Your problem with Rove isn’t that he changed. The attacks on law enforcement even by someone as partisan as Rove were just wrong . It’s not a morally fuzzy thing. You choose a different path to put it in the kindest words.
Meet some of the violent Jan. 6 rioters Donald Trump keeps calling 'hostages' By Ryan J. Reilly WASHINGTON — The way former President Donald Trump tells it, the men and women who stormed the Capitol because they believed his lies about the 2020 presidential election are "hostages" and “unbelievable patriots” who are being mistreated by the justice system.
But an NBC News review of hundreds of cases against Jan. 6 defendants found that just 15 people charged in connection with the Capitol attack are currently being held pretrial at the order of federal judges. That number of pretrial detainees has decreased in recent months, as more and more Jan. 6 defendants have taken plea deals or been found guilty, and as federal judges have been hesitant to hold new arrestees in pre-trial custody more than three years after the attack. …”
Hi SOM I fell in love got married but lost them to cancer. So I grieved and starting to rebuild a new life again. Heave stuff but I’m doing fine. This was my second time around losing someone from cancer and got every bit of support I could this time. Some really amazing and good people out there! How about yourself?
Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2024-04-1410:13 PM.
Meet some of the violent Jan. 6 rioters Donald Trump keeps calling 'hostages' By Ryan J. Reilly WASHINGTON — The way former President Donald Trump tells it, the men and women who stormed the Capitol because they believed his lies about the 2020 presidential election are "hostages" and “unbelievable patriots” who are being mistreated by the justice system.
But an NBC News review of hundreds of cases against Jan. 6 defendants found that just 15 people charged in connection with the Capitol attack are currently being held pretrial at the order of federal judges. That number of pretrial detainees has decreased in recent months, as more and more Jan. 6 defendants have taken plea deals or been found guilty, and as federal judges have been hesitant to hold new arrestees in pre-trial custody more than three years after the attack. …”
15 people not hundreds WB.
That's NOW,.
But I've seen reports for most of the last 4 years of HUNDREDS held indefinitely in prison, under terrible conditions, mold infested plumbing and undrinkable water, forced by some guards to drink out of toilets, beatings by guards in their cells, tormented in their cells with deliberate severe cold or heat, at least one recovering cancer patient denied medications and causing his cancer to come back. Not given soap or shampoo or razors to clean themselves, kept in darkness for prolonged times, unwarranted solitary confinement, beatings for complaining about their conditions to family or lawyers, beaten for requesting a lawyer, or denied access to attorneys at all.
As I said, only about 600 were filmed on surveillance video going inside AT ALL. And about 600 were initially rounded up and arrested. (Though except for Ray Epps, virtually none of the FBI false-flag agents, who were never identiffied or arrested, but were the ones committing much of the worst violence, and inciting others to. Such as Ray Epps. He the only one identtified that I can recall. So FBI was forced to prosecute him, but prosecuted with a Hunter Biden-like sweet plea deal. )
But then around May-June after Merrick Garland was confirmed and sworn in as AG, his DOJ/FBI ramped up the arrests to 1,300, arresting many OUTSIDE the Capitol who committed no violence or vandalism Arresting and jailing them only to keep the "insurrection" narrative alive and expanding, arresting people (like Brandon Straka) who never entered the Capitol, or did anything to warrant arrest or imprisonment. 1,300 people tormented, bankrupted by legal fees, who lost their jobs, who lost their businesses and homes, because they could no longer pay the bills. Just to torment hem. And to keep a lying Democrat narrative alive.
The reason they were finally released is because the 40,000 hours of surveillance video was finally released. That's why Jacob Chansley was finally released. Probably about the time all these others were released. But that's not any more acceptable, and doesn't make the Democrat-Bolseviks' authoritarian injustice to those falsely imprisoned just go away unnoticed. If Trump is elected, I expect all the FBI and DOJ perpetrators of this false narrative and mass incarceration to endure prosecution. And that includes the warden and guards who tormented them. And a lot of Comey, McCabe and Strzok-like vicious fucks inside the FBI, DOJ and Biden administration.
BOCA RATON, Fla. — A federal judge in West Palm Beach on Wednesday sentenced a 61-year-old Boca Raton woman to 18 months in prison for threatening to shoot FBI agents in videos that she posted on social media. A jury found Suzanne Ellen Kaye guilty in June 2022.
The investigation of Kaye began 10 days after supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. The FBI said they received an online tip that Kaye may have been at the Capitol or knew of others who were there during the riot.
That tip was referred to the FBI office in West Palm Beach for further investigation. Agents then contacted Kaye by phone Jan. 28, 2021, and informed her that the FBI was interested in interviewing her about traveling to Washington, D.C. Kaye asked the agents if they had proof that she traveled to Washington, D.C., according to an affidavit.
Prosecutors said she denied traveling to Washington but claimed she was aware of individuals who did travel there. The FBI said she agreed to speak with the FBI and gave them her address.
Then on Jan. 31, 2021, Kaye was accused of posting three videos on social media, including one on her Facebook page titled "ANGRY Patriot Hippie" captioned, "F--- the FBI!!" The Department of Justice said in each publicly available video, Kaye informed her audience that the FBI wanted to question her about her visit to Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6., 2021. Prosecutors said Kaye announced on video that she would "shoot their [expletive] a--" if FBI agents showed up at her house.
The FBI learned about Kaye's social media postings on Feb. 8, 2021, when they received a second online tip with one of the videos. Agents arrested Kaye at her home on Feb. 17, 2021. Federal authorities continue to seek help from the public in identifying individuals who made unlawful entry into the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6.
More than 1,000 people have been charged in the Capitol riot, including more than 100 from Florida, according to a National Public Radio database.
Amazing how this lady was arrested in my city, and I'm just now hearing about it, about 18 months after the fact.
And arrested for what? Basically for sounding off outrage about FBI's abuse of power. She didn't threaten anyone specifically, or detail any specific plans to actually attack anyone. She just said if FBI showed up at her door, she would defend herself, in a very hypothetical situation. It's not like she was planning an attack on the FBI. I think it was a stretch to prosecute her. I quoted Ted Nugent about 3 years ago, saying basically the same thing, and he was not prosecuted. Probably because Ted Nugent can afford the best legal defense. Whereas this lady the FBI can torment and make an example of, because she doesn't have the resources to fight back and legally defend herself..
I didn't see any specific things the FBI charged and prosecuted her for. And I didn't see any evidence that she ever visited Washington DC on Jan 6th, or that she went in or anywhere near the Capitol building.
Hi SOM I fell in love got married but lost them to cancer. So I grieved and starting to rebuild a new life again. Heave stuff but I’m doing fine. This was my second time around losing someone from cancer and got every bit of support I could this time. Some really amazing and good people out there! How about yourself?
More than 500 pages of internal documents from DC Metropolitan Police concerning the fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt in the Capitol on Jan. 6 reveal witness accounts stating she was not holding a weapon at the time of her death and how "upset" the officer was after shooting her.
"These previously secret records show there was no good reason to shoot and kill Ashli Babbitt," stated Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, which obtained the documents through a May 2021 FOIA lawsuit. "The Biden-Garland Justice Department and the Pelosi Congress have much to answer for the over the mishandling and cover-up of this scandalous killing of an American citizen by the U.S. Capitol Police."
Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was shot and killed during the storming of the Capitol by a bullet fired by Capitol Police officer ??Lt. Michael Byrd. The documents from the DC Metropolitan Police department show that witnesses did not see Babbitt holding a weapon prior to her being shot, and reveal conflicting accounts of whether Byrd verbally warned Babbitt before shooting her.
