Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
I've cited the facts literally hundreds of times.
At least 20 FBI agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.
At least 20 DHS agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.
At least 10 DC Metro police officers, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.
At least 20 Antifa Salt Lake City activist/rioters led by John Earle Sullivan, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.
All there to frame Trump supporters.

What's your source for that?

According to the Capitol Police website, it looks like there were 26 officers involved in the riot:

Do you think it is possible that off-duty police officers were not actually there as agents provocateur, but were instead Trump supporters?

Also, in the list of "notable sentences" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_proceedings_in_the_January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack , are these people all martyrs for the cause?

Jesus God....

This WHOLE TOPIC, for four years now, is precisely about Jan 6th and the Democrat party, Democrat-biased media, and Democrat-biased police's false narrative, and how that initial narrative has been gradually peeled away and proven false.

Keep in mind that Lt. Michael Byrd, the Capitol officer who shot and killed an UNARMED Ashli Babbitt, an officer/detective with prior disciplinary problems and judgement issues, was not only set free with no investigation. But was PROMOTED ! That alone to me shows the deep corruption of the Capitol Police department, at least at the management level. And puts in question he credibility of any statements about Jan 6th by the Capitol Police dept.

And I previously linked articles in this topic and other topics here on the subject, precisely sourcing where FBI (article linked) publicly admitted they had "at least 20" undercover FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters in the crowd. (as were described as "un-indicted co-conspirators" FBI's own internal code for heir own undercover agents and assets) as documented in the FBI's own Jan 6 investigative reports, as reported by RevolverNews, and by writer Julie Kelly of AmericanGreatness.com , also previously cited and linked here)

How DHS (article linked) admitted that they had 20 agents disguised as Trump supporters in the crowd.

And DC Metro Police (article inked) admitted they had 10 undercover police officers disguised as Trump supporters in the crowd.

And as I said literally hundreds of times, John Earle Sullivan and his 20 or so Antifa members posted online dozens of Jan 6 videos where they were disguised as Trump supporters, and openly said and giggled on video about how they would cause trouble at the Capitol and get Trump supporters blamed for it.
And these Antifa false-flaggers were in the room (as I said repeatedly) when Ashli Babbitt was shot. And John Earle Sullivan in his videos was shown speaking to police (pretending to be a media reporter) to panic officers into shooting Ashli Babbitt.

And (in videos labelled as from a user called "Jayson X", that is actually John Earle Sullivan) two of his group, two different Antifa members filmed Ashli Babbitt being shot, FROM 2 DIFFERENT ANGLES.

Regarding the DC Metro police disclosing they had 10 undercover officers, it says very clearly they were on duty working for the DC police, undercover and disguised as Trump supporters. That was 2 or 3 years ago, so regarding your quoted statement of 26 officers, it's possible DC Metro either discovered more officers were there, or were later forced to admit to more undercover officers they already knew about. In each of these FBI, DHS and DC Metro disclosures, I didn't get the impression it was about being honest with the public, it was about admitting and getting in front of what was going to come out anyway.

I don't precisely know what you mean by "are these people all martyrs for the cause?", but Wikipedia while disclosing some facts, is also clearly on the Democrat/Left/anti-Trump side, and gives many false carefully worded evasions and slanted details favoring the Democrat / liberal-media desired false narrative for Jan 6.

As I cited in earlier posts, Wikipedia has multiple times downplayed and vastly changed EVEN THE TITLE of their January 6th listing.
First they titled the listing as "January 6th INSURRECTION".
When it was grudgingly made clear by multiple FBI officials in depositions that there was no "insurrection", no guns, no organized revolution, that none of the protesters were ever found by FBI or police to have even had one firearm, let alone an armed military conquest or seizure of buildings or infrastructure, Wikipedia toned it down to "January 6th STORMING OF THE CAPITOL".
And later that was proven to be inaccurate as well, and they toned it down slightly more to the current ambiguous "January 6th ATTACK".

But even that is too harsh. It was at most a smal scale RIOT, period, the end. Or maybe "FBI and DHS-orchestrated FALSE FLAG OPERATION AGAINST TRUMP SUPPORTERS."

There are (or were) dozens of "Trump supporters" on FBI's website photos of Jan 6th wanted offenders, incredibly never identified by FBI, but still taken down.
As I've said repeatedly, FBI could identify and arrest anyone there, using face-recognition technology, ANYONE.
So if they are not arresting them or identifying them, it is because they are their own undercover Trump-hating false-flag agents, who were there to incite violence and/or do it themselves, to smear Donald Trump and his supporters. FBI's false flag agents Intended in Jan 2021 to make Trump toxic, and make him lose his popular political support. But it backfired.

How many FBI inconsistencies, how much egregious abuse of federal power and clear violation of FBI and DOJ of heir own protocol (and DC metro police protocol, in the shooting AND MURDER of an unarmed Ashli Babbitt for no justifiable reason. But the officer was never punished, FOR MURDER). How much FBI corruption before you say, they clearly were abusing power to persecute, frame and overcharge Trump and his supporters?

I think there were a few (less than 10%) of Trump supporters who got exuberant and angry, and clashed with police, or smashed windows, or stole a Nancy Pelosi podium, or stole some Pelosi office letters as a souvenir, or peed on a desk.
But overwhelmingly, there was a huge undercover FBI/police contingent who did violence themselves, the majority of violence and damage, trying to make Trump supporters follow them into violence, and Trump supporters just DID NOT. In many videos I've linked, masked false-flag agents outside the Capitol smashed windows, and ACTUAL Trump supporters grabbed and stopped them.

