted wasn't a news article, that was an editorial DISGUISED as a news article. And I specifically deconstructed how it was an editorial and factless narrative fiction.

Cited chapter and verse, FROM YOUR OWN SOURCES.

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You got it turned around. You linked to a conservative opinion piece while attacking the news article I linked too as opinion. Your links in general are shit opinion pieces lol. Classic projection WB

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
WB let’s just stick to what I actually posted. I provided a link to a news story that sited that the shooter had his party affiliation as republican and he had a pic of Trump and #build the wall. I never expect you to accept any facts that you don’t suit your partisanship. You never do. When confronted with it you attack the person that provided the source. Rules for radicals you know so well. I doubt tha AP just lied. I also think if the shooter had an online profile showing that the shooter was anything but white and a Biden supporter Fox and the rest of the conservative media would be on it with big headlines. Especially if the less partisan media got it wrong. I didn’t see that when I was searching on him though. And yes when he writes about the great replacement theory it would be identical to your take on it. He tries to rationalize his racism but while proclaiming he wasn’t racist he didn’t like race mixing on his way to murder people based on their ethnicity. Those lives had so little value because they were not white.

Dear God, how many times are you going to repeat the exact same thing?!?

I even duplicated your links in what I posted in response, to clarify EXACTLY what I was responding to. WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO SAY ?!?

I made CRYSTAL CLEAR that your saying "he is a Republican" is absolute shit garbage. That he expressed a contempt and disdain for both parties. He only felt that Republicans in power would slow down the immigrant turning of Texas to a deep blue state. That is CRYSTAL clear in his 4-page manifesto, and I even quoted the specific portions where he made it clear.

AP (while notoriously liberal-Democrat leaning, and my linked Sharyl Atkisson video quotes AP as one of the deliberately misrepresentaive biased media sources committed to Democrat activism rather than objective journalism) AS I JUST SAID never clarified Patrick Crusius' ethnic background.
Nor did over 20 other articles I read, even the ones that specifically promised to do so in their headlines. They just labelled him "white racist" with no stated facts to establish that.

I attacked an AP article that was liberal propaganda, cited details that PROVED it was factless propaganda. And called you a liar for misrepresenting the facts, as I made CRYSTAL clear in my Dec 7th above post. EVERYTHING YOU ASKED, I already answered in that post. Sourced, quoted, cited, over and over, chapter and verse.

And you further SLANDERED ME, alleging that I was one in ideology with Crusius. I certainly don't have to defend myself against that allegation, it is so clearly a slander and in opposition to what I have said here on these boards, FOR 20 YEARS.
I'm for securing the border and deportation of illegals, I'm NOT a supporter of killing anyone. You VICIOUS fucking liar.

And as for AP or any other liberal media "being eager to tell the truth" if Crusius was not white, as I already said, REPEATEDLY, they didn't show an eagerness to tell the truth in ANY of 15 years of similar cases, such as George Zimmerman, Jared Loughner, Darren Wilson, Nicholas Sandman, Kyle Rittenhaus, or dozens of others involved in racially charged shootings. The media continually portray black criminals as innocent saints despite their histories as violent criminals who provoked their own shootings or deaths by drug overdone (George Floyd) resisting arrest, or pre-existing health problems. The same media falsely portray whites/police as motivated by racism to kill, and exclude the facts that prove otherwise.
In several dozen cases over the last 15 years, I was initially sympathetic to the appearance of racism in each of these cases, and EACH TIME, the media was shown within days to have lied, and to have DELIBERATELY presented a false narrative, to demonize police, or whites in general, or demonize Republicans or Trump, to benefit Democrats or some other Leftist (BLM, Antifa, Marxist, critical race theory) ideological cause.

And years later, they have NEVER admitted the true facts revealed, in ANY of these cases. And you are still parroting their lying talking points.

You don't find any "less than partisan media" (i,e., either objective or conservative media) in an online search, that present evidence other than the liberal media false narrative, because Google search algorithms make anything other than hard-left media sources almost impossible to find.
I presented you with one such article, and knee-jerk, you slammed it as untrue, no matter how many times I cited the facts presented and the full context of Crusius' odd primary environmental motivation, even using your own sources, where you lyingly allege I somehow used selective omission of Patrick Crusius' full context of his manifesto. Well, I sourced the full 4-page Crusius manifesto, FROM YOUR linked source, and THERE IS NO FURTHER CONTEXT, that argument of yours is just smoke and mirrors.

The Democrat/Left can't win against the facts, so they shadow-ban and block and censor the FACTS they can't dispute.
George Orwell's liberal media.
And George Orwell's Google, Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok. And FBI.

Using YOUR OWN sources, I detailed EXACTLY what Patrick Crusius said, cited and sourced, from both my sources and yours.

That AP article you linked called Patrick Crusius a "white racist" but cited no sources, just editorially labelled him that, but did NOT specifically detail his race or ancestry to qualify the label.
So your AP article is actually an editorial, disguised as a news article.