I get the impression in the testimony shown by the other police officers in the room at the time of the Ashli Babbit shooting, that they are humming and hawing and trying to cover for Byrd. But they still let on that Michael Byrd was highly distraught and "upset" after the shooting.
Because Byrd saw she was unarmed, and therefore he was guilty of a serious crime. And in virtually any other police department, they would not have closed ranks and covered for him. And instead, Byrd would have been immediately suspended, then fired, and then be on his way to jail for a killing that was completely without justification.
Judicial Watch should test things out better and try charging at a police officer yelling and screaming to simulate a riot situation. This is blood on Trump’s hands. She was there because she sadly put her in faith in a fraudster. One who waited a long time to ask the rioters he asked come on Jan 6 to leave. The truth is Trump could have prevented her death by asking them to leave when the violence started. Trump only did so after she was shot.
News that a Trump property is hosting a January 6 "awards gala" sparked anger on social media. On X, Olivia Troye, who worked as an adviser to then Vice President Mike Pence and on the White House coronavirus task force, commented: "Trump hosting a Jan. 6 Awards Gala is absolutely horrid. Celebrating the people who endangered the life of his own Vice President & glorifying violence is a dangerous assault on our democracy & a disgraceful rewriting of history. We must all stand together against him."
Judicial Watch should test things out better and try charging at a police officer yelling and screaming to simulate a riot situation. This is blood on Trump’s hands.
You will go to your grave trying to fly that false canard. An unarmed girl was murdered, and all you can say is "she deserved it." AND TRUMP IS TO BLAME !
Originally Posted by M E M
She was there because she sadly put her in faith in a fraudster. One who waited a long time to ask the rioters he asked come on Jan 6 to leave. The truth is Trump could have prevented her death by asking them to leave when the violence started. Trump only did so after she was shot.
So she was unarmed and behind a locked door where only her face and neck were visible through the glass window, and she deserved to be shot by a police officer ?!?
Trump throughout the day, in his 12 noon to 1:11 PM speech, in his text messages on social media all afternoon, at least every 20 minutes, in his 4:20 PM video, at all times urged only PEACEFUL demonstration in support of Republican House and Senate members LEGALLY AND CONSTITUTIONALLY challenging the rigged 2020 electoral vote, and all anyone supporting Trump wanted was a delay of 2 or 3 weeks to investigate and debate the issue on the joint-session House / Senate floor, in televised debate of all aspects.
If given JUST THAT, 74.3 million Trump supporters like myself would feel there was an honest public discussion, full disclosure and a recount of the votes and process in question. Just as there were THREE re-counts in 2000, in front of the global media. And the rioters were not Trump supporters, they almost all were false-flag agents, at least 70 of them, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.
That 2000 Bush vs. Gore type recount did not happen in 2020, and that is what makes this election so suspect. The reluctance of Democrats, DOJ and FBI to do even a CONSTITUIONALLY PRESCRIBED re-count, of ballots that are legally ordered to be held for just such a re-count for 22 months. To do ANY KIND of warranted investigation, of an election so suspicious.
And if you ask for that recount or an investigation, you're a dangerous white supremacist, you're an insurrectionist, you're (gasp, choke!) RIGHT WING ! And Democrats rushed to shred the ballots weeks after the election, and wiped clean computers and flash-drives of evidence. No chance of a Constitutionally laid out process for a recount possible. Hey, nothing suspicious or authoritarian, NOT AT ALL...
And there was absolutely nothing Trump could have done to prevent Michael Byrd from shooting an innocent woman in the throat through a locked door. That is a deranged non-sequitur by you, with no logical basis in fact. There was video I linked about 2 years ago, that showed Ashli Babbitt about 10 minutes or less before she was shot, arguing with one of the false-flag lefty fake Trump supporters next to her, that I interpreted as her not approving of what they were doing, she visibly yelled in his face and shoved him in clear disagreement. Then a few minutes later, this was one of the guys smashing the glass and pounding on those doors. She was a former Military Police officer, and if you've ever met an MP, they are very meticulous and by the book and cite the law, they know exactly what the law is, and they are not at all the insurrectionist rioting revolutionary type. So she was likely trying to make them leave and stop them from doing any damage. Until she was shot. FOR NO REASON.
When Trump got his fat ass back and plopped himself down after his Jan 6th rally to watch the show he created he chose not to ask his people to leave as things got violent. If he had just acted like a decent human being and tried shutting down the violent rioters Ashli wouldn’t have been shot. She came that day because Trump asked her too. He waited hours to ask his people to leave. Hours he watched law enforcement getting beaten up, ignoring people from his party to shut things down and Ashli getting shot before finally asking his people to leave. Has anyone ever asked him why he waited to do that? Do you ever ask yourself why WB?
When Trump got his fat ass back and plopped himself down after his Jan 6th rally to watch the show he created he chose not to ask his people to leave as things got violent. If he had just acted like a decent human being and tried shutting down the violent rioters Ashli wouldn’t have been shot. She came that day because Trump asked her too. He waited hours to ask his people to leave. Hours he watched law enforcement getting beaten up, ignoring people from his party to shut things down and Ashli getting shot before finally asking his people to leave. Has anyone ever asked him why he waited to do that? Do you ever ask yourself why WB?
You are wilfully ignorant of the true facts, in your pathological hatred of Trump, and eagerness to slander him.
For the BILLIONTH time :
1) Trump in his speech (12 noon-1:11 PM) advocated "PEACEFUL and patriotic" support of Republican Senate and House members inside the Capitol, who were LAWFULLY and CONSTITUTIONALLY challenging the authenticity of the electoral vote count. Following the EXACT procedure prescribed in the Constitution to lawfully do so.
2) Trump throughout the day sent out texts on social media for his supporters to "remain peaceful", roughly every 20 minutes from 1:11 PM when he finished his speech until about 4:20 PM when he released a short video ordering any of his supporters to "go home". And it probably took him at least 30 minutes up till 4:20 to compose, videotape and download that statement onto social media. Breach of the Capitol happened between 2:30-2:45 PM. And verification of that by Trump and his staff probably took another 30 to 60 minutes. (Remember all the false reports on 9-11-2001 that were not proven false until hours later. And similarly, other large-scale live events covered over the last 23 years? Remember George Zimmerman reported to be "white" and a "right wing Tea Party member", who later turned out to be Ecuadoran, hispanic and black, and a registered Democrat who voted for Obama? Remember the Aurora, Colorado movie theatre shooter, who also was falsely reported to be a "right wing Tea Party member", who turned out to be another left-wing Democrat? Remember Jared Loughner shooting Gabby Giffords? Same thing. False reports blaming conservatives, barely a liberal media correction and apology later. So saying Trump "KNEW" at a specific time is total B.S., confirmation of the exact timeline on Jan 6th events was determined much later than during the event. )
Trump's White House staff had to confirm there had actually been a Capitol breech before he prepared and downloaded a videotaped statement to urge his protesters to go home. I've been over and over the timeline with you a dozen times. Trump acted in a timely manner. But again,there is evidence the rioting was overwhelmingly done by false-flag agents provocateur, NOT by actual "PEACEFUL and patriotic" Trump supporters.
3) There is so much evidence that there were at least 70 total false-flag rioters (at least 20 undercover Trump-hating FBI agents, at least 20 DHS agents, at least 10 DC Metro police. And at least 20 Anttifa led by John Earle Sullivan, on video giggling about getting Trump supporters blamed for their own actions) , all DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. And only 60 total incidents of actual violence or vandalism combined. Out of well over 100,000 PEACEFUL Trump supporters.
