pure Democrat party propaganda.
Oh, no! Guy who can't detect the irony in writing this said I don't contribute. Garsh darn it! Guess I've been humbled.

The irony is your trying to claim it is my comments, and not yours, that are ironic.
You're a clown and a moron, with Tourette's Syndrome, Iggy.
You just can't help yourself !
No impulse control whatsoever.
And you'e malicious, with no interest in actual facts or the truth. You have a pathological need to lash out and insult those who disagree with you.
You contribute no debate or facts, just unhinged angry insults at anyone who disagrees with you, not the slightest pretense of debate or a willingness to hear both sides of the issue.
And beyond that, you're just a liar.
You make up fake quotes.
You came on these boards 15 years or so ago, posting Pat Buchanan articles, and fronting to be a Ron Paul supporter, but are clearly on the Left, and have absolute unhinged contempt for ANY Republican conservative, and ANY conservative media source.
And you suck at the nipple gulping up every word as gospel from CNN, Politico, New York Times, and any other CLEARLY Democrat/Left subservient news source.
Sources who have been humiliated REPEATEDLY for publishing disproven obvious lies as if they were news.
THESE people you believe, while scorning sources like Fox News, who have not similarly deliberately and maliciously published untruths in a vindictive attempt to one-sidedly destroy the president or the party they don't like.
cited repeatedly just a small sampling of liberal media reporters who have been caught and/or fired for being shameless activists for the Democrat/Left, and have shamelessly AND DELIBERATELY gotten the facts wrong, OVER AND OVER, in their fanatical partisan zeal to destroy Trump, and to simultaneously prop up whatever given Democrat candidate.
And really, way further back than 2016 or 2020, it first became visible with Dan Rather's fake letter in 2004, alleged to be from George W. Bush's Air Force National Guard commander, but was proven to be false, NOT by mainstream media, but by independent journalists and bloggers in the early days of the internet. (Certainly, NO ONE in the mainstream media made any effort to prove or disprove the letter. They were all on Team Kerry.)
Dan Rather was fired as the anchor for CBS, but (just like Brian Williams, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Clapper, on and on) the liberal media waits a little while., and then hires them back as if they were trustworthy elder statesmen, and not the criminals and liars they have been exposed nationwide to be, re-hired in positions that lend them pseudo-credibility as "political consultants" to tell dumb sheep like you and M E M the lies you want to hear.
More examples of liberal media bias and collusion in a false narrative:
Trayvon Martin coverage.
Michael Brown coverage, in Ferguson, Missouri.
Nicholas Sandmann and the whole false narrative surrounding him, that caused several networks
to be sued for hundreds of millions in compensation , making Nicholas Sandmann a very rich kid for the rest of his life.
Over and over, the liberal media gives us a narrative, that generally within 24 to 48 hours is exposed as lies, that any trustworthy news source would have confirmed before they aired the story or published it. Would have checked, if they were trustworthy journalists, before a MORE RELIABLE source did a 5-minute fact check and instantly proved them wrong, and exposed them as partisan activists rather than reporters.
All the liberal media's false narratives about Covid masks, Covid lockdowns, downplaying how ineffecual Covid vaccines were, and their side effects, and how even having all those risks they didn't work.
Fake narratives about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin (that many fake news reporters like Chris Cuomo railed against, then got sick wih Covid, then used Hydroxychloroquine to get well, then went right back to reporting how dangerous these drugs were, despite that they used them to get well with no ill effects.
AND that both those medications have been in the U.S. and worldwide for 60 or 80 years before the Covid pandemic came along, and are PROVEN award-winning drugs in fighting Malaria, Lyme Disease, Rheumatoid arthritis and many other illnesses, with virtually no reported negative effects. And that the regions of the Third World that still use them them had relatively few Covid cases, during the Covid pandemic.
But it goes back even further than that, to the Democrat party/liberal media/FBI machine's framing of people like Karl Rove's aide Scooter Libby,.
And former Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska)
That in retrospect, looking at these historical prosecutions and liberal-media feeding frenzies, we can see the unholy alliance of Democrat conspirators in federal agencies like DOJ, FBI, CIA and IRS, plotting in unison with Democrat journalists.
( Remember Journo-List ? REPORTERS brainstorming how to destroy Bernie Sanders, to pave the way for a Hillary Clinton nomination?
REPORTERS plotting how to destroy McCain and Sarah Palin with fake allegations?)
Reporters and federal agencies, plotting in unison with Democrat party leaders like the Clinton administration, the Obama administration, the Biden/Harris administration, Pelosi, Schumer and others. In many cases these news networks and newspapers have been caught sending Democrat candidates the debate questions in advance, or e-mailing Democrat candidates stories before airing or publishing them, giving Dems like Hillary the option to spike a story if the Democrat candidate feels it's too damaging to them.
And more.
The Hunter Biden laptop given to the FBI by a computer repairman, that the 97% Democrat-donating FBI buried and hid for over a year, to get Joe Biden through the 2020 election.
State Department and FBI, hiding the red flags given to them about Hunter Biden cash wire transfers, reportedto them by other European governments, hiding these reports to get Biden through the 2020 election.
Facebook, Twitter, and other social media suppressing FACTS about the Hunter Biden laptop, in unison wih Bill Priestap and other (Democrat) former FBI and CIA agents who were then working as executives for Facebook and Twitter. To again again help Democrats still in FBI and CIA suppress the Hunter Biden Laptop story, that
they KNEW was a true and accurate story, that they suppressed falsely with a "Russian disinformation" narrative.
Using a falsified FISA warrant, Democrat FBI agents spied on the Trump campaign in 2016, and another 6 months after, into Trump's presidency in 2017.
And through surveillance of Trump officials, FBI listened in on phone calls Trump campaign officials had with New York Post reporter Miranda Devine, who was assembling her series of articles on the Hunter Biden laptop, so when they knew she was getting ready to publish it, the Democrat-controlled FBI and other intelligence agencies assembled their "51 intelligence officials see laptop as Russian disinformation" letter, a deliberate false narrative, to bury a TRUE story, to help Biden win the 2020 election.
Anyone who can't see the Democrat auhoritarian corruption and conspiracy at the core of all the above is willfully blind to the obvious.