Originally Posted by iggy
You're a delusional goofball who will believe propaganda shoveled at you by Dinesh D'Souza. No amount of verbose invective on your part is going to change who the sheep is here.

Nah, this is what you do. Take something small and blow it out of proportion. I don't think all Republicans are Nazis or Nazi-like. I just think that about you and the rest of the tumorous assholes that have corrupted a once great party.

While I like Dinesh D'Souza, and he likewise makes well-sourced factual arguments for what he says in his books and speaking appearances, he was NEVER MENTIONED in my above comments, so that is just a non-sequitur attack on your part, with your usual uninformed rantings and 12-year-old-level insults.
You accuse me of "invective", without ever making clear what was "invective" as opposed to the sourced fact --FACT-- that it actually is.

You hang on and trust the liberal media false narrative, no matter how many times I deconstruct its repeated deliberate lies over many years, and cite sources that PROVE they are lies. But you continue to cite as gospel truth the Newspeak liberal narrative, from obvious indoctrinated partisan hacks who are deliberately lying to you on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, Washington Post, Politico, and New York Times.
You are an unhinged liberal who relentlessly screams tantrums and insults me, professing your detached non-partisan political neutrality, even as you cling to these discredited liberal sources, and go into hysterics when I or anyone else cites Fox News, Newsmax, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Washington Times, New York Post, Rebel News, The Federalist, Human Events, American Greatness, or any respected conservative source, sources who have NOT been similarly been proven deliberately wrong and discredited, as the liberal media has.
No matter how many times they are proven to have gotten the facts wrong, deliberately gotten the facts wrong, you cling to George Orwell's liberal media, as if they are the only sources that can be believed.
Despite their OPENLY saying that "objecttivity is over-rated" and that hey think it is their holy mission to prop up the Democrat narrative and either misrepresent or completely omit any facts favorable to conservatives.

So what are the facts about the attempted Trump assassination, Iggy?

Doesn't it strike you as THE SLIGHTEST BIT ODD that over a month after yhe Trump shooting, FBI and Secret Service are still stonewalling about what actually happened that day?
Doesn't it strike you as odd that the supervisors on the ground that day knew there was a potential shooter threat in Butler, PA against Trump, but for a least an hour (and actually over an hour) never secured the building the shooter was seen around, and let him set up and make 8 shots at Trump?

Doesn't it strike you as odd that knowing this, Secret Service ignored and deflected warnings given o them from local police, from civilians in the crowd, and let the shooter continue to be a threat?

Doesn' it strike you as odd that Secret Service on the ground, knowing all this, STILL ALLOWED TRUMP TO GO ON STAGE AND GET SHOT AT, ALMOST KILLED?

Doesn' it strike you as odd, that NONE of the Secret Service agents involved have been named, or even had their names disclosed to House and Senate investigators?

That none of these negligent Secret Service agents have been suspended, none have been fired or demoted, and are just stonewalling disclosure of any of the facts to others actually investtigating the Butler, PA shooting?
(No doubt, praying that Kamala Harris will win the election, at which point the investigation will be scrapped and forever swept under a rug by the Democrat-Bolsheviks, both in the Democrat-held White House, and in the Democrat-Bolshevik ranks of the Secret Service).

One of the agents involved in the Trump shooting was re-assigned to guard VP nominee J D Vance.
Wow, he must feel secure and protected...

Doesn't it strike you as odd that Trump had repeatedly requested more adequate Secret Service protection in advance of the July 13h shooting, and the Biden administration had ignored it?
(Likewise, Robert F. Kennedy, whose father RFK, and uncle JFK were both assassinated, has been denied Secret Service protection by Biden for the last year, despite at least TWO attempts on his life in the last month alone? )
(After the Trump shooting, RFK Jr was quietly finally given Secret Service protection, that he should have been given at least 18 months ago. RFK Jr is only alive to receive Secret Service protection at this point because he is wealthy enough to have been paying for his own security protection all this time. )

Doesn't it strike you as odd, that first lady Jill Biden has FOUR TIMES the secret service protection that Trump had on July 13th?
Despite that Trump is a former president, and is and has been polling as the leading candidate for Nov 2024?

It seems an obvious , OBVIOUS possibility to anyone capable of independent thought, that
1) Trump has been left unprotected by Secret Service up to this point, in the clear hope of Democrat agents, that he would be killed and eliminated as a candidate,
2) that these Democrat-loyalist Secret Service agents might have actively been involved in he attempt to assassinate Trump.
As egregiously as Secret Service that day broke every protocol of Secret Service protection rules, that put Trump on stage that day to be shot at. It was a turkey shoot.

And further, the only facts coming out about what actually happened, are coming from witnesses, videos taken during the shooting, and local Butler, PA police.
And whisteblowers within the Secret Service and FBI, who are being relentlessly pursued by their agencies to be found and punished, even as Secret Service and FBI continue to sttonewall investigators and hide the facts, even from the House and Senate.

And how does my asking obvious question make me a "Nazi"?
You lying piece-of-shit Nazi.