I keep seeing reports about Democrats crying because Kamala Harris lost and Trump won.
Have any of you
ever cried because your presidential candidate of choice lost? I sure as hell haven't.
That's pretty unhinged and over the deep end from the outset.
And this isn't the first time either.
I recall during the Nov 2016 election when Hillary Clinton lost, Democrats at that time were doing the same thing. And on that occasion, in Nov 2016, you could see Democrats gathered on election night at the Hillary Clinton headquarters who were openly crying in front of the media cameras.
And even more disturbing in 2016, several
reporters, such as Martha Raddatz, cried on air,
while reporting. That makes clear they are partisan to a disturbing level and don't have the objectivity needed to fairly report the news.
Ann Coulter in her book
Slander detailing media bias, said that on election night 2000, CBS news admonished their staff behind the scenes before the election not to openly cheer when states were called for Al Gore, so that viewers could hear them, and obviously, become aware of their bias. And for CBS management to give that order to employees in advance, that makes clear it had occurred in previous elections.
And late night TV hosts broke down and cried on air (both 2016 and now in 2024) , and gave angry rants about how awful it is that Trump won, and scolded the voters for choosing Trump.
And now you have a wave of celebrities like Barbara Streisand and Eva Longoria saying they are leaving the country because of Trump winning the election.
And so many inquiries about immigration to Canada, that the Canada immigration/VISA site crashed, and they told U.S. inquirers to wait and make their further inquiries at a later time.
Fleeing from WHAT exactly?!?
Trump for all the hyperbole of being another "Hitler", was already president of the country for 4 years from Jan 2017-Jan 2021, and he
didn't committ genocide on his political opposition, he
didn'tt put them in concentration camps, Trump
didn't arrest reporters and label them as "domestic terrorists" , and do 6AM raids on their homes and incarcerate them indefinitely without trial.
Are these stupid Democrat voters AND REPORTERS blind to the fact that Obama and especially Biden
actually DID all these authoritarian moves on Republicans over the last few years?
Since at least the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama years, a Democrat-weaponized IRS has maliciously audited their political opponents, such as Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity on an annual basis while they were president.
The IRS under Lois Lerner and John Koskinen harassed Tea Party groups with time-consuming paperwork, and audited every chapter and leader of the Tea Party movement in 2010-2012, to the point that (as Obama and the IRS intended) they closed their chapters and were in advance of 2012 unable to gain IRS non-profit tax-free status for their chapters, that prevented them from organizing and grassroots-campaigning in the 2012 election, an orchestrated obstruction that gave Barack Obama a very narrowly won 2nd term in the 2012 election, that he should not have had, except for that authoritarian suppression, through weaponization of the IRS.
Do Democrat voters and crying reporters not know that it was
Democrats (not Trump or Republicans) who arrested reporters like James Rosen (then of Fox News) just for inquiring and getting sources within the Obama White House? Getting White House sources, as reporters have of every White House for at least a century?
Causing even a liberal New York Times reporter with 40 years' experience covering the White House over many presidencies, to call the Obama White House "the most control freak presidency" he had ever covered.
https://nypost.com/2013/10/06/why-reporters-fear-team-obama/https://www.foxnews.com/politics/report-obama-administration-brings-chilling-effect-on-journalismAnd the Obama administration also aggressively tracked down and prosecuted leakers within their own administration.
Do these crying Democrat voters and reporters know that Barack Obama himself publicly called Fox News "not a real news agency" and for a while banned Fox News from White House press conferences? Until EVERY OTHER news agency in the White House press corps said they would not attend press briefings either, if Fox were banned. Because these other news groups knew if Obama was successful with banning Fox, Obama would pick off and punish every news agency that continued to report objectively about Obama's White House. That would force ALL the news agencies to report exactly how Obama wanted going forward, or suffer one by one the same fate as Fox News.
Multiple Democrat officials have made clear since the Obama years their goal to take Fox News off the air, to 'de-platform" Fox News.
They successfully took One America News (OAN) off of cable in early 2022.
In early 2023, they did the same to Newsmax for several months, until Direct TV viewers cancelled their cable service in the tens of thousands, and got Direct TV to relent and let Newsmax's channel back on Direct TV.
Is there
***ONE*** example of Trump, the Republicans, or anyone on the "right wing", trying to do the same to LIBERAL media sources? Or even voicing a DESIRE to do this to liberal media outlets?!? Not even retaliating after it was already done by Democrats to Fox, OAN and Newsmax ?
No, there isn't. So Democrats have nothing to fear in Trump being elected, either in 2016 or now.
