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#1239907 2024-11-05 11:50 PM
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I fully expect Trump to beat Harris, and for most of that last month or so, the "538" site, the RealClearPolitics average of polls, several other pollsters, and a site where people bet on the presidential election, have all projected somewhere between a 60 to 65% likelihood that Trump will win.

The Senate has also been long projected to move to a Republican majority, somewhere between a 51 and 58 seat majority.

The least likely for the Republicans to keep is the narrow House majority, but I hope it remains with a Republican majority.

Florida was called about 7 PM for Trump.

Georgia (on Newsmax) was just called (10:45 PM) for Trump was well.

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Dick Morris has said that the polls in the last 2 weeks are manipulated to favor Harris, as a way to boost Democrat voter morale.

About 10 years ago, I became aware that pollsters (like the mainstream media) have a liberal bias, and manipulate polls to favor the Democrats, and to wage psychological warfare on Republican voters, to convince them their candidate (in any given year, back to at least Bush vs. Dukakis in 1988) can't win, and to just surrender to the inevitability that the Democrat will win.

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I'm going back and forth between Fox and Newsmax coverage.
On Newsmax, anchor Ed Henry announced that California was just being called by their network for Kamala Harris.

To which Katrina Szish responded: "Oh I'm shocked, SHOCKED!!"


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Newsmax is showing :

Trump 246 electoral votes
Harris 177

With states called for Trump, Ed Henry said that Kamala Harris is running out of possibilities to reach 270, that she is "running out of map".

Dennis Prager said that in this year's election, Democrat policies are causing them to "suffer the same fate as Bud Lite".

I flipped over to CNN just for laughs, and they are showing
Trump 227
Harris 153

I maxed out pretty quick on how much Chris Wallace and Dana Bash I could endure.

But even CNN acknowledges Trump has about a 51% lead in uncalled batleground states
Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona, each with about 80 to 85% of their state votes counted.

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AP Press calls it, so that's what I'm following.

Currently 209:230. North Carolina was a blow for Harris. She's currently losing in Pennsylvania with 84% of the vote counted, down about 150000 votes. Georgia and Pennsylvania would carry it for him.

Can someone explain the difference to me between Wyoming and Colorado?

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Wyoming is a very conservative and solidly Republican state.

Colorado used to be conservative, but much of the exodus from California to there over the last 10 years or so has turned it to a pretty solidly blue state.

current calls on the Presidential race

Trump 248
Harris 213

Trump 232
Harris 216

Trump 230
Harris 182

It's always a bit off between them, usually due to partisan biases, but man, I've never seen the network electoral calls so divergent.
All over the place !

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210:246, as AP Press calls Georgia for Trump. It would be hard for him to lose now.

Edit: Trump is what he is, but Donald Trump Jr is such a nepo dick.

Last edited by First Amongst Daves; 2024-11-06 2:04 AM.

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Yeah, I flipped past Fox news, and they just called Georgia for Trump as well, in the last few minutes.

Newsmax called Georgia for Trump about 2 hours ago !

Add to that how Trump is leading by 1% to 5% in the 8 remaining "lower 48" states. (For time zone reasons,I don't think Alaska has even begun counting yet.)

Nevada, Arizona, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania all have a solid lead for Trump (Nevada the narrowest, at a 0.2% lead.)
With Georgia just called, he's already won or positioned to win all the battleground states.

Maine and New Hampshire I expect to go for Harris.

While I was writing this, Fox just announced (1:21 AM eastern time) Pennsylvania for Trump, that gives the electorals needed for Trump to be president again.
That while not 270 for Trump yet, leaves no other electoral path left for Kamala Harris to win.

nana nana nana nana nana

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When Wikipedia gets around to posting all the final results...

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Oh really? AP Press has 93% of votes counted, with 200000 between each candidate.

Assume for a moment that Trump wins all of Nevada, Arizona, Minnesota (it doesn't seem that likely but you never know), Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania... that would be a very decisive rejection of the Democrats by the electorate.

My daughter arrives in Boston tomorrow for a holiday, with a few days in NYC. It is poor consolation that she'll not have to suffer civil unrest while she is there.

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Trump just won Pennsylvania so that's that.

On the behalf of the rest of the Western world, Americans, what the actual fuck.

Dave, you have your well-established views on this which no doubt you'll continue to share, but everyone else, how did you manage to vote a convicted felon / rapist / kleptocrat into the highest position of government?

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Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
Trump just won Pennsylvania so that's that.

On the behalf of the rest of the Western world, Americans, what the actual fuck.

Dave, you have your well-established views on this which no doubt you'll continue to share, but everyone else, how did you manage to vote a convicted felon / rapist / kleptocrat into the highest position of government?

So, what part of Kamala Harris did you like, and prefer to Donald Trump?

Is it the wars in Ukraine and Israel that should never have occurred, that never would have, if Trump had remained in office since Jan 2021?

Is it the hyperinflation, where everything has gone up a least 20% in price? (And cost of a number of things, like energy and mortgages, have more than doubled) ?

Is it the wide open southern border, that invites terrorism, tens of thousands of foreign military from China, Russia and Iran, invading drug cartels, rapists, murderers, and entire foreign prisons being emptied into the U.S., from about 180 other nations, according to Border Patrol agents processing them?

Is it the surge of 20 million illegal immigrants who have no right to be the U.S., who are taking public funds and resources away from Americans, given by the Biden/Harris Bolshevik Party, to subsidize and transport these illegals, at the expense of U.S. citizens?
That are creating a scarcity of housing in the U.S., and surging rental prices, as well as displacing Americans that housing is for?

Is it the draining off of FEMA funds to illegals, that devastated now-homeless people in North Carolina and other states desperately need now, because their homes were washed away, many waiting a week or more just to be rescued, by missing FEMA helicopters and trucks?
Now-homeless Americans that those FEMA funds were created and set aside for, NOT for housing, feeding and transporting illegal immigrants from the U.S. Southern border to all 50 states?

Is it the rapes of at least 30% of all women illegally crossing the border?
And children, many disappearing into lives of forced prostitution or just murdered, about 330,000 children tracked by Border Patrol entering, now lost by ICE / DHS?
At least 30 % of the 2 to 3 million people are smuggled across the border into the U.S. every year under Biden. That's a lot of human suffering. Illegals who then owe debt to the cartels and are forced to commit crimes in the U.S.for cartels, to pay that debt, for many years into the future.

Is it the risk of yet another war front opening up in Taiwan, that China is clearly preparing for, and the more than 100 Chinese military jet sorties over Taiwan occurring every day in preparation for that? Kamala Harris and her benefactors would look the other way and let our ally Taiwan be overthrown without a shot fired. Whereaas Trump will deter another war from occurring.

Do you like Biden/Harris because of the over 100,000 Americans now dying every year from Fentanyl smuggled into the U.S. over the last 4 years? That's way more annual deaths than the total deaths in any war in U.S. history. And make no mistake, it is open asymmetrical warfare on the U.S by China, along with an estimated 600 billion in cyber-theft from U.S. companies by China (and from European and Australian companies beyond even that.).

What is so great about the Democrat/Bolshevik managed decline and collapse of the United States?
The enabling of all these wars and suffering that Trump is committed to stop?
And Kamala Harris (and her globalist puppetmasters) orchestrate and want all this to happen, at the expense of hundreds of millions of people, not just in the U.S, but worldwide.

Oh yeah, Kamala Harris and the Democrats are great.
It's too bad Harris and the Democrats didn't win the election, to continue that party.
Yep, it's too bad Donald Trump will take decisive action to fix all these problems, that otherwise would have been left in place, continuing to run wild.
Just TOO BAD that U.S. citizens and foreign visitors here will be safer because of Trump leading the country and securing is borders.
Yeah, what a shame Trump will be back in power, dismanling all that that globalist corruption, wars and human suffering.

I don' know how you as a lawyer cannot see how Trump was maliciously persecuted and indicted on fake made-up crimes, and forced to pay hundreds of millions of dollars for crimes he clearly did not commit.
FOUR simultaneous indictments, right before the 2024 election?
Al Capone, John Gotti, or Osama Bin Ladin were never subjected to something like that. It's like a court system out of Soviet Russia, Communist China, Castro's Cuba, Hugo Chaves' or Meduro's Venezuela, or what is currently being done to Bolsanaro and his ministers by the new Leftist government in Brazil.
EXACTLY the plan of what they would like to do to Trump and his supporters, right down to a rigged election and then jailing all dissenters, even those just commenting about the election online in Brazil.
Thought crime.

Prosecuting Trump on fake crimes. While ignoring far more obvious crimes, by Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Bill Priestap, John Brennan, James Clapper and others.
Unlike Trump, they were never even indicted, NEVER EVEN INVESTIGATED.
In many cases, DOJ and FBI deliberately destroyed the evidence of their crimes. Your weaponized 97% Democrat-donating FBI and DOJ. Covering for their Democrat-Bolshevik friends.