My source is not "shit", my sources in general are not "consistenttly shit", you just slander them that way, without facts, to discredit sources that present facts inconvenient to your liberal indoctrination and narrative.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy






Considering what a tiny percentage trans people are, a tiny fraction of the already very small 2% who identify as gay, these trans people who are on puberty blockers and are by definition unstable... produce a very high ratio of shootings and risk, created by chemically altering these people, toward a questionably productive goal, that are ruining a lot of innocent bystander lives who just wind up in their path.

Maybe these people shouldn't have guns or be admitted into the military, unless and until they reach some level of mental stability?

Adding to that...


ATLANTA, GEORGIA: An Antifa goon was reportedly arrested over the weekend for setting fire to a planned $90 million police training center. The suspect, James 'Jamie' Marsicano, 29, has now been identified as the transgender daughter of millionaire North Carolina businessman Michael Marsicano. She is reportedly an outspoken anti-police advocate. She is currently in her first year of law school at the North Carolina School of Law.

Marsicano was among the rioters who attacked cops with fireworks and Molotov cocktails at the site of the future Atlanta Police Safety Training Center on the night of Sunday, March 5, according to booking documents. Jamie is being held on domestic terrorism charges without bail. Her father, Michael, ran a foundation worth $4 billion.

According to a profile of Marsicano, who is nearly 30 years of age, on the National Lawyers Guild website, she is "a queer and trans organizer from Charlotte, NC." "Before coming to law school, Jamie worked with mutual aid collective Charlotte Uprising to start a grassroots community bail fund that raises money to bail people out of jail and support them through court, regardless of charge," the website says.

It adds, "Jamie believes that no one should be in a cage, and dreams of a world where we can prevent and respond to harm in our communities without relying on prisons or police. Jamie plans to use a law degree to do criminal defense in NC. As a Haywood Burns fellow, Jamie will be working at the Law Office of Habekah B Cannon, an explicitly abolitionist, public interest criminal defense firm. The goal is to be a movement lawyer, and this summer Jamie is lucky enough to support and learn from one of the best."

Him, her, whatever.
A rose by any other name is still a loathesome transgender freak.

I'm far from the only one who has pointed out that transgenders, from Bradley Manning on down, are unstable people who should not be trusted with a national security clearance, and present an unnecessary danger to the country when they do have it.

Transgenders are also a big recruiting ground for Antifa and BLM militants, and with just a bit of far-Left BLM/Antifa indoctrination added to the mix of already being unstable, are very angry and prone to violent behavior. And are a disproportionate ratio of BLM/Antifa violent storm troopers.

And yet another log tossed on the homicidal radicalized transgender-activist pile...

Lakewood Church shooter identified as Genesse Ivonne Moreno; 'Palestine' written on shooter's gun

Another angry gender-idenity-confused transgender freak, out of his/her/whatever mind on puberty blockers, lashes out and shoots a bunch of innocent people. Transgenders may be a very small slice of the gay community, but they sure seem to be very prone to destructive behavior, to themselves and everyone else.
With a dash of islamic radicalism tossed in the mix, like a twist of lime in a vodka martini.

The Left's standard of what they try to market to us as "normal" and as just like everyone else, seems to be erroneously be applied to a number of very unbalanced, angry and very dangerous people. And the hate indoctrinated into them from the Democrat/Left just seems to galvanize their impulse toward violent attacks.

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Looks like as usual your wrong WB…
From the AP
Published 4:27 PM CST, February 13, 2024
CLAIM: The shooter who carried out an attack injuring two people at a Texas megachurch on Sunday has been identified as transgender.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Houston police said on Monday that its investigation has thus far determined that the shooter, Genesse Ivonne Moreno, identified as female despite using multiple aliases, including the name Jeffery — or Jeffrey — Escalante. Multiple court records identify Moreno as female, most recently in 2022.

Googling this I can understand why you got it wrong as conservative media really ran with the transgender angle.

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Maybe re-watching Pelosi’s husband getting beaten with a hammer will make you feel better WB.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Looks like as usual your wrong WB…
From the AP
Published 4:27 PM CST, February 13, 2024
CLAIM: The shooter who carried out an attack injuring two people at a Texas megachurch on Sunday has been identified as transgender.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Houston police said on Monday that its investigation has thus far determined that the shooter, Genesse Ivonne Moreno, identified as female despite using multiple aliases, including the name Jeffery — or Jeffrey — Escalante. Multiple court records identify Moreno as female, most recently in 2022.

Googling this I can understand why you got it wrong as conservative media really ran with the transgender angle.

I call B.S. by the liiberal media.
That's a really heavy parsing of words.

1) The "woman" in quesion has a long history of mental issues, and PERSONALLY, HERSELF identified as a transgender male. Houston police at a press conference after-the-fact bent themselves in pretzels delicately addressing the gender-freak woman posthumously by her silly preferred pronouns. She may be genetically female, but her head was a transgender mess. Something the AP news' Orwellian Newspeak puts on a remarkable show of sophistry to avoid addressing.
But a rose by any other name is still a transgender freak.

2) She is from El Salvador and may be in the U.S. illegally.

3) With her mental issues, it is very suspect how she EVER would have been able to purchase the two weapons she had on her in the Lakewood Church.