Are Democrat voters and crying liberal media reporters unaware that the split second Trump conceded the election to Biden on Jan 6 2021, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and a dozen other social media platforms banned Donald Trump and deprived him and his supporters of any communication between them?
That is authoritarian power, directed by puppetmasters in the Biden administration, and their allies in big tech/social media, and in the FBI and CIA.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter_FilesDo Democrat voters and crying liberal reporters not know that Biden and the Democrats brought 20,000 National Guard troops to Washington DC in Jan 2021, and turned it into an armed camp, that Republicans derisively called "Camp Pelosi", basically done by Democrats to intimidate away any legitimate dissent and further inquiry about a highly suspicious election, an election where Joe Biden was implausibly declared the winner, with
over 81 million votes, over 10 million votes
more than Barack Obama?!?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_United_States_presidential_electionhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_electionhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_electionhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_United_States_presidential_electionhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_United_States_presidential_election Where the paper ballots were shredded, the election voting machines and flash drives wiped clean in the weeks immediately after the 2020 election (
despite being legally required to be kept on file for 22 months after every election, available for a re-count or audit)?
So much for free elections and legally required accountability.
Are Democrat voters and crying liberal reporters unaware the FBI set up Trump supporters on January 6th in a false-flag operation, with at least 50 undercover agents
disguised as Trump supporters (and those are only the 50 they
admit to, 20 FBI agents, 20 DHS agents, 10 DC Metro police. Plus at least 20 Antifa led by John Earle Sullivan,
ALSO disguised as Trump supporters).
And after January 6th, are Democrat voters and crying liberal reporters unaware the FBI did 6 AM raids on over 600 people in their homes, at least 90% of whom did nothing violent on Jan 6th, but had their doors smashed in and were thrown to the floor and arrested with laser-dots of AR-15's pointed at their heads in front of their families, and then thrown in the worst jails, and held indefinitely for years without even clean water or flushing toilets or the ability to bathe and shave or talk to a lawyer in many cases. Held indefinitely for years, without trial. A number of whom were beaten in their cells by fanatical Trump-hating guards, especially if they dared to complain or talk about their conditions with their lawyers or families.
The same type of treatment and 6AM arrests were given to peaceful pro-life activists, arrested, prosecuted, and given outrageously long and disproportionate prison sentences. Because they were conservative dissenters, labelled enemies of the Biden/Democrat regime, that HAD TO be intimidated, silenced, punished, made examples of, to anyone who would resist their authoritarian over-reach.
The same treatment and arrests given to parents who objected at PTA meetings, objected to "woke" indoctrination of their children in schools, who were likewise arrested by FBI agents in 6 AM raids, Another conservative group again intimidated, silenced, punished, and sentenced to disproportionately long prison sentences by the FBI.
The lucky ones only saw FBI agents write down their license plate numbers as they walked to their cars after the PTA meetings, and didn't get the full 6 AM raid and arrest treatment.
Which should the country be afraid of? Trump, who took abuse from the media every day, and never arrested a reporter, never arrested anyone else for political activities or speech? Quite the opposite, Trump was out doing press conferences every day, sometimes for hours a day, holding himself accountable and answering any questions despite an overwhelmingly hostile media. No one arrested, no one imprisoned without trial, no one maliciously prosecuted, let alone to unfairly long prison sentences.
But under Biden/Harris?
Biden's weaponized FBI jailed their political opponents by the thousands.
Who should the country be afraid of? You know the answer.
And I fear that if the Democrats ever again regain power in our lifetime, without being punished for the above abuses, Democrats will be emboldened, quickly re-politicize/weaponize every federal agency, and do the exact same as Obama and Biden/Harris again, or likely worse.
The Democrats will only be deterred and back off, if Republicans use their full force to prosecute the James Comeys, the Andrew McCabes, the Andrew Weissmanns, the Peter Strzoks, the John Brennans, Bruce Ohrs, the Sally Yates's and Loretta Lynches.
And prosecute Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton as well, who orchestrated these abuses for at least the last 8 years, and probably a lot more years.
Prosecute everyone who was in the Oval Office and planned the take-down to frame Michael Flynn on January 5th 2021, EVERY ONE OF THEM should go to jail.
And as they did to Flynn, these criminals did the same to Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Peter Navarro, and many more.
And while they didn't successfully frame K T McFarland and Michael Caputo and other Trump officials, they still buried them in hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees, and in Caputo's case, FBI deliberately interviewed and intimidated away all his law clients, so he could no longer even pay his own legal fees from the FBI's (fake and political) indictment. Obama, Biden, and their zealots in the DOJ and FBI deliberately indicted formerly rich and innocent men and women, and deliberately bankrupted them, due to their legal fees paid to fight malicious fake charges.