While simultaneously manufacturing fake crimes involving Trump, by malicious party-loyalist Democrat prosecutors, who then judge-shopped their cases to ultra-Democrat-partisan judges, then held the trials in jury venues that were upwards of 90% jury-pools of Trump-haters, who were salivating at the prospect of finding Trump guilty of ANYTHING, just to get him, before a single word of evidence was presented in court, just to damage Trump politically, and get a Democrat elected president in 2024

Oops for the Democrats. It didn't go as planned, despite all that abused legal power.
It was beautiful the way these cases all were exposed as corrupt, and how most collapsed completely, and even the few convictions on bogus charges exposed the obvious bias of the prosecutors and judges who pulled those convictions off.
And will eventually be thrown out on appeal.

AND YOU SUPPORT THAT?!? Every one of these cases was perversely biased and unfair.
If you don't believe me, look up the editorials about them by Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley. No one too important, just the two most respected legal minds in the U.S.
How can you POSSIBLY call that justice, or Trump a criminal, on the most specious and fabricated of evidence?

In the case of E. Jean Carroll, she is a complete nut job, with some very odd ideas about sex.
Live on air, she told Anderson Cooper on CNN that rape is "sexy". Cooper couldn't go to a commercial break fast enough !
But even that attempted cover-up by Anderson Cooper couldn't hide how crazy and delusional this woman is. She accused Trump of raping her in an upscale department store, but she couldn't identtify exactly where or when, or even the date or what year.
And the jury found Trump innocent of rape, but found him guilty of some weirdly obscure definition of sexual assault, ANYTHING to smear Trump just enough to prevent him from being elected.
But to a majority of the public, it was an obvious frame, and a vile abuse of the legal system to take out their Republican opponent.

EVERY ONE of these cases was schemed, orchestrated, and conferenced between all 4 prosecuiting out-of-state Democrat-partisan D.A's (Manhattan, New Y.ork state DA, Fulton County, Georgia, and Jack Smith in Washington DC) . each coordinaing sinisterly (politically) with the Biden DOJ leadership.
As was proven YET AGAIN in the testimony of Nathan Wade and Miss fuck-me-in-every postition-in-a- luxury-hotel-room-paid-for-on-the taxpayer's tab Fani Willis.

And the alleged real estate estimated value fraud by Trump (Mar A Lago arbitrarily alleged by judge Engoran to only be worth $19 million, based on no professional assessment, while every qualified real estate assessor, including the Deutsche Bank who gave Trump he business loan, assess the Mar A Lago property to more realistically be worth in the range of $1 Billion.)
Where there was absolutely no victim, where Deutsche Bank used their own property assessors, said Trump's estimated value was the same as their own independent assessors, that Trump never missed a payment, re-paid the loan on time, that Deutsche Bank made an enormous sum on loan interest, that they were very happy with the Trump organization, and would gladly loan to them again.
No crime.
Except the one the unhinged Democrat judge and unethical Democrat prosecuting D.A. plotted to make up.

WHAT PART OF THIS looks like due process and legitimate use of the law to you?
And not the made up lawfare and persecution of a political opponent that it truly is?

[ My best Joe Biden impression : ]
"C'mon man ! "

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*So, what part of Kamala Harris did you like, and prefer to Donald Trump?*

In response, I'm going to concentrate on that question, the good things that Harris might have brought.

1. Russia invaded Ukraine to instal a puppet. Ukraine unexpectedly fought back. I disagree with the idea of takeover of a democratic country by force. Ukraine is starting to lose. Harris would have continued support for it. Some people that Ukraine is a neo-Nazi state (I've read plenty of that from conservatives on Reddit). Regardless, degrading the Russian non-nuclear military so it is so rundown that it can't attack America's interests and actual allies, all without losing a single soldier, has got to be a good thing for global security.

2. Abortion rights. I am not much of a fan of abortion - I become less favourable to it the older I get - but I can't stomach legislation which interferes in a woman's reproductive rights. Harris would have codified Roe v Wade. That won't happen now. Some women can't afford to leave a state to get an abortion. There'll be deaths as a consequence.

3. no tariffs on China. People will still buy Chinese-made goods. Chinese-made parts are built into many American-manufactured consumer goods. China itself doesn't get hit with tariffs - it is the American business which imports them which is hit. The cost will be passed along by the importer to the consumer. That fuels inflation. I don't think most Trump voters understand that.

4. immigration. (Australia is not very good on this either.) The costings on deporting millions of undocumented refugees will be in the hundreds of billions. Some sections of agriculture will collapse without workers. America's debt will increase. ICE's activities in the last Trump presidency were cruel. People can do the wrong thing by a country's laws - illegally immigrate - but that doesn't justify institutionalised governmental cruelty as a response. You'll end up with civil unrest as a consequence.

5. the integrity of American civil society. I think Harris might have worked to heal some of those divisions. I get the impression that Biden tried, but probably not hard enough. Trump has no track record or inclination to do that.

I have no idea what Harris might have done on the human abattoir which is Gaza. It is possible she might have tried to deal with it. We'll never know.

Housing is an issue in most Western countries. We have an acute housing shortage here and my daughter who sometimes lives in Copenhagen says there is one there, too. There's no economic relationship between foreign immigrants and a housing shortage. I don't know what the solution to that is.

Intellectual property theft works both ways nowadays. China is much more advanced in some technology areas than Western countries.

As to fentanyl, it is horrific. I know the key ingredients are manufactured in China, and the PRC government has no incentive to stop factories from making those ingredients, provided they're exported. I don't know what the solution is to that. Sooner or later, China will have its own severe fentanyl problem (if it does not already) and then there might be global action on it.

No one in the election talked about climate change, no doubt because fracking is such a big issue in rural Pennsylvania, whereas it is an enormous issue in most Western countries. I can't see Harris having done much about that.

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Lots of people look to have sat this one out on both sides. I'm no Trump fan, but Tulsi joining the team to kill Harris's career aspirations for a second time is amusing.

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The meltdowns today have been extreme. A lot of it are still the "woke" nonsense that didn't help this time around. Democrats are oddly the ones that are the bitter clingers hanging onto the Sixth Party System rather than reckoning with the fact it is dead.

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Greg Gutfeld was hilarious, and right on the money in him and his panel's post-2024 election discussion tonight.

It was on at 11 PM, and repeats at 3 AM if you're up for it.
Or if you subscribe to Fox news Plus (which I don't), where you can watch it anytime.

Here it is on Youtube, where it'll be up for a short while (usually they delete Fox shows after about 24 hours)
Gutfeld, Nov 6 2024, Tuesday

And here's an oldie but goodie I love from Gutfeld, from before the 2020 election (although it fits better in 2024)
Gutfeld, Oct 2020

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Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
Trump just won Pennsylvania so that's that.

On the behalf of the rest of the Western world, Americans, what the actual fuck.

Dave, you have your well-established views on this which no doubt you'll continue to share, but everyone else, how did you manage to vote a convicted felon / rapist / kleptocrat into the highest position of government?

I think the high inflation made it possible. This happened around the world with countries voting out controlling parties. And all the insane Trump stuff is no longer shocking these days. I don’t think the country has fundamentally changed and when Trump overreaches (and he will) he’ll lose support and the midterms will deliver a course correction. The scary part is Trump can and will do a lot of damage.

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Yeah, well.. what also made it possible for Trump to be re-elected is that he:

  • * did a fantastic job in his first term, and kept more campaign promises to voters than any president, more than even Reagan,

    * made the U.S. energy-independent for the first time in 75 years, cutting the price of gas by 50% in his first term (and easily will again in January),

    * re-builtt our destroyed and overburdened milittary (and will again in January),

    * re-negotiated trade agreements with all our major trading partner nations worldwide, re-negotiated in the U.S.'s favor,

    * secured the southern border for the first time in over 50 years, that as ICE director Tom Homan said, "I've served under 7 presidents, and Trump is the only one to take securing the border seriously". (And Trump will quickly secure it again in January.)

    * Trump further gave the U. S. the best economy in over 50 years, the highest growth in wages for workers in over 50 years, incentivized bringing factories and jobs back to the U.S., slashed regulation that was strangling economic growth, created the highest ratio of new home buyers in decades, the highest ratio of new black home-buyers ever, the lowest unemployment in recorded history for blacks, hispanics, people under 30, and the lowest unemplyment for women in over 50 years (And will again.)

    * Trump secured the middle east with the Abraham Accord, for which he should have won a Nobel Peace Prize (that Biden and the Democrats immediately set about destroying, that as a result, Israel now is now fighting war against Iran and its proxies on all sides (that Trump will secure again in January)

    * Resisting pushes by Neo-Con advisors during his 2017-2021 first term, Trump prevented wars and escalations, and with soft power short of military force, mostly with economic sanctions, dis-incentivized aggression by all the world's worst players.

As opposed to piece-of-shit Biden and the Democrats, who caused the disgraceful collapse and withdrawal from Afghanisan, that green-lighted Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Biden ceased enforcing oil sanctions on Iran, thus giving them $100 billion to fund terrorist proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, the Houthis, and Iran's now-accelerated nuclear program.

Not to mention Biden and Harris compromising U.S. border security and letting in 20 million illegal immigrants, among them tens of thousands of Islamic, Russian and Chinese military and terrorist cels, here to do massive sabotage inside the U.S. when activated by their leaders.

NONE of that existed when Trump was president.