The only blessing is that there were two alert armed officers there who quickly saw what was going on, and shot him/her/whatever dead, before she was able to kill a lot of other people.

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I saw a story recently about gay flags being forced to be displayed by staff at U.S. embassies worldwide, which will no doubt make people worldwide hate the U.S., for a radicalism only a small portion of the U.S. population shares.
Shut down by the Republican majority in a new spending bill (at least for a few months, till the next appropriation bill).

I saw another story about a doctor at a hospital who was indiced by DOJ for going public about his hospital performing transgender sex-change surgeries (under the lovely euphemism of "gender-affirming care"). That this doctor voiced ethical opposition to these surgeries being done at his hospital. On children.

And a story about a school that displays the gay flag outside. But suspended a kid for simply wearing a Trump/MAGA -shirt.
This has actually happened at many schools nationwide.

[Linked Image from]

Yeah, that pretty much covers it.

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[Linked Image from]

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Interesting enough Biden on this last D day anniversary was attacked by republicans for being anti Nazi! They and you both know democracy is your enemy.
Conservatives Angry at Biden’s Anti-Nazi D-Day Speech

And I think it’s nice when a President is for inclusion but as the story you linked to shows flying the Pride flag wasn’t an overriding priority to passing needed legislation for President Biden. However for republicans banning flying the flag was such a priority that they put it in a bill that they supposedly supported.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Interesting enough Biden on this last D day anniversary was attacked by republicans for being anti Nazi! They and you both know democracy is your enemy.
Conservatives Angry at Biden’s Anti-Nazi D-Day Speech

And I think it’s nice when a President is for inclusion but as the story you linked to shows flying the Pride flag wasn’t an overriding priority to passing needed legislation for President Biden. However for republicans banning flying the flag was such a priority that they put it in a bill that they supposedly supported.

That's hilarious, that enormous bovine movement you try to pass off as fact.

I'd love to dive into the actual wording and context of that alleged "attack on Biden for being anti-Nazi". The criticism of Biden is that in a really sleazy way, Biden in his D-Day speech tried to conflate 1944 German Nazis with 2024 Trump supporters, in a really vile and cowardly non-sequitur. And you're equally the liar as Biden, for trying to front that talking point as if it were legitimate, and not completely out of context incendiary Democrat-Bolshevik garbage, as it is.

I've detailed before how Adolf Hiitler in 1923-1933 patterned the Nazi flag and Nazi brochures after German Communist party brochures and colors, and patterned after the Soviet flag and colors, so as to draw recruits away from his Communist rivals, and into the Nazi party..
And what are the Nazis anyway? National SOCIALIST German Workers Party.
A more nationalism-focused brand of communism, as compared to the more globalist communist workers' revolution in Soviet-Russian ideology.
So Nazism is an offshoot of Marxism/Communism.

And who do the Democrat-Leftist party leadership admire and emulate? COMMUNISTS. The source of the Nazis' tactics of violence, intimidation, and cancel-culture.
Democrats like Bill and Hillary Clinton.
And the Obamas.
And most of their cabinet officials and staff, openly WORSHIP the intimidation tactics of Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Mao Tse Tung, Castro, Hugo Chaves, Che Gueverra, Hugo Chaves, Saul Alinsky, and other genocidal Marxist revolutionaries.


And I've multiple times quoted at least half a dozen of them, who have exultantly invoked Mao and these other leaders, WHILE SERVING IN THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

Hillary was completely enthralled by Saul Alinsky, and enthusiastically interacted regularly with Saul Alinsky from her college years till his death. She wildly cheered on the release of Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals book.
Bill and Hillary travelled to Russia and spent over a year there, openly siding against the U.S. during the Vietnam war, and participated in other Leftist radicalism during their college years, and Bill Clinton repeatedly lying to a military recruitment officer, to avoid being drafted during the Vietnam war .
People who knew the Clintons in those years can easily be found to confirm the level of their Marxist radicalism.

Barack and Michelle Obama's college and post college years likewise are filled with Derrick Bell-variety obsession with race (Black Liberation Theology) and were years they spent in angry protests to extort white guilt and black-set-asides from their college administrators.
Both the Clintons and the Obama's were part of the communist front group Students For a Democratic Society.
And the Clinton and Obama administrations were filled to the brim with anti-American Marxist radicals.
As is Joe Biden's administration now.

And that auhoritarian/Marxist cancer has spread to pretty much the entire Democrat party: Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Hakkim Jeffries, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and her entire "Squad", Jamal Warner, on and on.
The challenge isn't identifying the ones who are Communists in the Democrat party, but trying to identify any Democrat leader WHO IS NOT cheering on full-blown Communism / Marxism / "Socialism".
The challenge is to find a Democrat leader who is NOT cheering on the tearing down of statues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt, and erasing these founders' names from schools, public parks, and federal buildings, and ones who do NOT advocate teaching a twisted America-hating false history that erases their accomplishments, that doesn't advocate teaching of a false history ("intersectionalism", "liberation theology", "1619 Project" ) that we are a racist country with a shameful past, that we are a nation built on the alleged exploitation of minorities and stealing their wealth.([Obama's ideologies of Colonilism, an Black Liberation Theeology.
These Democrat-Bolshevik leaders clearly despise this country, welcome its authoritarian Cultural Marxist replacement, and absolutely will not defend our Constitutional republic's continued existence. Quite the opposite, they are actively working to destroy it.

