Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
"Just like 1,300 peaceful Trump supporters who gathered outside the Capitol to PEACEFULLY wave flags and protest he illegitimate electoral college vote, and supported the Republican House and Senate members disputing the election, legally and Constitutionally, as is is the method prescribed in the Constitution to do so.""

Dave, you've switched on a reality distortion field with that one.

No, Australia-Dave, the facts are on my side.

As I've cited repeatedly in multiple topics on the subject, there were well over 100,000 protesters supporting Trump in Washington Square on Jan 6 2021.

There were only 600 who in any way went inside the Capitol building that day, most of them peaceful, and invited in, with the double-doors held wide by Capitol Police, open for protesters to come inside. Videos online show this, protesters videotaping police holding open the doors for them, and police standing like an honor guard on both sides of the halls, as protesters walked by into the Capitol.

There were three double-door entrances, and at only one entrance was there a violent clash between about 6 police and a group of protesters, and that one clash (videotaped and online) took about 30 minutes before police pushed them out of the building. And I question whether those were actual Trump supporters clashing with police, or false-flag agents sent to frame them.

MANY OTHER Trump-supporter protesters just walked around inside peacefully, like they were on a guided tour, and took selfies, then left.

Of the 600 who went inside, 40,000 hours of Capitol surveillance video shows they were overwhelmingly peaceful.
And the Democrats suppressed release of that video for 3 years, to keep alive their "panicviolent insurrectionistspanic" narrative.

But when Democrats lost their majority control of the House in Jan 2023, Republicans began releasing the Capitol video surveillance, beginning with Tucker Carlson on his show, showing police following guys around and making absolutely no effort to stop them.
And many jailed for "violence" were immediately released from jail (such as "Quanon Shaman" guy Jacob Chansley), because the clear video evidence that they were NOT violent, resulted in their instant release from jail.
After THREE YEARS of imprisonment on false charges, with no charges, no due process, imprisoned indefiniely wih no trial or evidence presented against them, in many cases unable to even consult a lawyer. Some beaten in their cells for even asking for a lawyer, by Trump=hating leftist guards. And unable to work, held indefinitely without trial, lost their jobs, unable to pay their mortgages lost their homes, lost their businesses, and were completely separated for years from their families.


Just to prop up a lying "Trump supporter violent white supremacist insurrectionist" Democrat narrative.
That release of the 40,000 hours of Capitol surveillance video finally disproved.

AGAIN: only 600 protesters, in any way, went inside.
And out of those, there are only 60 alleged incidents of vandalism or violence.

All others were arrested for "trespassing", that's it.
Punishable by a fine of $300 or less.
But the weaponized 97% Democrat-donating FBI whipped up fake federal charges tacked on, of "interfering with a federal proceeding", to stretch those fake charges into years in prison. And held in prison under terrible conditions, PEACEFUL protester-prisoners were shaken down and forced to sign confessions to crimes they did NOT commit, just so they could end their ordeal, be released, and get on with their lives.
And JUST to prop up the Democrats' (and the Democrat-weaponized FBI's) "insurrection" narrative.

Further, WHO ARE these "insurrectionists" EXACTLY ?
60 reported incidents of vandalism and /or violence.
Bu FBI has admitted in their own investigative reports, there were "AT LEAST 20" undercover FBI agents on Jan 6th, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. That they ADMIT to.
That in their reports they describe as "un-indicted co-conspirators". Ray Epps, for example.
And the FBI agent in charge of the Jan 6th undercover operations, is the same guy who set up the FBI's sting operation of a fake kidnapping of Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer. That this FBI supervisor (who is also a wife-beater who forced his wife to go to swing clubs) should have been fired for, but was instead sent to DC, to supervise the Jan 6th similar set-up of Trump supporters by FBI, in a false-flag operation.

And DHS (as I linked earlier) also admitted to "at least 20" DHS agents being undercover in the crowd on Jan 6th, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.

And DC Metro Police admitted to having "at least 10" Metro police officers undercover in the crowd, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.

