Over the years many ttimes here on these boards, after multtiple multiple successful pushes for rises in minimum wage raises, G-Man has repeatedly linked to articles showing how these policies if implemented ALWAYS lead to massive layoffs, or replacement of employees by automation.
A most recent example being a statewide mandated raise in minimum wage in California. In reaction, companies just laid off employees they couldn't afford at the new wage, or replaced them with automation.
So that benefits these employees... how?
Particularly raises pushed in restaurants or fast food places, where the profit margin is very small.
These policies end up screwing the very people they were implemented to help.
Flipping burgers is an entry level job, it is not a career position.
I would more readily support companies rewarding good employees with partial tuition funding for higher education, as a reward to specific employees who have proven themselves good employees in these entry level positions, after a year or two in these positions. Rather than giving across-the-board pay raises to new employees who haven't proven themselves and earned it.