Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Interesting enough Biden on this last D day anniversary was attacked by republicans for being anti Nazi! They and you both know democracy is your enemy.
Conservatives Angry at Biden’s Anti-Nazi D-Day Speech

And I think it’s nice when a President is for inclusion but as the story you linked to shows flying the Pride flag wasn’t an overriding priority to passing needed legislation for President Biden. However for republicans banning flying the flag was such a priority that they put it in a bill that they supposedly supported.

That's hilarious, that enormous bovine movement you try to pass off as fact.

I'd love to dive into the actual wording and context of that alleged "attack on Biden for being anti-Nazi". The criticism of Biden is that in a really sleazy way, Biden in his D-Day speech tried to conflate 1944 German Nazis with 2024 Trump supporters, in a really vile and cowardly non-sequitur. And you're equally the liar as Biden, for trying to front that talking point as if it were legitimate, and not completely out of context incendiary Democrat-Bolshevik garbage, as it is.

I've detailed before how Adolf Hiitler in 1923-1933 patterned the Nazi flag and Nazi brochures after German Communist party brochures and colors, and patterned after the Soviet flag and colors, so as to draw recruits away from his Communist rivals, and into the Nazi party..
And what are the Nazis anyway? National SOCIALIST German Workers Party.
A more nationalism-focused brand of communism, as compared to the more globalist communist workers' revolution in Soviet-Russian ideology.
So Nazism is an offshoot of Marxism/Communism.

And who do the Democrat-Leftist party leadership admire and emulate? COMMUNISTS. The source of the Nazis' tactics of violence, intimidation, and cancel-culture.
Democrats like Bill and Hillary Clinton.
And the Obamas.
And most of their cabinet officials and staff, openly WORSHIP the intimidation tactics of Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Mao Tse Tung, Castro, Hugo Chaves, Che Gueverra, Hugo Chaves, Saul Alinsky, and other genocidal Marxist revolutionaries.


And I've multiple times quoted at least half a dozen of them, who have exultantly invoked Mao and these other leaders, WHILE SERVING IN THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

Hillary was completely enthralled by Saul Alinsky, and enthusiastically interacted regularly with Saul Alinsky from her college years till his death. She wildly cheered on the release of Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals book.
Bill and Hillary travelled to Russia and spent over a year there, openly siding against the U.S. during the Vietnam war, and participated in other Leftist radicalism during their college years, and Bill Clinton repeatedly lying to a military recruitment officer, to avoid being drafted during the Vietnam war .
People who knew the Clintons in those years can easily be found to confirm the level of their Marxist radicalism.

Barack and Michelle Obama's college and post college years likewise are filled with Derrick Bell-variety obsession with race (Black Liberation Theology) and were years they spent in angry protests to extort white guilt and black-set-asides from their college administrators.
Both the Clintons and the Obama's were part of the communist front group Students For a Democratic Society.
And the Clinton and Obama administrations were filled to the brim with anti-American Marxist radicals.
As is Joe Biden's administration now.

And that auhoritarian/Marxist cancer has spread to pretty much the entire Democrat party: Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Hakkim Jeffries, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and her entire "Squad", Jamal Warner, on and on.
The challenge isn't identifying the ones who are Communists in the Democrat party, but trying to identify any Democrat leader WHO IS NOT cheering on full-blown Communism / Marxism / "Socialism".
The challenge is to find a Democrat leader who is NOT cheering on the tearing down of statues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt, and erasing these founders' names from schools, public parks, and federal buildings, and ones who do NOT advocate teaching a twisted America-hating false history that erases their accomplishments, that doesn't advocate teaching of a false history ("intersectionalism", "liberation theology", "1619 Project" ) that we are a racist country with a shameful past, that we are a nation built on the alleged exploitation of minorities and stealing their wealth.([Obama's ideologies of Colonilism, an Black Liberation Theeology.
These Democrat-Bolshevik leaders clearly despise this country, welcome its authoritarian Cultural Marxist replacement, and absolutely will not defend our Constitutional republic's continued existence. Quite the opposite, they are actively working to destroy it.

And whatever Democrats like Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez try to front about being "Democratic socialists"...

The goal of Socialism is Communism.
--Vladimir Lenin

My point is, Biden and other Democrat-Bolsheviks don't actually condemn Nazis, THEY ARE Nazis.
Nazism being a similar ideological offshoot of Communism/Socialism. And we all know how much all these Democrats (who I've quoted all exalting communist murderers repeatedly) LOVE LOVE LOVE Marxism/Communism/Socialism, and admire and emulate the tactics of violence and intimidation of the aforementioned Communist leaders. Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, A O-C, Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters, on down.

Here's just a sampling of the officials in Obama's White House :

  • Quote
    Two of my favorite philosophers, the Pope, and Maoo Tse Tung
    ---Anita Dunn, a the time Obama's White House comunicaionss director

    We agree with Mao, that capitalism is mostly a sham, and that power is mostly administered at the barrel of a gun.
    ---Obama transportation Czar Ron Bloom.

