Well, another I could mention is Moebius(a k a, Jean Giraud), who said in an interview that when he started doing comics in the 1970's, just for fun he would use a new name with each assignment, each time using a different new art style, until he settled on Moebius, and began consistently using that name.
Another pro who used a pseudonym is Richard Corben, who in his early 1970's underground work would sign his name as "Gore".
(A tribute to EC artist Graham Ingels, who signed his EC work as "Ghastly". Much of Corben's early work was clearly horror work patterned after the EC horror material).
Underground artist Tim Boxell (in many of the same issues, such as in FANTAGOR) also used Ingels-like pseudonyms,such as "Grisly".
I think in their cases, Corben and Boxell were well enough established, and had such distinctive styles that would immediately be recognized as their work, no matter what name they signed it with.
I recall an "Arzach" parody by Tim Boxell, playfully mimmicking Meobius' work, where Boxell signed the first page as "Moeboxell".
And Boxell's art, clearly parodying Moebius, in a 2-issue undergound anthology series titled NO DUCKS (a funny animal series released shortly after Gerber's HOWARD THE DUCK,in which the tributes and parodies began to pile up pretty damn high.)