And whatever Democrats like Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez try to front about being "Democratic socialists"...

The goal of Socialism is Communism.
--Vladimir Lenin

My point is, Biden and other Democrat-Bolsheviks don't actually condemn Nazis, THEY ARE Nazis.
Nazism being a similar ideological offshoot of Communism/Socialism. And we all know how much all these Democrats (who I've quoted all exalting communist murderers repeatedly) LOVE LOVE LOVE Marxism/Communism/Socialism, and admire and emulate the tactics of violence and intimidation of the aforementioned Communist leaders. Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, A O-C, Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters, on down.

Here's just a sampling of the officials in Obama's White House :

  • Quote
    Two of my favorite philosophers, the Pope, and Maoo Tse Tung
    ---Anita Dunn, a the time Obama's White House comunicaionss director

    We agree with Mao, that capitalism is mostly a sham, and that power is mostly administered at the barrel of a gun.
    ---Obama transportation Czar Ron Bloom.

    Very effective, and a good model to follow.
    ---Obama diversity Czar Mark Lloyd, discussing communist leader Hugo Chavez's successful state takeover of Venezuela's media

    Top down, bottom up, and inside out.
    ---Obama white house staffer Van Jones (personally hired by Valerie Jarrett), discussing the pincer-movement strategy of having elected marxist leaders in government, who work in unison with outside fake-grassroots NGO's, working together to create a Marxist revolution, to create a fake appearance people rising up and wanting socialism/communism, and then the elected Marxists "just give the people what they want".
    This is the grassroots pincer-movement technique developed by George Soros-sponsored groups in a dozen eastern European nations, before these techniques were exported by him to the United States and other western nations, as seen in the Occupy Wall Street movement, the Open Borders movement, Antifa, the Black Lives Matter riots culminating in 2020, and the more recent "Free Palestine" protests/riots in cities and universities nationwide. Virtually all the same protesters in all of them, and certainly orchestrated by the same Soros-funded groups, each time.
    Van Jones went on (after Glenn Beck-led public pressure in 2009 led o Van Jones being fired from h Obama White House) at which poin Jones went on to CNN, on Crossfire and other programs. But even though outside the White House, Jones remained (and sttill is) a surrogate and advocate for Obama's nation-destroying Marxist policy.
    Much like Jen Psaki , who has played both White House and liberal media sides now.
    And George Stephanopoulos before them, a propagandist shill for over 25 years now.

    To cite just a few.

Trump, in contrast, RESTORED our economy and personal freedoms, in his first four years.

Restored 1st amendment free speech, religious freedoms, 2nd Amendment rights that Biden and other Democrats CLEARLY want to shut down. And other rights that Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks have stomped on even more.

Such as the right to privacy and to not be subject to government surveillance.
Or to be free from illegal search and seizure without due cause and without obtaining a warrant with due cause
Tthe right to due process and a speedy trial.
The right to a jury of your peers in a fair venue.
The right to even know what you're accused of, and the right to not be jailed indefinitely without a trial, that have absolutely been stomped on and destroyed in the last 4 years under Biden and he Democra-Bolsheviks.

Just ask Donald Trump himself about his 5 trials under vindictive partisan judges, in unfair over-90% Democrat-voting Trump-hating jury venues, and malicious prosecutors who WERE ELECTED ON each's individual promise to "get Trump" (Alvin Bragg, Letitia James)

Likewise for the 1,300 political prisoners set up on January 6th, and held in jail indefinitely, under cruel conditions, without evidence, without right to an attorney in many cases, and without due process, denied their right to a speedy trial.

Likewise rights denied to many politically targeted indictments of Trump white house staffers, and employees at Trump's real estate business, and employees at Mar A Lago.

Likewise rights denied to peaceful pro-life activists, politically targeted and jailed and prosecuted with politically motivated excessively long prison sentences. Because George Orwell's 97% Democrat DOJ and FBI don't approve of a 75 year old grandma praying in front of an abortion clinic, so away she goes, on a 5-year prison sentence. Just for praying.

Likewise rights denied to parents surveiled, arrested and tried by FBI and DOJ, just for speaking at a PTA meeting, objecting to woke indoctrination of heir children in local schools. They are arrested, tried and intimidated, just to make an example of hem, and silence other dissenters. Many others further intimidated, with George Orwell's FBI writing down their license plate numbers as they got in their cars in the parking lot. For future possible arrest and prosecution later.

Likewise with people refusing Covid vaccination, many of them doctors and nurses who most understand the risk vs. benefit of receiving the MRNA vaccine.
Who lost their jobs in hospitals

And many others in the military, in private sector federal contract jobs, and in private sector corporate jobs.
MILLIONS of people who lost their jobs because they refused Biden's vaccine mandates, where they NO LONGER HAD A CHOICE, as they did under Trump, whether they could get (or not) a Covid vaccination.
Anthony Fauci boasted that if you threaten to take away people's jobs, or their ability to travel, or to attend a university if hey don't get vaccinated, they give up their "ideology crap" about freedom, and are intimidated and crushed into getting Covid-vaccinated.