    Very effective, and a good model to follow.
    ---Obama diversity Czar Mark Lloyd, discussing communist leader Hugo Chavez's successful state takeover of Venezuela's media

    Top down, bottom up, and inside out.
    ---Obama white house staffer Van Jones (personally hired by Valerie Jarrett), discussing the pincer-movement strategy of having elected marxist leaders in government, who work in unison with outside fake-grassroots NGO's, working together to create a Marxist revolution, to create a fake appearance people rising up and wanting socialism/communism, and then the elected Marxists "just give the people what they want".
    This is the grassroots pincer-movement technique developed by George Soros-sponsored groups in a dozen eastern European nations, before these techniques were exported by him to the United States and other western nations, as seen in the Occupy Wall Street movement, the Open Borders movement, Antifa, the Black Lives Matter riots culminating in 2020, and the more recent "Free Palestine" protests/riots in cities and universities nationwide. Virtually all the same protesters in all of them, and certainly orchestrated by the same Soros-funded groups, each time.
    Van Jones went on (after Glenn Beck-led public pressure in 2009 led o Van Jones being fired from h Obama White House) at which poin Jones went on to CNN, on Crossfire and other programs. But even though outside the White House, Jones remained (and sttill is) a surrogate and advocate for Obama's nation-destroying Marxist policy.
    Much like Jen Psaki , who has played both White House and liberal media sides now.
    And George Stephanopoulos before them, a propagandist shill for over 25 years now.

    To cite just a few.

Trump, in contrast, RESTORED our economy and personal freedoms, in his first four years.

Restored 1st amendment free speech, religious freedoms, 2nd Amendment rights that Biden and other Democrats CLEARLY want to shut down. And other rights that Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks have stomped on even more.

Such as the right to privacy and to not be subject to government surveillance.
Or to be free from illegal search and seizure without due cause and without obtaining a warrant with due cause
Tthe right to due process and a speedy trial.
The right to a jury of your peers in a fair venue.
The right to even know what you're accused of, and the right to not be jailed indefinitely without a trial, that have absolutely been stomped on and destroyed in the last 4 years under Biden and he Democra-Bolsheviks.

Just ask Donald Trump himself about his 5 trials under vindictive partisan judges, in unfair over-90% Democrat-voting Trump-hating jury venues, and malicious prosecutors who WERE ELECTED ON each's individual promise to "get Trump" (Alvin Bragg, Letitia James)

Likewise for the 1,300 political prisoners set up on January 6th, and held in jail indefinitely, under cruel conditions, without evidence, without right to an attorney in many cases, and without due process, denied their right to a speedy trial.

Likewise rights denied to many politically targeted indictments of Trump white house staffers, and employees at Trump's real estate business, and employees at Mar A Lago.

Likewise rights denied to peaceful pro-life activists, politically targeted and jailed and prosecuted with politically motivated excessively long prison sentences. Because George Orwell's 97% Democrat DOJ and FBI don't approve of a 75 year old grandma praying in front of an abortion clinic, so away she goes, on a 5-year prison sentence. Just for praying.

Likewise rights denied to parents surveiled, arrested and tried by FBI and DOJ, just for speaking at a PTA meeting, objecting to woke indoctrination of heir children in local schools. They are arrested, tried and intimidated, just to make an example of hem, and silence other dissenters. Many others further intimidated, with George Orwell's FBI writing down their license plate numbers as they got in their cars in the parking lot. For future possible arrest and prosecution later.

Likewise with people refusing Covid vaccination, many of them doctors and nurses who most understand the risk vs. benefit of receiving the MRNA vaccine.
Who lost their jobs in hospitals

And many others in the military, in private sector federal contract jobs, and in private sector corporate jobs.
MILLIONS of people who lost their jobs because they refused Biden's vaccine mandates, where they NO LONGER HAD A CHOICE, as they did under Trump, whether they could get (or not) a Covid vaccination.
Anthony Fauci boasted that if you threaten to take away people's jobs, or their ability to travel, or to attend a university if hey don't get vaccinated, they give up their "ideology crap" about freedom, and are intimidated and crushed into getting Covid-vaccinated.

For a vaccine proven not to work, that has health risks for hundreds of thousands of people (officially), and in truth millions (statistically proven, but not officially recognized by George Orwell's CDC) , NOT disclosed.
That Pfizer and Moderna have no liability from because of "emergency use authorization" (from which Fauci enjoys millions in shared patent royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for authorizing, a greed motive beyond public safety.)

ALL these are rights we had 4 years ago, that have been stripped away by Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks.

I can only IMAGINE what Democrats would further unleash and take away, if Biden and his puppetmasters would be emboldened to further make a power grab for, if they were somehow able to be re-elected and remain in power.