In contrast to Trump's remarkable accomplishments, both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris did the absolute worst job in their 4 years, were ideologically dug in, and indifferent to the will of the American people. And each followed up, first Biden, and then politburo-appointed Kamala Harris, both running the very worst campaigns.

And on top of that, these Democrat-Bolsheviks weaponized government against Trump, and an overwhelming majority of American voters were outraged by these Stalinist show-trials based on utterly fake made-up "novel cases".

For example, the Judge Juan Merchan case, where Michael Cohen without Trump's knowledge paid off about $160,000 to Stormy Daniels in a non-disclosure agreement, not because Trump did anything wrong, but just an agreement to silence her and keep her from slandering Trump, as she has accused and slandered others before Trump,.
And way back in 2006, Stormy Daniels (a k a Melanie Clifford) , after Trump declined to give her a position on The Apprentice series, she openly talked about her backup plan being to publicly exploit her association with Trump just to make money, with whatever story she could contrive about Trump..
So she was quietly paid off by Cohen in a non-disclosure agreement (as many famous and wealthy celebrities and business people do all the time).
And then Cohen, AFTER the election, notified Trump. And then Cohen was re-imbursed with a check labelled "legal expenses". Which it was, a non-disclosure agreement is a legal expense (and that's not even getting into the fact that Cohen further over-billed Trump $40,000 beyond that cost, deliberate FRAUD Cohen admitted to in court, just because he felt Trump should give him a bonus.

Then the case was filed against Trump. And EVEN IF "legal expenses" were an improper label of the check, the maximum "crime" for that would be a fine of just $200.
AND the statute of limitations to even do that much had already expired.

So Leticia James and Judge Merchan manipulated the law in a "novel case" (for which no other human being in history has ever been indicted before), taking the same piddly alleged offense and re-invented it as 34 new FEDERAL charges, with an outrageous potential sentence of many years in prison for Trump.
And a hyper-partisan 92% Trump-hating Manhattan jury licked their lips and eagerly convicted Trump of "34 federal charges" (contrived charges, fake, made up, just for Trump, no one else on the planet) just to smear him politically and try to destroy his chances of re-election in 2024.

Needless to say, it didn't work, more voters were outraged by this Democrat-Bolshevik over-reach, while a minority of M E M's nationwide were duped or maliciously bought into these allegations just because, y'know, HATE TRUMP.

There are FOUR cases like that.
And even the two most highly regarded constitutional lawyers, and DEMOCRATS, Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz, say these cases are completely bogus and should never have been charged against Trump.
And even if convicted, in their highly qualified legal opinion these charges will eventually be overturned, either in the state courts, the circuit court, or the U.S. Supreme Court. That these are specious fake cases, woven out of specious fake law, indicted by fanatical Democrat-Bolshevik prosecutors, judge-shopped to fanatical Democrat-Bolshevik judges. And cases tried in very selective over-90% Trump-hating Democrat pockets of the country, by juries who, as is crystal clear, are EAGER and gleeful at the opportunity to convict Trump.

And this follows the same pattern as the prosecutors, judges and juries in the Michael Flynn, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon and Roger Stone cases. Democrat-Bolshevik show-trials

Ohhh, OHHH !! [ Clutch pearls] How could his happen? Trump is a convicted felon / rapist / kleptocrat, how can he be permitted to take he highest position in government?!?

No, not really. Made-up fake charges, just to destroy his candidacy. But it didn't work.
And it scares me that you two (and tens of million like you) see these cases as reality, and not the Bolshevik lawfare that it truly is.
But you're apparently too blinded by ideology to see it.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

But you're apparently too blinded by ideology to see it.

I think the surest bet besides Trump overreaching in the next 2 years is you will be the same WB.

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Former House speaker New Gingrich, on the underlying cause and ramifications of Trump's presidential victory for a second term.
And the significant shift in the nation, in the Republican party, and how it makes Trump an even stronger president in his second term. How he is actually stronger by learning from his first term mistakes, and even from from losing, and re-strategizing from that after the 2020 election.

'REVOLUTIONARY': Newt Gingrich reveals what's coming next for Trump's GOP

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In less than 36 hours after Trump was elected, Vladimir Putin called Trump to discuss potentially ending the Ukraine-Russia war.
(NOTE: Joe Biden has not spoken with Putin in 2 and half years to negotiate. NEVER made any effort to resolve that conflict, the hundreds of billions spent on war, and the hundreds of thousands dying in what has been called a brutal and almost medeival war.)

China's ruler Xi Xinping likewise called Trump to congratulate him on his election victory, and to express wishes for peaceful co-existence.

The stock market the day after Trump was elected immediately saw its greatest increase in 2 years.

Caravans of illegal immigrants headed for the U.S. border through Mexico immediately began to break up.

Leaders of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis also made phone calls, suddenly offering to negotiate peace.

Without any action or comment of any kind by Trump yet, the Iranian currency saw a massive collapse in value that first day after the election, in global anticipation of the sanctions Trump will enact upon Iran immediately after he is inaugurated. Instantly shriveling Iran's capacity to fund continued war and terrorism.

Just the KNOWING that Biden and Harris will be gone, and that in polar opposition to the feckless last 4 years, Trump will be coming back into office with a clear and decisive plan to deal with all these conflicts, has brought about all this, and more. The mere idea of Trump in office is restoring sanity in the world, and sowing peace and economic growth.

And as of this writing, just 8 days after the election, Trump has appointed virtually all of his cabinet and administration at a remarkably fast pace. Names that make clear a sharp change for the better, names recognizable, proven and experienced, fiercely patriotic and America-first, strongly pro-Israel, loyal to Trump, who have great respect for Constitutional law and freedoms, and vision to set in place a future consistent with that history.
And above all, respect for the will of the American people who elected them.

That is a massive sea change from the Marxist/socialist authoritarianism and power-grabs of the Democrats since 2008, even resisting Trump and trying to usurp Trump from within the federal government during his first 2017-2021 term, with a weaponized FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSC, IRS and other federal agencies.
Trump attempted to be bi-partisan and inclusive in his first term, but the Democrat-Bolsheviks and RINO Republicans used that inclusion to undermine and to overthrow him, and at the very least succeeded in crippling his presidency.
First using an FBI "Russia collusion" probe based on nothing (but giving a free pass to Hillary Clinton and her staff, who actually did all the things Trump was falsely accused of).
Then a Mueller investigation (all Democrat lawyers and campaign donors).
Then 2 malicious and completely political impeachments (by a Democrat-controlled House, with a handful of RINO Republicans who quickly were voted out themselves in the very next election).
Plus hundreds of leaks mostly from Obama leftovers in the NSC (such as Lt. Col. Vindman, and Obama-adored Eric Ciaramela).
Plus endless other investigations, and further sourceless outrageous unproven news-media promoted false allegations, many of hem PROVEN to be false just days or weeks after being reported.

Ohh, ohh !! How AWFUL that Trump demands strong loyalty in his new administration picks !! , whine Democrat leaders and the aligned Democrat-Bolshevik liberal media.
Yeah, because he was burned so badly before in his first term when he tried to be all-inclusive. Never has a president been stabbed in the back so many times, except maybe Julius Ceasar.
So fuck yes, loyalty in his selected team is crucial, so that can't be allowed to happen again. Gee, what a surprise.

Trump is moving quickly and with great forethought, so his administration can hit the ground running on January 20th.

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Rep. Jamie Raskin's Democrat plan to prevent Trump inauguration


Oh yeah.
In Democrat Newspeak, it's REPUBLICANS who are "insurrectionists" who undermine the Constitution and overthrow democracy.
Even as Democrats themselves manufacture pseudo-constitutional schemes to circumnavigate the law and implement Marxist/socialist authoritarian destruction of actual constitutional checks and balances, to create a system where they can never lose another election.

  • 1) Democrats openly saying they want to federalize elections, and take away individual laws of the 50 states of how each chooses to conduct their elections. So that only the party in power (the Democrats, of course !) can even challenge a fraudulent election. And so Democrat-Bolsheviks can have permanent control of the country for at least 100 years.

    2) Democrats openly saying they plan to make Washington DC and Puerto Rico states. (Despite that DC was created as a district, purposely made separate from all 50 states, specifically so no state would have undue influence over the nation, by having the federal Capitol in it. It was specifically created to NOT be a state, or be included in one. And Puerto Rico has never met the criteria to become a state by making English its territorial language, as is required to qualify to become a state. But Democrats plot to make these two places into states because they are overwhelmingly Democrat. Which would add 4 more permanently Democrat senators, thus giving the Democrats a permanent unbreakable Senate majority. )

    3) Democrats want to eliminate the Senate filibuster that allows the minority party to still have a voice and propose legislation. Eliminate it to further marginalize and crush all Republican dissent and representation.

    4) Democrats want to eliminate the electoral college voting system. That despite the founders' Constitutional system of checks and balances, put in place to prevent population centers from eclipsing the voting power of smaller states, Democrats want to eliminate that electoral college check, again just to cheat the system and crush all dissent, allowing a few population centers like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles to snuff out all representation in future elections for smaller states.

