Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
lol, we live in a world where Tim Walz isn’t worried about getting treated like Pence did with Trump especially after loser Trump sent his mob after his own VP on Jan 6th. Vance probably thinks he’s safe because he’ll follow orders but Trump has already thrown him under the bus a couple of times already.

Yeah, Trump "incited" his supporters on January 6h by instructing them: "I know you're all going to march over to the Capitol, to PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support" for the the Republican House and Senate members who were LEGALLY and CONSTITUTIONALLY challenging the highly irregular (at best) if not overtly rigged Nov 2020 presidential election.

Wow, what a madman Donald Trump was, urgung peaceful and patriotic support for Republican legislators. What a tyrant, clearly "HITLER", and an "EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO DEMOCRACY". panic
PEACEFULLY and CONSTITUTIONALLY challenging an election, through the prescribed legal channels. What a madman. rolleyes

You're ridiculous trying to still fly that false canard, M E M.
So much has come out to prove that Democrat / liberal media lie is a false narrative.

Not to menttion the at least 20 undercover FBI agents (that FBI admits to, so far), the 20 undercover DHS agents, the 10 undercover DC Metro police officers, the at least 20 false-flag Antifa led by John Earle Sullivan, ALL there hidden in the crowd on January 6th, disguised as Trump supporters, to frame Trump supporters.

Democrats' frame of Trump supporters on Jan 6th was comparable to the Reichstag burning in 1933 (that Hermaan Goering openly boasted about a parties after it occurred, that Nazis blamed he Communists for, so they could arrest them, and anyone else who was in their way).
January 6th was a Democrat trick to frame Trump supporters, so Biden, Pelosi and Schumer could similarly do a complete national lockdown, make arrests, and ram through their Stalinist executive orders and other leftist agenda, and purge federal agencies of all dissenters, so as to govern unopposed during the opening year of Biden's presidency.

And that Democrat authoritarianism shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone, because I've been citing for close to 20 years the quotes of Democrat elected leaders and their staffers how much they WORSHIP similar power grabs and brutal purges and tactics by Stalin, Mao, Saul Alinsky, Castro, Che Gueverra, and Xi Xinping.
Pretty much everyone in the Biden and Hillary Clinton staffs, as well as most House and Senate Democrats and their staff as well.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.