So the FBI exaggerated and overcharged Jan 6 protesters. 90% of whom did absolutely nothing wrong, but were still arrested and jailed. Last I looked, there were about 1,500 convictions or plea bargains, 90% or more of them for "trespassing" which should in normal prosecution at most be a $200 fine (even though they were tricked, entering because barricades were removed by police, or by agents dressed as police. At double door entrances to the Capitol, protesters were tricked into entering the Capitol building, in many videos police are seen holding the double doors wide open and INVITING PROTESTERS IN. How is that even "trespassing"?)

In many case after arrest, FBI tacked onto mere trespassing a FEDERAL charge of 'Interrupting a federal proceeding', that morphed a $200 fine into a sentence of 5 years in jail !
Is that fair? You know the answer. NO.
.It sure as hell is not.
Five of those who tried to plea bargain, and then had FBI prosecutors maliciously raise their jail sentences due to outrageous federal charges tacked on, so their attempted plea bargains stretched from a senence of a few days or months to 5 years in jail, who in shock and despair committed suicide. 5 of them committed suicide, as I recall. Awful abuse of power. For what should have been a $200 fine at most.

And there was no due process, no right to a lawyer (some reported being beaten by guards in their cells for even asking), no date for a trial, or to even know the charges against them, they were just held in jail indefinitely. Unable to work they lost their jobs, unable to have income they had their homes foreclosed, they did not see their wives or children for years.
This was not "crime" by the Jan 6 protesters, it was deliberate torment, and political persecution.

And in the case of one Trump supporter, Brandon Strock I mentioned earlier, he was one of many who were never in the Capitol. He was OUTSIDE the Capitol, participated in no violence or vandalism, but he was subjected to a 6 AM raid, with FBI SWAT team guns pointed at his head with laser dots on him, and he was held indefinitely in jail as well.
Again, he was not violent, he was never even inside the Capitol. But despite not being guilty of anything, imprisoned indefinitely, he finally was desperate to sign anything and make a plea deal, just to end what he was subjected to.

So yeah, less than 10% of them are guilty of an actual crime, but even the handful of actual rioters and vandals were vastly overcharged with up to 20 years in jail, way beyond what would normally be sentenced for those type of crimes, especially for first-time offenders.
I have no problem with actual violence or vandalism being prosecuted and sentenced proportionately.
But at least 90% arrested were completely innocent, of even trespassing, and when you consider the vindictively long and exaggerated crimes they were prosecuted and sentenced for, I would say even the very few violent offenders were vastly overcharged, and while I don't endorse what those few actual rioters did, the FBI made them martyrs as well, with overkill charges and sentencing.

And meanwhile the BLM and Antifa that looted and burned whole blocks in 600 cities nationwide in the 2020 George Floyd riots, were arrested but never charged. Never prosecuted, never even had to hire a lawyer, set free by a 97% Democrat-donating and Democrat-Bolshevik-aligned FBI.
These January 6th arrests were ultimately political prosecutions, to destroy Trump politically, to intimidate away and punish his supporters just for standing with him.

In one documentary on January 6th FBI prosecutions, also detailing FBI prosecution of Trump administration officials (such as Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, Peter Navarro, George Pappadapoulos, K T McFarland, Michael Caputo and others), as well as pro-life activists prosecuted by FBI, and parents protesting at PTA meetings to "woke" indoctrination arrested by FBI, the average prosecution by FBI in any of these trials cost each one indicted between $400,000 and $700,000.
Even if the accused is successful in proving their innocence (as in the case of Michael Caputo, for example), they are still bankrupted. (In Newsmax's Newsline documentary series, in a 1-hour episode titled "The Persecution of Donald Trump")
So the mere prosecution of conservatives is intended by DOJ and FBI to punishment, torment, and intimidation of others who support Trump or protest in support of Trump or other conservative issues. And by FBI Democrats prosecuting these political cases, it is fully intended to be.

Most people cannot afford that vast expense, and have to take a public defense lawyer. Which is to say they have virtually no chance, and will be found guilty.
And even those who are wealthy and can afford to hire a good legal defense, the FBI has an army of lawyers who can bury them in indictments and motions, and have way more FBI lawyers and paralegals to prepare their prosecution than even the best and most well-funded good legal defense team.

In the case of Michael Flynn, he spent $6 million on his legal defense, and the FBI exhausted even that.
And then Flynn mortgaged his home to pursue it further, Flynn a previously wealthy man, who lost everything to an FBI prosecution.
And when he had nothing left and was still fighting the case, FBI threatened to prosecute his son as well, which is the point where Flynn finally took a plea bargain. That Sydney Powell was later hired aas his attorney, to have that plea deal thrown out.
The FBI finally dropped prosecution of their own case against Flynn, and that should have been the end of it. But the biased judge made a televised public appeal (to lawyer Democrat fanatics nationwide) to come up with a new / novel way to continue prosecution of Flynn. With a biased judge, in a biased venue, with a biased jury, with a case that should never have even been prosecuted, and particularly after the FBI dropped their own case due to its own emberassingly obvious biases and lapses in FBI protocol in conducting the investigation,.
But Flynn was finally found guilty. At which point Trump, watching the case for years, and when the legal system and actual justice had failed, twisted at every turn by corrupt players for 4 years, finally pardoned Flynn.

So I'm more than a bit wary of allegations that these January 6th prisoners somehow "deserved" prosecution and years in jail. It's just one of many examples of how not just Trump and his supporters, but conservatives across the board are maliciously prosecuted by a Democrat-weaponized FBI.