There isn’t a signed executive order from Trump for more security in the national archives WB. Nor did he try to get more help on that day as the Capitol was being stormed . The commander in chief waited hours before asking his people that he loved to leave. In the years since no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could actually stand in a court of a law has been produced. Just radicalized republicans wanting their guy in power even though he lost. Biden was winning in the polls before the election, he won the popular vote and he won the electoral college. Numerous recounts only enforced that win.

And Mitch McConnell and McCarthy both torpedoed an independent bipartisan commission. By that point it was all about protecting Trump and trying to run interference. I consider the republicans that bravely put country before Trump and sacrificed their political careers for pursuing the truth heroes. Likewise for the law enforcement that spoke out about their experiences on Jan 6.

Fair play!