For a vaccine proven not to work, that has health risks for hundreds of thousands of people (officially), and in truth millions (statistically proven, but not officially recognized by George Orwell's CDC) , NOT disclosed.
That Pfizer and Moderna have no liability from because of "emergency use authorization" (from which Fauci enjoys millions in shared patent royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for authorizing, a greed motive beyond public safety.)

ALL these are rights we had 4 years ago, that have been stripped away by Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks.

I can only IMAGINE what Democrats would further unleash and take away, if Biden and his puppetmasters would be emboldened to further make a power grab for, if they were somehow able to be re-elected and remain in power.

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Sad and pathetic WB. Not sure what you’re talking about in much of your rant but can see right off that your lying about Jan 6. 1,300? Where do you get that number? There were almost that number arrested but they are not being held indefinitely. Some are even running for office for your party. The ones that Trump and his followers like yourself call political prisoners include individuals that were caught on video beating on law enforcement. You’re literally upset that people are being punished for that. He calls them warriors now. But it’s not shocking anymore. You revealed how easily you can rationalize not counting votes to install a loser with fake electors.

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Here’s one of your warriors WB…
“ WASHINGTON (AP) — A Colorado man who helped other rioters drag a police officer into a mob storming the U.S. Capitol was sentenced on Thursday to more than five years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack.

Jeffrey Sabol ripped a baton from an officer’s hands before pulling another officer into the crowd outside the Capitol, allowing other rioters to assault the officer with weapons.

Sabol, 54, told U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras that he knows he is “100%” guilty and would have apologized directly to the officers whom he attacked if they had attended the hearing.

“I accept whatever it is you hand me,” Sabol said. “I’ll be honest: I deserve it.”

The judge sentenced Sabol to five years and three months behind bars. He’ll get credit for the three years and two months that he has already spent in jail since his arrest.”

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Sad and pathetic WB. Not sure what you’re talking about in much of your rant but can see right off that your lying about Jan 6. 1,300? Where do you get that number? There were almost that number arrested but they are not being held indefinitely. Some are even running for office for your party. The ones that Trump and his followers like yourself call political prisoners include individuals that were caught on video beating on law enforcement. You’re literally upset that people are being punished for that. He calls them warriors now. But it’s not shocking anymore. You revealed how easily you can rationalize not counting votes to install a loser with fake electors.

My comments are sourced, cited and CRYSTAL clear. And your above dates and numbers are wrong.

The 600 arrested was sourced and linked, a month or so before Merrick Garland was Senate-confirmed and sworn in as Attorney General.

At that time, there were 600 arrested who went inside the Capitol building , and approximately 60 of those who committed vandalism or violence.

After Garland was sworn in, to keep alive the false "insurrection" narrative, Garland pushed DOJ /FBI to arrest hundreds more who were NEVER inside the Capitol building, and were up to 1,000 yards away, NEVER entered, NEVER committed violence.
Never even trespassed.
And meanwhile, there are dozens of others who were video-surveillanced instigators of violence on Jan 6th, that FBI at one time had photos of dozens of them on their website but took down with no explanation (like for example, Ray Epps was) , that they never identified, NEVER arrested or prosecuted, despite they were visibly the instigators of much of the violence that did occur. But FBI, who could have identified and arrested them if they wanted to, NEVER DID. They only arrested and gave a plea bargain to FBI operative Ray Epps because of intense public pressure, because OTHERS identified him in the media. Many other undercover FBI agents provocateur they did not.

Another example is the person who set pipe bombs in front of the RNC and DNC headquarters that night. FBI has clear video surveillance footage of that person, from several cameras and angles, they can even identify a person in such video by their "gait" (or the way they walk, unique as fingerprints).
And yet almost 4 years later, NEVER identified a suspect. Because FBI did not want to. As many others have speculated, precisely because this was an FBI false-flag operation, and this, like many others clearly identifiable in photos and video from that day, were in truth FBI agents (or "un-indicted co-conspiators" as FBI identifies them in their own Jan 6th investigative reports, FBI standard code for their own assets or undercover agents).

Another is the guy dressed as a police officer, who fired concussion grenades over and over into a crowd of peaceful Jan 6th protesters outside he Capitol building, just standing around waving flags,
And Garland expanded the number of arrests from 600 before he was sworn in, to 1,300 within a few months after. That has been widely reported.
And reported tha Merrick Garland less than a year ago wanted to make yet another 1,000 arrests, of people who were never even inside the Capitol, just to keep alive the "insurrection" narrative, and project the appearance of an ongoing national threat.
The 97% Hillary Clinton donating DOJ and FBI currently devotes 60% of its agents and resources to the "white nationalist / white supremacist / right wing insurrectionist" politically manufactured fake threat, just to sell that narrative on into the 2024 election.
Meanwhile, FBI doesn' have the resources to investigate all the ACTUAL islamic terrorism, and Russian, Chinese and Iranian agents illegally coming across our border by the thousands every day.

