There are layers upon layers of false facts, baseless insinuations and outright lies in that 14-minute clip of "testimony'.
There is also a labyrinth of names and position titles (the positions they held on Jan 6 2021) that are not fully explained, and for which no context is given.
Greg Jacob, then-Counsel to Vice President Pence
Others mantioned without context:
John Eastman, then-White House Counsel to Donald Trump
Mark Short, then Chief of Staff to VP Pence
First of all, this is from the Democrat-controlled House "Select Committee on January 6th", a House committee on which ACTUAL Republicans were NOT allowed to be assigned to the committee, NOT allowed to cross-examine, NOT allowed to call witnesses or cross-examine "facts" presented, or present exculpatory evidence.
The only "Republicans" Nancy Pelosi allowed to be assigned to the committee were Trump-hating Rep. Liz Cheney, and Trump-hating Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who were / are so despised by their ACTUAL Republican / conservative constituents that they were subsequently rejected by voters in 2022, by the vastest margin an incumbent House Republican has ever been rejected by in U.S. election history (Liz Cheney).
And the other (Adam Kinzinger) saw his defeat margin was so large in advance polls that he declined to even run for re-election.
And BOTH of them now sound like MSNBC or CNN anchors when they talk about the Republican party in any news interview.
So... the "Select Committee on January 6th" was a Soviet-style show trial where only a Democrat narrative was permitted.
And that is exactly what is visible in this clip.
Not that there's any "facts" presented in the clip. The "confidential informant" gave an unverifiable anonymous opinion that Pence and Pelosi were in danger (with no cross examination allowed, or even the name of the person who alleged it, let alone any evidence that anonymous allegation is true.)
Rep.Pete Aguilar gave his opinion (as if it were fact,
and it wasn't.)
Greg Jacob gave his opinion, and hearsay of what Pence, Pence's wife, and others thought or felt that day.
White House counsel John Eastman is cited as having given a "padded cell" legal opinion to Greg Jacob, Mike Pence and other VP staffers, but was
NOT specifically quoted in this above video clip, or was Eastman given a chance to testify in his own words, and with no citation of law or precedent, regarding Eastman's legal opinion that the VP had the ability to delay the Electoral Count for 10 or 14 days to allow investigation of the electoral count's authenticity, and allow nationally televised debate on joint-session House/Senate floor for two weeks of the evidence of electoral-vote validity, or electoral fraud.
And I've seen (and posted) multiple other high-profile legal opinions that Pence
had the legal/Constitutional authority to call such a delay. But I think Pence, on bad advice of his staff, just threw in the towel and did what his staffers told him to do, possibly thinking that's all he could do. But Pence DID have options beyond that.
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, in this clip, it is implied it was
Trump supporters who rioted. I've made a case that there were AT LEAST 70 people in the Capitol that day, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters, who were HOSTILE to Trump supporters, and openly wanted TO FRAME Trump supporters.
And further, whether they were Trump supporters or not, it is implied without evidence that Trump was responsible for their being in the Capitol and rioting, and that is simply not in evidence, NOT proven.
Trump said "PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support" for the Republican House and Senate members in the Capitol joint session, who were LEGALLY and CONSTITUTIONALLY challenging the fraudulent 2020 electoral count, in his Jan 6th speech on the White House lawn, from 12 noon to 1:11 PM on January 6th.
From 1:11 to 4:12 PM, Trump repeatedly posted on social media for his supporters to "remain peaceful".
And when a handful of rioters pushed their way into the Capitol building, he released a video urging any protesters supporting him to "go home".
Which even to the astonishment of Capitol police, they IMMEDIATELY DID.
NO PROOF (despite the "Select Committee's" allegation here) that Trump making a LEGAL and CONSTITUTIONAL challenge of the electoral vote, and pressing to delay the electoral count just a week or two, to allow its legitimacy to be investigated and scrutinized by House and Senate Republicans, that this LEGAL process in any way caused the riot.