    5) Democrats want (as was last tried by FDR) to stack the U S Supreme Court with liberal/Democrat justices, to again rig a branch of government so Democrats never again lose a legal battle. They want to expand the number of justices from the current 9 justices to 12 or 16, however many it takes to eclipse the number of Republican/conservative justices, and again create a Democrat-Bolshevik permanent majority in yet another branch of government. Another constitutional check and balance to be destroyed, just so Democrats can consolidate permanent unbreakable power over another branch of government.

    6) "Green New Deal", "Cap and Trade" and other controls, done in the name of ecological preservation and preventing global warming. But this is another scheme to crush our economy and free market system with punishing federal controls to drive private industry out of business, and make the entire country dependent on federal government to provide them with jobs, income, food, healthcare, and all other needs. Monitors put in cars and in homes to measure individual energy usage is yet another scheme to control people, to monitor or limit their ability to travel, by making travel or car ownership unaffordable to most people, and even if affordable, government can track their movements.
    (This is also in unison with the U.N.'s "Agenda 21", using environmentalist concerns as an excuse to drive self-sufficent people out of rural farms and towns, into densely populated metropolitan areas, where they can control large populations with surveillance, and if they dissent, deprived of the ability to have independent incomes or grow their own food, can be starved into submission.

    7) Central Bank Digittal Currency (CBDC), where as is done in China, if the federal government doesn't like the speech and actions of any citizen, they can freeze their bank accounts and destroy their dissent.
    I'd add that the Canadian-Bolshevik government did this to a Covid-related truck drivers' strike a few years ago, and even froze the bank accounts of the people who gave them food and support, to shut down their strike. A Canadian government tactic that drew praise from Democrat leaders in the U.S., and fired their imaginations of how to implement the same type of authoritarian controls here in the U.S.

Others, I forget.

This is not speculation, Democrats have clearly said they plan to do these things.
As clearly as Raskin above.

Which are the insurrectionists trying to overthrow our Constitution, create authoritarian controls, and enslave the American people?
And which party is protecting our contract government and its people ?

You know the answer. And so do a majority who voted in the 2024 election.

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  • By Zachary Faria, Washington Times, November 13, 2024

    Believe it or not, Election Day was one week ago. Apparently, no one thought to tell California.

    California is still counting votes at a glacial pace, with fewer than 76% of statewide votes counted as of Monday night. According to the New York Times election results tracker, there are still nine House races in California where we do not know who won, along with nine state Senate races, 21 state Assembly races, and two of the ten statewide ballot propositions. In 43 House, state Senate, and Assembly races, California hasn’t even counted 70% of the votes.

    One week after the election, there isn’t a single race where the state has even counted 90% of the votes. For comparison, Florida, which is the third most populous state in the country and stretches across two time zones, publicly reported 93% of the vote on election night, 90 minutes after polls closed.

    California is as incompetent when it comes to counting votes as it is in addressing homelessness, the housing crisis, and crime. California mails ballots to every single voter and then stretches out its election deadlines to accommodate lazy voters. Despite the fact that voters receive those ballots months in advance of “Election Day,” California still counts ballots that arrive a week late.

    Lazy counties are also given lax “deadlines,” with the state giving them a full month to submit results, which leads to many counties taking multiple days off from counting. Democratic Contra Costa County, for example, stopped counting Friday night and took three days off before resuming the count Tuesday morning. The only way this could better represent California’s terrible decision-making is if the state put a bunch of liberal nonprofit organizations in charge of counting the votes and didn’t bother to check on their progress.

    Not content with ruining their own state, California Democrats now consistently undermine trust in elections by dragging out results that could flip control of the House and change the direction of the country. Just try and imagine what would happen if California were to become a presidential swing state again (it is roughly as competitive now as former swing state Florida). We may not know the results of California’s competitive House races until after Thanksgiving.

    If California Democrats cannot do something as basic as counting votes in a timely matter, it is no surprise that they can’t address the poverty, housing, homelessness, drug addiction, and educational crises the state has been saddled with for years. California remains the gold standard for terribly run states, with a government that is as lazy as it is incompetent.

This raises suspicions of further Democrat attempts at a rigged election.

Comparable to what happens in countries like Cuba or Venezuela, they announce a stop in counting during the night, to resume the next day. But in reality, they secretly stay counting all night, to determine how far ahead their undesired candidate is, then they manufacture enough fake ballots to rig a narrow victory for the guy they want to win.

And I think that is exactly what happened in the battleground states in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Trump was ahead in every battleground state in 2020 up till 3 AM, when Democrat-controlled election centers "stopped counting for the night", sent the Republican observers home, and then only Democrats secretly stayed and counted votes all night in multiple battleground states. And despite that in many states 80% of the vote were already counted before the Republican observers were sent home, lo and behold, Biden narrowly and improbably "won" in these states overnight when only Democrats were there and counting votes. Just by he weirdest of coincidences !

I call it the "Al Franken effect". Where the Republican wins in a close election. And then in a Democrat region, somehow they delay the final count, and "find" a batch of several hundred or several thousand uncounted ballots, just pull them out of a magic hat, and (as in the Al Franken senate race) in a last-minute upset with "discovered" ballots, and call their Democrat candidate the winner.

Kyrsten Sinema's Senate election in 2018 against Republican opponent Marttha McSally is another example, where McSally was ahead for many days, and at the last minute votes came out of the blue to give the race to Sinema.

The irregularities on election day 2 years ago in the 2022 Arizona governor race between Katie Hobbs and Kari Lake is another prime example.

New York state U.S. representative Claudia Tenney is another Republican who won in 2022, but had to claw tooth and nail in legal battles for months after the election, before the Democrats stopped trying to find new ways to cheat and steal the election from her.

The more prolonged and drawn out, the more opportunity for Democrat foul play. And isn't it odd, how Democrats always seem to win in these close races in Democrat-controlled regions, where the Republican was initially ahead.

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Then after election...

FBI raided home of Polymarket CEO over alleged bets by U S users


Wow, what an odd coincidence. The DOJ / FBI is 97% on the side of Kamala Harris and the Democrats, the candidate who lost.
And just by pure osmosis, I guess, a deeply Democrat-invested DOJ / FBI raids the home of the CEO of a betting company that favorably reported likely betting odds for Donald Trump over Kamala Harris on election day.

Because the FBI would never EVER weaponize itself and launch punishing raids on their political opposition, just to intimidate or punish them.
No sir, that would never happen ! ("Filegate" under Bill Clinton, where the FBI was spying on and keeping files on Republican House and Senate members, for blackmail and intimidation purposes. ) (Scooter Libby, later proven innocent, was maliciously prosecuted by FBI, to advantage the DNC and hurt W. Bush.),_conviction,_and_reversal (popular Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), leveraged out by scandal of an FBI scandal and investigation, that gave his secure Senate seat to a Democrat. Later reversed unanimously on appeal by the U.S. Supreme Court, for its egregious prosecutorial misconduct by the FBI ) (James Comey's role in setting up Trump officials, perjury traps, illegal FISA warrants, and other FBI targeting of Trump) ( Kevin Clinesmith, four faked FISA warrants to spy on the entire Trump campaign, "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation) (biased 100% Democrat-parisan Mueller special investigation) (FBI burying the Hunter Biden laptop handed to them, FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR, to help Joe Biden win the 2020 election ) (FBI and CIA agents in tech and social media positions, who suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story before the 2020 election) ( fake letter by 51 intelligence officials, to label Hunter's laptop as a "Russian information operation" right
before 2020 election) ( FOUR absurd indictments of "novel" cases against Trump, all orchestrated out of DOJ / FBI, to rig the 2024 election) (Paul Manafort's purely political FBI arrest and prosecution ) (Roger Stone political FBI arrest and rigged trial),_2017 (Michael Flynn FBI perjury trap, political arrest, and rigged trial, maliciously prosecuted by FBI who ultimaely dropped their own case agains Flynn, but a biased judge wih a biased jury convice him anyway, and Flynn was ulimately pardoned by Trump.) ( K T McFarland, where FBI tried to do to her all the framing they did to Flynn, but she had better lawyers and it didn't work) (FBI deliberately scuttled Hillary's private E-mail server investigation, Benghazi investigation, and Clinton Foundation corruption investigation. And unlike Flynn FBI didn't record her FBI interview, deliberately maaking it impossible to prosecute her for perjury in her FBI interview. . All done to get rid of the evidence and cases against Hillary, to try and help her win in the 2016 election, the exact opposite of what they did to Michael Flynn and all other Trump officials)


Others, I forget.

But in a nutshell, at least 20 to 25 years of straight politicized Democrat-weaponized abuse of FBI / DOJ power.
Protecting Democrat officials, while simultaneously framing and maliciously prosecuting Republican officials, to benefit the Democrat party and help Democrats win elections, by smearing, indicting and prosecuting their Republican opponents.

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I keep seeing reports about Democrats crying because Kamala Harris lost and Trump won.
Have any of you ever cried because your presidential candidate of choice lost? I sure as hell haven't.

