After her transformaion into Tigra in GIANT-SIZE CREATURES 1 above, the character had a few sporadic appearances over the next 8 years.
The last time I saw Tigra in a comic was in the remarkable title Avengers: Arena. She and Hank Kym were dating and are the chief instructors of the Avengers Academy. (Avengers Arena is a psychological thriller, and by its own confession is loosely based in The Hunger Games. Arcade is transformed from a goofy villain into a ruthless manipulator.)
Before that, I saw Tigra make a relatively brief appearance as the victim of the big roster of the Masters of Evil, where she was beaten up on video as a warning to other superheroes. That was in New Avengers, written by Bendis. She gets revenge, however.
Wow, a few series I was unaware of, so new stuff to check out.
There's another series called
AVENGERS ACADEMY listed, that seems to be more what you described. It lists Hank Pym and Tigra as characters in the series, in many issues prominently shown on covers.
There are muliple series of
NEW AVENGERS , so it's more difficult to narrow down what issues of that series are the ones with Tigra you refer to.
While a minor character, Tigra over the last 50-plus years has either starred or guest-starred in hundreds of issues. Another example of how even a minor Marvel or DC character, that fades in and out of popularity, can amount to a substantial franchise and profit for the company. Plus cartoons and other licensing appearances.
Kind of like Rocket Raccoon, or Guardians of the Galaxy.
Stories that for decades sat in the back issue bins un-noticed, available for decades at cover price or less at any time. Then a new series and a movie made all the stories they ever appeared in hotter than anything else, impossible to keep in stock at any price.