

Meet "Sister," the newest Star Wars stormtrooper.

Sister appears in the new book, Star Wars: The Secrets of the Clone Troopers. She is also trans.

According to the book, Sister "expressed her gender identity differently than her fellow troopers, she figured she’d have to hide who she truly was inside. Fortunately, her brothers in the 7th Sky Corps gave her the name Sister as a constant reminder that she belonged."

Translation: Sister was born a male and now identifies as a woman – a woman stormtrooper.

Disney's decision to add a trans-stormtrooper to the Star Wars franchise is a bit puzzling, especially considering that Disney's determination to push gender ideology on its consumers continues to drain its popularity.

This is just repellant.
It makes me not wan to ever again buy Star Wars merchandise, Disney products, or those of any parent or subsidiary company.

And it makes me want to find each of their presidents and marketing directors, and give each of them a thermonuclear atomic wedgie. And more productively, just ask them: What the hell hell were you thinking?

Y'know, last I looked, only about 2% of the U.S. public was gay.
And of that 2%, only a tiny fraction of that 2% are supportive of transgender surgery, "gender affirming care" (i.e. giving puberty blockers and gender mutilating surgeries TO CHILDREN.), and other gay/transgender perversion and in-your-face activism.

Many of that broader 2% gay community are equally repulsed by this, and recognize that it is turning away and angering he wider public that previously was becoming more accepting of gays.

I've seen multiple televised interviews of gays from an organization called "Gays Against Groomers" who have voiced exactly this sentiment, distancing themselves from the trannie activists.

And I used to have a lesbian friend about 8 years ago, who I frequently had dinner and drinks with after work, and she often discussed ghe girl she lost her virginity to as a teenager, who she met again years later at that time, and her ex was transitioning and becoming aa male. And his really freaked out and disgusted her. That's someone I know personally. It first awakened me to the fact that there were divisions in that broader 2% gay community, and that hey weren't all on the same ideological page.

And I've also seen in recen years that puberty blockers and transgender surgeries have a lot of side effects, are painful, and create a much higher risk of cancer for them, and in addition create depression and mental instability. Which is one reason why radical activist groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter like to recruit them for their radical activiies. Because they are already angry and radicalized, and particularly susceptible to even greater radicalization and violence in the name of heir cause.

So this is what the Disney and Star Wars folks are endorsing.