Well, to be fair, and I hate engaging in whataboutisms, but wasn't Obama not an American citizen (birthers are nuts), Hillary Clinton "crooked" (the emails), and Biden "senile" (he is certainly very aged impaired)?
Isn't name-calling just an indicia of US politics nowadays?
I remember there was a conversation on this MB about McCain back when he lost to Obama. Rob described him as something like the best failed presidential candidate ("the best president that never was"?). He was certainly a hawk. But he had very progressive values around health.
(The tenor of politics changes a lot over time. I'm much more hawkish about Russia than I ever was, and I assume that Harris is now as if not more hawkish on Russia than McCain was.)
"Is it any wonder that grassroots Democrats are violently attacking Republicans, for acts as small as just wearing a MAGA hat?
Or trying to assassinate Trump, THREE TIMES in the last 4 montths?
Tha's a rhetorical question. No, it's not."'
I have no idea about MAGA hatted people being assaulted by Democrats, but those would-be assassins were not Democrats.