That's pretty unhinged and over the deep end from the outset.
And this isn't the first time either.
I recall during the Nov 2016 election when Hillary Clinton lost, Democrats at that time were doing the same thing. And on that occasion, in Nov 2016, you could see Democrats gathered on election night at the Hillary Clinton headquarters who were openly crying in front of the media cameras.
And even more disturbing in 2016, several reporters, such as Martha Raddatz, cried on air, while reporting. That makes clear they are partisan to a disturbing level and don't have the objectivity needed to fairly report the news.
Ann Coulter in her book Slander detailing media bias, said that on election night 2000, CBS news admonished their staff behind the scenes before the election not to openly cheer when states were called for Al Gore, so that viewers could hear them, and obviously, become aware of their bias. And for CBS management to give that order to employees in advance, that makes clear it had occurred in previous elections.
And late night TV hosts broke down and cried on air (both 2016 and now in 2024) , and gave angry rants about how awful it is that Trump won, and scolded the voters for choosing Trump.

And now you have a wave of celebrities like Barbara Streisand and Eva Longoria saying they are leaving the country because of Trump winning the election.

And so many inquiries about immigration to Canada, that the Canada immigration/VISA site crashed, and they told U.S. inquirers to wait and make their further inquiries at a later time.

Fleeing from WHAT exactly?!?
Trump for all the hyperbole of being another "Hitler", was already president of the country for 4 years from Jan 2017-Jan 2021, and he didn't committ genocide on his political opposition, he didn'tt put them in concentration camps, Trump didn't arrest reporters and label them as "domestic terrorists" , and do 6AM raids on their homes and incarcerate them indefinitely without trial.

Are these stupid Democrat voters AND REPORTERS blind to the fact that Obama and especially Biden actually DID all these authoritarian moves on Republicans over the last few years?

Since at least the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama years, a Democrat-weaponized IRS has maliciously audited their political opponents, such as Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity on an annual basis while they were president.
The IRS under Lois Lerner and John Koskinen harassed Tea Party groups with time-consuming paperwork, and audited every chapter and leader of the Tea Party movement in 2010-2012, to the point that (as Obama and the IRS intended) they closed their chapters and were in advance of 2012 unable to gain IRS non-profit tax-free status for their chapters, that prevented them from organizing and grassroots-campaigning in the 2012 election, an orchestrated obstruction that gave Barack Obama a very narrowly won 2nd term in the 2012 election, that he should not have had, except for that authoritarian suppression, through weaponization of the IRS.

Do Democrat voters and crying reporters not know that it was Democrats (not Trump or Republicans) who arrested reporters like James Rosen (then of Fox News) just for inquiring and getting sources within the Obama White House? Getting White House sources, as reporters have of every White House for at least a century?
Causing even a liberal New York Times reporter with 40 years' experience covering the White House over many presidencies, to call the Obama White House "the most control freak presidency" he had ever covered.

And the Obama administration also aggressively tracked down and prosecuted leakers within their own administration.

Do these crying Democrat voters and reporters know that Barack Obama himself publicly called Fox News "not a real news agency" and for a while banned Fox News from White House press conferences? Until EVERY OTHER news agency in the White House press corps said they would not attend press briefings either, if Fox were banned. Because these other news groups knew if Obama was successful with banning Fox, Obama would pick off and punish every news agency that continued to report objectively about Obama's White House. That would force ALL the news agencies to report exactly how Obama wanted going forward, or suffer one by one the same fate as Fox News.

Multiple Democrat officials have made clear since the Obama years their goal to take Fox News off the air, to 'de-platform" Fox News.
They successfully took One America News (OAN) off of cable in early 2022.
In early 2023, they did the same to Newsmax for several months, until Direct TV viewers cancelled their cable service in the tens of thousands, and got Direct TV to relent and let Newsmax's channel back on Direct TV.
Is there ***ONE*** example of Trump, the Republicans, or anyone on the "right wing", trying to do the same to LIBERAL media sources? Or even voicing a DESIRE to do this to liberal media outlets?!? Not even retaliating after it was already done by Democrats to Fox, OAN and Newsmax ?
No, there isn't. So Democrats have nothing to fear in Trump being elected, either in 2016 or now.

Are Democrat voters and crying liberal media reporters unaware that the split second Trump conceded the election to Biden on Jan 6 2021, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and a dozen other social media platforms banned Donald Trump and deprived him and his supporters of any communication between them?
That is authoritarian power, directed by puppetmasters in the Biden administration, and their allies in big tech/social media, and in the FBI and CIA.

Do Democrat voters and crying liberal reporters not know that Biden and the Democrats brought 20,000 National Guard troops to Washington DC in Jan 2021, and turned it into an armed camp, that Republicans derisively called "Camp Pelosi", basically done by Democrats to intimidate away any legitimate dissent and further inquiry about a highly suspicious election, an election where Joe Biden was implausibly declared the winner, with over 81 million votes, over 10 million votes more than Barack Obama?!?

Where the paper ballots were shredded, the election voting machines and flash drives wiped clean in the weeks immediately after the 2020 election (despite being legally required to be kept on file for 22 months after every election, available for a re-count or audit)?
So much for free elections and legally required accountability.

Are Democrat voters and crying liberal reporters unaware the FBI set up Trump supporters on January 6th in a false-flag operation, with at least 50 undercover agents disguised as Trump supporters (and those are only the 50 they admit to, 20 FBI agents, 20 DHS agents, 10 DC Metro police. Plus at least 20 Antifa led by John Earle Sullivan, ALSO disguised as Trump supporters).

And after January 6th, are Democrat voters and crying liberal reporters unaware the FBI did 6 AM raids on over 600 people in their homes, at least 90% of whom did nothing violent on Jan 6th, but had their doors smashed in and were thrown to the floor and arrested with laser-dots of AR-15's pointed at their heads in front of their families, and then thrown in the worst jails, and held indefinitely for years without even clean water or flushing toilets or the ability to bathe and shave or talk to a lawyer in many cases. Held indefinitely for years, without trial. A number of whom were beaten in their cells by fanatical Trump-hating guards, especially if they dared to complain or talk about their conditions with their lawyers or families.

The same type of treatment and 6AM arrests were given to peaceful pro-life activists, arrested, prosecuted, and given outrageously long and disproportionate prison sentences. Because they were conservative dissenters, labelled enemies of the Biden/Democrat regime, that HAD TO be intimidated, silenced, punished, made examples of, to anyone who would resist their authoritarian over-reach.

The same treatment and arrests given to parents who objected at PTA meetings, objected to "woke" indoctrination of their children in schools, who were likewise arrested by FBI agents in 6 AM raids, Another conservative group again intimidated, silenced, punished, and sentenced to disproportionately long prison sentences by the FBI.
The lucky ones only saw FBI agents write down their license plate numbers as they walked to their cars after the PTA meetings, and didn't get the full 6 AM raid and arrest treatment.


Which should the country be afraid of? Trump, who took abuse from the media every day, and never arrested a reporter, never arrested anyone else for political activities or speech? Quite the opposite, Trump was out doing press conferences every day, sometimes for hours a day, holding himself accountable and answering any questions despite an overwhelmingly hostile media. No one arrested, no one imprisoned without trial, no one maliciously prosecuted, let alone to unfairly long prison sentences.
But under Biden/Harris?
Biden's weaponized FBI jailed their political opponents by the thousands.

Who should the country be afraid of? You know the answer.

And I fear that if the Democrats ever again regain power in our lifetime, without being punished for the above abuses, Democrats will be emboldened, quickly re-politicize/weaponize every federal agency, and do the exact same as Obama and Biden/Harris again, or likely worse.
The Democrats will only be deterred and back off, if Republicans use their full force to prosecute the James Comeys, the Andrew McCabes, the Andrew Weissmanns, the Peter Strzoks, the John Brennans, Bruce Ohrs, the Sally Yates's and Loretta Lynches.

And prosecute Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton as well, who orchestrated these abuses for at least the last 8 years, and probably a lot more years.
Prosecute everyone who was in the Oval Office and planned the take-down to frame Michael Flynn on January 5th 2021, EVERY ONE OF THEM should go to jail.
And as they did to Flynn, these criminals did the same to Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Peter Navarro, and many more.

And while they didn't successfully frame K T McFarland and Michael Caputo and other Trump officials, they still buried them in hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees, and in Caputo's case, FBI deliberately interviewed and intimidated away all his law clients, so he could no longer even pay his own legal fees from the FBI's (fake and political) indictment. Obama, Biden, and their zealots in the DOJ and FBI deliberately indicted formerly rich and innocent men and women, and deliberately bankrupted them, due to their legal fees paid to fight malicious fake charges.
And the 97% Democrat-donatting weaponized FBI and DOJ put a number of them in jail.

Trump's incoming new DOJ and FBI needs to also fully punish all the lower-level conspirators, the Kevin Clinesmiths and FBI / DOJ agents and lawyers below who were eagerly and willingly delegated to zealously do these abuses of Trump officials, abuses of pro-life activists, abuses of PTA-attending parents, and Jan 6th peaceful protesters. The FBI agents who willingly and knowingly overcharged and maliciously prosecuted and incarcerated innocent people. The FBI and DOJ leadership who deliberately buried these innocent people in legal fees and bankrupted them, caused them to unjustly be imprisoned, so that they lost their businesses and their foreclosed homes.

Trump's reformed DOJ and FBI needs o go after the fanatical Trump-hating warden and jailers who mistreated helpless Jan 6th prisoners in their cells. They need to be appropriately proportionately punished, to deter the Democrat-Bolsheviks from ever again thinking about unleashing these kinds of abuses of power on innocent political dissenters in the future.

