Walz is a proud progressive that got free feminine hygiene products in schools as well as free lunches.
Okay, getting past the evasive soft language, and to the actual facts about Walz, it means he put tampon-machines in 4h grade boys' bathrooms. Not high school boys, but grade-school and middle school bathrooms. Because, y'know, boys have such a big problem with menstruation.
Instead of celebrating that, it should disturb you. Boys don't menstruate. It's only about brainwashing kids at a young age, so the Democrat/Left can ingrain Marxist indoctrination for life. Turn their brains into tapioca, by teaching them to accept unscientific fact as truth, to prepare them to accept anything George Orwell's news media and Democrat party tells them to believe, indoctrinating them to bypass any development of independent thought and critical thinking. Or, y'know, be widely scorned as a bigot against transgenders/gays. So indoctrinated to, for the rest of their lives, just accept any Newspeak non-facts as truth. Or else. Same as in Soviet Russia, China, Cuba, or Venezuela.
If you need clarification, any 5-year-old can brief you on the actual biological facts...