Aside from Tim Walz being :
(1) a guy who evaded combat deployment a he last minute, and is hated for it by the troops he served with,
(2) being a gung-ho transgender social justice warrior who as governor put tampon machines in Minnesota elementary school bathrooms to sell that agenda that many parents in those schools despised and were ourraged by,
(3) Walz having been arrested for drunk driving and not reporting it to his military superior officers (that would have gotten just about anyone else dishonorably discharged, and
(4) further with the arresting officer, Walz PRETENDED he was deaf from actually serving in combat by artillery fire (which we all know, he was never actually in combat, and resigned from the military at the last minute to avoid actually serving in combat, to the shock and disgust of the soldiers Walz served with.)

And now this...


Well, you've got to hand it to Tim Walz: Usually, when he makes disgusting comments, it's on purpose.

For instance, take his first speech as Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate. He used the quite serious occasion to make a disgusting joke regarding a fake internet rumor about Trump's running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance, once having sexual relations with a couch -- because that's what you want to think about when you think about the man who's a heartbeat away from the presidency.

This time, however, the Minnesota governor appears to have gotten a bit, ahem, inappropriate accidentally.

According to WXMI, Walz made the remarks during a stop in Grand Rapids, Michigan, a city he said the race for the presidency "could very well go right through."

What got reported, of course, was all the joy and vibes stuff.

"This guy is stuck in the past," Walz said regarding Trump. "[Harris] is focused on the future of this country, the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in."

"What is unforgivable is him stealing our joy. So here's the thing, Kamala Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you, she's doing it with a smile and joy on her face."

Uh, yes. So about that last part.

While giving a paean to the woman atop the ticket, Walz recounted the early years of her career.

Kamala's career "started -- and I love this story -- as a young prostitutor, Kamala Harris talked about going in that courtroom for the first time."

You can tell from the halting nature of his speech after that gaffe that he knows he screwed up -- bigly:

Tim Walz just called Kamala a “young prostitute-r” when relaying a story about her younger days.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 12, 2024

So, in case you don't know the context here -- and believe you me, the Harris campaign has desperately attempted to make sure nobody does -- back when she was in her 20s, Harris dated former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, who was then in his 60s and the speaker of the California Assembly.

Mr. Brown was a flamboyant figure in California politics, best known for a procession of girlfriends who were, um, definitely not his wife. (To be fair, the two [Brown and his wife] seem to have an arrangement where they've been estranged since 1981, with her giving him approval to pursue what, in a video game context, might be called "side quests.")

"A 1994 Los Angeles Times report about then-California Assembly Speaker Brown's 'rush to hand out patronage jobs' described Harris as Brown's 'frequent companion' and said several people referred to her as Brown's girlfriend," USA Today reported.

"That report also cited a column from the Chronicle's Herb Caen that called Harris 'the Speaker's new steady.' When they met, she was 29 and Brown was 60."

In a letter to the San Francisco Chronicle in 2019, Brown admitted he "may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker."

NEW: Governor Tim Walz refers to Kamala Harris' early career as a "young prostitutor."

"Because this started, and I love this story. As a young prostitutor, Kamala Harris talked about going in that courtroom for the first time."

Walz claim is incorrect as Kamala Harris started…

Now, in perfect fairness, Harris would acknowledge that her relationship with Brown was an "albatross hanging around my neck," in part because of the patronage scandals and in part because of other corruption allegations that he faced during his time in office, according to USA Today.

"His career is over; I will be alive and kicking for the next 40 years. I do not owe him a thing," she told SF Weekly when she was running for San Francisco district attorney in 2003. "If there is corruption, it will be prosecuted."

It's worth noting that, while they had broken up eight years prior, Brown also still supported her in that race.

"I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians," he said in the letter to the Chronicle.

Yes, but to the best of my knowledge, he didn't give any of them a BMW \-- which, um, he did with Harris. Just saying.

That being said, if entering into such a relationship with Willie Brown ensured you the same career trajectory as Kamala Harris, California would have 573 U.S. senators, all female. However, it doesn't hurt to get leg up at the beginning of one's career from a man who was old enough that someone once mistook Kamala for his daughter, according to the New York Post.

[ he NY Post story is more than reported, i was recorded happening on nvideo you can watch, where someone asks her if she is Willie Brown's daughter, and Kamala with an embarassed smile answers "Uh... no." ]

And also, it's good to see Tim Walz shocking a crowd by accidentally being inappropriate.
Finally, an untoward laugh that wasn't intentional.

It's hilarious, because we're talking about a female presidential candidate who had sexual affairs wih two famous men ( Willie Brown, and Montel Williams) from both of which she received a degree of media fame and notoriety.

And from Willie Brown, she received advancement and endorsement that arguably lifted her politically way beyond her proven abilitty. That arguably... jump-startted her poliical rise. rolleyes
Trading sexual favors for those positions and endorsements.

That Tim Walz now said was "Her time as a young prostitute-er." lol