Again,1,300 January 6th protesters arrested, all but 600 of whom were only OUTSIDE the Capitol building, and committed no violence, but were just there outside, not involved in violence or vandalism of any kind.

One such person is Brandon Straka, founder of the #WalkAway Movement

Straka, who is gay, and not at all a threatening figure, has said what was alleged about him on Jan 6th is completely false, that he never entered the Capitol building, never incited or participated in violence of any kind, and he for a few seconds just videotaped the Capitol entrance from about 100 feet away, observing what was occurring. Straka was arrested in a 6 AM raid a few weeks after Jan 6th, by a teaam of SWAT-uniformed FBI with AR-15's who battered open his door, pointing laser-sight red dots all over him, and was held in federal prison with no outside communication for about a year, and finally took a plea bargain just to end his ordeal, and has since completed his probation.

I also listed "Quanon Shaman" guy Jacob Chansley, who was similarly arrested and kept imprisoned for over a year till April 2023, when Tcuker Carlson showed footage of him just walking peacefully around the Capitol building, followed at various times by a least 9 different uniformed Capitol officers, who were never physically threatened by Chansley, and visibly on video did absolutely nothing to encourage Chansley or other protesters to leave. As I've cited before, Chansley was released about a week after that was aired by Tucker Carlson. So Chansley was imprisoned under terrible condittions, often in solitary, without outside contact, without a lawyer for much of itt, without Constittutional due process or an arraignment hearing of charges against him, imprisoned wihout clean drinking water in dirty conditions for... what exactly?

I accept that a few Trump supporters MIGHT have committed some bad acts that day. MAYBE. Certainly there were at least 70 federal agents and Antifa disguised as Trump supporters pushing ACTUAL Trump supporters to do so.

But the ones who were held up as the poster boys of "white supremacist right wing insurrection" have been scrubbed from Wikipedia and other liberal /mainstream media propaganda sites, because they have been completely vindicated, and are no longer useful to the Democrat/Left propaganda narrative, because their stories PROVE that the Jan 6th Select Committee / Bennie Thompson / Liz Cheney / Adam Schiff / Jill Sanborn narrative was completely false.
And Democrat-Bolsheviks are straining to keep some remaining vestige of that false narrative alive through Nov 2024.

As are you , M E M.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Here’s one of your warriors WB…
“ WASHINGTON (AP) — A Colorado man who helped other rioters drag a police officer into a mob storming the U.S. Capitol was sentenced on Thursday to more than five years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack.

Jeffrey Sabol ripped a baton from an officer’s hands before pulling another officer into the crowd outside the Capitol, allowing other rioters to assault the officer with weapons.

Sabol, 54, told U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras that he knows he is “100%” guilty and would have apologized directly to the officers whom he attacked if they had attended the hearing.

“I accept whatever it is you hand me,” Sabol said. “I’ll be honest: I deserve it.”

The judge sentenced Sabol to five years and three months behind bars. He’ll get credit for the three years and two months that he has already spent in jail since his arrest.”

He's not one of "my" warriors.

I support peaceful protesters, and Constitutional legal challenge to the Nov 2020 rigged election. Not violence.

Don't try to pretend that one guy convicted of something, out of well over 100,000 "PEACEFUL and patriotic" protesters, proves anything.
At least defendant Jeffrey Sabol in this case admits to his guilt for whatever he did, and doesn't feel in his case that he was framed or misrepresented.

There are bad actors in every political protest, even some of whom I agree with politically, but don't agree with their specific actions.
And as contrasted with the BLM riots and lootings and arson and murders and attacks on police in the 2020 BLM riots in 600 cities nationwide, there were far less bad acts and damage done in the Jan 6th Captiol protests. FAR less.

Judge Rudolf Contreras is one that is described in text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page as a Democrat-leaning judge, that they plotted to have an ex-parte illegal meeting with, inside a cocktail party they were all going to attend.

Part of your incestuous partisan 97% Democrat-donating DOJ and FBI

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One only has to do a little googling to see the video of your “peaceful “ protestor Brandon shouting encouragement to the mob he was part of. And then there were his texts during and the day after. I think he got treated fairly. To put that into context for you, if it had been a Black Lives Matter protest and he was in a restricted space egging a mob to strip law enforcement of their shields and shout “go go go” probation was warranted. He’s not being held in cell indefinitely either obviously. The shaman thing was debunked another time you brought him up. He entered through a broken door and was asked to leave numerous times. Tucker producing a false narrative for your party is old hat. Leave out the facts that obliterate the story people like yourself want to hear and it’s all good. And Sabol wasn’t just one Trump supporter being violent. One of many that you include with your number of 1300 innocent. You have a much different reaction to cops who talk about the beating they got on Jan 6 than the people like Sabol too. It’s all about who’s useful to you. And the BLM protests were largely peaceful. They were also much larger protests with more people, more time and more geograph involved. And the movement wasn’t about overthrowing a government because their guy lost the election either

