Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Walz is a proud progressive that got free feminine hygiene products in schools as well as free lunches. MN also has paid family leave. You however got the guy who partied with Epstein and was found guilty for sexual assault among other things.. He thinks his daughter is hot.

To be fair, she is kind of hot.

We have a verb here: "daggy". Kind of means amusingly dated or out of style. "Mate, what is with that fucking daggy cardigan?" Walz is daggy as fuck. Then again, I'm 55 this year, so perhaps I should keep my mouth shut.

Comes across as a nice guy. Strong dad vibes. I don't really understand the faux controversy of his military record (I know each side's position on it, but I don't understand why it is a controversy - who can fault decades of service?).

Pimping my site, again.