There were no guns (admitted by Jill Sanborn, in her Senate testimony), and even the 97% Democrat-donating FBI's Jan 6th investigation found no firearms confiscated, and no evidence of an organized insurrection, NONE orchestrated or encouraged by Trump or anyone else.
So what you say, M E M, is a Democrat-Bolshevik false narrative, a lie, a slander, with no basis in fact.
Trump watched his people beat on law enforcement and break into the Capitol and waited hours to ask them to leave. He sent some mild texts as his people used various weapons to beat on law enforcement. Useless texts from an unfit commander in chief watching his people.
Trump watched his people beat on law enforcement and break into the Capitol and waited hours to ask them to leave. He sent some mild texts as his people used various weapons to beat on law enforcement. Useless texts from an unfit commander in chief watching his people.
I don't see any facts to back that up.
Trump NEVER incited violence, he ALWAYS instructed peaceful and lawful protest and respect for law enforcement. He even ordered up to 20,000 National Guard in advance of January 6th to insure no rioting, that DC mayor Muriel Bowser (in writing) , Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi obstructed from being deployed to protect the Capiol. AND THEN, ironically, BLAMED TRUMP for what THEY obstructed. . And at every stage, all day, Trump instructed his supporters on Jan 6th to be peaceful.
When it was confirmed there was a breach of the Capitol building around 2:45 PM, confirmed 30 minutes to an hour after that, Trump composed a video and downloaded it on social media around 4:20 PM, instructing all his supporters to go home. Which to the astonishment of Capitol police there, his supporters immediately did. Faster than even the police who handle crowds in Washington Square every day could have imagined. That immediate departure and obedience is NOT the action of "insurrectionists", but of people who are naturally law-abiding and love their country, even amid an election that was stolen.
It was only later, in the weeks and months AFTER January 6th, that we could see many of the faces posted on FBI's website were quietly taken down and never arrested, never identified. Because they were their own undercover federal agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. Many of whom were the actual perpetrators of violence and vandalism, NOT the actual Trump supporters. Ray Epps, for example. And many others that FBI did a better job of hiding their identities and protecting them from arrest and prosecution, their own agents, there to frame Trump supporters. . The ones who did the actual violence. And to the FBI's disappointment, actual Trump supporters, with few exceptions, did not take the bait and follow them into violence. Even the Oath Keepers convicted were led into it by undercover FBI agents, one undercover agent shared a hotel room the night before with the head of Oath Keepers, who gave the leader a plan for attack, and therefore led them to do things they would never have imagined or done on their own. Following an FBI-delivered riot plan, so a Democrat-scheming FBI could frame Trump supporters as "violent insurrectionists."
A joint venture, by George Orwell's FBI, hand-in-glove with George Orwell's liberal media, and George Orwell's Democrat party.
Given that his followers were engaging in illegal acts like assaulting law enforcement and vandalism you can’t believably call them law abiding. They were very willing to break the law for Trump. And there’s multiple time lines of Jan 6 that show Trump never tried getting help in to defend the Capitol when the attack started. Even his video upload was actually the 4th one and he refused to address it live. Cops getting sprayed and beaten right by him and he makes clear where his sympathy lies. It’s with those that were willing to break the law. MisterJLA has posted multiple videos of the day that capture the violence that you try to cover up.
Trump watched his people beat on law enforcement and break into the Capitol and waited hours to ask them to leave. He sent some mild texts as his people used various weapons to beat on law enforcement. Useless texts from an unfit commander in chief watching his people.
I don't see any facts to back that up.
Trump NEVER incited violence, he ALWAYS instructed peaceful and lawful protest and respect for law enforcement. He even ordered up to 20,000 National Guard in advance of January 6th to insure no rioting, that DC mayor Muriel Bowser (in writing) , Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi obstructed from being deployed to protect the Capiol. AND THEN, ironically, BLAMED TRUMP for what THEY obstructed. . And at every stage, all day, Trump instructed his supporters on Jan 6th to be peaceful.
When it was confirmed there was a breach of the Capitol building around 2:45 PM, confirmed 30 minutes to an hour after that, Trump composed a video and downloaded it on social media around 4:20 PM, instructing all his supporters to go home. Which to the astonishment of Capitol police there, his supporters immediately did. Faster than even the police who handle crowds in Washington Square every day could have imagined. That immediate departure and obedience is NOT the action of "insurrectionists", but of people who are naturally law-abiding and love their country, even amid an election that was stolen.
It was only later, in the weeks and months AFTER January 6th, that we could see many of the faces posted on FBI's website were quietly taken down and never arrested, never identified. Because they were their own undercover federal agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. Many of whom were the actual perpetrators of violence and vandalism, NOT the actual Trump supporters. Ray Epps, for example. And many others that FBI did a better job of hiding their identities and protecting them from arrest and prosecution, their own agents, there to frame Trump supporters. . The ones who did the actual violence. And to the FBI's disappointment, actual Trump supporters, with few exceptions, did not take the bait and follow them into violence. Even the Oath Keepers convicted were led into it by undercover FBI agents, one undercover agent shared a hotel room the night before with the head of Oath Keepers, who gave the leader a plan for attack, and therefore led them to do things they would never have imagined or done on their own. Following an FBI-delivered riot plan, so a Democrat-scheming FBI could frame Trump supporters as "violent insurrectionists."
A joint venture, by George Orwell's FBI, hand-in-glove with George Orwell's liberal media, and George Orwell's Democrat party.
You're an infant, with no ability to articulate a rational thought, so all you do is scream profanitty-laden insults like a crazy homeless guy, at myself and others who are actually able to compose SOURCED and FACTUAL arguments you are incapable of even understanding.
A very low-key and personable guy, who details the suppressed facts about January 6th, and the evidence that protesters were set up by FBI, Capitol police, John Earle Sullivan and his Antifa Salt Lake City group, and the evidence that federal and Capitol police staged traps to smear Trump supporters. The false narrative of "5 people KILLED by Trump supporters", whereas the truth is ZERO people were killed by Trump supporters. But he cites, conversely, witnesses and facts that Trump supporters WERE KILLED by unnecessary Capitol police violence and firing concussion grenades into peaceful crowds of Trump supporters just standing around peacefully protesting.
He provided extensive facts to confirm wha he says, that also support what I have been sourcing and linking here for close to 4 years. There was every attempt by false-flag agents to provoke Trump supporters to riot. And when they did not, and protesters deflected every attempt to make them riot, Federal agents and Capitol police manufactured pre-orchesrated ways to frame them, to falsely accuse them, imprison them, and in 4 cases, KILL them. Roseanne Boyland and Kevin Greeson are specifically cited, that Capitol police tear-gassed Boyland to death, and Greeson was killed in his pre-diagnosed fragile shape by a police concussion grenade. And police falsified the reasons for their deaths, that the police themselves needlessly caused. That a Democrat/Left media eagerly parroted, without investigating the true facts.
He also cited many incidents where Capitol police have gotten away with similar violence and killings of protesters in the past, without punishment, way before Jan 6th ever occurred.
The same program repeats at 11:55 PM tonight, and can also be viewed at the link I gave (above) on C-Span. And these programs usually repeat several times over weeks and months. Again tomorrow morning at 8:55 AM
Since he spent an hour on C-Span citing sources, just saying he has written for World Net Daily doesn't immediately disqualify Jack Cashill as being wrong in what he cites detailing what actually happened on January 6th at the Capiol. It is on you guys to cite what he said that is PROVEN to be factually wrong. And he wasn't. I've cited and linked articles and sources for the last 4 years that corroborate what he said from other sources.
