Some people will grasp at any conspiracy that suits their “truth”. The simple truth is Biden wasn’t going to be able to win after the debate with Trump. Even he realized that. I really give him credit for doing the hard thing of setting his ego aside and giving us a chance to beat Trump. I believe Biden is right about this being a choice of democracy vs fascism. Trump is telling voters right now that they only have to vote for him once and everything will be fixed so they don’t ever have to vote again!
He had to be dragged out of the contest, and I think the idea that it was a "selfless act" glosses over his blind conviction that he was the best candidate, but ultimately, he did the right thing by his country and his party.
My own keen interest in the election is in respect of Ukraine. It is in everyone's strategic interest to see Russia's warfighting capability eroded, and beyond that, Ukraine doesn't deserve to be severed through Putin's imperial territorial ambition.