The "Select Committee on January 6th" was so objective and credible, and NOT AT ALL DEMOCRAT-PARTISAN that... the moment the Democrats lost power in Jan 2023,
Because Adam Schiff-like, they made public statements for 2 years, alleging "evidence" of things that doesn't actually exist. And shredded the "evidence" (or lack thereof) to avoid getting caught.
More pointedly, Rep. Pete Agiular (D-CA), a hyperpartisan weasel, as all the Democrats on this committee are, just promoting an incendiary narrative, with no interest in the actual facts, tells us in the clip that
"a CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT inside the Proud Boys said they would have killed Pence, Pelosi, or anyone they could get their hands on.""Confidential informant", HMMMM....
As I stated above, "confidential informant" = undercover FBI agent.
That would be the same
97% Democrat-donating FBI who despises Trump and his supporters, who were among the crowd disguised as Trump supporters, who had already framed people just weeks before in the Gretchen Whitmer fake kidnapping sting that I just mentioned above?
An ANONYMOUS UN-NAMED FBI agent, one in spirit with James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
WOW, how could we possibly question this ANONYMOUS Trump-hating source, we just have to believe everything he said as fact, scout's honor.
So... there is no verifiable sourced evidence that ANY of what was alleged in this show-trial "testimony" is true.
NO EVIDENCE that Mike Pence or anyone else was in actual danger. No evidence protesters/rioters planned to kidnap or kill Pence or anyone else.
No zip-ties or other restraints found or seen on surveillance video.
No getaway van.
No guns or other weapons found to conduct such a killing or abduction. [ As there was in, oh, say, the Democrat leftist fanatic who showed up with a gun and zip-ties
to abduct Brett Kavanaugh. Or the siege on Trump's White House in May of 2020 by BLM and Antifa, where 50 Secret Service agents were wounded, where Secret Service had to evacuate President Trump to a more secure location, , and there were organized BLM/Antifa (probably Soros-funded) dropped-off pallettes of bricks and weapons strategically placed on nearby street corners in DC, for the crowd to attack the White House. ]
And then after the May 2020 BLM/Anifa siege on the Trump White House, the news media was so angry when the next day after, when then-President Trump walked across the White House lawn to the just- burned church across the street, and the media was enraged when they later realized they were tricked into actually videotaping and broadcasting the evidence of the vast war-like siege and destruction that BLM and Antifa had left behind the previous day. That till Trump walked out across it with cameras rolling, and the media covered him, the media had till then hidden and ignored.
Oh, how dare Trump walk across the street and show that Bible at the burned church, forcing us to document the destruction that now even we the media can't deny, because we were tricked into showing it on national television. How dare he !!.
AGAIN: If the Trump supporters wanted to hurt Pence, Pelosi, or anyone else
By the Democrats' and the media's own account, there was a shortage of police in and around the Capitol, and the PEACEFUL Trump protesters, and the few rioters (who I am sill convinced were almost all undercover FBI agents, DHS agents, undercover DC Metro police, and Antifa, who were there to incite and get Trump supporters blamed in a false-flag operation. )
But the Trump supporters DIDN'T hurt anyone.
And in truth, the only people hurt or who died that day were Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick, who died of a stroke, period, the end, despite conspiracies floated otherwise.
And Ashli Babbitt, who was without question shot dead by a trigger-happy Capitol police lieutenant, NOT by Trump supporters.
And the deaths of Rosanne Boyland (age 34), Kevin Greeson (age 55); and Benjamin Philips (age 50), who all died allegedly of "natural causes", but all three had pre-diagnosed fragile conditions, and these deaths are sill being investigated as having died because a capitol police officer (or someone disguised as an officer) kept shooting concussion grenades into a peaceful crowd OUTSIDE the Capitol building, over and over, at protesters just standing around waving flags, pummeling them with repeated unnecessary trauma that is believed to have caused their strokes and heart attacks, that would have otherwise not died.