ANY LESS than this legal reribuion and punishment, and these Democrat-Bolshevik fanatics will just be emboldened to do it again. They should be severely prosecuted.
Within the law, but severely prosecuted. Let the punishment fit the crime.
Abuses in the 2006, 2008, and 2010-2012 elections.
FBI maliciously going after Trump in 2016, while FBI simultaneously scrapped their own cases and gave a free pass to Hillary Clinton in 2016.
The massive rigged 2020 election, and intimidation to deter any inquiry in the 2020 eleciton.
Each time getting away with it, were emboldened to even greater and more grandiose abuses of power. To threatening and deposing Trump, an American president !!

And even more threatening to the American people, who unlike Trump don' have the resources to fight back, as in many of the examples I cited above.
Many in Trump's administration were MILLIONAIRES, and EVEN THEY didn't have the resources to stop these abuses of power. And despite paying millions in legal fees against bogus charges, where FBI had judge-shopped to get Democrat-Bolshevik judges, to se he trials in jury venues of 90%-plus Trump-hating Democrat districts, to select 90%-plus Democrat juries, in rigged court cases.
With biased judges skewing evidence, who denied inclusion of exculpatory evidence, so that even conservative defendants who were able to buy a good legal defense, they STILL went to jail. And but for a pardon from then-President Trump, these innocent men (Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone) would have remained in jail.
The Kafka-esque persecutions went on after Biden was inaugurated, and Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro are the two latest added to the club. Innocent men, bankrupted by legal fees, sent to jail for doing nothing wrong. Along with thousands of other regular Americans, peaceful January 6th protesters, peaceful pro-Life activists, parents just voicing their concerns at PTA meetings about "woke"education they object to.

One that particularly angered me was the arrest, trial and imprisonment of an elderly pro-life activist woman, arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned, right after her husband died.
But hey, the Antifa and BLM rioters who violently attack people, who throw Molotov cocktails in police cars to kill police officers, who burn federal buildings and deliberately permanently blind federal agents and police officers by directing high-power lasers at their eyes for hours during protests and riots, FBI and DOJ selectively doesn't prosecute these offenders, just lets them go. They don't even need to hire an attorney !
But the just-widowed grandma who only knelt and prayed outside an abortion clinic, SHE has to go to jail.

It should have been REPUBLICANS who were deathly afraid of the Democrat-Bolsheviks winning in 2024. And if they had won in 2024, would have been emboldened to EVEN WORSE abuses of power. As they were emboldened each time by getting away with it in 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2016, and 2020. And with Senator Ted Stevens' Democrat-weaponized malicious FBI prosecution (overturned by the U S Supreme Court unanimously.) as with Scooter Libby's malicious FBI prosecution (maliciously prosecuted and jailed for years, till pardoned by Trump.) Each time Democrats in power are motivated to even greater abuses of federal, FBI, DOJ, intelligence agency, and Democrat White House power, by having gotten away with it before.

Going forward, it is Republicans who should be afraid of these Democrat criminals ever again regaining power.
The Obama and Biden-era Democrat-Bolsheviks in the White House, the FBI, DOJ, CIA, FEMA and other federal agencies, have to be deterred, there has to be a terrible price paid, or the Democrat-Bolsheviks in government will just do it again and again.

And worse, destroy our Constitutional republic beyond the ability to repair it.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Trump’s popular vote not that huge
“ Trump held a 1.7-point lead in the popular vote as of Monday morning, according to The New York Times. That is smaller than former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's 2.1 point popular vote win in 2016 and less than half of President Joe Biden's 4.5 point win in 2020.”

This gives some perspective on Trump’s win. It wasn’t all that huge particularly when you consider Clinton lost in 2016 but won the popular vote by a larger percentage than Trump did in this last election and less than half Biden’s in 2020.

Fair play!
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Yeah, tha'ts the face-saving Democrat narrative that's being floated, so I'm not at all surprised to see you repeat that anti-Trump Democrat-Bolshevik "RESIST" narrative.

Meanwhile, the latest poll shows Trump has actually risen from 50.1% on election night, to 54% in his most recent approval poll, demonstrating even some naysayers on election night like what Trump has been implementing since election night, and have shifted to supporting Trump.

But regarding the "not that huge" Democrat narrative that Trump allegedly doesn't have a mandate :

1) Trump won the presidency, 50.1% to Kamala Harris' 48.3 %, a margin of 1.7%, or a margin of 2,269,241 in the popular vote.
TRUMP: 76,429,164
HARRIS: 73,736,923

2) Trump won ALL SEVEN battleground states.

3) Trump/Republicans won the House (some races still not called yet, due to Democrats trying to manufacture more votes and find a way to pull them out of a magic hat, in several remaining House races.

4) Trump/Republicans won the Senate, with a 53 seat majority. Sen Casey (D-PA) just conceded to McCormick today, as Casey should have 2 weeks ago. Even trying to chea every whichway, the numbers just weren't there. I think even liberal AP called it the day after the election for McCormick.

5) Of the 19 states (and Washington DC) that went for Kamala Harris, NONE OF THEM require I.D. to vote, and are hotbeds of voter fraud.

As we've discussed often in the last 8 years, when Hillary Clinton "won the popular vote" of 2.8 million in the Nov 2016 election, that is because of "motor voter laws" in Democrat states, where an illegal immigrant can get a driver license in these states, and when filling out the paperwork, there is a check-box that says "I am a U.S. citizen and would like to receive a voter I.D."
And an illegal immigrant can just check that box and receive a voter I.D., with no one ever verifying they are a U.S. citizen !
As Pariah here said in 2016 (he lives in California) there were (even in 2016, no doubt higher now) at least 3 million estimated illegal voters in California alone.
Mona Charen, in a column I posted here to a topic here on election fraud, in 2012 cied Trume The Vote invesigation, and in jus 35 of he 50 states, found at least 7 million illegal voters.
So I suspect if Democrats were not such masters of fraudulent voting, the election map for 2024 would look a lot more like 1984 or 1972.
But even with Democrat cheating in 2024, it was a landslide for Trump. But with all the Democrat voter fraud weeded out, it could have been even more of a slaughter.

6) Even in the states where Trump lost, he gained in 49 of he 50 states, and got a higher share of every voter demographic: black, white, asian, hispanic, muslim, gay, under 25, you name it.
One of my favorite moments late on election night was when on CNN, Jake Tapper asked the CNN election-map guy to program the map to show counties nationwide in 2024 where Kamala Harris got a higher share of the vote than in 2020. Ant the national map was completely black !!
NOT ONE COUNTY nationwide where Kamala Harris did better than 2020 !
Even Jake Tapper could not restrain saying : "Wow..." And looked pretty stupid, in reluctantly disclosing the truth.

7) And in down-ballot state / local elections, the Democrats lost even more.

It remains to be seen whether that shift of former Democrats to Trump and the Republicans is a permanent shift. Bu it's clear that Republicans are responsive to the will of the people on issues like securing the border, deporting illegals, eliminating federal corruption, pro-business policy for growth and jobs, lowering gas and energy costs, lowering food prices and inflation and interest rates, whereas he Democrats are just chasing ideological windmills like gay-trans garbage, supporting trans athletes beating the shit out of actual female athletes, open borders, supporting illegal immigrant criminals, rapists and murderers over actual U.S. citizens, and otherwise continuing hee disastrous policies Biden(and his puppemasters) have pushed on the country for he last 4 years.
With the grand finale being Biden (or his puppetmasters) pushing for escalation in Ukraine by suddenly letting Ukraine fire U.S. and British missiles deep into Russia, that has Russia threatening a nuclear escalation response.
And Finland and Sweden warning millions of citizens in their countries to prepare shelter and food supplies in preparation for nuclear explosions and fallout.
And Russia as well likewise distributing shipping-pod-like portable fallout shelters and supplies for Russians to survive.
THIS insanity is what you endorse.

And amid all the Russia-Ukraine escalations leading up to this, Russia has been calling the Biden White House almost every day since the war began, and no one in that administration takes Russia's calls, no one makes ANY attempt to negotiate a peace deal.

600,000 Ukranians dead. One third of heir previous 41 million population have fled from Ukraine as refugees. And Biden and his puppetmasters do nothing to resolve it.
The war THEY caused.


Democrats are doubling,tripling, quadrupling down on stupid, and have made it clear they will do nothing different going forward. Their own voters, Democrat and Hispanic black men in particular they call sexist in not voting for Kamala Harris.
No, they're not sexist, they see she has no cognitive ability to make executive decisions, a deer in the headlights who is afraid to give an interview, is incapable of a meeting or debating with Donald Trump, let alone negotiating with Xi Xinping, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un or the Iranians.
So she lost.
Because she is incompetent.

Because she royally sucks balls, and is as clueless as Biden. Because electing her would endanger the country, and clearly SHE would not be making decisions in a hypothetical Kamala Harris presidency, but instead some secret hand-wringing secret cabal in the shadows. As happened under 4 years of Biden.