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
One only has to do a little googling to see the video of your “peaceful “ protestor Brandon shouting encouragement to the mob he was part of. And then there were his texts during and the day after. I think he got treated fairly. To put that into context for you, if it had been a Black Lives Matter protest and he was in a restricted space egging a mob to strip law enforcement of their shields and shout “go go go” probation was warranted. He’s not being held in cell indefinitely either obviously. The shaman thing was debunked another time you brought him up. He entered through a broken door and was asked to leave numerous times. Tucker producing a false narrative for your party is old hat. Leave out the facts that obliterate the story people like yourself want to hear and it’s all good. And Sabol wasn’t just one Trump supporter being violent. One of many that you include with your number of 1300 innocent. You have a much different reaction to cops who talk about the beating they got on Jan 6 than the people like Sabol too. It’s all about who’s useful to you. And the BLM protests were largely peaceful. They were also much larger protests with more people, more time and more geograph involved. And the movement wasn’t about overthrowing a government because their guy lost the election either

As usual, you cluster multtiple lies in every sentence you wrote in the above post.

If Brandon Straka had been in a BLM or Antifa riot, the likelihood is that even if he had thrown Molotov cocktails at cops or tried to burn federal agents alive or other types of violent assault, there is a greater than 90% likelihood FBI would have dropped all charges, and he would neither have been arraigned, imprisoned, or even had to hire a lawyer before he would have been released.
That is EXACTLY what FBI did after the BLM riots, over 90% of BLM/Antifa were released with no charges, not even a lawyer necessary, because they were never charged, despite many violent acts and injuries they caused.

But because Brandon Straka is a Trump supporter, HE was arrested by FBI in a 6 AM raid in the most aggressive way possible, as if he were a 9-11 Al Qaida terrorist, with his door bashed in, and SWAT-uniformed FBI pointing multiple AK-47's with laser site dots at his head the whole time.
And he DEFINITELY WAS imprisoned for a long period before he was ever able to get a lawyer, and eventually overcharged and offered a plea deal, which he finally did just to end his ordeal.
Straka still maintains he did nothing wrong, and the things you (and FBI) allege are completely made up.
The guy is a flamingly gay New York City hairdresser !!

He was never inside the Capitol building, he never committed violence or vandalism.

Assuming the very least of your allegations, that he shouted encouragement to rioters from a distance, so the fuck what?
Straka was not a participant, and even if others were rioting, he was not a conspirator who knew or coordinated with any bad actors that day. Assuming what you say is even true, at most all he did was cheer from the sidelines, and I see no evidence he even did that much. That would be the equivalent of cheering on two guys fighting in a bar he doesn't know. That would NOT make him a participant in the bar fight.

What you say about Quanon Shaman guy Jacob Chansley is absolute shit garbage, and is disproven by the fact that once Tucker Carlson showed the Capitol police surveillance video, that shattered the Democrat-Bolsheviks' false narrative, and Chansley was immediately released, after 3 years of pointless and completely unjustified imprisonment.
That January 6th Committee Democrats (and RINOS Cheney an Kinzinger )should PERSONALLY be held financially liable for, for deceitfully witholding the exculpatory security video surveillance evidence that proved Chansley's innocence, and the innocence of many others falsely imprisoned. Witheld by the January 6th Committee ust to allow these Democrats to keep their false "insurrection" narrative alive, for 3 years, keeping hundreds falsely imprisoned in terrible condiions, for all that time.

Tucker Carlson didn't "produce a false narrative" he SHOWED THE UNBIASED VIDEO EVIDENCE, and ONLY as much as the Democrats and incoming Speaker Mike Johnson permitted to be shown. Although Johnson allowed much more to be released in subsequent weeks.
The FACTS, hidden by your Democrat-Bolshevik party for 3 years, were finally exposed. And it shattered your false narrative of a "white nationalist / white-supremacist Trump-supporter insurrecion". While a few tiny isolated incidents occurred, the video shows Trump supporters inside the Capitol were overwhelmingly just peacefully wandering around, taking selfies, and passively waving flags. Much as you would like to spin it otherwise.

As I said,about a thousand times, across multiple topics like this one:
There were a total of about 600 who went inside the Capitol, mostly invited in with the doors held wide open for them by Capitol police. ONLY AT ONE ENTRANCE was there a brief clash between protesters (who I believe to have been Antifa or BLM, or undercover FBI disguised as Trump supporters) who clashed with about a dozen police officers, and after about 30 minutes were pushed out that one hallway of he building by police. While police simultaneously held open the double-doors and invited in Trump protesters through 2 other Capitol building entrances.
Of the 600 who entered the building, only about 60 committed any vandalism or violence.
And many of that 60 were either false-flag FBI agents or Antifa, disguised as Trump supporters. .

I have a "difffrent reaction" to cops ALLEGING they were beaten and injured, or in Harry Dunn's case alleging he was repeatedly called "nigger" by Trump supporters.
I don't believe it because these 4 cops are clearly Democrat partisans, and were shown to be that on their own social media posts LONG BEFORE Jan 6 2021.