There's also the fact that C-Span felt Jack Cashill was serious enough an author to devote an hour of their air-time to covering his book about events on January 6th.
I haven't looked at WorldNetDaily for about 15 or so years, but they were 100% right on this one, back then :
And by the way, it seems to me that "conspiracy theorist" is a label the Democrat/Left hurls at anyone who cites verified FACTS they don't like. You should save your scorn for these flat-out liars and conspiracy theorists exposed as wrong, usually deliberately wrong, in the oh-so-respectable mainstream liberal media. Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election | Sharyl Attkisson
That persuasively (among many other sources I could cite and link) makes the case for which side are reporting facts, and which side the willing propagandist conspiracy theorists are.
WB these threads are full of you rejecting sources and facts you don’t like because anything that isn’t proTrump is the enemy for you. After Jan 6 happened the gop in large part moved to block any investigation of the event. The republicans that were willing to put country before party were and still are attacked for it. Maga doesn’t want any trial with Trump in it because you guys know based on the evidence it’s not going to be go well for him.
WB these threads are full of you rejecting sources and facts you don’t like because anything that isn’t proTrump is the enemy for you. After Jan 6 happened the gop in large part moved to block any investigation of the event. The republicans that were willing to put country before party were and still are attacked for it. Maga doesn’t want any trial with Trump in it because you guys know based on the evidence it’s not going to be go well for him.
I listened to a Jack Cashill’s segment on Ashli. He leaves out everything that maga world wants to cover up. She rammed her car repeatedly into another woman’s vehicle who got multiple restraining orders on her. Babbit on social media lapped up conspiracy theories like pizza gate. None of that gets a mention. Ashli Babbit is presented in the best light possible who is upset about all the crazy Covid rules. He mentions some doctors that also thought the Covid stuff was crazy. One of them recently got sentenced for punching a police officer on Jan 6. That also isn’t part of the story because maga world wants these people to be martyrs. The FBI is presented as the ones responsible for all the violence on Jan 6. This is apparently a fact because of bomb sniffing dogs didn’t find either of the pipe bombs from that day and other questions that don’t have answers. He doesn’t try to explain why the FBI would try to do something like that. Trump had lost the election and his only hope on that day was trying to make his VP do his bidding. It was Trump that wanted his people there. And it was Trump that avoided asking them to leave after the violence started. Trump saw all this as to his benefit. His wife responded to a plea to get his people to leave with a simple one word response of NO. That stuff doesn’t play into Cashell’s narrative. That wouldn’t sell with his conservative audience. Honestly from what I’ve read of Babbit she had some mental health issues and drank deeply the kool aid. In that sense I see her as a victim but that isn’t useful to maga world and that’s Cashill’s audience. For her effort to stop a free and fair election to help loser Trump, Jack disgustingly calls her a patriot. She is far from that.
You jump from one lying talking point to the next in rapid fire, without giving any sources or details to back up what you allege.
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I listened to a Jack Cashill’s segment on Ashli. He leaves out everything that maga world wants to cover up. She rammed her car repeatedly into another woman’s vehicle who got multiple restraining orders on her.
Source and details, please.
Babbit on social media lapped up conspiracy theories like pizza gate. None of that gets a mention.
Uhh, Jeffrey Epstein? Harvey Weinstein ? Several other prominent Democrat funding bundlers?
To many, the vicious stuff THAT YOU allege, M E M, is "conspiracy theory", that you are eager to believe without evidence, and you just keep repeating the same lying talking points EVEN AFTER sources are cited proving your narratives are nothing but vicious lies.
Even Leftist-partisan Snopes now admits that the allegation Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick was killed by Trump supporters, either with a fire extinguisher, or with bear spray, are lies that have been disproven. It is also a lie that Roseann Boyland died of an overdose. Both her and Kevin Greeson were pummelled over and over with concussion grenades by police (or someone dressed as a police officer) firing the concussion grenades. At a PEACEFUL crowd of Trump protesters, who were just standing around waving flags. Despite the best efforts of false-flag agents to prod them into violence.
Originally Posted by M E M
Ashli Babbit is presented in the best light possible who is upset about all the crazy Covid rules. He [Jack Cashill?] mentions some doctors that also thought the Covid stuff was crazy.
She is presented in the light that she was an honorably discharged Air Forve veteran, a former MP, that she was happily married, co-owned a pool business, and travelled to Washington DC to exercise her First Amendment right to protest a highly questionable rigged election. PEACEFULLY.
Regarding the Covid narrative, it is a FACT that Anthony Fauci and the CDC/NIH lied to the entire nation about how wearing surgical masks was unnecessary. Then 2 months later Fauci completely flipped the narrative upside down,Fauci just 2 months later telling everyone masks were now necessary, and were mandated to wear, to enter any public place.
It is a FACT that water droplets can easily pass through the spaces of a paper or cloth mask, and even through an N-95 mask, and that a Covid virus is even much smaller than that. And if you can wear even the N95 mask and smell water molecules of coffee, then because you can smell droplets that large, the even smaller Covid virus can easily pass through that same mask as well.
It is a FACT that churches, gun stores, and mom and pop grocery and convenience stores, restaurants, and other small stores were shut down as "non-essenttial" by CDC, but simultaneously large corporate stores like Wal-Mart, Costco, Target and other stores, as well as Marijuana shops, liquor stores, and strip clubs were allowed to stay open. Clearly, the virus only infected stores and cultural centers of conservatives.
It is a FACT that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, prescrition drugs pre-existing and used for many decades, were effective in preventing Covid and treating those already infected, and yet doctors who prescribed these treatments were threatened for prescribing them, despite that their patients had a significantly higher ratio of survival than those treated by CDC guidelines (i.e., Remdesivir). It is a FACT that human sacks of shit like CNN anchor Chris Cuomo hysterically portrayed doctors and patients who used Hydroxychloroquine as "dangerous". But then when Cuomo himself was infected, he eagerly took Hydroxychloroquine himself to get well. And then once he was well, he went right back to demonizing Hyrdroxychloroquine as dangerous. Right up till the day he was fired by CNN. Who also continued to demonize Hydroxycholroquine on their Orwellian "news" network.
I is a FACT that huge regions of Lain America, Africa and Asia who have used Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermecine for decades to fight Malaria, Lyme disease and other diseases for 50 o 70 years, had very low infection rates of Covid, even in densely populated regions.
It is a FACT that specifically the Utar-Pradesh state of India (adjacent to Nepal) because it is very densely populated, their government specifically had its citizens begin using Hydroxychloroquine as a preventive measure, and had virtually no Covid infections as a result. Even as U.S. officials propagandized against using Hydroxychloroquine in the U.S., despite that these anti-viral medicines has been safely used in the U.S. for decades treating other illnesses without side effects.
It is a FACT that Fauci and his CDC authoritarians pulled the 6-foot distancing rule out of thin air, with no scientific/medical basis (now we know). Just made i up !!
It is a FACT that under Trump, the vaccine was optional that citizens could make their own evaluation whether taking the experimental untested MRNA vaccine was worth the risk. And it is a FACT tha many doctors, nurses and other staff in hospitals nationwide --the medical professionals who best understood the risks of an MRNA untested new vaccine-- chose NOT to take that risk. And that when Biden was inaugurated, and made that same new vaccine MANDATORY, these same medical professionals chose to be fired rather than take the vaccine. And that while Trump was president, taking the vaccine was a CHOICE, and not mandatory.
It is a FACT that the vaccine, despite all the risk, was NOT EFFECTIVE, the vaccine did not prevent Covid infection, the vaccine did not prevent spread of Covid to other people.
