Yeah, tha'ts the face-saving Democrat narrative that's being floated, so I'm not at all surprised to see you repeat that anti-Trump Democrat-Bolshevik "RESIST" narrative.
Meanwhile, the latest poll shows Trump has actually
risen from 50.1% on election night, to 54% in his most recent approval poll, demonstrating even some naysayers on election night like what Trump has been implementing since election night, and have shifted to supporting Trump.
But regarding the "not that huge" Democrat narrative that Trump allegedly doesn't have a mandate :
1) Trump won the presidency, 50.1% to Kamala Harris' 48.3 %, a margin of 1.7%, or a margin of 2,269,241 in the popular vote.
TRUMP: 76,429,164
HARRIS: 73,736,923
2) Trump won ALL SEVEN battleground states.
3) Trump/Republicans won the House (some races still not called yet, due to Democrats trying to manufacture more votes and find a way to pull them out of a magic hat, in several remaining House races. 4) Trump/Republicans won the Senate, with a 53 seat majority. Sen Casey (D-PA) just conceded to McCormick today, as Casey should have 2 weeks ago. Even trying to chea every whichway, the numbers just weren't there. I think even liberal AP called it the day after the election for McCormick.
5) Of the 19 states (and Washington DC) that went for Kamala Harris, NONE OF THEM require I.D. to vote, and are hotbeds of voter fraud.
As we've discussed often in the last 8 years, when Hillary Clinton "won the popular vote" of 2.8 million in the Nov 2016 election, that is because of "motor voter laws" in Democrat states, where an illegal immigrant can get a driver license in these states, and when filling out the paperwork, there is a check-box that says "I am a U.S. citizen and would like to receive a voter I.D."
And an illegal immigrant can just check that box and receive a voter I.D., with
no one ever verifying they are a U.S. citizen !
As Pariah here said in 2016 (he lives in California) there were (even in 2016, no doubt higher now) at least 3 million estimated illegal voters in California alone.
Mona Charen, in a column I posted here to a topic here on election fraud, in 2012 cied Trume The Vote invesigation, and in jus 35 of he 50 states, found at least 7 million illegal voters.
So I suspect if Democrats were not such masters of fraudulent voting, the election map for 2024 would look a lot more like 1984 or 1972.
even with Democrat cheating in 2024, it was a landslide for Trump. But with all the Democrat voter fraud weeded out, it could have been even more of a slaughter.
6) Even in the states where Trump lost, he gained in 49 of he 50 states, and got a higher share of every voter demographic: black, white, asian, hispanic, muslim, gay, under 25, you name it.
One of my favorite moments late on election night was when on CNN, Jake Tapper asked the CNN election-map guy to program the map to show counties nationwide in 2024 where Kamala Harris got a higher share of the vote than in 2020. Ant the national map was completely black !!
NOT ONE COUNTY nationwide where Kamala Harris did better than 2020 !
Even Jake Tapper could not restrain saying : "Wow..." And looked pretty stupid, in reluctantly disclosing the truth.
7) And in down-ballot state / local elections, the Democrats lost even more.
It remains to be seen whether that shift of former Democrats to Trump and the Republicans is a permanent shift. Bu it's clear that Republicans are responsive to the will of the people on issues like securing the border, deporting illegals, eliminating federal corruption, pro-business policy for growth and jobs, lowering gas and energy costs, lowering food prices and inflation and interest rates, whereas he Democrats are just chasing ideological windmills like gay-trans garbage, supporting trans athletes beating the shit out of actual female athletes, open borders, supporting illegal immigrant criminals, rapists and murderers over actual U.S. citizens, and otherwise continuing hee disastrous policies Biden(and his puppemasters) have pushed on the country for he last 4 years.
With the grand finale being Biden (or his puppetmasters) pushing for escalation in Ukraine by suddenly letting Ukraine fire U.S. and British missiles deep into Russia, that has Russia threatening a nuclear escalation response.
And Finland and Sweden warning millions of citizens in their countries to prepare shelter and food supplies in preparation for nuclear explosions and fallout.
And Russia as well likewise distributing shipping-pod-like portable fallout shelters and supplies for Russians to survive.
THIS insanity is what you endorse.
And amid all the Russia-Ukraine escalations leading up to this, Russia has been calling the Biden White House almost every day since the war began, and no one in that administration takes Russia's calls, no one makes ANY attempt to negotiate a peace deal.
600,000 Ukranians dead. One third of heir previous 41 million population have fled from Ukraine as refugees. And Biden and his puppetmasters do nothing to resolve it.
The war THEY caused.
Democrats are doubling,tripling, quadrupling down on stupid, and have made it clear they will do nothing different going forward. Their own voters, Democrat and Hispanic black men in particular they call sexist in not voting for Kamala Harris.
No, they're not sexist, they see she has no cognitive ability to make executive decisions, a deer in the headlights who is afraid to give an interview, is incapable of a meeting or debating with Donald Trump, let alone negotiating with Xi Xinping, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un or the Iranians.
So she lost.
Because she is incompetent.
Because she royally sucks balls, and is as clueless as Biden. Because electing her would endanger the country, and clearly SHE would not be making decisions in a hypothetical Kamala Harris presidency, but instead some secret hand-wringing secret cabal in the shadows. As happened under 4 years of Biden.
And utterly clueless, the Democrat-Bolsheviks in the party still don't get it, and are blaming everyone but themselves. Likewise their PR wing of true believers at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, the Washington Post, New York Times and Politico.
We weren't radical enough, we should have been EVEN MORE radical ! Oh yes, yes, Democrats, you keep doing that.

You'll win
for sure next time.
I love the old redneck phrase,
You can't sell the dog food, if the dogs won't eat it.
Like the millions of EV cars just sitting on the lot unsold in dealerships nationwide, that have cost GM and Ford $5 billion each in losses.
Like Bud Light.
Like Target's "tuck friendly" transgender clothing for boys.
Like the latest transgender androgynous woke car ad Jaguar just released a few days ago, that will not only repel prospective new buyers, but further piss off Jaguar owners to return the cars they already purchased. Full steam ahead, fully committed to the Leftist / Woke agenda.
Yeah, good luck with hat.