Harry Dunn is a long identified BLM activist who prior to Jan 6th was shown posing in his own social media photos at a BLM rally, and in a BLM T-shirt.
And Making bitterly incendiary remarks about then-President Trump as the "racist-in-chief".
Regarding Harry Dunn's comment about dozens of Trump supporters all calling him "nigger", how is it that amid a crowd of thousands, with Capitol building surveillance video cameras, media reporter cameras, and hundreds of individual people recording video of events on their cel phones, how is it that NOT ONE of these videos has EVER shown corroboration of what vicious liar Harry Dunn alleges?
Because it NEVER HAPPENED, THAT's why.

Likewise piece-of-shit liar and oh-so sanctimonious poser Michael Fanone, who said "The Republican party needs to be cut out like a cancer."

And the other two officers (of the four who testified in Jan 6th hearings) as well are clear Democrat partisans, and I posted the full 3-hour video of their testimony in House Jan 6th hearings, where they made fools of themselves, reading scripts that some House Democrat staffers clearly wrote for them, as they struggled to read, CLEARLY not their own words, with syntax and vocabulary scripted THAT THEY COULD NOT EVEN PRONOUNCE.
They just read the script, CLEARLY a complete fiction, NOT their own words.
Just partisan morons pretending to be actual cops,

I suspect the ACTUAL cops remaining on the Capitol police force despise these 4 guys.
These 4 guys and several others all took one or several days off, but quickly came back on duty, without seeing a doctor or having documented injuries, just ALLEGING injury for political effect. I've seen other copss interviewed say if they were seriously injured, they would have been out for a least 10 days or 2 weeks recovering.

As contrasted with the 2,000 police and federal agents ACTUALLY injured in the 2020 George Floyd / BLM riots.
And the 25 people killed in those BLM riots across 600 cities, including at least 2 police officers, including David Dorn. Look it up.

And Fanon (like Peter Srzok, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan, and James Clapper, ALL proven liars who were all forced to resign or be fired, but who were rewarded for their evil with high-paying jobs at CNN and MSNBC ( as "political consultants") well... Fanon is likewise now a well-paid consultant continuing his lies on CNN.

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Despite your accusations Brandon’s video and his own texts were enough to get the light sentence of probation. He’s not in jail. I don’t think you’ve presented anyone that has been held indefinitely yet despite making that broad accusation repeatedly. Like pretty much anything, you feel bad for Brandon because it’s politically convenient. Likewise for the law enforcement you hate because they are saying things that doesn’t serve your loser.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Despite your accusations Brandon’s video and his own texts were enough to get the light sentence of probation. He’s not in jail. I don’t think you’ve presented anyone that has been held indefinitely yet despite making that broad accusation repeatedly. Like pretty much anything, you feel bad for Brandon because it’s politically convenient. Likewise for the law enforcement you hate because they are saying things that doesn’t serve your loser.

That would be... the same way Donald Trump was charged with the "crime" of writting legal expenses on a check for... repaying legal expenses requesed by lawyer Michael Cohen? That Trump didn't even know the nature of at the time, until well afer the 2016 election?
And that even if it were an ACTUAL "crime", the statute of limitations ran out years ago.
And even if it were still prosecutable, it would have been a small paperwork error that would warrant at worst a small fine.

So prosecutor Alvin Bragg and other loaned-out DOJ Biden lawyers to Alvin Braagg, strapped on a "federal" charge, just to make it prosecutable again.
And a "federal crime" that manufactured a more harsh sentence.
And then Bragg and his Biden/DOJ buddies somehow inflated one minor paperwork charge into 34 "Federal" charges, and a partisan judge Merchan suppressed defense and exculpatory evidence and wittnesses, and an utlra-parttisan Trump-hating Democrat jury, in one of the most rabidly Democra/Left jury venues in the country (Manhattan) eagerly jumped on the chance to convict Trump of every last inflated unjust charge.

So in the case of Brandon Straka on January 6th, he never entered the building, never threw a punch at anyone, just made a cel phone video of the Capitol front entrance to document what occurred, briefly posted it online and then deleted it less than a day later (but trolls or maybe FBI re-posted it online, even after he deleted it) and FBI showed up at his house at 6 AM one morning with a heavily armed SWAT team, bashed his front door in, and threw him to the ground with multiple AR-15 rifle gunsight laser dots on his body.
Straka spent months in jail, without a lawyer, without a trial, to the point that he was mentally cracking, and finally agreed to sign ANY plea agreement put in front of him, just to end this ordeal.
A judge released him from jail for only time served, and he spent about 18 months or so on probation, which is now ended.

So... what exactly is this TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE offense you think Straka committed?
What warranted locking him up indefinitely without trial, some of it in solitary, and being forced against his will to sign a plea deal of FBI false-narrative charges just to end his torment,
NOT because he did anything that warranted any of this treatment.
Anything short of violence, which even the judge who released him said Straka was clearly not guilty of, DOESN'T warrant this FBI / DOJ treatment and imprisonment.

Meanwhile, like I said, here's leftist Antifa, BLM, and evironmentalist rioters and vandals, or an anti-Brett Kavanaugh-Capitol-invading abortionist mob who actually attacked people, even tried to kill cops, or BLM rioters who permanently blinded cops with lasers deliberately, focused lasers for hours on agents' eyes who had to stand here and endure it to protect federal buildings from rioters, who never did a day in jail.
Yeah, that's fair....

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