And utterly clueless, the Democrat-Bolsheviks in the party still don't get it, and are blaming everyone but themselves. Likewise their PR wing of true believers at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, the Washington Post, New York Times and Politico. We weren't radical enough, we should have been EVEN MORE radical !
Oh yes, yes, Democrats, you keep doing that. smile You'll win for sure next time. lol

I love the old redneck phrase, You can't sell the dog food, if the dogs won't eat it.

Like the millions of EV cars just sitting on the lot unsold in dealerships nationwide, that have cost GM and Ford $5 billion each in losses.
Like Bud Light.
Like Target's "tuck friendly" transgender clothing for boys.
Like the latest transgender androgynous woke car ad Jaguar just released a few days ago, that will not only repel prospective new buyers, but further piss off Jaguar owners to return the cars they already purchased. Full steam ahead, fully committed to the Leftist / Woke agenda.
Yeah, good luck with hat.

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Don’t need good luck WB. I’m not planning on spending the next 2-4 years making up voter fraud conspiracies and hating democracy. I will be helping getting us back on a good path. Trump and his followers like yourself will make it easier smile

Fair play!
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Don’t need good luck WB. I’m not planning on spending the next 2-4 years making up voter fraud conspiracies and hating democracy. I will be helping getting us back on a good path. Trump and his followers like yourself will make it easier smile

I wonder if you keep a Soviet flag on your wall.
Your ability to twist reality and completely misrepresent the truth just amazes me.

Everything Republicans say is propagandized by your side as "conspiracy theories" and "voter fraud conspiracies". Until every time, we prove what we've been saying has been ABSOLUTELY TRUE all along. Often hours or days after you say it, sometimes it takes months or years, but you, the Democrats, are ALWAYS proven to be the liars.
A few examples :

The sourced and cited multiple occasions of weaponized FBI targeting Trump and his supporters.

And before that, targeting of Tea Party groups by IRS and other federal agencies (by FBI, ATF, OSHA, etc., as I previously linked).

FBI maliciously prosecuting innocent Jan 6 defendants.

The Hunter Biden laptop suppression by a Democrat-weaponized FBI and wider intelligence field.

The "51 intelligence officials" alleging that the Hunter Biden laptop had "all the earmarks of Russian disinformation", despite that they never even looked at the laptop they claimed to have examined, and KNEW the laptop information about Hunter and Joe Biden to be true, and admitted after the fact the letter signed by 51 officials (Democrats, organized by Anthony Blinkin) was done precisely to deceive, and cover for a guilty as hell Joe Biden, just so he could win the election.

Elon Musk releasing the "Twitter Files", again documenting authoritarian election interference by FBI, CIA and other federal agencies.

How many times do I have to source and link these things before you will admit they are true, and that your side are the false-narrative propaganda liars ?

And on alleging me or Republicans "hating democracy" ?!?!?!?!??!

It is YOUR SIDE, THE DEMOCRAT-BOLSHEVIKS who at every turn are undermining democracy, trying to destroy constitutional checks and balances, repressing, silencing and intimidating dissenters, weaponizing government agencies, pushing to take whole conservative networks off the air, Fox News, OAN, Newsmax. And outright deleting or shadow-banning conservatives on every major social media platform, Facebook, Google, Apple, on and on.
Democrats, silencing one entire side of the debate. Undermining democracy at every turn. As your side tries to create a Marxist-socialist one-party Democrat-Bolshevik system.
FACT. Sourced, cited, proven, over and over. FACT.

I've cited and sourced the examples of Democrat authoritarianism a thousand times. From Saul Alinsky, to Bill and Hillary Clinton, to Barack and Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and her squad, to name just a few. And all the Bolshevik maniacs who work under them in the shadows, in the White House and other federal agencies. Guys like James Comey, Christopher Wray, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Bill Priestap, Kevin Clinesmith, on down.

You use the word "democracy", M E M, but for you it is just a front, a piece of bumper-sticker catch-phrase propaganda, a false mask to misdirect from your true ideological intent.. What you and your vicious party ACTUALLY DO, as documented in the taped interviews, books and speeches of every leader and behind-the-scenes strategist in your party, is clearly a barely hidden attempt to DESTROY democracy, and replace it with a Marxist/authoritarian one-party system.
I believe in free speech, the first amendment, the second amendment, the bill of rights, the Constitution, and open debate. Your side believes in silencing your opposition, political purges, intimidation, and even violence (for example, the George Floyd 2020 riots) that is rationalized as well. You hide behind the word "democracy", even as your ACTIONS are actually to undermine and destroy it.

What you and whoever you are aligned with call "getting back on a good path" to regain power, is not democracy, but trying to find a new way to deceive the American people, to make them believe you are something you're not. To LIE to the American people, to PRETEND TO CARE about working class people, to get your new Trojan Horse inside the gates, and then once elected, (Saul Alinsky tactics) pursue your true Marxistt/socialist authoritarian agenda.

The Clintons in 1992 pretended to be a new and more moderate, different kind of Democrats. But they were Marxist/Socialists, Hillary Clinton with deep personal and ideological ties to Saul Alinsky. Once elected, polar opposite their stated election promises, they raised taxes and revealed their true radicalism.

Obama in 2008 campaigned as a new kind of Democrat. Once again the narrative, "Ohhh, we'll only tax the rich." But once elected, Democrats again raised taxes on everyone, and again pursued a radical Socialist/Marxist agenda. Obama as well taught Saul Alinsky tactics to classrooms of ACORN street activists (a job title using euphemistic Saul Alinsky deceptive language, understatedly called "community organizers"). Others at ACORN called Obama "the unchallenged master of Alinsky tactics". And in his White House as well, Obama continued to exert Alinsky-style polarization at every turn. "The police acted stupidly." "If I had a son, he would have looked like Trayvon." Anyone who dissented from his candidacy and policy was labelled as "clinging to their guns and religion, and antipathy toward others not like them". The alleged post-racial president, who instead shredded and polarized the country along race and class lines.

Joe Biden, amid a large field of Democrat-Leftist maniacs in the 2020 election primary, was selected because he was an alleged moderate, who would reign in and control the more Marxist-extremist elements in the Democrat party.
But EXACTLY as predicted, Biden did the opposite, and let the Marxist-Bolsheviks run wild, his term becoming a defacto Bernie Sanders presidency, and the craziness of the last 4 years is common knowledge, except apparently, to Democrat-Bolshevik propaganda narrators like you, who pretend the open borders chaos, Black Lives Matter and Antifa chaos, "woke" anti-American DEMOCRAT indoctrination in our schools ("hate democracy", M E M ?!?!??! Democrats are clearly THE CORE of indoctrinating that America-hating woke " 1619 project" message.) The fentynal deaths, now over 100,000 a year, that your Democrat party enables with open borders, killing more Americans annually than the entire Korean and Vietnam wars combined.

Every time Democrats are elected, they are elected on deception, false promises, and pretending to be something they're not. And then reveal their true Democrat-Bolshevik colors.

As David Horowitz says in his 2006 book THE SHADOW PARTY :

  • The Shadow Party does not confine its activities to the Democratic party. If i did, i would be less effective. A number of notable Republicans, among them Senator John McCain, have exchanged political favors with the Shadow Party. But the Democratic party --because it is already a party of the Left--- is the focus of the Shadow Party's activities, and its chosen instrument.

It is the Democrat party that is the CHOSEN INSTRUMENT of Globalist-Marxists and the worldwide America-hating Left, to destroy and marginalize the United States, to wipe away its defenders, its ideology, its heroes, its history. To clear the world of the last obstacle to their Marxist/Globalist ambitions of an authoritarian one-world government, that aspires to have absolute and unchallenged control.
To bring about the society we've seen forming in the U.S. the last 16 years since 2008, and in particular the last 4 years under the Democrat-Bolshevik party :
The Democrat-Bolshevik party itself.
The Democrat controlled FBI, DOJ, CIA and other aligned federal agencies. The weaponization of government against all dissenters.
The aligned Democrat-Bolshevik repressive social media and Google, that control information, that censors and hides all dissenting thought.
The Democrat-Bolshevik mainstream news media.
The Democrat-Bolshevik entertainment film, TV and music industries.
All working in unison, to silence and cancel anyone who dissents from their prescribed acceptable thought.
George Orwell's Democrat-Bolshevik party, and all its machine parts.

THAT is "hating America".
Your Democrat-Bolshevik party on full display, not hiding in the shadows.

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Three weeks after the election, and there are still three U.S. House races not called yet. Two in California according to this, and one Iowa seat as well. Although I though I saw incumbent Republican Meeks called as the winner in that Iowa one, and interviewed about it, a week ago. But I guess her opponent is still calling for a re-count.

And the one Senate race still uncalled, where McCormick won, but incumbent Democrat Bob Casey refused to concede for almost 3 weeks, despite that even AP and other liberal media called the race for David McCormick as winner the day after the election. Casey finally conceded a day or two ago.

As I said above...

The more prolonged and drawn out, the more opportunity for Democrat foul play. And isn't it odd, how Democrats always seem to win in these close races in Democrat-controlled regions, where the Republican was initially ahead.

Democrats made the supreme effort to rig the Pennsylvania Senate race as well, but McCormick has too great a margin to allow them to. But even after a court ruled Democrats couldn't count illegal ballots, Democrats controlling Bucks County tried to include them anyway.
Those Bucks County administrators should be up on charges.