It is a FACT that Democrats loved --LOVED-- the Covid pandemic, and used it as a political weapon to get Biden in office in a rigged election, to crush all dissent, and to purge any conservatives from our hospitals, from government agencies, from government contractors, and from the U.S. military. And tried to resurrect panic about Covid with an alleged "new strain" of Covid in both the 2022 and 2024 elections, trying to resurrect lockdowns and push for mail-in ballots again, but that the public pushed back and will no longer have it.
And those are just a sampling of the verified known facts about Covid, that the Democrat party could no longer hide. Rather well proven for "conspiracy theory", don't ya think?
And that's without even getting into the Democrat-Bolshevik media lies about the 2020 election. Or about the false January 6th narrative. Or about the Afghanistan withdrawal narrative, that it was all somehow "Trump's fault", rather than Biden tossing away all Trump's pre-conditional stages the Taliban had to follow at each stage before U.S. withdrawal could occur. Conditions abandoned under Obama, that got thousands of our Afghan allies killed.
About how the war in Ukraine occurred, that never should have happened, and how Biden's negligence made that war happen. Hundreds of thousands pointlessly killed on both sides. About the Biden administration and DHS deliberately sabotaging security of the U.S. Southern border, while pretending with audacity to be "tough" on border security.
Originally Posted by M E M
One of them recently got sentenced for punching a police officer on Jan 6.
Who? No facts cited whatsoever.
Originally Posted by M E M
That also isn’t part of the story because maga world wants these people to be martyrs.
Because they are. FBI /DOJ malicious prosecution, on made-up fake charges, for purely political reasons.
They were set up with a Geo-Fence identifying them by their cel-phone signals for later arrest, then violently arrested in 6 AM raids at gunpoint with AR-15's, and thrown to the ground when the Democrat-weaponized FBI could have just called each of these people and asked them to surrender themselves. The protesters and their families have been bankrupted and lost their homes because of a Democrat-weaponized FBI that punished them with lawfare and unwarranted indefinite incarceration without a trial,. So they lost their jobs, their businesses, their homes, and were often not even permitted to consult a lawyer, and were beaten in their cells for even asking for a lawyer. And held indefinitely without trial or presentation of evidence against them, FOR OVER TWO YEARS, until they had lost everything they owned.
Meanwhile, over several years prior to Jan 6th, and in the years since, the same Geo-Fence technology was never used to identify Antifa or BLM rioters, or other violent leftist liberal protesters, such as those who invaded the Capitol during the Bret Kavanaugh hearings, or environmentalist protests and riots that also invaded the Capitol. Or against violent pro-Hamas protesters and rioters. THESE people the FBI releases without trial or incarceration, before those FBI arrested even needed to hire a lawyer.
Total double-standard. They imprison conservatives for non-crimes, peaceful protesters (pro-life activists, parents opposing woke indoctrination at PTA meetings, Jan 6th protesters,etc.) all unnecessarily arrested at AR-15 gunpoint in FBI 6 AM raids, when FBI could have just given them a phone call and a date to appear with a lawyer. FBI terrorizing them is precisely the purpose of these 6 AM raids. The point was Democrat-orchestrated intimidation, NOT justice or any semblance of it.
Originally Posted by M E M
The FBI is presented as the ones responsible for all the violence on Jan 6.
Because THEY ARE.
I've cited the facts literally hundreds of times. At least 20 FBI agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. At least 20 DHS agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. At least 10 DC Metro police officers, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. At least 20 Antifa Salt Lake City activist/rioters led by John Earle Sullivan, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. All there to frame Trump supporters.
Of the government agents, their photos were initially pulled from Capitol surveillance videos, showing them committing crimes, INITIALLY the first day were displayed on FBI's website as wanted criminals. But DESPITE THEIR CRIMES, their photos were taken down by FBI, because these were their own guys, that they didn't want to prosecute or have revealed as agents provocateur, so the guys who overwhelmingly did the ACTUAL crimes, to FRAME Trump supporters, were taken down. And the trespassing grandmas and real estate agents and business owners who did nothing more than "trespassing" were framed and overcharged with "obstructing a federal proceeding" and sentenced to years in jail over what should have at most been a $200 fine, and he overcharging intimidated these Trump protesters to sign plea deals to avoid further years in jail. Admit to federal "insurrection" crimes they never committed, but signed confessions jus to end their indefinite incarceration. While the ACTUAL FBI guys who committed those false-flag crimes were never even identified. Despite FBI's photos of them, and face-recognition available o identify hem. If FBI actually WANTED to.
60 incidents of violence ot vandalism on Jan 6th. Out of well over 100,000 people, estimated by Capitol police. And 70 agents provocateur, who were CLEARLY not Trump supporters, clearly there only to FRAME Trump supporters. And possibly even more false flag agents not identified or admitted to.
Originally Posted by M E M
This is apparently a fact because of bomb sniffing dogs didn’t find either of the pipe bombs from that day and other questions that don’t have answers.
Oh, BARF !!
The FBI didn't find the bombs because FBI DIDN'T WANT to identify who planted them. Because they were props planted by the FBI.
Kamala Harris was there within 24 hours of Jan 6th, and her Secret Service detail would have swept the DNC headquarters area for bombs, and found them if they'd been planted more than a few hours before they were found. FBI has the ability to identify someone from facial recognition technology, they can identify them by their "gait" or the way they walk, they can identify them by their cel phone signal. If they WANTED to find them, and they weren't FBI's own guys, they could EASILY find them. But they don't WANT TO find them, because they are the FBI's own agents. The same way they don't want Hunter Biden identified as the person who left Cocaine in the White House. So the video of who left it just "disappears".
The same way Peter Strzok and Lisa Page's thousands of texts just were "accidentally deleted" by FBI. The same way all communications of Secret Service on July 13th when Trump was shot in Butler, PA were "accidentally" erased. It's so infuriatingly obvious. The FBI is protecting the FBI, no matter how much evidence, no matter how self-incriminating. And it's all very in-our-faces, how brazenly they cover it up.
Originally Posted by M E M
He doesn’t try to explain why the FBI would try to do something like that.
I just did. And have done so literally hundreds of times here in these topics.
Originally Posted by M E M
Trump had lost the election...
No. It was STOLEN from Trump. Up ill 3 AM, Trump was still winning in all the battleground states, The "Biden rig" occurred only AFTER fake excuses were made to "stop counting for the night", and Republican observers were sent home. And with DEMOCRATS ALONE in the voting center rooms, Republicans sent home for the night, that an unlikely sudden spike in votes for Biden occurred, as fake ballots were brought in through the back doors and from under tables in these DNC controlled election centers.
Originally Posted by M E M
and his only hope on that day was trying to make his VP do his bidding.
And by do [Trump's] bidding, you mean VP Pence was expected to just do his job and not rubber-stamp a rigged election. Pence could have just delayed the vote finalization for 2 weeks, and made way for 2 weeks of jnationally televised oint-session House/Senate debate and investigation of the evidence, of whether the electoral count was legal or fraudulent.
And it was EVEN MORE suspicious that many Democrat voting centers took ballots, required by election law to be kept on file for precisely such a re-count FOR 22 MONTHS, and instead Democrat election supervisors began shredding them immediately, to prevent any possible lawful 2020 re-count. In 2000, there were THREE recounts , in front of the U.S. and global media. And several more privately funded re-counts by the Miami Herald and other newspapers over the next year in 2001.
In 2020, there were ZERO re-counts, and the ballots frequently shredded in election centers just 2 weeks later, the election center flash-drives erased, the voting machines tampered with, the programming wiped and replaced, so not even one re-count was ever possible. HIGHLY suspicious.
