This is a guy I saw interviewed tonight on Real America with Dan Ball (on OAN). Powell identifies himself as a news reporter with 36 years experience, who was among the protestors in and around the Capitol on January 6th, who shot extensive footage of protestors, and identified many who were the ones (recorded on video!) who were at the forefront on Jan 6th who were initiating violence and smashing of windows, and pushing Trump supporters to join in. That Powell gave the video footage to the FBI to identify these men and arrest them, and the FBI evaded any attempt to identify and arrest them. For very good reason. Powell asserts that these men, the ones initiating the violence, were FBI-planted agents provocateur trying to trick Trump supporters into following them into violence, to feed the (97% Democrat ) DOJ/FBI's narrative of "dangerous violent Trump supporters".
Tucker Carlson has also been reporting this story, of multiple rioters being identified as FBI agents, who were the ones actually pushing the Trump supporters crowd to violence, and the liberal media's silence about it, and Facebook, Twitter and other social media's attempt to snuff out and silence his reports on the subject from any discussions or visibility.
The same way the FBI sent agents to Donald Trump Jr., to Michael Caputo, to George Pappadapoulos, to Jerome Corsi, agents pretending to be Russiaan agents or offering compromising Russian e-mails on Hillary Clinton, none of whom took the bait, and in the cases of Caputo, actually reported the offer to the FBI, who he said already seemed to know in advance about the offer, and were disappointed he didn't take the bait.
The same way the FISA court was weaponized against the Trump campaign.
Score another coup for the Deep State against Trump and his supporters, weaponizing government against its citizens, attempting to crush them into submission, by framing them for crimes and intimidating all opposition to the Democrat-Bolshevik power grab.
After I posted it, Powell in his blog states that Google stopped direcing search-engine raffic to his site. And also Facebook and (at the time) Twitter also censored and blocked his posted content, so he had to begin posting on Substack to have anyone able to view his maeriaal.