And the
97% Democrat-donatting weaponized FBI and DOJ put a number of them in jail.
Trump's incoming new DOJ and FBI needs to also fully punish all the lower-level conspirators, the Kevin Clinesmiths and FBI / DOJ agents and lawyers below who were eagerly and willingly delegated to zealously do these abuses of Trump officials, abuses of pro-life activists, abuses of PTA-attending parents, and Jan 6th peaceful protesters. The FBI agents who willingly and knowingly overcharged and maliciously prosecuted and incarcerated innocent people. The FBI and DOJ leadership who deliberately buried these innocent people in legal fees and bankrupted them, caused them to unjustly be imprisoned, so that they lost their businesses and their foreclosed homes.
Trump's reformed DOJ and FBI needs o go after the fanatical Trump-hating
warden and jailers who mistreated helpless Jan 6th prisoners in their cells. They need to be appropriately proportionately punished, to deter the Democrat-Bolsheviks from ever again thinking about unleashing these kinds of abuses of power on innocent political dissenters in the future.
ANY LESS than this legal reribuion and punishment, and these Democrat-Bolshevik fanatics will just be emboldened to do it again. They should be severely prosecuted.
Within the law, but severely prosecuted. Let the punishment fit the crime.
Abuses in the 2006, 2008, and 2010-2012 elections.
FBI maliciously going after Trump in 2016, while FBI simultaneously scrapped their own cases and gave a free pass to Hillary Clinton in 2016.
The massive rigged 2020 election, and intimidation to deter any inquiry in the 2020 eleciton.
Each time getting away with it, were emboldened to even greater and more grandiose abuses of power. To threatening and deposing Trump, an American president !!
And even more threatening to the American people, who unlike Trump don' have the resources to fight back, as in many of the examples I cited above.
Many in Trump's administration were MILLIONAIRES, and EVEN THEY didn't have the resources to stop these abuses of power. And despite paying millions in legal fees against bogus charges, where FBI had judge-shopped to get Democrat-Bolshevik judges, to se he trials in jury venues of 90%-plus Trump-hating Democrat districts, to select 90%-plus Democrat juries, in rigged court cases.
With biased judges skewing evidence, who denied inclusion of exculpatory evidence, so that even conservative defendants who were able to buy a good legal defense, they STILL went to jail. And but for a pardon from then-President Trump, these innocent men (Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone) would have remained in jail.
The Kafka-esque persecutions went on after Biden was inaugurated, and Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro are the two latest added to the club. Innocent men, bankrupted by legal fees, sent to jail for doing nothing wrong. Along with thousands of other regular Americans, peaceful January 6th protesters, peaceful pro-Life activists, parents just voicing their concerns at PTA meetings about "woke"education they object to.
One that particularly angered me was the arrest, trial and imprisonment of an elderly pro-life activist woman, arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned, right after her husband died.
But hey, the Antifa and BLM rioters who violently attack people, who throw Molotov cocktails in police cars to kill police officers, who burn federal buildings and deliberately permanently blind federal agents and police officers by directing high-power lasers at their eyes for hours during protests and riots, FBI and DOJ selectively doesn't prosecute these offenders, just lets them go. They don't even need to hire an attorney !
But the just-widowed grandma who only knelt and prayed outside an abortion clinic, SHE has to go to jail.
It should have been REPUBLICANS who were deathly afraid of the Democrat-Bolsheviks winning in 2024. And if they had won in 2024, would have been emboldened to EVEN WORSE abuses of power. As they were emboldened each time by getting away with it in 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2016, and 2020. And with Senator Ted Stevens' Democrat-weaponized malicious FBI prosecution (overturned by the U S Supreme Court unanimously.) as with Scooter Libby's malicious FBI prosecution (maliciously prosecuted and jailed for years, till pardoned by Trump.) Each time Democrats in power are motivated to even greater abuses of federal, FBI, DOJ, intelligence agency, and Democrat White House power, by having gotten away with it before.
Going forward, it is Republicans who should be afraid of these Democrat criminals ever again regaining power.
The Obama and Biden-era Democrat-Bolsheviks in the White House, the FBI, DOJ, CIA, FEMA and other federal agencies, have to be deterred, there has to be a terrible price paid, or the Democrat-Bolsheviks in government will just do it again and again.
And worse, destroy our Constitutional republic beyond the ability to repair it.