Originally Posted by M E M
It was Trump that wanted his people there
For the January 6th count? YES, in their First Amendment rights to peaceful protest, free speech, and right to assemble and to petition their government. CRYSTAL clear. And remember that there were Republican House and Senate members TOGETHER challenging the electoral count, EXACTLY according to Constitutional procedure to challenge the electoral vote. . Meaning until the FBI's false-flag smear of the protesters on Jan 6 at the Capitol, Republican legislators (and the crowd supporting them outside the Capitol) were on the brink of SUCCESSFULLY challenging the electoral vote by peaceful Constitutionally prescribed means. The false flag riot obstructed that.
Originally Posted by M E M
And it was Trump that avoided asking them to leave after the violence started. Trump saw all this as to his benefit.
Agan, BARF !!
That is such an infuriating and obvious lie on your part.
Trump said "PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support" in his 12 noon-1:11 PM speech on the White House lawn. Trump posted roughly every 20 minutes on social media for his supporters to "remain peaceful" all afternoon. And it was not until about 2:45 PM till protesters (or false-flag FBI, DHS, DC Metro and Antifa) breached the Capitol interior, and even longer till Trump's staff could confirm there was actually a breach, maybe by 3:30 or 3:45, At which point Trump prepared a video telling everyone to go home, which Trump supporters immediately did. To the astonishment of even Capitol police, how quickly they left. And it was only after, across the following weeks and months, that evidence came forward that many of the rioters were not even Trump supporters, but in truth at least 70 false-flag FBI, DHS, Antifa and other federal and Leftist agents. NOT Trump supporters. That the FBI had photos of initially on their website but quickly took down, without ever even identifying despite having photos of them committing crimes in and around the Capitol, never identified by FBI despite his, never arrested or prosecuted. ha he FBI idenified in heir investigation reports as "un-identified co-conspirators" (i.e., the FBI's own agents, sent to frame Trump, who despite face-recognition technology and thousands of hours of video showing them as they committed violence and vandalism Trump supporters were blamed for, FBI never wen after, or even identified.
Originally Posted by M E M
His wife responded to a plea to get his people to leave with a simple one word response of NO.
?!? No clear point, But sounds like total B.S.
Originally Posted by M E M
That stuff doesn’t play into Cashell’s narrative. That wouldn’t sell with his conservative audience.
So because Cashill doesn't quote he CNN / MSNBC talking points, Cashill's cited FACTS don't have credibility ?
Originally Posted by M E M
Honestly from what I’ve read of Babbit she had some mental health issues and drank deeply the kool aid. In that sense I see her as a victim but that isn’t useful to maga world and that’s Cashill’s audience. For her effort to stop a free and fair election to help loser Trump, Jack disgustingly calls her a patriot. She is far from that.
So because she was opinionated, just like you are, she deserved to die, and be slandered by you and the wider Democrat / Left? Nice. She was a U.S. Air Force veteran, happily married, had a thriving pool business with her husband,, had friends and got along well with her parents, and expressed her First Amendment right to peaceful assembly and to petition her government, with thousands of like-minded others. But because she had strong political opinions you don't agree with, she was "unstable". Nice
You seem to find any excuse to portray her as a wacko, rather than admit she had a RIGHT to that opinion, and a First Amendment right to protest a highly questionable rigged election, in a January 6th protest secretly loaded to the hilt with Trump hating false-flag FBI, DHS, DC Metro, and Antifa agents, among others, There to frame Trump and his supporters. Despite Trump supporters' best efforts to challenge a highly questionable election by their First Amendment Constitutionally prescribed means to do so.
Babbit had more than an opinion though. She put herself in front of the angry mob that was intent on stopping the certification. The officer had a duty to protect the people on the other side of the barricade. I feel bad for her but I also feel terrible for the officer that had to try to stop her and all those other Trumpers. I’m angry that Trump didn’t ask his people to leave after they became violent. You can look up Ashli’s car ramming episode on Wikipedia btw. She had issues. The FBI had no motive WB. It’s pretty clear Trump wanted the disruption but why would the FBI help him with trying to disrupt the certification?
I've cited the facts literally hundreds of times. At least 20 FBI agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. At least 20 DHS agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. At least 10 DC Metro police officers, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. At least 20 Antifa Salt Lake City acivist/rioters led by John Earle Sullivan, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. All there to frame Trump supporters.
What's your source for that?
According to the Capitol Police website, it looks like there were 26 officers involved in the riot:
Do you think it is possible that off-duty police officers were not actually there as agents provocateur, but were instead Trump supporters?
I've cited the facts literally hundreds of times. At least 20 FBI agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. At least 20 DHS agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. At least 10 DC Metro police officers, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. At least 20 Antifa Salt Lake City activist/rioters led by John Earle Sullivan, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. All there to frame Trump supporters.
What's your source for that?
According to the Capitol Police website, it looks like there were 26 officers involved in the riot:
Do you think it is possible that off-duty police officers were not actually there as agents provocateur, but were instead Trump supporters?
This WHOLE TOPIC, for four years now, is precisely about Jan 6th and the Democrat party, Democrat-biased media, and Democrat-biased police's false narrative, and how that initial narrative has been gradually peeled away and proven false.
Keep in mind that Lt. Michael Byrd, the Capitol officer who shot and killed an UNARMED Ashli Babbitt, an officer/detective with prior disciplinary problems and judgement issues, was not only set free with no investigation. But was PROMOTED ! That alone to me shows the deep corruption of the Capitol Police department, at least at the management level. And puts in question he credibility of any statements about Jan 6th by the Capitol Police dept.
And I previously linked articles in this topic and other topics here on the subject, precisely sourcing where FBI (article linked) publicly admitted they had "at least 20" undercover FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters in the crowd. (as were described as "un-indicted co-conspirators" FBI's own internal code for heir own undercover agents and assets) as documented in the FBI's own Jan 6 investigative reports, as reported by RevolverNews, and by writer Julie Kelly of , also previously cited and linked here)
How DHS (article linked) admitted that they had 20 agents disguised as Trump supporters in the crowd.
And DC Metro Police (article inked) admitted they had 10 undercover police officers disguised as Trump supporters in the crowd.
And as I said literally hundreds of times, John Earle Sullivan and his 20 or so Antifa members posted online dozens of Jan 6 videos where they were disguised as Trump supporters, and openly said and giggled on video about how they would cause trouble at the Capitol and get Trump supporters blamed for it. And these Antifa false-flaggers were in the room (as I said repeatedly) when Ashli Babbitt was shot. And John Earle Sullivan in his videos was shown speaking to police (pretending to be a media reporter) to panic officers into shooting Ashli Babbitt.
And (in videos labelled as from a user called "Jayson X", that is actually John Earle Sullivan) two of his group, two different Antifa members filmed Ashli Babbitt being shot, FROM 2 DIFFERENT ANGLES.
Regarding the DC Metro police disclosing they had 10 undercover officers, it says very clearly they were on duty working for the DC police, undercover and disguised as Trump supporters. That was 2 or 3 years ago, so regarding your quoted statement of 26 officers, it's possible DC Metro either discovered more officers were there, or were later forced to admit to more undercover officers they already knew about. In each of these FBI, DHS and DC Metro disclosures, I didn't get the impression it was about being honest with the public, it was about admitting and getting in front of what was going to come out anyway.
I don't precisely know what you mean by "are these people all martyrs for the cause?", but Wikipedia while disclosing some facts, is also clearly on the Democrat/Left/anti-Trump side, and gives many false carefully worded evasions and slanted details favoring the Democrat / liberal-media desired false narrative for Jan 6.
