Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
“ The Trump vs. Biden 2020 election follows that exact same pattern”

Biden was leading Trump in the polls going into the election. Trump and the gop did recounts that also backed up Biden’s win. There was no way for Trump to win except for trying to get republican controlled state legislatures to choose Trump over legal votes.

You supported that WB

Total distortion and B.S. on your part. Trump and his supporters initiated a CONSTITUTIONALLY PRESCRIBED and LEGAL dispute of the corrupted and fraudulent Nov 2020 election results, with campaign lawyers, and House and Senate officials.

And you are SUCH a liar when it comes to the alternate electors. Alternate Electors are selected for states, so that if a dispute is successful there are LEGAL state electors ready and prepared to vote in the joint session electoral count. So that if Trump, or whoever in any given presidential election legal dispute, have alternate electoral delegates there to complete the electoral count, if a given state's electors are LEGALLY AND CONSITUTIONALLY disputed and overturned.

The demagoguery attempted by you is either
(1) a deliberate lie and you know the actual truth you are misrepresenting,
or (2) you are an uninformed rube who believes your own Democrat-Bolshevik party's lying demagogue talking points.
Regardless, what Trump did preparing alternate electors was constitutional and legal, and no different from what JFK and other past presidential candidates have done to prepare electors in the case of a close state election.

That is the exact same preparation made by presidential candidates of BOTH parties in elections for decades, going back to at least JFK, whose campaign made the exact same preparations for the state of Hawaii, in dispute in the 1960 election.

Regarding polls favoring Democrats...

And on election night 2020, the Democrat-orchestrated fake polls proved wrong, and in fact Trump was winning in all 7 battleground states up until about 3 AM, when Democrat-controlled vote-counting centers alleged they were going to shut down vote counting for the night, and sent Republican vote observers home.
And then the Democrats, with no Republicans around, CHEATED all night long, and Oh WOW, gee, LOOK, all of a sudden, like magic, there was a massive spike in votes for Joe Biden, and in the morning they told us it was a narrow victory for Biden.

So yes, it absolutely DOES fit the same pattern as the Venezuela election.
And from two of the vote centers in Nov 2020, we have security video surveillance that shows the votes (in Atlanta) pulled out from under tables after the Republican observers were sent home and only Democrats were present.
And (in Detroit) security video shows a Ryder truck pulling up to the Detroit voting center at 3 AM, and Democrat operatives unloading hundreds of trashbags filled with fake ballots, with no chain of custody, to tip the count fin favor of Biden.