Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Despite your accusations Brandon’s video and his own texts were enough to get the light sentence of probation. He’s not in jail. I don’t think you’ve presented anyone that has been held indefinitely yet despite making that broad accusation repeatedly. Like pretty much anything, you feel bad for Brandon because it’s politically convenient. Likewise for the law enforcement you hate because they are saying things that doesn’t serve your loser.

That would be... the same way Donald Trump was charged with the "crime" of writting legal expenses on a check for... repaying legal expenses requesed by lawyer Michael Cohen? That Trump didn't even know the nature of at the time, until well afer the 2016 election?
And that even if it were an ACTUAL "crime", the statute of limitations ran out years ago.
And even if it were still prosecutable, it would have been a small paperwork error that would warrant at worst a small fine.

So prosecutor Alvin Bragg and other loaned-out DOJ Biden lawyers to Alvin Braagg, strapped on a "federal" charge, just to make it prosecutable again.
And a "federal crime" that manufactured a more harsh sentence.
And then Bragg and his Biden/DOJ buddies somehow inflated one minor paperwork charge into 34 "Federal" charges, and a partisan judge Merchan suppressed defense and exculpatory evidence and wittnesses, and an utlra-parttisan Trump-hating Democrat jury, in one of the most rabidly Democra/Left jury venues in the country (Manhattan) eagerly jumped on the chance to convict Trump of every last inflated unjust charge.

So in the case of Brandon Straka on January 6th, he never entered the building, never threw a punch at anyone, just made a cel phone video of the Capitol front entrance to document what occurred, briefly posted it online and then deleted it less than a day later (but trolls or maybe FBI re-posted it online, even after he deleted it) and FBI showed up at his house at 6 AM one morning with a heavily armed SWAT team, bashed his front door in, and threw him to the ground with multiple AR-15 rifle gunsight laser dots on his body.
Straka spent months in jail, without a lawyer, without a trial, to the point that he was mentally cracking, and finally agreed to sign ANY plea agreement put in front of him, just to end this ordeal.
A judge released him from jail for only time served, and he spent about 18 months or so on probation, which is now ended.

So... what exactly is this TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE offense you think Straka committed?
What warranted locking him up indefinitely without trial, some of it in solitary, and being forced against his will to sign a plea deal of FBI false-narrative charges just to end his torment,
NOT because he did anything that warranted any of this treatment.
Anything short of violence, which even the judge who released him said Straka was clearly not guilty of, DOESN'T warrant this FBI / DOJ treatment and imprisonment.

Meanwhile, like I said, here's leftist Antifa, BLM, and evironmentalist rioters and vandals, or an anti-Brett Kavanaugh-Capitol-invading abortionist mob who actually attacked people, even tried to kill cops, or BLM rioters who permanently blinded cops with lasers deliberately, focused lasers for hours on agents' eyes who had to stand here and endure it to protect federal buildings from rioters, who never did a day in jail.
Yeah, that's fair....