Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
Oh, that's a nasty slur. Slut-shaming? Come on.

It's an absolute fact that Kamala Harris had a longtime extramarital affair with the speaker Willie Brown of the California state assembly, and that she was handed the district attorney job in the San Fancisco area as a direct result of that. And then California state attorney general. And that same exramarital relationship got her picked and fas-tracked to be Senator for California.
It's just a fact that she would never have been selected as candidate for any of those jobs without that extramarital affair.


Before that, Kamala Harris was having an extramarital affair with talk show host Montel Williams.

The point is, she is not an accomplished person, she did not earn these positions.
And when she ran for president in 2020, that incompetence became readily apparent, even to her former proponents on the Democrat/Left, and in the liberal media, who initially praised her, but then aftter a series of unforced errors by Harris, ultimately let her crash and burn on her own. In the 2020 Democrat presidential primaries, Kamala Harris had less than 1% support in the polls even in her own state of California, when she dropped out before the first primary to avoid further humiliation.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, in one of the Democrat candidate debates that year, just before she Harris dropped out, completely eviscerated and humiliated Harris.

Tulsi Gabbard ends Kamala Harris' Bid for President in 4 Minutes Flat

And then Joe Biden (or more accurately, Biden's puppetmasters) pulled her out of the trash heap, and appointed her as Vice President on the 2020 ticket. Where she has been humiliating herself at every turn ever since.

Harris was appointed immigration czar to solve the border crisis, where she has done absolutely nothing.
Monica Crowley described Harris as "hiding in the bathroom, waiting for Biden to die, so she can become president."

Feel free to name any accomplishments by Kamala Harris I might have missed. She is a political disaster for the Democrats. And poll after poll shows that, as unqualified and unpopular as Joe Biden is, the public has an even lower opinion of HER ability to be president.

It's also hilarious to me that in another 2020 primary debate, Harris called Biden a racist who opposed bussing (which he did), to "prevent a little girl from riding the bus to school, and that little girl was me" (race card). When in fact, Harris might have briefly ridden a bus AFTER segregation ended when she was in kindergarten, but is half black and half indian (India-indian, and actually Jamaican black, not African-American)) and she came from wealthy parents and attended school mostly in Canada, and went to exclusive private schools. I'm amazed she is not called on this utterly untrue debate talking point more than she is.
Jill Biden is well known to despise Kamala Harris, and strongly opposed the puppetmasters' appointment of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's VP in 2020.