As I cited in earlier posts, Wikipedia has multiple times downplayed and vastly changed EVEN THE TITLE of their January 6th listing. First they titled the listing as "January 6th INSURRECTION". When it was grudgingly made clear by multiple FBI officials in depositions that there was no "insurrection", no guns, no organized revolution, that none of the protesters were ever found by FBI or police to have even had one firearm, let alone an armed military conquest or seizure of buildings or infrastructure, Wikipedia toned it down to "January 6th STORMING OF THE CAPITOL". And later that was proven to be inaccurate as well, and they toned it down slightly more to the current ambiguous "January 6th ATTACK".
But even that is too harsh. It was at most a smal scale RIOT, period, the end. Or maybe "FBI and DHS-orchestrated FALSE FLAG OPERATION AGAINST TRUMP SUPPORTERS."
There are (or were) dozens of "Trump supporters" on FBI's website photos of Jan 6th wanted offenders, incredibly never identified by FBI, but still taken down. As I've said repeatedly, FBI could identify and arrest anyone there, using face-recognition technology, ANYONE. So if they are not arresting them or identifying them, it is because they are their own undercover Trump-hating false-flag agents, who were there to incite violence and/or do it themselves, to smear Donald Trump and his supporters. FBI's false flag agents Intended in Jan 2021 to make Trump toxic, and make him lose his popular political support. But it backfired.
How many FBI inconsistencies, how much egregious abuse of federal power and clear violation of FBI and DOJ of heir own protocol (and DC metro police protocol, in the shooting AND MURDER of an unarmed Ashli Babbitt for no justifiable reason. But the officer was never punished, FOR MURDER). How much FBI corruption before you say, they clearly were abusing power to persecute, frame and overcharge Trump and his supporters?
I think there were a few (less than 10%) of Trump supporters who got exuberant and angry, and clashed with police, or smashed windows, or stole a Nancy Pelosi podium, or stole some Pelosi office letters as a souvenir, or peed on a desk. But overwhelmingly, there was a huge undercover FBI/police contingent who did violence themselves, the majority of violence and damage, trying to make Trump supporters follow them into violence, and Trump supporters just DID NOT. In many videos I've linked, masked false-flag agents outside the Capitol smashed windows, and ACTUAL Trump supporters grabbed and stopped them.
So the FBI exaggerated and overcharged Jan 6 protesters. 90% of whom did absolutely nothing wrong, but were still arrested and jailed. Last I looked, there were about 1,500 convictions or plea bargains, 90% or more of them for "trespassing" which should in normal prosecution at most be a $200 fine (even though they were tricked, entering because barricades were removed by police, or by agents dressed as police. At double door entrances to the Capitol, protesters were tricked into entering the Capitol building, in many videos police are seen holding the double doors wide open and INVITING PROTESTERS IN. How is that even "trespassing"?)
In many case after arrest, FBI tacked onto mere trespassing a FEDERAL charge of 'Interrupting a federal proceeding', that morphed a $200 fine into a sentence of 5 years in jail ! Is that fair? You know the answer. NO. .It sure as hell is not. Five of those who tried to plea bargain, and then had FBI prosecutors maliciously raise their jail sentences due to outrageous federal charges tacked on, so their attempted plea bargains stretched from a senence of a few days or months to 5 years in jail, who in shock and despair committed suicide. 5 of them committed suicide, as I recall. Awful abuse of power. For what should have been a $200 fine at most.
And there was no due process, no right to a lawyer (some reported being beaten by guards in their cells for even asking), no date for a trial, or to even know the charges against them, they were just held in jail indefinitely. Unable to work they lost their jobs, unable to have income they had their homes foreclosed, they did not see their wives or children for years. This was not "crime" by the Jan 6 protesters, it was deliberate torment, and political persecution.
And in the case of one Trump supporter, Brandon Strock I mentioned earlier, he was one of many who were never in the Capitol. He was OUTSIDE the Capitol, participated in no violence or vandalism, but he was subjected to a 6 AM raid, with FBI SWAT team guns pointed at his head with laser dots on him, and he was held indefinitely in jail as well. FOR WHAT?!? Again, he was not violent, he was never even inside the Capitol. But despite not being guilty of anything, imprisoned indefinitely, he finally was desperate to sign anything and make a plea deal, just to end what he was subjected to.
So yeah, less than 10% of them are guilty of an actual crime, but even the handful of actual rioters and vandals were vastly overcharged with up to 20 years in jail, way beyond what would normally be sentenced for those type of crimes, especially for first-time offenders. I have no problem with actual violence or vandalism being prosecuted and sentenced proportionately. But at least 90% arrested were completely innocent, of even trespassing, and when you consider the vindictively long and exaggerated crimes they were prosecuted and sentenced for, I would say even the very few violent offenders were vastly overcharged, and while I don't endorse what those few actual rioters did, the FBI made them martyrs as well, with overkill charges and sentencing.
And meanwhile the BLM and Antifa that looted and burned whole blocks in 600 cities nationwide in the 2020 George Floyd riots, were arrested but never charged. Never prosecuted, never even had to hire a lawyer, set free by a 97% Democrat-donating and Democrat-Bolshevik-aligned FBI. These January 6th arrests were ultimately political prosecutions, to destroy Trump politically, to intimidate away and punish his supporters just for standing with him.
In one documentary on January 6th FBI prosecutions, also detailing FBI prosecution of Trump administration officials (such as Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, Peter Navarro, George Pappadapoulos, K T McFarland, Michael Caputo and others), as well as pro-life activists prosecuted by FBI, and parents protesting at PTA meetings to "woke" indoctrination arrested by FBI, the average prosecution by FBI in any of these trials cost each one indicted between $400,000 and $700,000. Even if the accused is successful in proving their innocence (as in the case of Michael Caputo, for example), they are still bankrupted. (In Newsmax's Newsline documentary series, in a 1-hour episode titled "The Persecution of Donald Trump") So the mere prosecution of conservatives is intended by DOJ and FBI to punishment, torment, and intimidation of others who support Trump or protest in support of Trump or other conservative issues. And by FBI Democrats prosecuting these political cases, it is fully intended to be.
Most people cannot afford that vast expense, and have to take a public defense lawyer. Which is to say they have virtually no chance, and will be found guilty. And even those who are wealthy and can afford to hire a good legal defense, the FBI has an army of lawyers who can bury them in indictments and motions, and have way more FBI lawyers and paralegals to prepare their prosecution than even the best and most well-funded good legal defense team.
In the case of Michael Flynn, he spent $6 million on his legal defense, and the FBI exhausted even that. And then Flynn mortgaged his home to pursue it further, Flynn a previously wealthy man, who lost everything to an FBI prosecution. And when he had nothing left and was still fighting the case, FBI threatened to prosecute his son as well, which is the point where Flynn finally took a plea bargain. That Sydney Powell was later hired aas his attorney, to have that plea deal thrown out. The FBI finally dropped prosecution of their own case against Flynn, and that should have been the end of it. But the biased judge made a televised public appeal (to lawyer Democrat fanatics nationwide) to come up with a new / novel way to continue prosecution of Flynn. With a biased judge, in a biased venue, with a biased jury, with a case that should never have even been prosecuted, and particularly after the FBI dropped their own case due to its own emberassingly obvious biases and lapses in FBI protocol in conducting the investigation,. But Flynn was finally found guilty. At which point Trump, watching the case for years, and when the legal system and actual justice had failed, twisted at every turn by corrupt players for 4 years, finally pardoned Flynn.
