Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
One only has to do a little googling to see the video of your “peaceful “ protestor Brandon shouting encouragement to the mob he was part of. And then there were his texts during and the day after. I think he got treated fairly. To put that into context for you, if it had been a Black Lives Matter protest and he was in a restricted space egging a mob to strip law enforcement of their shields and shout “go go go” probation was warranted. He’s not being held in cell indefinitely either obviously. The shaman thing was debunked another time you brought him up. He entered through a broken door and was asked to leave numerous times. Tucker producing a false narrative for your party is old hat. Leave out the facts that obliterate the story people like yourself want to hear and it’s all good. And Sabol wasn’t just one Trump supporter being violent. One of many that you include with your number of 1300 innocent. You have a much different reaction to cops who talk about the beating they got on Jan 6 than the people like Sabol too. It’s all about who’s useful to you. And the BLM protests were largely peaceful. They were also much larger protests with more people, more time and more geograph involved. And the movement wasn’t about overthrowing a government because their guy lost the election either

As usual, you cluster multtiple lies in every sentence you wrote in the above post.

If Brandon Straka had been in a BLM or Antifa riot, the likelihood is that even if he had thrown Molotov cocktails at cops or tried to burn federal agents alive or other types of violent assault, there is a greater than 90% likelihood FBI would have dropped all charges, and he would neither have been arraigned, imprisoned, or even had to hire a lawyer before he would have been released.
That is EXACTLY what FBI did after the BLM riots, over 90% of BLM/Antifa were released with no charges, not even a lawyer necessary, because they were never charged, despite many violent acts and injuries they caused.

But because Brandon Straka is a Trump supporter, HE was arrested by FBI in a 6 AM raid in the most aggressive way possible, as if he were a 9-11 Al Qaida terrorist, with his door bashed in, and SWAT-uniformed FBI pointing multiple AK-47's with laser site dots at his head the whole time.
And he DEFINITELY WAS imprisoned for a long period before he was ever able to get a lawyer, and eventually overcharged and offered a plea deal, which he finally did just to end his ordeal.
Straka still maintains he did nothing wrong, and the things you (and FBI) allege are completely made up.
The guy is a flamingly gay New York City hairdresser !!

He was never inside the Capitol building, he never committed violence or vandalism.

Assuming the very least of your allegations, that he shouted encouragement to rioters from a distance, so the fuck what?
Straka was not a participant, and even if others were rioting, he was not a conspirator who knew or coordinated with any bad actors that day. Assuming what you say is even true, at most all he did was cheer from the sidelines, and I see no evidence he even did that much. That would be the equivalent of cheering on two guys fighting in a bar he doesn't know. That would NOT make him a participant in the bar fight.

What you say about Quanon Shaman guy Jacob Chansley is absolute shit garbage, and is disproven by the fact that once Tucker Carlson showed the Capitol police surveillance video, that shattered the Democrat-Bolsheviks' false narrative, and Chansley was immediately released, after 3 years of pointless and completely unjustified imprisonment.
That January 6th Committee Democrats (and RINOS Cheney an Kinzinger )should PERSONALLY be held financially liable for, for deceitfully witholding the exculpatory security video surveillance evidence that proved Chansley's innocence, and the innocence of many others falsely imprisoned. Witheld by the January 6th Committee ust to allow these Democrats to keep their false "insurrection" narrative alive, for 3 years, keeping hundreds falsely imprisoned in terrible condiions, for all that time.

Tucker Carlson didn't "produce a false narrative" he SHOWED THE UNBIASED VIDEO EVIDENCE, and ONLY as much as the Democrats and incoming Speaker Mike Johnson permitted to be shown. Although Johnson allowed much more to be released in subsequent weeks.
The FACTS, hidden by your Democrat-Bolshevik party for 3 years, were finally exposed. And it shattered your false narrative of a "white nationalist / white-supremacist Trump-supporter insurrecion". While a few tiny isolated incidents occurred, the video shows Trump supporters inside the Capitol were overwhelmingly just peacefully wandering around, taking selfies, and passively waving flags. Much as you would like to spin it otherwise.

As I said,about a thousand times, across multiple topics like this one:
There were a total of about 600 who went inside the Capitol, mostly invited in with the doors held wide open for them by Capitol police. ONLY AT ONE ENTRANCE was there a brief clash between protesters (who I believe to have been Antifa or BLM, or undercover FBI disguised as Trump supporters) who clashed with about a dozen police officers, and after about 30 minutes were pushed out that one hallway of he building by police. While police simultaneously held open the double-doors and invited in Trump protesters through 2 other Capitol building entrances.
Of the 600 who entered the building, only about 60 committed any vandalism or violence.
And many of that 60 were either false-flag FBI agents or Antifa, disguised as Trump supporters. .

I have a "difffrent reaction" to cops ALLEGING they were beaten and injured, or in Harry Dunn's case alleging he was repeatedly called "nigger" by Trump supporters.
I don't believe it because these 4 cops are clearly Democrat partisans, and were shown to be that on their own social media posts LONG BEFORE Jan 6 2021.

Harry Dunn is a long identified BLM activist who prior to Jan 6th was shown posing in his own social media photos at a BLM rally, and in a BLM T-shirt.
And Making bitterly incendiary remarks about then-President Trump as the "racist-in-chief".
Regarding Harry Dunn's comment about dozens of Trump supporters all calling him "nigger", how is it that amid a crowd of thousands, with Capitol building surveillance video cameras, media reporter cameras, and hundreds of individual people recording video of events on their cel phones, how is it that NOT ONE of these videos has EVER shown corroboration of what vicious liar Harry Dunn alleges?
Because it NEVER HAPPENED, THAT's why.

Likewise piece-of-shit liar and oh-so sanctimonious poser Michael Fanone, who said "The Republican party needs to be cut out like a cancer."

And the other two officers (of the four who testified in Jan 6th hearings) as well are clear Democrat partisans, and I posted the full 3-hour video of their testimony in House Jan 6th hearings, where they made fools of themselves, reading scripts that some House Democrat staffers clearly wrote for them, as they struggled to read, CLEARLY not their own words, with syntax and vocabulary scripted THAT THEY COULD NOT EVEN PRONOUNCE.
They just read the script, CLEARLY a complete fiction, NOT their own words.
Just partisan morons pretending to be actual cops,

I suspect the ACTUAL cops remaining on the Capitol police force despise these 4 guys.
These 4 guys and several others all took one or several days off, but quickly came back on duty, without seeing a doctor or having documented injuries, just ALLEGING injury for political effect. I've seen other copss interviewed say if they were seriously injured, they would have been out for a least 10 days or 2 weeks recovering.

As contrasted with the 2,000 police and federal agents ACTUALLY injured in the 2020 George Floyd / BLM riots.
And the 25 people killed in those BLM riots across 600 cities, including at least 2 police officers, including David Dorn. Look it up.

And Fanon (like Peter Srzok, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan, and James Clapper, ALL proven liars who were all forced to resign or be fired, but who were rewarded for their evil with high-paying jobs at CNN and MSNBC ( as "political consultants") well... Fanon is likewise now a well-paid consultant continuing his lies on CNN.