This is pretty much where every Democrat has been in the U.S. since the 2000 election.
And just more violently and openly intolerant every election cycle.
From 2000 to 2008, George W.. Bush was the ultimate evil and Adof Hitler incarnate again, hated with an intensity by the Left I'd never seen.
"Ohh OHHH ! if only the Republicans would give us someone reasonable and moderate. Someone like...JOHN McCAIN, " the Whomods and radical Left told us in those years.
Relative to Ronald Reagan, W. Bush was actually very moderate, and a big-state Republican who gave the Democrats most of what they wanted in government spending, wth the Medicare Prescription Drug plan Part D, with "No child left behind" education spending, and with "S-Chip".
Like a Democrat, W.Bush raised more debt on social spending, by far, than on wars. But hey, still "Hitler" in the eyes of Democrats, the ultimate evil.
And then oh-so-moderate and reasonable John McCain became the candidate in 2008, and then the same Leftists who praised McCain instantly flipped without a second thought and labelled him as a "warmonger" and "Just like Bush" and otherwise "extreme", "racist" and the usual. insults and extreme labels reserved for any Republican who dares to be nominated for president.
Likewise Mitt Romney in 2012, another moderate liberal-Massachusetts governor, who morphed overnight into an "extreme" "racist" candidate with all the same labels, as the ultimate evil in the eyes of the Democra/Left.
And then Donald Trump since 2016, who all his life was a New Yorker, with mostly liberal views, pro-gay, who hired minorities to high-level positions in his company way before other companies did the same, who donated for 5 decades to politicians of both parties, friend of the Reagans, friend of the Clintons (Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton were best friends for many years till then) . A registered Democrat for decades, before he suddenly switched his party affiliation just days before running for president as a Republican.
But then... same thing :
Despite being a non partisan pragmatist with friends in both parties his whole life, suddenly Trump was labelled as "right wing", "extreme", and "Hitler", the ultimate evil.
Do you see a pattern here?
This is not new, this is what the Democrat-Bolshevik party is, and has been all along, since at least 2000.
And I've posted any number of Project Veritas videos over the last 15 years, exposing what Democrats are actually saying, when they think no one is watching.
Whether it is people in the campaign staff of powerful Democrat Senate and House members, whether it is reporters in the news media, whether it is executives or low-level employees of Google, or Facebook ,or mainstream news media, or any other Democrat/leftist group.
They ALL say they want to intimidate and silence/censor Republicans.
They ALL say they endorse violence, or even want to participate in it themselves against Republicans.
They ALL say they want to put Republicans in gulags, or have them confess their crimes against the state in televised Soviet-style show trials, that anyone who even served in the Trump administration should be prevented from ever holding another job.
One executive PBS lawyer (on video) said he envisions using Health and Human Services (HHS) to take away the children of Republicans, and be raised by liberal/Left foster parents, to be indoctrinated in the "right way of thinking".
Even Democrat leaders like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, A O-C, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, on and on, advocae or hreaten violence against Republican leaders or appointed officials.
Is it any wonder that grassroots Democrats are violently attacking Republicans, for acts as small as just wearing a MAGA hat?
Or trying to assassinate Trump, THREE TIMES in the last 4 montths?
Tha's a rhetorical question. No, it's not.
This is the inevitable result, of a least 24 years of escalating Democrat-Bolshevik intolerance.