I linked the amalgam of all the recent polls above, at RealClearPolitics
She got a slight bump, but it never moved to overwhelming victory margin territory. She was like 2 points up in a few states, but never outside the 3% margin of error. It remained a dead heat.
And several pollsters (Trafalgar, Rasmussen, McLaughlin and Morris, that I can think of offhand) said that as close as it is, Trump would still win electorally if the election were today. And that was 2 days ago, on Monday.
Ultimately, the only poll that counts is the one on election day.
But all the pollsters I've seen project that Kamala Harris' support will continue to recede downward from the high-water mark when she became the candidate, the same way Biden's did, as she continues to make face-plant level gaffes.
I was rather astonished when she wouldn't meet with Netanyahu when he was in the U.S., and just snubbed him. Both Biden and Kamala snubbed him.
I was further astonished when neither Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or Tim Walz, ANY of them, attended veterans ceremonies to commemorate the 13 who pointlessly died in the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal in August 2021.
None of them have ever visited the surviving families, none of them have ever called to offer their sentiments. As a matter of fact, several surviving families have gone to the Capitol to meet with their Democrat Senator or Congressman, and none of them would meet with the families, and actually sent out security to drive them away.
Grieving families!
Drove them away with security.
You know who met with all these families? Donald Trump.
One side looks like an actual president, rallying the country in important national moments and offering compassion, the other candidate looks like they're hiding in the bathroom trying to run the clock out, afraid to be interviewed or meet with anyone.
How much contempt do you have for our military, and for their grieving families, to do that?
I expect that to be reflected in next week's polls.