After the classic Goodwin/Simonson Manhunter run...
https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Manhunter-1984/Full?id=135976...there was a little-known offshoot of that storyline, that I really liked, but that seemed to go virtually unnoticed.
SECRET SOCIEY OF SUPER-VILLAINS 1-5, the character who orchestrated the creation of that group and brought them all togeher was... Manhunter.
( SSOSV issue 4, page 1, by Kraft, and Marcos/ Chua, Colletta art )Paul Kirk
! In the same costume he wore in the Goodwin/Simonson Manhunter series.
But with the twist that Paul Kirk was dead, and this was one of the Council's clone soldier duplicates of Paul Kirk, one of whom managed to survive when Manhunter blew up their giant underground base hidden in Australia's Outback (in DETECTIVE 443).
He was Paul Kirk, or at least shared his genetics, and at turns could be heroic and courageous, or a rogue, or just a pragmatic survivor.
This new Manhunter lasted as a sub-plot character through the first 5 issues, getting a few pages or panels each issue. And then just faded into obscurity after that. I think because the new writers on the series either were not interested in further exploring the character, or maybe just forgot about him amid a very large ensemble cast.
I regret that the character was not further explored. I was into it.
Although maybe for others, it was blasphemy to resurrect the character at all, so perfectly concluded previously in the award-winning Goodwin/Simonson run.
In a TV or movie version of the revived villain character, I could see him played by Bruce Campbell
SECRET SOCIETY OF SUPER-VILLAINS 1-15 (and also two more unpublished issues in CANCELLED COMIC CAVALCADE)