Oh yeah. In Democrat Newspeak, it's REPUBLICANS who are "insurrectionists" who undermine the Constitution and overthrow democracy. Even as Democrats themselves manufacture pseudo-constitutional schemes to circumnavigate the law and implement Marxist/socialist authoritarian destruction of actual constitutional checks and balances, to create a system where they can never lose another election.
1) Democrats openly saying they want to federalize elections, and take away individual laws of the 50 states of how each chooses to conduct their elections. So that only the party in power (the Democrats, of course !) can even challenge a fraudulent election. And so Democrat-Bolsheviks can have permanent control of the country for at least 100 years.
2) Democrats openly saying they plan to make Washington DC and Puerto Rico states. (Despite that DC was created as a district, purposely made separate from all 50 states, specifically so no state would have undue influence over the nation, by having the federal Capitol in it. It was specifically created to NOT be a state, or be included in one. And Puerto Rico has never met the criteria to become a state by making English its territorial language, as is required to qualify to become a state. But Democrats plot to make these two places into states because they are overwhelmingly Democrat. Which would add 4 more permanently Democrat senators, thus giving the Democrats a permanent unbreakable Senate majority. )
3) Democrats want to eliminate the Senate filibuster that allows the minority party to still have a voice and propose legislation. Eliminate it to further marginalize and crush all Republican dissent and representation.
4) Democrats want to eliminate the electoral college voting system. That despite the founders' Constitutional system of checks and balances, put in place to prevent population centers from eclipsing the voting power of smaller states, Democrats want to eliminate that electoral college check, again just to cheat the system and crush all dissent, allowing a few population centers like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles to snuff out all representation in future elections for smaller states.
5) Democrats want (as was last tried by FDR) to stack the U S Supreme Court with liberal/Democrat justices, to again rig a branch of government so Democrats never again lose a legal battle. They want to expand the number of justices from the current 9 justices to 12 or 16, however many it takes to eclipse the number of Republican/conservative justices, and again create a Democrat-Bolshevik permanent majority in yet another branch of government. Another constitutional check and balance to be destroyed, just so Democrats can consolidate permanent unbreakable power over another branch of government.
6) "Green New Deal", "Cap and Trade" and other controls, done in the name of ecological preservation and preventing global warming. But this is another scheme to crush our economy and free market system with punishing federal controls to drive private industry out of business, and make the entire country dependent on federal government to provide them with jobs, income, food, healthcare, and all other needs. Monitors put in cars and in homes to measure individual energy usage is yet another scheme to control people, to monitor or limit their ability to travel, by making travel or car ownership unaffordable to most people, and even if affordable, government can track their movements. (This is also in unison with the U.N.'s "Agenda 21", using environmentalist concerns as an excuse to drive self-sufficent people out of rural farms and towns, into densely populated metropolitan areas, where they can control large populations with surveillance, and if they dissent, deprived of the ability to have independent incomes or grow their own food, can be starved into submission.
7) Central Bank Digittal Currency (CBDC), where as is done in China, if the federal government doesn't like the speech and actions of any citizen, they can freeze their bank accounts and destroy their dissent. I'd add that the Canadian-Bolshevik government did this to a Covid-related truck drivers' strike a few years ago, and even froze the bank accounts of the people who gave them food and support, to shut down their strike. A Canadian government tactic that drew praise from Democrat leaders in the U.S., and fired their imaginations of how to implement the same type of authoritarian controls here in the U.S.
Others, I forget.
This is not speculation, Democrats have clearly said they plan to do these things. As clearly as Raskin above.
So.... Which are the insurrectionists trying to overthrow our Constitution, create authoritarian controls, and enslave the American people? And which party is protecting our contract government and its people ?
You know the answer. And so do a majority who voted in the 2024 election.