And James Earle Sullivan and his group of at least 20 of his Antifa Salt Lake City group there, who gloated in their posted videos posted all over the internet (under the name "JAYSON X", and who even was interviewed as a "journalist" about Jan 6th events on CNN) Who disguised themselves as Trump supporters, and boasted in their videos of either leading Trump supporters in their disguises to trick Trump supporters into committing violence, or doing violence and vandalism themselves in their disguises and getting Trump supporters blamed for it.
Two of Sullivan's Antifa group were in the room when Capitol police lieutenant Michael Byrd shot Ashli Babbitt and killed her.
And JUST HAPPENED to be in that room to videotape the shooting, tape it from TWO DIFFERENT ANGLES by two different false-flag Antifa agents, that I would argue provoked and set up the Babbitt shooting.

20 undercover FBI.
20 undercover DHS.
10 undercover DC metro poice officers.
20 Anifa led by John Earle Sullivan.

That is at least 70 people on the ground on Jan 6th, who were NOT Trump supporters, who were DISGUISED AS Trump supporters, all there to frame the PEACEFUL Trump supporters, to create the narrative they wanted.

And only 60 incidents of "violence or vandalism".
One 64 year old Alabama guy (urged to by undercover FBI agents who blocked the doorway and wouldn't let him leave) put his feet up on a desk in Pelosi's outer office and posed for a photo that THEY urged him to take. He also kept some letters from Pelosi's office as a souvenir, and urinated on a desk.

Another guy stole Nancy Pelosi's podium. (And I find it hard to believe, amid all the police, that he could carry out a podium the size of a human body without getting caught, and further drag it a mile or two past police to his car without getting caught.) In any case, he was arrested at his home in Florida a few days later by FBI.

I'd call either of these incidents stupid and more of pranks, than "violence" or "insurrection".

Even the paramilitary Oath Keepers group who were convicted and arguably committed violent acts, the head of the group unknowingly shared a hotel room with an undercover FBI agent the night before. And IT WAS THIS FBI AGENT, NOT THE OATH KEEPERS HEAD OR ANY OF HIS MEN, WHO SUPPLIED THE BATTLE PLAN for violence by Oath Keepers on Jan 6th. Which they didn't follow anyway.

But ultimately, even the 97% Democrat donating and Trump hating FBI, in their final investigative reports, said there was NO EVIDENCE of any organized insurrection at the Capitol building on Jan 6 2021.
And as Jill Sanborn, the FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism, who led he FBI investigation of Jan 6th events, reluctantly told Republican Senators in hearings, and ONLY WHEN ASKED, that there were NO firearms confiscated on Jan 6th anywhere in Washington Square.
How do you have an "insurrection" without any guns?

Asked directly about FBI operations on Jan 6th, both Jill Sanborn and FBI director Christopher Wray, would not say exactly what undercover agents were doing among Trump protesters that day.
TED CRUZ: "Were there undercover FBI agents in the crowd tha day?"
JILL SANBORN, and later CHRISOPHER WRAY also: "Senator I cannot answer that."

TED CRUZ: " Did undercover FBI agents incite violence that day?"
SANBORN, and WRAY: "Senator, I can't answer that."

TED CRUZ: "Did undercover FBI agents engage in violent acts themselves on January 6th?"
SANBORN, and WRAY: "Senator, I can't answer that."

Which is evasively saying YES, they DID do these things, to blame on Trump supporters.
If Wray and Sanborn admit that, they get the FBI in a shitload of trouble by openly admitting it.
And if they deny it, they set themselves up for perjury charges and prison when the truth is eventually found out. Hence, they "Can't answer."

This is the unholy alliance of the Democrat-Bolshevik party, and their 97% all-on-board intimidation and terror wing in the DOJ and FBI.
Joined in that unholy alliance by the Democrat-Bolshevik news media. Who are at this point unashamedly the self-appointed Ministry of Truth for the Democrat party, and eagerly sell whatever the current Democrat talking points are.

Look no further than the current Kamala Harris presidential campaign. Two months ago, they were saying on CNN and MSNBC, and in editorials of every major liberal-media paper, that she was incompetent and needed to be replaced on the Biden ticket by another VP candidate.

But NOW...

Biden has imploded with the Trump - Biden debate, Biden has been strong-armed out by party elites, to let Kamala replace him as the presidential candidate, that the news media now SHAMELESSLY tells us with a straight face, that Kamala Harris is generating the same excitement as the 2008 Barack Obama campaign. She's George Washington, FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama rolled into one !
Except she hasn't had a press conference or answered questions since Biden stepped down and she became the candidate.
And she can't, without mumbling a word salad, looking stupid as she truly is when speaking unscripted, and hurting her poll numbers.
24 days and counting now, hiding in the bathroom.

