Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

Man, Jonah Hex has become a time-traveling maniac !

I recall after an absence a few years, there was a JONAH HEX: TWO-GUN MOJO miniseries around 1995 or so by Tim Truman, .that seemed to be very popular and a critical success as well.

Then circa 2006, I saw another JONAH HEX series on the stands, that I was surprised was once again drawn by Tony Dezuniga, that as I recall was another very long run..

And while maybe not achieving X-MEN-level high sales, JONAH HEX seems to keep coming back in a number of series and storylines, each generating some degree of enduring popularity.

Bendis also introduced a character into his version of Young Justice, called I think Jenny Hex? She was a great great garnddaughter of Jonah Hex, and had a box with all of his future gadgetry which she used.

On the other point you make, about Jonah Hex's disfigurement making him oddly popular despite that, there are actually, across many decades of comics history, many disfigured or monstrous characters who tend to be very popular with readers. Ben Grimm/The Thing, Swamp Thing, Two-Face, the Joker, Dr. Doom, and Orion (in New Gods), to name a few I can easily recall.

Sure, but Hex's face is next level. Hex's skin is melted and partly covers his mouth, and his eye protrudes from its socket. Gah.

Pimping my site, again.
