There isn’t a signed executive order from Trump for more security in the national archives WB. Nor did he try to get more help on that day as the Capitol was being stormed . The commander in chief waited hours before asking his people that he loved to leave. In the years since no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could actually stand in a court of a law has been produced. Just radicalized republicans wanting their guy in power even though he lost. Biden was winning in the polls before the election, he won the popular vote and he won the electoral college. Numerous recounts only enforced that win.
And Mitch McConnell and McCarthy both torpedoed an independent bipartisan commission. By that point it was all about protecting Trump and trying to run interference. I consider the republicans that bravely put country before Trump and sacrificed their political careers for pursuing the truth heroes. Likewise for the law enforcement that spoke out about their experiences on Jan 6.
That is pure Democrat party propaganda.
Muriel Bowser answered Trump's order for 10,000 national guard troops,
IN WRITING, beyond denial, that there was an order by Trump for 10,000 national guard.
Pelosi and Schumer are also documented, but not in written responses.
Kash Patel and others witnessed in interviews they were present and/or involved in Trump's order being issued.
And that they were astonished that Pelosi, Schumer , their respective sergeants-at-arms, and other Democrat leaders obstructed Trump's ordered security measures.
These Democrats expressed that they didn't like "the optics" of a large troop presence in Washington Square, and so rejected and obstructed Trump's CLEARLY authorized security measures for Jan 6th. And a few days later on Jan 6th, they were begging repeatedly for the troops they had rejected.
I don't know how you can deny it.
But of course, these same Democrats had absolutely no problem with creating "Camp Pelosi" after Jan 6th, with 20,000 armed National Guard at that point, and high barb wire fences around the Capitol, to intimidate and crush all protest and opposition to Biden's stolen presidency, and to hundreds of Biden executive orders. And the Democrat-Bolshevik purge of Republicans from military officer leadership, purged from government agencies, and purged even federal contractors.
20,000 National Guard troops.
There were only 1,000 people allowed to attend Biden's Jan 20 2021 inauguration, so that was 20 armed soldiers present for every person attending. Democrat-Bolshevism on full display, in all its oppressive authoritarian glory.
Seig Heil !And then a second wave of Democrat purging and crushing all dissent in the nex few months, with the Covid-19 mandates, and AGAIN purging anyone (Republicans, Independents, and any Democrats who dared to think for themselves and refuse the vaccine) Including thousands of doctors and nurses in hospitals nationwide,
medically trained people who best understood the medical risks of taking an experimental "emergency use authorization" mandated MRNA vaccine. And for daring to think for themselves and not just OBEY the Democrat-Bolshevik vaccine mandate, they were fired and lost their careers.