Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
We live in a world where Putin clearly prefers a Trump presidency while Dick Cheney will be voting Harris. His boss W isn’t endorsing either candidate as well as Pence and Romney. The threat Trump poses is superseding what was once typical partisanship.

Because Vladimir Putin said in a recent video interview that he prefers Kamala Harris for the "stability" the Democrats have when their party controls the U.S. presidency?
And she has "an infectious laugh?
(Which is to say, the Democrats are more predictable, more feckless and ineffective, more easy to outwit.)

And Vladimir Putin liked Trump SO MUCH MORE than Barack Obama and Joe Biden, that he invaded Ukraine only while Obama was president, did no further invasions of Ukraine during Trump's four years as president, and then did a full invasion of Ukraine when Joe Biden became president?!?
Wow, it's so obvious that Putin prefers Trump being president !!
Except that, outside of a Democrat/Bolshevik liberal media narrative, the OPPOSITE is true, that Putin backs off when Trump is in power, and was being bankrupted by oil sanctions imposed while Trump was president.

And that as soon as Biden was inaugurated, the oil sanctions on Russia ceased to be enforced, giving Putin/Russia $100 billion the first year Biden was president, so Biden essentially fully funded Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

And likewise, oil sanctions ceased to be enforced on Iran as well, as soon as Joe Biden was inaugurated, that again fully funded Irants proxy terror groups, Hamas (in Gaza), Hezbollah (in Lebanon), Fatah (in West Bank), and the Houthis (in Yemen), that are now atacking Israel on every side.

And China licking their lips at the prospect of Kamala Harris being elected, so that ALREADY PROVEN guaranteed Democrat weakness insures they'll be able to open a third front in Taiwan, and be absolutely assured that Biden, Harris and the Democrat-Bolshevik party will do absolutely nothing to stop it.

THAT is what 16 years of Demopcrat-Leftist White House policy shows, a consistent record of undermining U.S. power from within, surrender to our enemies, and betraying our allies so that they no longer trust us, and at this point are even reluctant to stand with us. But hey, any nation who hates the United States receives billions in foreign aid to later attack us with, and Biden/Harris admits their terror groups unvetted by he millions across our southern border, to attack the U.S. to attack us from within.

THE FACTS show Trump is the one they are afraid of, not the one Russia, Iran, or China want elected.
Only in lying Democrat talking poins could the reverse be laughably alleged. With absolutely no facts to back it up.