Except to read the occasional teleprompter speech on the stump, the exact same speech every time, over and over with the exact same wording and cadence robotically, without the slightest deviation or impromptu remark.
For the Democrat-Bolsheviks, there is no preservation of Constitutional law and process,
EVERYTHING is done on the fly according to their authoritarian consolidation of power , and they will steamroll anyone who gets in heir way, even within their own party. Bernie Sanders, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and now Joe Biden, all shoved aside by the hand-wringers in the shadows, who ACTUALLY control the Democrat party.
And there is nothing "democratic" about the Democrat party. It is barely concealed Democrat-Bolshevism. And people even in the Democrat party, and in the rest of the world should be afraid of what their fanatical authoritarian leftist ideology is unleashing.

Can you not see, Dave, the war in Ukraine, that never would have occurred if Trump were still president? And always the threat that it can further escalate to nuclear war? Russia has said this repeatedly.
Likewise the war on Israel, also made possible by Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks who opened the door by letting Iran have 80 billion in oil revenue to fund the war, that never would have occurred if Trump were still president. And also in question, whether Biden/Harris would even defend Israel. That is an invitation for Iran and is proxies to attack Israel.

And now an imminent war in Taiwan, where China is aggressively flying over 100 war planes a day over Taiwan air space.
If Kamala Harris were to be elected, that would be China's green light to invade.

But yeah, sure, you can believe the Democrat-controlled media's narrative, about Jan 6th, about Covid vaccines, Covid masks, Kamala Harris' competency (when a nano-second ago, they were telling you how incompetent she is), that she is actually securing the U.S. southern border and is tough on immigration, YOU BET !

You might also ask yourself why no conservative sources offering dissent or a counter-argument come up on a Google search anymore. George Orwell's Google.
Why the July 13th attempted Trump assassination is invisible in a Google search.
Why Kamala Harris' record in rankings of all 100 Senators as the most liberal Senator, even beyond Bernie Sanders, has likewise been omitted from search results.
That even Trump's speech from Jan 6th cannot be found in a search, only the narrative in news clips that Trump "incited" the crowd, BUT NEVER ABLE TO CITE THE EXACT WORDS OR ANYTHING CLOSE THAT "INCITED". You can't find Trump's speech to view or read for yourself, to see the exact words he said or the context he said them.
Or video of ANY of Trump's rallies or speeches, that shows up in a Google or DuckDuckGo search.

Likewise the "very fine people on both sides" false narrative created by the media, after Trump's press conference about Charlottesville in 2017.
Trump's words were twisted to have allegedly endorsed KKK and white supremacists burning Tiki torches, when in fact Trump condemned them.
Trump only praised "good people on both sides", those who wanted to keep the Charlottesville city's Robert E. Lee statue, and those who didn't want to keep the statue (the real issue of the initial protest).
But Trump flat-out condemned the white supremacists that showed up to hijack the protests, to promote their own agenda, nothing to do with the statue.
The 2,000 who were there to protest to keep the statue asked the 200 or so white supremacists who suddenly showed up with their own agenda, NOT the statue, to leave.
But the media conflates the two, and slanders the 2,000 who were NOT white supremacists.
And eagerly conflates and slanders Trump as well.

That is just one more example of the liberal media's DELIBERATE chain of false narratives, to undermine Trump, or Romney, or McCain, or George W. Bush, or Newt Gingrich, or Bush Sr, or Reagan before them. The deck is always stacked against the Republicans.
And from 2008 forward, the media is increasingly less willing to maintain any pretense they are journalists and not liberal-Democrat-Bolshevik activists.

On Charlie Rose's news talk show on PBS in 2004, a Bush official named Robert Kagan was talking to Charlie Rose about the Iraq war.
Rose asked: "Why is the U.S. invasion of Iraq so unpopular in European nations?"
Kagan responded: "Because nowhere in the European media is there a pro-American point of view."

And I'm sure not in Australia as well.

A least in the U.S., while the media is at least 80% liberal, there is still about 20% of the media that is conservative, and will cross-examine the liberal narrative and present the exculpatory facts for why the liberal spin is untrue and a false narrative.