
This next one is a bit complicated, and it's another of those situations where you almost need a PhD in comic book continuity to follow it.

Three minor characters that are intertwined :


[Linked Image from milehighcomics.com]

All three characters started with a short-lived series titled THE CAT (or alternately, CLAWS OF THE CAT), a brief 4-issue series with a female-reader/feminist angle, introducing a young widowed and struggling college student named Greer Grant who in the course of a job she takes for needed income, has access to an experimenttal cat-suit, volunteering in related scientific research. And when she sees another girl hired for cat-suit experiments die, she takes the experimental suit and seeks vengeance and justice for the other girl who died, against the ruthless group who got her killed.
1 by Fite, and Marie Severin/Wood art, Nov 1972
2 Fite, and Marie Severin/Mooney, Jan 1973
3 Fite, and "Paty Greer"/Bill Everett, April 1973
4 Fite, and Starlin/Weiss pencils/Meclauglin inks, June 1973

The first issue I bought off he stands, cover-dated Nov 1972, with series creators that were almost all female, writer Linda Fite (who was the girlfriend and later wife of artist Herb Trimpe), penciller Marie Severin, and inked by Wallace Wood.
The series at least attempted to have an all (or mostly) staff of female creators, likely made near impossible by the sparsity of women in the comics field. Often the letterers and colorists on these issues were women too.
But the series seemed to have trouble keeping a steady creative team, virtually every issue had a completely different creators. But particularly the first two issues were good reading, by Fite and Marie Severin.
The third was pencilled by "Paty Greer", who later became Paty Cockrum, Dave Cockrum's wife, nicely inked by Bill Everett.
Issue 4 is pencilled by Jim Starlin and Al Weiss, both just months after their first work at Marvel.

The last appearance I'm aware of as The Cat was in an issue co-starring with Spider-Man, in
8 by Gerry Conway, with art by Jim Mooney, cover-dated April 1973

And Greer Grant went on after that to to her metamorphosis into Tigra, in
1 , by Tony Isabella, with art by Don Perlin/Vince Colletta, July 1974