CBR had a write-up in 2022 about the Barry Jameson pseudonym in my opening post.
https://www.cbr.com/dc-spotlight-profile-fictional-writer-barry-jameson-david-michelinie/Apparently Paul Levitz and David Michelinie were initially going to work as a collaborative writer team on KARATE KID where the pseudonym emerged.
But Levitz was removed, so it became just a Michelinie prseudonym.
There's also another image at the link of the DC Profile for "Barry Jameson", since the image linked in my opening post has expired.
The article erroneously says that "Barry Jameson" was the only DC Profile for a creator who didn't actually exist.
But Profile # 88, "Ted P. Skimmer" is also not a real person, another pseudonym, for Bob Rozakis.
There were a total of 90 DC Profiles from 1977-1982, two of them ((84 and 85) I could never find.
I think they were created but accidentally set aside and never published.
Full list of DC Profiles: