Really give props to Biden for making the tough decision to drop out. He has a record and legacy to be proud of and is living up to what he said about being a bridge to a new generation. If he had stayed in the race after his poor debate performance I think it would have given Trump a likely win. Now I think this flips things and a very old Trump that lies a lot and has trouble sounding coherent will have a different challenger.
The Democrat-Bolsheviks knew for 4 years that Biden was incapable of being president on DAY ONE, let alone Biden ever being capable of running for re-election in 2024.
Biden didn't "make the tough decision to drop out".
That decision was made for him by the Democrat-Bolsheviks who chainsawed his campaign off at the knees, starving it of any further donations until Biden was forced to withdraw, NOT BY CHOICE. Biden the eternal grifter probably held out for some kind of financial payoff before he finally withdrew, as he has for 50 years in poliical office.
And Demcrat leadership only pushed Biden out after the Trump/Biden debate exposed to the general public how far gone Joe Biden is, has been for 4 years.
And even knowing how far gone Biden is, if the Democratt-Bolsheviks could pull it off, they would keep him as the candidate, EVEN KNOWING he is a vegetable, incapable of making an executive decision. Biden is, and has been for 4 years, the Democrat-Bolsheviks' front-man, the amiable stupid empty grin of the guy who APPEARS to be in charge but is not, that is cover for the Cultural Marxist puppetmasters in his White House, who are REALLY in charge, and creating the policy that is burning America to the ground.
- * Reversing U.S. oil independence that Trump created for the first time in 72 years, with Biden's (puppetmasters') executive orders that reversed Trump's oil / natural gas policy, cut off permits for new oil and gas drilling, and almost immediately doubled the price of gas for consumers, and by doing so increased the price of every product that is transported by ship, by plane, by train, or by truck.
It also jeapordizes U.S. national security, because we still have the same energy needs, but now we have to get that oil from hostile countries like Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Iran. That can overcharge us, or completely cut off that supply at any time.
* Because the U.S. is no longer a net exporter of oil and natural gas, Europe (Germany in particular) is now dependent on Russian oil and gas. Which Russia already cut off to punish Germany in the opening months of he Ukraine war (for supporting Ukraaine), resulting in an energy crisis in Germany, and a doubling of energy prices for cars and home heating in Germany. The fact that Russia and Iran suddenly could fill the void of available oil and gas that used to come to nations worldwide from the U.S. (up till the day Biden was inaugurated) has given Russia and Iran a massive new market for THEIR oil and gas. And a massive surplus, with which to wage war.
It gave Russia $100-plus billion to finance a massive invasion of Ukraine.
And gave Iran $ 80 billion to finance Gaza's invasion of Israel.
Absolutely without question, it is Joe Biden and his puppetmasters who orchestrated BOTH OF those wars, that clearly never would have occurred if Donald Trump had remained president.
* Biden's subsidies for workers that made them stay at home and not return to work for 2 years even after the Covid pandemic had ended, is what hurt the economy, resuling in price spikes and labor shortages and supply-chain problems that never would have occurred in a Trump second term.
* Biden also kicked open the Southern border to massive levels of illegal immigration the country has never seen, criminals, gangs, drug cartels, human traffickers, terrorists, rapists, murderers, drunk drivers, on and on.
And to tens of thousands of Russian and Chinese agents, and terrorists from muslim nations worldwide.
Biden has endangered the country to a level that even FBI and DHS, INS and Border Patrol says is a highest threat level since the September 11th attacks.
An imminent attack is a matter of when, not if, according to FBI director Christopher Wray and others. .
* And illegal immigrants are swamping relief organizations that can no longer provide their services for U.S. citizens because they are so overwhelmed with illegals, and roughly 10,000 more pouring in every day.
Illegals are obscenely being given expensive hotel rooms for months at great expense to taxpayers, while depriving those resources o U.S.. citizens and U.S. military veterans.
And public schools and recreation centers are also closed to Americans and their children, instead prioritized to accommodate illegals who shouldn't even be here, illegals who are often criminals who prey on Americans, and even on police.
* The massive influx of illegals, right after a period of several years during the Covid pandemic where no construction or new housing was being built, has contributed to creating a scarcity of housing , and a spike in home prices and rental property prices.
Biden (and his puppetmasters) are the architects of all this.
And even if Biden is gone, the same puppetmasters will determine policy for Giggling Kamala, or whoever Biden's replacement ends up being. I would lay money that they will leverage Kamala Harris aside too, for some other more palatable candidate. If any Democrat at this point would want to go against Trump.