Amid several more breaking stories, exposing just how deceitful and
evil the Democrat party has been, not just to the country as a whole, but even to their own Democrat voters and Democrat campaign donors...
DAVID PLOUFFE AND OTHER DEMOCRAT CAMPAIGN OFFICIALS REVEAL INTERNAL POLLS *NEVER* SHOWED HARRIS WAS AHEAD, SO THEY POSTED FAKE POLLS TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE SHE WAS They KNEW Kamala Harris was nowhere near winning, so they just faked it all, faked polls saying she was winning, to scam the Kamala campaign's own supporters.
They told small and large Harris campaign donors,
We're very close, and if you just give our campaign a little more, we can push her over the top.
That they KNEW was absolutely untrue.
And then they hosed away that record 1.4 billion in campaign funds (very suspiciously raised in just 15 weeks, much of it likely from laundered dark money), hosing it away to the likes of super-rich celebrities Oprah, Taylor Swift, Al Sharpton and others. Wasting grassroots Democrat campaign donor cash to throw exhorbitant party bashes, to have a good time at an enormous waste of cash, partying as rich fat cats, at the expense of small middle class donors.
The grassroots Democrat base, who since 2020 behave like the French Revolution, who mindlessly and ironically voted for and funded a Marie Antoinette.
For an aristocratic Democrat elite that at
every stage lied to their loyal voters and campaign donors.