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As of today:

  • By Megan ZieglerPublished November 25, 2024

    Republicans have won the majority of the House, but three races are still outstanding.
    The races still to be called are in California and Iowa.
    Republicans have won 219 seats to Democrats’ 213. [Plus 3 remaining uncalled races.]

    The Republican majority in the House was made official more than a week after Election Night, but three races still remain too close to call.

    Republicans have won a majority in all major branches of the federal government in the 2024 election – the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Here's a look at those three uncalled House races, which will determine the size of the GOP's narrow lead in the lower chamber of Congress.


    Two House seats remain undermined in California, in the 13th congressional district in the San Joaquin Valley and the 45th congressional district outside of Los Angeles.

    As of Nov. 25, in the 13th district, the vote difference between the two candidates is less than half a percentage point - or about 200 votes, with Republican Rep. John Duarte leading. About 98% of the vote has been counted.

    In the 45th district, the vote count was nearly tied, with a difference of about 550 votes. Democratic challenger Derek Tran has taken the lead over Republican incumbent Rep. Michelle Steel with about 99% of the vote counted.

    IOWA :

    Republican incumbent Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks is leading in Iowa’s 1st district, with 99% of votes counted.

    She has 50.1% of the votes, to Democratic candidate Christina Bohannan’s 49.9% – with a difference of about 800 votes, a margin that has potential to prompt a recount.

    It takes 218 seats to have a majority in the House, which Republicans crossed two weeks ago.

    The GOP currently has 219 seats to Democrats’ 213, with three races still uncalled.

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That's significantly higher than the 50.3% Trump won with just 3 weeks ago on election day.



That seems like quite a mandate to me.
Reagan in 1984 won with a 49-state landslide, with 58.8% of the popular vote. The poll numbers of the last few days seem pretty even with the mandate Reagan had in 1984.

And when you consider that in the 19 states (and Washington DC) that Kamala Harris won, ALL have very lax election laws that don't require voters to present I.D., and left all those states wide open to election fraud, the real/suppressed ACTUAL electoral and popular vote on Nov 5 2024 might actually be closer to 49 states for Trump.
And if the election rolls of millions of illegal voters are investigated and removed in the next 4 years, and voter I.D. were made to be required again nationwide in the next 4 years, the November 2028 election just might accurately reflect that.

( And I love how the [liberal] media factcheckers scrambled to de-bunk accusations of voter fraud in favor of Kamala Harris, but in many cases they only pointed out that many of these states only SOMETIMES require presentation of I.D., or that some require I.D., but not PHOTO I.D. , and they never gave a complete list of which states require photo I.D., and which states do not.
Also note that they never made any attempt to de-bunk any of the malicious slanders of Donald Trump, only those against Kamala Harris, who is clearly the candidate they favor. Such as that "Trump is a racist", or "Trump will be a dictator and shred the Constitution", or "Trump will deport all hispanics whether they are legal U.S. citizens/residents or not."
George Orwell''s liberal media, just doing their thing again. And you need to read conservative media to see those selectively omitted facts. smile )

  • Among the states declared for Harris in the Electoral College where no voter ID is required, the map showed (in alphabetic order):

    New Jersey
    New Mexico
    New York

    There were four Harris-won states that require non-photo ID:


    There were two Harris-won Northeast states that require voter ID, the only two [ photo-I.D.-requiring states] in the nation to vote against Trump:

    New Hampshire
    Rhode Island

    But even in these two states where photo-I.D. is legally required to vote, it's questionable whether that requirement is actually enforced.

    The TV chyron cut off Democrat stranglehold Hawaii in the map, but that state generally does not require voter ID either, and was easily won by Harris.

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Amid several more breaking stories, exposing just how deceitful and evil the Democrat party has been, not just to the country as a whole, but even to their own Democrat voters and Democrat campaign donors...


They KNEW Kamala Harris was nowhere near winning, so they just faked it all, faked polls saying she was winning, to scam the Kamala campaign's own supporters.
They told small and large Harris campaign donors, We're very close, and if you just give our campaign a little more, we can push her over the top.
That they KNEW was absolutely untrue.

And then they hosed away that record 1.4 billion in campaign funds (very suspiciously raised in just 15 weeks, much of it likely from laundered dark money), hosing it away to the likes of super-rich celebrities Oprah, Taylor Swift, Al Sharpton and others. Wasting grassroots Democrat campaign donor cash to throw exhorbitant party bashes, to have a good time at an enormous waste of cash, partying as rich fat cats, at the expense of small middle class donors.

The grassroots Democrat base, who since 2020 behave like the French Revolution, who mindlessly and ironically voted for and funded a Marie Antoinette.
For an aristocratic Democrat elite that at every stage lied to their loyal voters and campaign donors.

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And about the campaign funds, a record high for either party of $1.4 billion, the Kamala Harris campaign team abused it to party like Hollywood elites, WITH Hollywood elites, just frivolously hosed away the money given to them, and yet didn't win a single one of the 7 battleground states.

And as even CNN's Jake Tapper unwittingly revealed (as I posted above) Tapper had CNN's election map tech guy program in what counties nationwide Kamala Harris in 2024 performed better than Biden in 2020, and (on air) the national map shown came up completely black. NOT ONE county anywhere in the United States did Kamala Harris perform better, the map was completely black.
Tapper looking stupid just said "Wow..."

And despite the Kamala Harris campaign having record campaign funding, they they just completely mismanaged and wasted it, losing Democrat base support across pretty much every demographic group, in every corner of the United States.

And despite wasting all that money and not making any gains anywhere, the Kamala Harris campaign actually finished $20 million in debt !!

This is a perfect manifestation of how Kamala Harris and her Democrat-Bolsheviks would (and have for 4 years already) mismanaged the national budget, and taxpayer money, enriching only themselves,

And then the DNC just had a huge layoff of 480 of the Democrat party's most loyal, who fought so hard to make the dead Kamala Harris duck fly. Just laid them off, no notice, no severance pay, right before Thanksgiving and Christmas.

THIS is how the Democrats treat their own, and their most loyal.
How much worse would they treat the country and the American people, half of whom they have contemptuously vilified for the last 16 years as "deplorables" and most recently by Biden, as "garbage".
This fully explains how the Biden/Harris presidency and its Democrat-Bolshevik FEMA and other federal agencies could be so cruel to the survivors of East Palestine, Ohio, and the thousands devastated homeless survivors of hurricane Helene barely 2 months ago, in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee. If they had a Trump sign in front of their homes, FEMA employees were instructed to just walk on by, and not help them. Your Democrat-Bolshevik party at work, yet another weaponization of government.

Thank God these evil lunatics didn't win the election. The country dodged a major bullet.
Emboldened to this kind of evil over the last 16 years, during Obama's 8 years, and even defiantly under Trump's first 4 years, then 4 fully unleashed years of Bolshevism under Biden, how much worse evil would they be emboldened to, if Kamala Harris had won?

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Yeah, but it's Trump and his supporters who are the panic"INSURRECTIONISTS"panic , right?

Never mind that not one Trump supporter was carrying a firearm on January 6 2021. That there were only about 60 people who actually committed vandalism or violence that day, and that many others, who were never identified by FBI, who orchestrated the violence on Jan 6, were likely undercover FBI, DOJ, Antifa or other non-Trump supporters

That "Shadow government" Democrat plan is in addition to Rep Jamie Raskin's similar 14th Amendment plan I linked earlier, where Democrats plan to hijack one or more Constitution amendments, to prevent Trump, the overwhelming choice of the American voters, from taking office. Right after Trump has been unprecedentedly re-elected by an overwhelming landslide margin to a second term.

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And this...

Bomb threats and "SWATTING" raids on at least 9 Trump cabinet nominees made by Democrat insurrectionists

Because nothing says Democrats are "the defenders of democracy" like these kind of Democrat-Bolshevik tactics of violence and intimidation.

Y'know, in addition to Democrat poliical leaders and Democrat-Bolshevik media calling Donald Trump and his supporters Hitler and Nazis for the last 4 years, and an existential threat to democracy. False rhetoric that has resulted in muliple assassination attempts against Trump in the last 4 months.
And an average of a violent attack nationwide every day against Trump supporters for the last 8 years.

Not to mention the Soros/Left -funded Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and Open-Borders movements.
And by all appearances, Soros groups sharing office space and coordinating strategy with Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion VP Eric Coomer, weeks before the 2020 election : "Trump isn't going to win, I made fucking sure of that".).

Plus Mark Zuckerberg,and other leftist billionaires pouring approximaely $400 million into one-sidedly funding ballot drop-boxes to illegally influence the 2020 election, but only for Democrat-heavy voting districts,
And censoring of information available to voters before he 2020 election on Google, Facebook and "X" / Twitter, and other tech media platforms.

And ways that Democrats are deceitfully pouring dark money on into 2024 Democrat campaigns through ActBlue and other money laundering operations, so that Democrat candidates nationwide were out-funding their Republican opponents by 2, 4, 8 and 10-to-1.

But the beauty of that is, even massively out-spent by Democrats in deceitful slander campaigns and Orwellian message control, the Republicans still won across the board on November 5th.

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