So I'm more than a bit wary of allegations that these January 6th prisoners somehow "deserved" prosecution and years in jail. It's just one of many examples of how not just Trump and his supporters, but conservatives across the board are maliciously prosecuted by a Democrat-weaponized FBI.
My linked and sourced facts, your lying Democrat talking points.
There is no proof that it was "Trump supporters" beating up cops. John Earle Sullivan and his group of Antifa/BLM supporters were at the center of what violence did occur at the Capitol on Jan 6th. And now it is revealed that about 20 "un-indicted co-conspirators" (i.e., FBI agents) ACTUALLY LED and PLANNED the violence, in an attempt to frame Trump supporters.
Likewise the plot to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer. At least 2, maybe 3 of the "white supremacists" involved in the plot were actually FBI agents or informers. Out of 5 involved, that's at least 40 percent of those involved! By all appearances, it was the FBI who introduced the idea and the resources to kidnap Whitmer, and just got a few witless dupes to follow along with it.
This is a guy I saw interviewed tonight on Real America with Dan Ball (on OAN). Powell identifies himself as a news reporter with 36 years experience, who was among the protestors in and around the Capitol on January 6th, who shot extensive footage of protestors, and identified many who were the ones (recorded on video!) who were at the forefront on Jan 6th who were initiating violence and smashing of windows, and pushing Trump supporters to join in. That Powell gave the video footage to the FBI to identify these men and arrest them, and the FBI evaded any attempt to identify and arrest them. For very good reason. Powell asserts that these men, the ones initiating the violence, were FBI-planted agents provocateur trying to trick Trump supporters into following them into violence, to feed the (97% Democrat ) DOJ/FBI's narrative of "dangerous violent Trump supporters".
Tucker Carlson has also been reporting this story, of multiple rioters being identified as FBI agents, who were the ones actually pushing the Trump supporters crowd to violence, and the liberal media's silence about it, and Facebook, Twitter and other social media's attempt to snuff out and silence his reports on the subject from any discussions or visibility.
The same way the FBI sent agents to Donald Trump Jr., to Michael Caputo, to George Pappadapoulos, to Jerome Corsi, agents pretending to be Russiaan agents or offering compromising Russian e-mails on Hillary Clinton, none of whom took the bait, and in the cases of Caputo, actually reported the offer to the FBI, who he said already seemed to know in advance about the offer, and were disappointed he didn't take the bait.
The same way the FISA court was weaponized against the Trump campaign.
Score another coup for the Deep State against Trump and his supporters, weaponizing government against its citizens, attempting to crush them into submission, by framing them for crimes and intimidating all opposition to the Democrat-Bolshevik power grab.
After I posted it, Powell in his blog states that Google stopped direcing search-engine raffic to his site. And also Facebook and (at the time) Twitter also censored and blocked his posted content, so he had to begin posting on Substack to have anyone able to view his maeriaal.
This was broadcast in its entirety by OAN, I flipped over to Fox News and Newsmax, and neither of them covered it live, or even gave summary of it after the fact. A clear case of important events, that these ostensibly conservative networks selectively omitted coverage of.
The FBI had so many paid informants at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, that it lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” run by different FBI field offices were present that day, a former assistant director of the bureau has told lawmakers.
At least one informant was communicating with his FBI handler as he entered the Capitol, according to Steven D’Antuono, formerly in charge of the bureau’s Washington field office.
D’Antuono has testified behind closed doors to the House Judiciary Committee that his office was aware before the riot that some of their informants would attend a “Stop the Steal” rally thrown by former President Donald Trump, but he only learned after the fact that informants run by other field offices also were present, along with others who had participated of their own accord.
The Washington field office had to ask FBI headquarters “to do a poll or put out something to people saying w[ere] any CHSs involved,” he said, so they could get a handle on the scale of the FBI’s spying operations at the Capitol that day.
“We started getting responses back” from FBI headquarters, added D’Antuono, which helped identify which field offices had planted confidential informants in the crowd.
One paid informant from the Kansas City field office was at the Capitol as the crowd surged inside and allegedly was in communication with his FBI handler “while they were in the crowd, I think, saying that they were going in,” according to the former bureau brass.
“They were trying to stop some of the action happening and they left or whatnot.”
Asked how many informants the audit discovered were in the crowd that day, D’Antuono would only say “a handful.”
The FBI spends an average of $42 million each year in payments to its Confidential Human Sources, according to the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General, which has raised concerns about the vetting process for these paid informants.
In a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday, Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) described D’Antuono’s testimony as “extremely concerning.”
It suggests that “the FBI cannot adequately track the activities and operations of its informants, and that it lost control of its CHSs present at the Capitol on January 6,” he wrote.
“These revelations reinforce existing concerns, identified by Special Counsel [John] Durham, about the FBI’s use of, and payment to, CHSs who have fabricated evidence and misrepresented information.
“The Justice Department Inspector General also identified critical problems in the FBI’s CHS program,” Jordan added, “including the FBI’s failure to fully vet CHSs and the FBI’s willingness to ignore red flags that would call into question an informant’s reliability.”
Jordan has asked Wray to provide a “substantive briefing” on how the FBI used paid informants on Jan. 6, 2021, and “any specific guidelines or admonishments that were provided to FBI CHSs prior to deploying.”
Wray has also been asked to provide all debriefing documents received from Capitol riot informants.
Jordan also wants source reporting documentation relating to former British spy Christopher Steele, who was responsible for a now-notorious “dossier of false allegations about the Trump-Russia hoax.”
The number of FBI informants present during the Capitol riot has long been a controversial topic at trials of the hundreds of defendants apprehended since that day.
Defense lawyers at the trial of five “Proud Boys” recently asserted that the FBI had as many as eight informants spying on the organization and that at least one was with them at the Capitol that day. Former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund has said that, in addition to the paid informants, the FBI had at least 18 undercover agents in the crowd plus an estimated 20 from the Department of Homeland Security.
Up till now RebelNews and American Greatness, and RevolverNews had confirmed from the FBI's own investigative reports there were "at least 20" FBI agents in the crowd disguised as Trump supporters. Plus another 20 or so Antifa disguised as Trump supporters, led by John Earle Sullivan, and extensively evidenced on the internet in their own videos. Plus another 10 undercover DC Metro police officers disguised as Trump supporters, that they admitted to (and I linked) a few months ago.
And now the FBI is admitting that they "can't even count" how many FBI fake protesters disguised as Trump supporters were there that day. And "an estimated 20 from the Department of Homeland Security." Plus whatever else they admit to in the future when forced by further evidence revealed.
So... are these still "MAGA civil war fantasies"... if they're now proven to be TRUE ?!?
I predicted two years ago the truth would come out, and it has. And this isn't even the full extent of authoritarian deep state war on Trump supporters, just what we know so far, with more to come.
Keep in mind also that the Democrat-Bolshevik "select committee on January 6th" has already shredded 40% of their own Bolshevik narrative. Because they know it is false, and if it still existed, it would be exposed and vindicate Trump, vindicate Trump's indicted cabinet members, and vindicate the 1,300 or so mostly innocent people who have been jailed , prosecuted and intimidated into plea deals for crimes they did not commit. Persecuted for almost 3 years, FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON, other than to prop up a Democrat narrative and Bolshevik power grab. If not shredded, a year or so from now the Democrats' own records would be used to prosecute them, therefore the Democrat-Bolsheviks had to shred them.
So does it make sense that an agency would try to audit how many paid informers were there if this was all part of a large conspiracy that maga accuses it of being? All the doubt you’re trying to sow is information given to the public by the fbi. The alleged masterminds